
Convert GETBULK requests into GETNEXT requests for the handler. [詳細]


netsnmp_mib_handlernetsnmp_get_bulk_to_next_handler (void)
 returns a bulk_to_next handler that can be injected into a given handler chain.
void netsnmp_bulk_to_next_fix_requests (netsnmp_request_info *requests)
 takes answered requests and decrements the repeat count and updates the requests to the next to-do varbind in the list
int netsnmp_bulk_to_next_helper (netsnmp_mib_handler *handler, netsnmp_handler_registration *reginfo, netsnmp_agent_request_info *reqinfo, netsnmp_request_info *requests)
void netsnmp_init_bulk_to_next_helper (void)
 initializes the bulk_to_next helper which then registers a bulk_to_next handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use.


Convert GETBULK requests into GETNEXT requests for the handler.

The only purpose of this handler is to convert a GETBULK request to a GETNEXT request. It is inserted into handler chains where the handler has not set the HANDLER_CAN_GETBULK flag.


void netsnmp_bulk_to_next_fix_requests ( netsnmp_request_info requests  ) 

takes answered requests and decrements the repeat count and updates the requests to the next to-do varbind in the list

bulk_to_next.c42 行で定義されています。

参照先 netsnmp_request_info_s::inclusivevariable_list::namevariable_list::name_lengthnetsnmp_request_info_s::nextvariable_list::next_variablenetsnmp_request_info_s::range_endnetsnmp_request_info_s::range_end_lennetsnmp_request_info_s::repeatnetsnmp_request_info_s::requestvbsnmp_oid_compare()snmp_set_var_objid()variable_list::type.

参照元 netsnmp_bulk_to_next_helper().

netsnmp_mib_handler* netsnmp_get_bulk_to_next_handler ( void   ) 

returns a bulk_to_next handler that can be injected into a given handler chain.

bulk_to_next.c27 行で定義されています。

参照先 netsnmp_mib_handler_s::flagsMIB_HANDLER_AUTO_NEXTnetsnmp_bulk_to_next_helper()netsnmp_create_handler()NULL.

参照元 netsnmp_init_bulk_to_next_helper()netsnmp_register_handler().

void netsnmp_init_bulk_to_next_helper ( void   ) 

initializes the bulk_to_next helper which then registers a bulk_to_next handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use.

bulk_to_next.c139 行で定義されています。

参照先 netsnmp_get_bulk_to_next_handler()netsnmp_register_handler_by_name().

net-snmpに対してSat Sep 5 13:14:29 2009に生成されました。  doxygen 1.4.7