グローバル sum_update
Perhaps get rid of md and just pass in the address each time. Very slightly clearer and slower.

グローバル make_file
There is a small optimization opportunity here to avoid stat()ing the file in some circumstances, which has a certain cost. We are called immediately after doing readdir(), and so we may already know the d_type of the file. We could for example avoid statting directories if we're not recursing, but this is not a very important case. Some systems may not have d_type.

グローバル sleep_for_bwlimit
Rather than sleeping after each write, it might be better to use some kind of averaging. The current algorithm seems to always use a bit less bandwidth than specified, because it doesn't make up for slow periods. But arguably this is a feature. In addition, we ought to take the time used to write the data into account.

グローバル get_panic_action
Perhaps use "screen -X" instead/as well, to help people debugging without easy access to X. Perhaps use an environment variable, or just call a script?

グローバル get_panic_action
The /proc/ magic probably only works on Linux (and Solaris?) Can we be more portable?

グローバル kill_all
It would be kind of nice to make sure that they are actually all our children before we kill them, because their pids may have been recycled by some other process. Perhaps when we wait for a child, we should remove it from this array. Alternatively we could perhaps use process groups, but I think that would not work on ancient Unix versions that don't support them.

rsyncに対してSat Dec 5 19:45:46 2009に生成されました。  doxygen 1.4.7