構造体 apr_time_exp_t
[Time Routines]

#include <apr_time.h>


apr_int32_t tm_usec
apr_int32_t tm_sec
apr_int32_t tm_min
apr_int32_t tm_hour
apr_int32_t tm_mday
apr_int32_t tm_mon
apr_int32_t tm_year
apr_int32_t tm_wday
apr_int32_t tm_yday
apr_int32_t tm_isdst
apr_int32_t tm_gmtoff


a structure similar to ANSI struct tm with the following differences:


apr_int32_t apr_time_exp_t::tm_gmtoff

seconds east of UTC

apr_int32_t apr_time_exp_t::tm_hour

(0-23) hours past midnight

apr_int32_t apr_time_exp_t::tm_isdst

daylight saving time

apr_int32_t apr_time_exp_t::tm_mday

(1-31) day of the month

apr_int32_t apr_time_exp_t::tm_min

(0-59) minutes past tm_hour

apr_int32_t apr_time_exp_t::tm_mon

(0-11) month of the year

apr_int32_t apr_time_exp_t::tm_sec

(0-61) seconds past tm_min

apr_int32_t apr_time_exp_t::tm_usec

microseconds past tm_sec

apr_int32_t apr_time_exp_t::tm_wday

(0-6) days since sunday

apr_int32_t apr_time_exp_t::tm_yday

(0-365) days since jan 1

apr_int32_t apr_time_exp_t::tm_year

year since 1900

Apacheに対してSun Jul 19 22:05:32 2009に生成されました。  doxygen 1.4.7