
00001 /* Copyright 2000-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as
00002  * applicable.
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 #ifndef APR_FILE_IO_H
00018 #define APR_FILE_IO_H
00020 /**
00021  * @file apr_file_io.h
00022  * @brief APR File I/O Handling
00023  */
00025 #include "apr.h"
00026 #include "apr_pools.h"
00027 #include "apr_time.h"
00028 #include "apr_errno.h"
00029 #include "apr_file_info.h"
00030 #include "apr_inherit.h"
00032 #define APR_WANT_STDIO          /**< for SEEK_* */
00033 #define APR_WANT_IOVEC          /**< for apr_file_writev */
00034 #include "apr_want.h"
00036 #ifdef __cplusplus
00037 extern "C" {
00038 #endif /* __cplusplus */
00040 /**
00041  * @defgroup apr_file_io File I/O Handling Functions
00042  * @ingroup APR 
00043  * @{
00044  */
00046 /**
00047  * @defgroup apr_file_open_flags File Open Flags/Routines
00048  * @{
00049  */
00051 /* Note to implementors: Values in the range 0x00100000--0x80000000
00052    are reserved for platform-specific values. */
00054 #define APR_FOPEN_READ       0x00001  /**< Open the file for reading */
00055 #define APR_FOPEN_WRITE      0x00002  /**< Open the file for writing */
00056 #define APR_FOPEN_CREATE     0x00004  /**< Create the file if not there */
00057 #define APR_FOPEN_APPEND     0x00008  /**< Append to the end of the file */
00058 #define APR_FOPEN_TRUNCATE   0x00010  /**< Open the file and truncate
00059                                          to 0 length */
00060 #define APR_FOPEN_BINARY     0x00020  /**< Open the file in binary mode */
00061 #define APR_FOPEN_EXCL       0x00040  /**< Open should fail if APR_CREATE
00062                                          and file exists. */
00063 #define APR_FOPEN_BUFFERED   0x00080  /**< Open the file for buffered I/O */
00064 #define APR_FOPEN_DELONCLOSE 0x00100  /**< Delete the file after close */
00065 #define APR_FOPEN_XTHREAD    0x00200  /**< Platform dependent tag to open
00066                                          the file for use across multiple
00067                                          threads */
00068 #define APR_FOPEN_SHARELOCK  0x00400  /**< Platform dependent support for
00069                                          higher level locked read/write
00070                                          access to support writes across
00071                                          process/machines */
00072 #define APR_FOPEN_NOCLEANUP  0x00800  /**< Do not register a cleanup
00073                                          when the file is opened */
00074 #define APR_FOPEN_SENDFILE_ENABLED 0x01000 /**< Advisory flag that this
00075                                              file should support
00076                                              apr_socket_sendfile operation */
00077 #define APR_FOPEN_LARGEFILE   0x04000 /**< Platform dependent flag to enable
00078                                          large file support; WARNING see
00079                                          below. */
00080 /* backcompat */
00081 #define APR_READ             APR_FOPEN_READ       /**< @deprecated @see APR_FOPEN_READ */
00082 #define APR_WRITE            APR_FOPEN_WRITE      /**< @deprecated @see APR_FOPEN_WRITE */   
00083 #define APR_CREATE           APR_FOPEN_CREATE     /**< @deprecated @see APR_FOPEN_CREATE */   
00084 #define APR_APPEND           APR_FOPEN_APPEND     /**< @deprecated @see APR_FOPEN_APPEND */   
00085 #define APR_TRUNCATE         APR_FOPEN_TRUNCATE   /**< @deprecated @see APR_FOPEN_TRUNCATE */   
00086 #define APR_BINARY           APR_FOPEN_BINARY     /**< @deprecated @see APR_FOPEN_BINARY */   
00087 #define APR_EXCL             APR_FOPEN_EXCL       /**< @deprecated @see APR_FOPEN_EXCL */   
00088 #define APR_BUFFERED         APR_FOPEN_BUFFERED   /**< @deprecated @see APR_FOPEN_BUFFERED */   
00089 #define APR_DELONCLOSE       APR_FOPEN_DELONCLOSE /**< @deprecated @see APR_FOPEN_DELONCLOSE */   
00090 #define APR_XTHREAD          APR_FOPEN_XTHREAD    /**< @deprecated @see APR_FOPEN_XTHREAD */   
00091 #define APR_SHARELOCK        APR_FOPEN_SHARELOCK  /**< @deprecated @see APR_FOPEN_SHARELOCK */   
00092 #define APR_FILE_NOCLEANUP   APR_FOPEN_NOCLEANUP  /**< @deprecated @see APR_FOPEN_NOCLEANUP */   
00094 #define APR_LARGEFILE        APR_FOPEN_LARGEFILE  /**< @deprecated @see APR_FOPEN_LARGEFILE */   
00096 /** @warning The APR_LARGEFILE flag only has effect on some platforms
00097  * where sizeof(apr_off_t) == 4.  Where implemented, it allows opening
00098  * and writing to a file which exceeds the size which can be
00099  * represented by apr_off_t (2 gigabytes).  When a file's size does
00100  * exceed 2Gb, apr_file_info_get() will fail with an error on the
00101  * descriptor, likewise apr_stat()/apr_lstat() will fail on the
00102  * filename.  apr_dir_read() will fail with APR_INCOMPLETE on a
00103  * directory entry for a large file depending on the particular
00104  * APR_FINFO_* flags.  Generally, it is not recommended to use this
00105  * flag. */
00107 /** @} */
00109 /**
00110  * @defgroup apr_file_seek_flags File Seek Flags
00111  * @{
00112  */
00114 /* flags for apr_file_seek */
00115 /** Set the file position */
00116 #define APR_SET SEEK_SET
00117 /** Current */
00118 #define APR_CUR SEEK_CUR
00119 /** Go to end of file */
00120 #define APR_END SEEK_END
00121 /** @} */
00123 /**
00124  * @defgroup apr_file_attrs_set_flags File Attribute Flags
00125  * @{
00126  */
00128 /* flags for apr_file_attrs_set */
00129 #define APR_FILE_ATTR_READONLY   0x01          /**< File is read-only */
00130 #define APR_FILE_ATTR_EXECUTABLE 0x02          /**< File is executable */
00131 #define APR_FILE_ATTR_HIDDEN     0x04          /**< File is hidden */
00132 /** @} */
00134 /**
00135  * @defgroup apr_file_writev{_full} max iovec size
00136  * @{
00137  */
00138 #if defined(DOXYGEN)
00139 #define APR_MAX_IOVEC_SIZE 1024                /**< System dependent maximum 
00140                                                     size of an iovec array */
00141 #elif defined(IOV_MAX)
00143 #elif defined(MAX_IOVEC)
00145 #else
00146 #define APR_MAX_IOVEC_SIZE 1024
00147 #endif
00148 /** @} */
00150 /** File attributes */
00151 typedef apr_uint32_t apr_fileattrs_t;
00153 /** Type to pass as whence argument to apr_file_seek. */
00154 typedef int       apr_seek_where_t;
00156 /**
00157  * Structure for referencing files.
00158  */
00159 typedef struct apr_file_t         apr_file_t;
00161 /* File lock types/flags */
00162 /**
00163  * @defgroup apr_file_lock_types File Lock Types
00164  * @{
00165  */
00167 #define APR_FLOCK_SHARED        1       /**< Shared lock. More than one process
00168                                            or thread can hold a shared lock
00169                                            at any given time. Essentially,
00170                                            this is a "read lock", preventing
00171                                            writers from establishing an
00172                                            exclusive lock. */
00173 #define APR_FLOCK_EXCLUSIVE     2       /**< Exclusive lock. Only one process
00174                                            may hold an exclusive lock at any
00175                                            given time. This is analogous to
00176                                            a "write lock". */
00178 #define APR_FLOCK_TYPEMASK      0x000F  /**< mask to extract lock type */
00179 #define APR_FLOCK_NONBLOCK      0x0010  /**< do not block while acquiring the
00180                                            file lock */
00181 /** @} */
00183 /**
00184  * Open the specified file.
00185  * @param newf The opened file descriptor.
00186  * @param fname The full path to the file (using / on all systems)
00187  * @param flag Or'ed value of:
00188  * <PRE>
00189  *         APR_READ              open for reading
00190  *         APR_WRITE             open for writing
00191  *         APR_CREATE            create the file if not there
00192  *         APR_APPEND            file ptr is set to end prior to all writes
00193  *         APR_TRUNCATE          set length to zero if file exists
00194  *         APR_BINARY            not a text file (This flag is ignored on 
00195  *                               UNIX because it has no meaning)
00196  *         APR_BUFFERED          buffer the data.  Default is non-buffered
00197  *         APR_EXCL              return error if APR_CREATE and file exists
00198  *         APR_DELONCLOSE        delete the file after closing.
00199  *         APR_XTHREAD           Platform dependent tag to open the file
00200  *                               for use across multiple threads
00201  *         APR_SHARELOCK         Platform dependent support for higher
00202  *                               level locked read/write access to support
00203  *                               writes across process/machines
00204  *         APR_FILE_NOCLEANUP    Do not register a cleanup with the pool 
00205  *                               passed in on the <EM>pool</EM> argument (see below).
00206  *                               The apr_os_file_t handle in apr_file_t will not
00207  *                               be closed when the pool is destroyed.
00208  *         APR_SENDFILE_ENABLED  Open with appropriate platform semantics
00209  *                               for sendfile operations.  Advisory only,
00210  *                               apr_socket_sendfile does not check this flag.
00211  * </PRE>
00212  * @param perm Access permissions for file.
00213  * @param pool The pool to use.
00214  * @remark If perm is APR_OS_DEFAULT and the file is being created,
00215  * appropriate default permissions will be used.
00216  */
00217 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_open(apr_file_t **newf, const char *fname,
00218                                         apr_int32_t flag, apr_fileperms_t perm,
00219                                         apr_pool_t *pool);
00221 /**
00222  * Close the specified file.
00223  * @param file The file descriptor to close.
00224  */
00225 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_close(apr_file_t *file);
00227 /**
00228  * Delete the specified file.
00229  * @param path The full path to the file (using / on all systems)
00230  * @param pool The pool to use.
00231  * @remark If the file is open, it won't be removed until all
00232  * instances are closed.
00233  */
00234 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_remove(const char *path, apr_pool_t *pool);
00236 /**
00237  * Rename the specified file.
00238  * @param from_path The full path to the original file (using / on all systems)
00239  * @param to_path The full path to the new file (using / on all systems)
00240  * @param pool The pool to use.
00241  * @warning If a file exists at the new location, then it will be
00242  * overwritten.  Moving files or directories across devices may not be
00243  * possible.
00244  */
00245 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_rename(const char *from_path, 
00246                                           const char *to_path,
00247                                           apr_pool_t *pool);
00249 /**
00250  * Copy the specified file to another file.
00251  * @param from_path The full path to the original file (using / on all systems)
00252  * @param to_path The full path to the new file (using / on all systems)
00253  * @param perms Access permissions for the new file if it is created.
00254  *     In place of the usual or'd combination of file permissions, the
00255  *     value APR_FILE_SOURCE_PERMS may be given, in which case the source
00256  *     file's permissions are copied.
00257  * @param pool The pool to use.
00258  * @remark The new file does not need to exist, it will be created if required.
00259  * @warning If the new file already exists, its contents will be overwritten.
00260  */
00261 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_copy(const char *from_path, 
00262                                         const char *to_path,
00263                                         apr_fileperms_t perms,
00264                                         apr_pool_t *pool);
00266 /**
00267  * Append the specified file to another file.
00268  * @param from_path The full path to the source file (use / on all systems)
00269  * @param to_path The full path to the destination file (use / on all systems)
00270  * @param perms Access permissions for the destination file if it is created.
00271  *     In place of the usual or'd combination of file permissions, the
00272  *     value APR_FILE_SOURCE_PERMS may be given, in which case the source
00273  *     file's permissions are copied.
00274  * @param pool The pool to use.
00275  * @remark The new file does not need to exist, it will be created if required.
00276  */
00277 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_append(const char *from_path, 
00278                                           const char *to_path,
00279                                           apr_fileperms_t perms,
00280                                           apr_pool_t *pool);
00282 /**
00283  * Are we at the end of the file
00284  * @param fptr The apr file we are testing.
00285  * @remark Returns APR_EOF if we are at the end of file, APR_SUCCESS otherwise.
00286  */
00287 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_eof(apr_file_t *fptr);
00289 /**
00290  * Open standard error as an apr file pointer.
00291  * @param thefile The apr file to use as stderr.
00292  * @param pool The pool to allocate the file out of.
00293  * 
00294  * @remark The only reason that the apr_file_open_std* functions exist
00295  * is that you may not always have a stderr/out/in on Windows.  This
00296  * is generally a problem with newer versions of Windows and services.
00297  * 
00298  * @remark The other problem is that the C library functions generally work
00299  * differently on Windows and Unix.  So, by using apr_file_open_std*
00300  * functions, you can get a handle to an APR struct that works with
00301  * the APR functions which are supposed to work identically on all
00302  * platforms.
00303  */
00304 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_open_stderr(apr_file_t **thefile,
00305                                                apr_pool_t *pool);
00307 /**
00308  * open standard output as an apr file pointer.
00309  * @param thefile The apr file to use as stdout.
00310  * @param pool The pool to allocate the file out of.
00311  * 
00312  * @remark See remarks for apr_file_open_stdout.
00313  */
00314 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_open_stdout(apr_file_t **thefile,
00315                                                apr_pool_t *pool);
00317 /**
00318  * open standard input as an apr file pointer.
00319  * @param thefile The apr file to use as stdin.
00320  * @param pool The pool to allocate the file out of.
00321  * 
00322  * @remark See remarks for apr_file_open_stdout.
00323  */
00324 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_open_stdin(apr_file_t **thefile,
00325                                               apr_pool_t *pool);
00327 /**
00328  * Read data from the specified file.
00329  * @param thefile The file descriptor to read from.
00330  * @param buf The buffer to store the data to.
00331  * @param nbytes On entry, the number of bytes to read; on exit, the number
00332  * of bytes read.
00333  *
00334  * @remark apr_file_read will read up to the specified number of
00335  * bytes, but never more.  If there isn't enough data to fill that
00336  * number of bytes, all of the available data is read.  The third
00337  * argument is modified to reflect the number of bytes read.  If a
00338  * char was put back into the stream via ungetc, it will be the first
00339  * character returned.
00340  *
00341  * @remark It is not possible for both bytes to be read and an APR_EOF
00342  * or other error to be returned.  APR_EINTR is never returned.
00343  */
00344 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_read(apr_file_t *thefile, void *buf,
00345                                         apr_size_t *nbytes);
00347 /**
00348  * Write data to the specified file.
00349  * @param thefile The file descriptor to write to.
00350  * @param buf The buffer which contains the data.
00351  * @param nbytes On entry, the number of bytes to write; on exit, the number 
00352  *               of bytes written.
00353  *
00354  * @remark apr_file_write will write up to the specified number of
00355  * bytes, but never more.  If the OS cannot write that many bytes, it
00356  * will write as many as it can.  The third argument is modified to
00357  * reflect the * number of bytes written.
00358  *
00359  * @remark It is possible for both bytes to be written and an error to
00360  * be returned.  APR_EINTR is never returned.
00361  */
00362 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_write(apr_file_t *thefile, const void *buf,
00363                                          apr_size_t *nbytes);
00365 /**
00366  * Write data from iovec array to the specified file.
00367  * @param thefile The file descriptor to write to.
00368  * @param vec The array from which to get the data to write to the file.
00369  * @param nvec The number of elements in the struct iovec array. This must 
00370  *             be smaller than APR_MAX_IOVEC_SIZE.  If it isn't, the function 
00371  *             will fail with APR_EINVAL.
00372  * @param nbytes The number of bytes written.
00373  *
00374  * @remark It is possible for both bytes to be written and an error to
00375  * be returned.  APR_EINTR is never returned.
00376  *
00377  * @remark apr_file_writev is available even if the underlying
00378  * operating system doesn't provide writev().
00379  */
00380 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_writev(apr_file_t *thefile,
00381                                           const struct iovec *vec,
00382                                           apr_size_t nvec, apr_size_t *nbytes);
00384 /**
00385  * Read data from the specified file, ensuring that the buffer is filled
00386  * before returning.
00387  * @param thefile The file descriptor to read from.
00388  * @param buf The buffer to store the data to.
00389  * @param nbytes The number of bytes to read.
00390  * @param bytes_read If non-NULL, this will contain the number of bytes read.
00391  *
00392  * @remark apr_file_read will read up to the specified number of
00393  * bytes, but never more.  If there isn't enough data to fill that
00394  * number of bytes, then the process/thread will block until it is
00395  * available or EOF is reached.  If a char was put back into the
00396  * stream via ungetc, it will be the first character returned.
00397  *
00398  * @remark It is possible for both bytes to be read and an error to be
00399  * returned.  And if *bytes_read is less than nbytes, an accompanying
00400  * error is _always_ returned.
00401  *
00402  * @remark APR_EINTR is never returned.
00403  */
00404 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_read_full(apr_file_t *thefile, void *buf,
00405                                              apr_size_t nbytes,
00406                                              apr_size_t *bytes_read);
00408 /**
00409  * Write data to the specified file, ensuring that all of the data is
00410  * written before returning.
00411  * @param thefile The file descriptor to write to.
00412  * @param buf The buffer which contains the data.
00413  * @param nbytes The number of bytes to write.
00414  * @param bytes_written If non-NULL, set to the number of bytes written.
00415  * 
00416  * @remark apr_file_write will write up to the specified number of
00417  * bytes, but never more.  If the OS cannot write that many bytes, the
00418  * process/thread will block until they can be written. Exceptional
00419  * error such as "out of space" or "pipe closed" will terminate with
00420  * an error.
00421  *
00422  * @remark It is possible for both bytes to be written and an error to
00423  * be returned.  And if *bytes_written is less than nbytes, an
00424  * accompanying error is _always_ returned.
00425  *
00426  * @remark APR_EINTR is never returned.
00427  */
00428 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_write_full(apr_file_t *thefile, 
00429                                               const void *buf,
00430                                               apr_size_t nbytes, 
00431                                               apr_size_t *bytes_written);
00434 /**
00435  * Write data from iovec array to the specified file, ensuring that all of the
00436  * data is written before returning.
00437  * @param thefile The file descriptor to write to.
00438  * @param vec The array from which to get the data to write to the file.
00439  * @param nvec The number of elements in the struct iovec array. This must 
00440  *             be smaller than APR_MAX_IOVEC_SIZE.  If it isn't, the function 
00441  *             will fail with APR_EINVAL.
00442  * @param nbytes The number of bytes written.
00443  *
00444  * @remark apr_file_writev_full is available even if the underlying
00445  * operating system doesn't provide writev().
00446  */
00447 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_writev_full(apr_file_t *thefile,
00448                                                const struct iovec *vec,
00449                                                apr_size_t nvec,
00450                                                apr_size_t *nbytes);
00451 /**
00452  * Write a character into the specified file.
00453  * @param ch The character to write.
00454  * @param thefile The file descriptor to write to
00455  */
00456 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_putc(char ch, apr_file_t *thefile);
00458 /**
00459  * Read a character from the specified file.
00460  * @param ch The character to read into
00461  * @param thefile The file descriptor to read from
00462  */
00463 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_getc(char *ch, apr_file_t *thefile);
00465 /**
00466  * Put a character back onto a specified stream.
00467  * @param ch The character to write.
00468  * @param thefile The file descriptor to write to
00469  */
00470 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_ungetc(char ch, apr_file_t *thefile);
00472 /**
00473  * Read a string from the specified file.
00474  * @param str The buffer to store the string in. 
00475  * @param len The length of the string
00476  * @param thefile The file descriptor to read from
00477  * @remark The buffer will be NUL-terminated if any characters are stored.
00478  */
00479 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_gets(char *str, int len, 
00480                                         apr_file_t *thefile);
00482 /**
00483  * Write the string into the specified file.
00484  * @param str The string to write. 
00485  * @param thefile The file descriptor to write to
00486  */
00487 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_puts(const char *str, apr_file_t *thefile);
00489 /**
00490  * Flush the file's buffer.
00491  * @param thefile The file descriptor to flush
00492  */
00493 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_flush(apr_file_t *thefile);
00495 /**
00496  * Duplicate the specified file descriptor.
00497  * @param new_file The structure to duplicate into. 
00498  * @param old_file The file to duplicate.
00499  * @param p The pool to use for the new file.
00500  * @remark *new_file must point to a valid apr_file_t, or point to NULL.
00501  */         
00502 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_dup(apr_file_t **new_file,
00503                                        apr_file_t *old_file,
00504                                        apr_pool_t *p);
00506 /**
00507  * Duplicate the specified file descriptor and close the original
00508  * @param new_file The old file that is to be closed and reused
00509  * @param old_file The file to duplicate
00510  * @param p        The pool to use for the new file
00511  *
00512  * @remark new_file MUST point at a valid apr_file_t. It cannot be NULL.
00513  */
00514 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_dup2(apr_file_t *new_file,
00515                                         apr_file_t *old_file,
00516                                         apr_pool_t *p);
00518 /**
00519  * Move the specified file descriptor to a new pool
00520  * @param new_file Pointer in which to return the new apr_file_t
00521  * @param old_file The file to move
00522  * @param p        The pool to which the descriptor is to be moved
00523  * @remark Unlike apr_file_dup2(), this function doesn't do an
00524  *         OS dup() operation on the underlying descriptor; it just
00525  *         moves the descriptor's apr_file_t wrapper to a new pool.
00526  * @remark The new pool need not be an ancestor of old_file's pool.
00527  * @remark After calling this function, old_file may not be used
00528  */
00529 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_setaside(apr_file_t **new_file,
00530                                             apr_file_t *old_file,
00531                                             apr_pool_t *p);
00533 /**
00534  * Move the read/write file offset to a specified byte within a file.
00535  * @param thefile The file descriptor
00536  * @param where How to move the pointer, one of:
00537  * <PRE>
00538  *            APR_SET  --  set the offset to offset
00539  *            APR_CUR  --  add the offset to the current position 
00540  *            APR_END  --  add the offset to the current file size 
00541  * </PRE>
00542  * @param offset The offset to move the pointer to.
00543  * @remark The third argument is modified to be the offset the pointer
00544           was actually moved to.
00545  */
00546 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_seek(apr_file_t *thefile, 
00547                                    apr_seek_where_t where,
00548                                    apr_off_t *offset);
00550 /**
00551  * Create an anonymous pipe.
00552  * @param in The file descriptor to use as input to the pipe.
00553  * @param out The file descriptor to use as output from the pipe.
00554  * @param pool The pool to operate on.
00555  */
00556 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_pipe_create(apr_file_t **in, 
00557                                                apr_file_t **out,
00558                                                apr_pool_t *pool);
00560 /**
00561  * Create a named pipe.
00562  * @param filename The filename of the named pipe
00563  * @param perm The permissions for the newly created pipe.
00564  * @param pool The pool to operate on.
00565  */
00566 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_namedpipe_create(const char *filename, 
00567                                                     apr_fileperms_t perm, 
00568                                                     apr_pool_t *pool);
00570 /**
00571  * Get the timeout value for a pipe or manipulate the blocking state.
00572  * @param thepipe The pipe we are getting a timeout for.
00573  * @param timeout The current timeout value in microseconds. 
00574  */
00575 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_pipe_timeout_get(apr_file_t *thepipe, 
00576                                                apr_interval_time_t *timeout);
00578 /**
00579  * Set the timeout value for a pipe or manipulate the blocking state.
00580  * @param thepipe The pipe we are setting a timeout on.
00581  * @param timeout The timeout value in microseconds.  Values < 0 mean wait 
00582  *        forever, 0 means do not wait at all.
00583  */
00584 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_pipe_timeout_set(apr_file_t *thepipe, 
00585                                                   apr_interval_time_t timeout);
00587 /** file (un)locking functions. */
00589 /**
00590  * Establish a lock on the specified, open file. The lock may be advisory
00591  * or mandatory, at the discretion of the platform. The lock applies to
00592  * the file as a whole, rather than a specific range. Locks are established
00593  * on a per-thread/process basis; a second lock by the same thread will not
00594  * block.
00595  * @param thefile The file to lock.
00596  * @param type The type of lock to establish on the file.
00597  */
00598 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_lock(apr_file_t *thefile, int type);
00600 /**
00601  * Remove any outstanding locks on the file.
00602  * @param thefile The file to unlock.
00603  */
00604 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_unlock(apr_file_t *thefile);
00606 /**accessor and general file_io functions. */
00608 /**
00609  * return the file name of the current file.
00610  * @param new_path The path of the file.  
00611  * @param thefile The currently open file.
00612  */                     
00613 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_name_get(const char **new_path, 
00614                                             apr_file_t *thefile);
00616 /**
00617  * Return the data associated with the current file.
00618  * @param data The user data associated with the file.  
00619  * @param key The key to use for retreiving data associated with this file.
00620  * @param file The currently open file.
00621  */                     
00622 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_data_get(void **data, const char *key, 
00623                                             apr_file_t *file);
00625 /**
00626  * Set the data associated with the current file.
00627  * @param file The currently open file.
00628  * @param data The user data to associate with the file.  
00629  * @param key The key to use for assocaiteing data with the file.
00630  * @param cleanup The cleanup routine to use when the file is destroyed.
00631  */                     
00632 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_data_set(apr_file_t *file, void *data,
00633                                             const char *key,
00634                                             apr_status_t (*cleanup)(void *));
00636 /**
00637  * Write a string to a file using a printf format.
00638  * @param fptr The file to write to.
00639  * @param format The format string
00640  * @param ... The values to substitute in the format string
00641  * @return The number of bytes written
00642  */ 
00643 APR_DECLARE_NONSTD(int) apr_file_printf(apr_file_t *fptr, 
00644                                         const char *format, ...)
00645         __attribute__((format(printf,2,3)));
00647 /**
00648  * set the specified file's permission bits.
00649  * @param fname The file (name) to apply the permissions to.
00650  * @param perms The permission bits to apply to the file.
00651  *
00652  * @warning Some platforms may not be able to apply all of the
00653  * available permission bits; APR_INCOMPLETE will be returned if some
00654  * permissions are specified which could not be set.
00655  *
00656  * @warning Platforms which do not implement this feature will return
00657  * APR_ENOTIMPL.
00658  */
00659 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_perms_set(const char *fname,
00660                                              apr_fileperms_t perms);
00662 /**
00663  * Set attributes of the specified file.
00664  * @param fname The full path to the file (using / on all systems)
00665  * @param attributes Or'd combination of
00666  * <PRE>
00667  *            APR_FILE_ATTR_READONLY   - make the file readonly
00668  *            APR_FILE_ATTR_EXECUTABLE - make the file executable
00669  *            APR_FILE_ATTR_HIDDEN     - make the file hidden
00670  * </PRE>
00671  * @param attr_mask Mask of valid bits in attributes.
00672  * @param pool the pool to use.
00673  * @remark This function should be used in preference to explict manipulation
00674  *      of the file permissions, because the operations to provide these
00675  *      attributes are platform specific and may involve more than simply
00676  *      setting permission bits.
00677  * @warning Platforms which do not implement this feature will return
00678  *      APR_ENOTIMPL.
00679  */
00680 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_attrs_set(const char *fname,
00681                                              apr_fileattrs_t attributes,
00682                                              apr_fileattrs_t attr_mask,
00683                                              apr_pool_t *pool);
00685 /**
00686  * Set the mtime of the specified file.
00687  * @param fname The full path to the file (using / on all systems)
00688  * @param mtime The mtime to apply to the file.
00689  * @param pool The pool to use.
00690  * @warning Platforms which do not implement this feature will return
00691  *      APR_ENOTIMPL.
00692  */
00693 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_mtime_set(const char *fname,
00694                                              apr_time_t mtime,
00695                                              apr_pool_t *pool);
00697 /**
00698  * Create a new directory on the file system.
00699  * @param path the path for the directory to be created. (use / on all systems)
00700  * @param perm Permissions for the new direcoty.
00701  * @param pool the pool to use.
00702  */                        
00703 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_dir_make(const char *path, apr_fileperms_t perm, 
00704                                        apr_pool_t *pool);
00706 /** Creates a new directory on the file system, but behaves like
00707  * 'mkdir -p'. Creates intermediate directories as required. No error
00708  * will be reported if PATH already exists.
00709  * @param path the path for the directory to be created. (use / on all systems)
00710  * @param perm Permissions for the new direcoty.
00711  * @param pool the pool to use.
00712  */
00713 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_dir_make_recursive(const char *path,
00714                                                  apr_fileperms_t perm,
00715                                                  apr_pool_t *pool);
00717 /**
00718  * Remove directory from the file system.
00719  * @param path the path for the directory to be removed. (use / on all systems)
00720  * @param pool the pool to use.
00721  */                        
00722 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_dir_remove(const char *path, apr_pool_t *pool);
00724 /**
00725  * get the specified file's stats.
00726  * @param finfo Where to store the information about the file.
00727  * @param wanted The desired apr_finfo_t fields, as a bit flag of APR_FINFO_ values 
00728  * @param thefile The file to get information about.
00729  */ 
00730 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_info_get(apr_finfo_t *finfo, 
00731                                             apr_int32_t wanted,
00732                                             apr_file_t *thefile);
00735 /**
00736  * Truncate the file's length to the specified offset
00737  * @param fp The file to truncate
00738  * @param offset The offset to truncate to.
00739  */
00740 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_trunc(apr_file_t *fp, apr_off_t offset);
00742 /**
00743  * Retrieve the flags that were passed into apr_file_open()
00744  * when the file was opened.
00745  * @return apr_int32_t the flags
00746  */
00747 APR_DECLARE(apr_int32_t) apr_file_flags_get(apr_file_t *f);
00749 /**
00750  * Get the pool used by the file.
00751  */
00754 /**
00755  * Set a file to be inherited by child processes.
00756  *
00757  */
00760 /**
00761  * Unset a file from being inherited by child processes.
00762  */
00765 /**
00766  * Open a temporary file
00767  * @param fp The apr file to use as a temporary file.
00768  * @param templ The template to use when creating a temp file.
00769  * @param flags The flags to open the file with. If this is zero,
00770  *              the file is opened with 
00772  * @param p The pool to allocate the file out of.
00773  * @remark   
00774  * This function  generates  a unique temporary file name from template.  
00775  * The last six characters of template must be XXXXXX and these are replaced 
00776  * with a string that makes the filename unique. Since it will  be  modified,
00777  * template must not be a string constant, but should be declared as a character
00778  * array.  
00779  *
00780  */
00781 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_file_mktemp(apr_file_t **fp, char *templ,
00782                                           apr_int32_t flags, apr_pool_t *p);
00785 /**
00786  * Find an existing directory suitable as a temporary storage location.
00787  * @param temp_dir The temp directory.
00788  * @param p The pool to use for any necessary allocations.
00789  * @remark   
00790  * This function uses an algorithm to search for a directory that an
00791  * an application can use for temporary storage.  Once such a
00792  * directory is found, that location is cached by the library.  Thus,
00793  * callers only pay the cost of this algorithm once if that one time
00794  * is successful.
00795  *
00796  */
00797 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_temp_dir_get(const char **temp_dir, 
00798                                            apr_pool_t *p);
00800 /** @} */
00802 #ifdef __cplusplus
00803 }
00804 #endif
00806 #endif  /* ! APR_FILE_IO_H */

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