
00001 /*  -*- c-file-style: "linux" -*-
00002  *
00003  * Copyright (C) 1996-2000 by Andrew Tridgell
00004  * Copyright (C) Paul Mackerras 1996
00005  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 by Martin Pool <mbp@samba.org>
00006  *
00007  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00008  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00009  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00010  * (at your option) any later version.
00011  *
00012  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00013  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00015  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00016  *
00017  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00018  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00019  * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00020  */
00022 /**
00023  * @file
00024  *
00025  * Utilities used in rsync
00026  **/
00028 #include "rsync.h"
00030 extern int verbose;
00031 extern int dry_run;
00032 extern int module_id;
00033 extern int modify_window;
00034 extern int relative_paths;
00035 extern int human_readable;
00036 extern mode_t orig_umask;
00037 extern char *partial_dir;
00038 extern struct filter_list_struct server_filter_list;
00040 int sanitize_paths = 0;
00044 /**
00045  * Set a fd into nonblocking mode
00046  **/
00047 void set_nonblocking(int fd)
00048 {
00049         int val;
00051         if ((val = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0)) == -1)
00052                 return;
00053         if (!(val & NONBLOCK_FLAG)) {
00054                 val |= NONBLOCK_FLAG;
00055                 fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, val);
00056         }
00057 }
00059 /**
00060  * Set a fd into blocking mode
00061  **/
00062 void set_blocking(int fd)
00063 {
00064         int val;
00066         if ((val = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0)) == -1)
00067                 return;
00068         if (val & NONBLOCK_FLAG) {
00069                 val &= ~NONBLOCK_FLAG;
00070                 fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, val);
00071         }
00072 }
00074 /**
00075  * Create a file descriptor pair - like pipe() but use socketpair if
00076  * possible (because of blocking issues on pipes).
00077  *
00078  * Always set non-blocking.
00079  */
00080 int fd_pair(int fd[2])
00081 {
00082         int ret;
00084 #ifdef HAVE_SOCKETPAIR
00085         ret = socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fd);
00086 #else
00087         ret = pipe(fd);
00088 #endif
00090         if (ret == 0) {
00091                 set_nonblocking(fd[0]);
00092                 set_nonblocking(fd[1]);
00093         }
00095         return ret;
00096 }
00098 void print_child_argv(char **cmd)
00099 {
00100         rprintf(FINFO, "opening connection using ");
00101         for (; *cmd; cmd++) {
00102                 /* Look for characters that ought to be quoted.  This
00103                 * is not a great quoting algorithm, but it's
00104                 * sufficient for a log message. */
00105                 if (strspn(*cmd, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
00106                            "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
00107                            "0123456789"
00108                            ",.-_=+@/") != strlen(*cmd)) {
00109                         rprintf(FINFO, "\"%s\" ", *cmd);
00110                 } else {
00111                         rprintf(FINFO, "%s ", *cmd);
00112                 }
00113         }
00114         rprintf(FINFO, "\n");
00115 }
00117 void out_of_memory(char *str)
00118 {
00119         rprintf(FERROR, "ERROR: out of memory in %s\n", str);
00120         exit_cleanup(RERR_MALLOC);
00121 }
00123 void overflow_exit(char *str)
00124 {
00125         rprintf(FERROR, "ERROR: buffer overflow in %s\n", str);
00126         exit_cleanup(RERR_MALLOC);
00127 }
00129 int set_modtime(char *fname, time_t modtime, mode_t mode)
00130 {
00131 #if !defined HAVE_LUTIMES || !defined HAVE_UTIMES
00132         if (S_ISLNK(mode))
00133                 return 1;
00134 #endif
00136         if (verbose > 2) {
00137                 rprintf(FINFO, "set modtime of %s to (%ld) %s",
00138                         fname, (long)modtime,
00139                         asctime(localtime(&modtime)));
00140         }
00142         if (dry_run)
00143                 return 0;
00145         {
00146 #ifdef HAVE_UTIMES
00147                 struct timeval t[2];
00148                 t[0].tv_sec = time(NULL);
00149                 t[0].tv_usec = 0;
00150                 t[1].tv_sec = modtime;
00151                 t[1].tv_usec = 0;
00152 # ifdef HAVE_LUTIMES
00153                 if (S_ISLNK(mode))
00154                         return lutimes(fname, t);
00155 # endif
00156                 return utimes(fname, t);
00157 #elif defined HAVE_UTIMBUF
00158                 struct utimbuf tbuf;
00159                 tbuf.actime = time(NULL);
00160                 tbuf.modtime = modtime;
00161                 return utime(fname,&tbuf);
00162 #elif defined HAVE_UTIME
00163                 time_t t[2];
00164                 t[0] = time(NULL);
00165                 t[1] = modtime;
00166                 return utime(fname,t);
00167 #else
00168 #error No file-time-modification routine found!
00169 #endif
00170         }
00171 }
00173 /* This creates a new directory with default permissions.  Since there
00174  * might be some directory-default permissions affecting this, we can't
00175  * force the permissions directly using the original umask and mkdir(). */
00176 int mkdir_defmode(char *fname)
00177 {
00178         int ret;
00180         umask(orig_umask);
00181         ret = do_mkdir(fname, ACCESSPERMS);
00182         umask(0);
00184         return ret;
00185 }
00187 /* Create any necessary directories in fname.  Any missing directories are
00188  * created with default permissions. */
00189 int create_directory_path(char *fname)
00190 {
00191         char *p;
00192         int ret = 0;
00194         while (*fname == '/')
00195                 fname++;
00196         while (strncmp(fname, "./", 2) == 0)
00197                 fname += 2;
00199         umask(orig_umask);
00200         p = fname;
00201         while ((p = strchr(p,'/')) != NULL) {
00202                 *p = '\0';
00203                 if (do_mkdir(fname, ACCESSPERMS) < 0 && errno != EEXIST)
00204                     ret = -1;
00205                 *p++ = '/';
00206         }
00207         umask(0);
00209         return ret;
00210 }
00212 /**
00213  * Write @p len bytes at @p ptr to descriptor @p desc, retrying if
00214  * interrupted.
00215  *
00216  * @retval len upon success
00217  *
00218  * @retval <0 write's (negative) error code
00219  *
00220  * Derived from GNU C's cccp.c.
00221  */
00222 int full_write(int desc, char *ptr, size_t len)
00223 {
00224         int total_written;
00226         total_written = 0;
00227         while (len > 0) {
00228                 int written = write(desc, ptr, len);
00229                 if (written < 0)  {
00230                         if (errno == EINTR)
00231                                 continue;
00232                         return written;
00233                 }
00234                 total_written += written;
00235                 ptr += written;
00236                 len -= written;
00237         }
00238         return total_written;
00239 }
00241 /**
00242  * Read @p len bytes at @p ptr from descriptor @p desc, retrying if
00243  * interrupted.
00244  *
00245  * @retval >0 the actual number of bytes read
00246  *
00247  * @retval 0 for EOF
00248  *
00249  * @retval <0 for an error.
00250  *
00251  * Derived from GNU C's cccp.c. */
00252 static int safe_read(int desc, char *ptr, size_t len)
00253 {
00254         int n_chars;
00256         if (len == 0)
00257                 return len;
00259         do {
00260                 n_chars = read(desc, ptr, len);
00261         } while (n_chars < 0 && errno == EINTR);
00263         return n_chars;
00264 }
00266 /** Copy a file.
00267  *
00268  * This is used in conjunction with the --temp-dir, --backup, and
00269  * --copy-dest options. */
00270 int copy_file(const char *source, const char *dest, mode_t mode)
00271 {
00272         int ifd;
00273         int ofd;
00274         char buf[1024 * 8];
00275         int len;   /* Number of bytes read into `buf'. */
00277         ifd = do_open(source, O_RDONLY, 0);
00278         if (ifd == -1) {
00279                 rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "open %s", full_fname(source));
00280                 return -1;
00281         }
00283         if (robust_unlink(dest) && errno != ENOENT) {
00284                 rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "unlink %s", full_fname(dest));
00285                 return -1;
00286         }
00288         ofd = do_open(dest, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL, mode);
00289         if (ofd == -1) {
00290                 rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "open %s", full_fname(dest));
00291                 close(ifd);
00292                 return -1;
00293         }
00295         while ((len = safe_read(ifd, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0) {
00296                 if (full_write(ofd, buf, len) < 0) {
00297                         rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "write %s", full_fname(dest));
00298                         close(ifd);
00299                         close(ofd);
00300                         return -1;
00301                 }
00302         }
00304         if (len < 0) {
00305                 rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "read %s", full_fname(source));
00306                 close(ifd);
00307                 close(ofd);
00308                 return -1;
00309         }
00311         if (close(ifd) < 0) {
00312                 rsyserr(FINFO, errno, "close failed on %s",
00313                         full_fname(source));
00314         }
00316         if (close(ofd) < 0) {
00317                 rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "close failed on %s",
00318                         full_fname(dest));
00319                 return -1;
00320         }
00322         return 0;
00323 }
00325 /* MAX_RENAMES should be 10**MAX_RENAMES_DIGITS */
00326 #define MAX_RENAMES_DIGITS 3
00327 #define MAX_RENAMES 1000
00329 /**
00330  * Robust unlink: some OS'es (HPUX) refuse to unlink busy files, so
00331  * rename to <path>/.rsyncNNN instead.
00332  *
00333  * Note that successive rsync runs will shuffle the filenames around a
00334  * bit as long as the file is still busy; this is because this function
00335  * does not know if the unlink call is due to a new file coming in, or
00336  * --delete trying to remove old .rsyncNNN files, hence it renames it
00337  * each time.
00338  **/
00339 int robust_unlink(const char *fname)
00340 {
00341 #ifndef ETXTBSY
00342         return do_unlink(fname);
00343 #else
00344         static int counter = 1;
00345         int rc, pos, start;
00346         char path[MAXPATHLEN];
00348         rc = do_unlink(fname);
00349         if (rc == 0 || errno != ETXTBSY)
00350                 return rc;
00352         if ((pos = strlcpy(path, fname, MAXPATHLEN)) >= MAXPATHLEN)
00353                 pos = MAXPATHLEN - 1;
00355         while (pos > 0 && path[pos-1] != '/')
00356                 pos--;
00357         pos += strlcpy(path+pos, ".rsync", MAXPATHLEN-pos);
00359         if (pos > (MAXPATHLEN-MAX_RENAMES_DIGITS-1)) {
00360                 errno = ETXTBSY;
00361                 return -1;
00362         }
00364         /* start where the last one left off to reduce chance of clashes */
00365         start = counter;
00366         do {
00367                 sprintf(&path[pos], "%03d", counter);
00368                 if (++counter >= MAX_RENAMES)
00369                         counter = 1;
00370         } while ((rc = access(path, 0)) == 0 && counter != start);
00372         if (verbose > 0) {
00373                 rprintf(FINFO,"renaming %s to %s because of text busy\n",
00374                         fname, path);
00375         }
00377         /* maybe we should return rename()'s exit status? Nah. */
00378         if (do_rename(fname, path) != 0) {
00379                 errno = ETXTBSY;
00380                 return -1;
00381         }
00382         return 0;
00383 #endif
00384 }
00386 /* Returns 0 on successful rename, 1 if we successfully copied the file
00387  * across filesystems, -2 if copy_file() failed, and -1 on other errors.
00388  * If partialptr is not NULL and we need to do a copy, copy the file into
00389  * the active partial-dir instead of over the destination file. */
00390 int robust_rename(char *from, char *to, char *partialptr,
00391                   int mode)
00392 {
00393         int tries = 4;
00395         while (tries--) {
00396                 if (do_rename(from, to) == 0)
00397                         return 0;
00399                 switch (errno) {
00400 #ifdef ETXTBSY
00401                 case ETXTBSY:
00402                         if (robust_unlink(to) != 0)
00403                                 return -1;
00404                         break;
00405 #endif
00406                 case EXDEV:
00407                         if (partialptr) {
00408                                 if (!handle_partial_dir(partialptr,PDIR_CREATE))
00409                                         return -1;
00410                                 to = partialptr;
00411                         }
00412                         if (copy_file(from, to, mode) != 0)
00413                                 return -2;
00414                         do_unlink(from);
00415                         return 1;
00416                 default:
00417                         return -1;
00418                 }
00419         }
00420         return -1;
00421 }
00423 static pid_t all_pids[10];
00424 static int num_pids;
00426 /** Fork and record the pid of the child. **/
00427 pid_t do_fork(void)
00428 {
00429         pid_t newpid = fork();
00431         if (newpid != 0  &&  newpid != -1) {
00432                 all_pids[num_pids++] = newpid;
00433         }
00434         return newpid;
00435 }
00437 /**
00438  * Kill all children.
00439  *
00440  * @todo It would be kind of nice to make sure that they are actually
00441  * all our children before we kill them, because their pids may have
00442  * been recycled by some other process.  Perhaps when we wait for a
00443  * child, we should remove it from this array.  Alternatively we could
00444  * perhaps use process groups, but I think that would not work on
00445  * ancient Unix versions that don't support them.
00446  **/
00447 void kill_all(int sig)
00448 {
00449         int i;
00451         for (i = 0; i < num_pids; i++) {
00452                 /* Let's just be a little careful where we
00453                  * point that gun, hey?  See kill(2) for the
00454                  * magic caused by negative values. */
00455                 pid_t p = all_pids[i];
00457                 if (p == getpid())
00458                         continue;
00459                 if (p <= 0)
00460                         continue;
00462                 kill(p, sig);
00463         }
00464 }
00466 /** Turn a user name into a uid */
00467 int name_to_uid(char *name, uid_t *uid)
00468 {
00469         struct passwd *pass;
00470         if (!name || !*name)
00471                 return 0;
00472         pass = getpwnam(name);
00473         if (pass) {
00474                 *uid = pass->pw_uid;
00475                 return 1;
00476         }
00477         return 0;
00478 }
00480 /** Turn a group name into a gid */
00481 int name_to_gid(char *name, gid_t *gid)
00482 {
00483         struct group *grp;
00484         if (!name || !*name)
00485                 return 0;
00486         grp = getgrnam(name);
00487         if (grp) {
00488                 *gid = grp->gr_gid;
00489                 return 1;
00490         }
00491         return 0;
00492 }
00494 /** Lock a byte range in a open file */
00495 int lock_range(int fd, int offset, int len)
00496 {
00497         struct flock lock;
00499         lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
00500         lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
00501         lock.l_start = offset;
00502         lock.l_len = len;
00503         lock.l_pid = 0;
00505         return fcntl(fd,F_SETLK,&lock) == 0;
00506 }
00508 static int filter_server_path(char *arg)
00509 {
00510         char *s;
00512         if (server_filter_list.head) {
00513                 for (s = arg; (s = strchr(s, '/')) != NULL; ) {
00514                         *s = '\0';
00515                         if (check_filter(&server_filter_list, arg, 1) < 0) {
00516                                 /* We must leave arg truncated! */
00517                                 return 1;
00518                         }
00519                         *s++ = '/';
00520                 }
00521         }
00522         return 0;
00523 }
00525 static void glob_expand_one(char *s, char ***argv_ptr, int *argc_ptr,
00526                             int *maxargs_ptr)
00527 {
00528         char **argv = *argv_ptr;
00529         int argc = *argc_ptr;
00530         int maxargs = *maxargs_ptr;
00531 #if !defined HAVE_GLOB || !defined HAVE_GLOB_H
00532         if (argc == maxargs) {
00533                 maxargs += MAX_ARGS;
00534                 if (!(argv = realloc_array(argv, char *, maxargs)))
00535                         out_of_memory("glob_expand_one");
00536                 *argv_ptr = argv;
00537                 *maxargs_ptr = maxargs;
00538         }
00539         if (!*s)
00540                 s = ".";
00541         s = argv[argc++] = strdup(s);
00542         filter_server_path(s);
00543 #else
00544         glob_t globbuf;
00546         if (maxargs <= argc)
00547                 return;
00548         if (!*s)
00549                 s = ".";
00551         if (sanitize_paths)
00552                 s = sanitize_path(NULL, s, "", 0);
00553         else
00554                 s = strdup(s);
00556         memset(&globbuf, 0, sizeof globbuf);
00557         if (!filter_server_path(s))
00558                 glob(s, 0, NULL, &globbuf);
00559         if (MAX((int)globbuf.gl_pathc, 1) > maxargs - argc) {
00560                 maxargs += globbuf.gl_pathc + MAX_ARGS;
00561                 if (!(argv = realloc_array(argv, char *, maxargs)))
00562                         out_of_memory("glob_expand_one");
00563                 *argv_ptr = argv;
00564                 *maxargs_ptr = maxargs;
00565         }
00566         if (globbuf.gl_pathc == 0)
00567                 argv[argc++] = s;
00568         else {
00569                 int i;
00570                 free(s);
00571                 for (i = 0; i < (int)globbuf.gl_pathc; i++) {
00572                         if (!(argv[argc++] = strdup(globbuf.gl_pathv[i])))
00573                                 out_of_memory("glob_expand_one");
00574                 }
00575         }
00576         globfree(&globbuf);
00577 #endif
00578         *argc_ptr = argc;
00579 }
00581 /* This routine is only used in daemon mode. */
00582 void glob_expand(char *base1, char ***argv_ptr, int *argc_ptr, int *maxargs_ptr)
00583 {
00584         char *s = (*argv_ptr)[*argc_ptr];
00585         char *p, *q;
00586         char *base = base1;
00587         int base_len = strlen(base);
00589         if (!s || !*s)
00590                 return;
00592         if (strncmp(s, base, base_len) == 0)
00593                 s += base_len;
00595         if (!(s = strdup(s)))
00596                 out_of_memory("glob_expand");
00598         if (asprintf(&base," %s/", base1) <= 0)
00599                 out_of_memory("glob_expand");
00600         base_len++;
00602         for (q = s; *q; q = p + base_len) {
00603                 if ((p = strstr(q, base)) != NULL)
00604                         *p = '\0'; /* split it at this point */
00605                 glob_expand_one(q, argv_ptr, argc_ptr, maxargs_ptr);
00606                 if (!p)
00607                         break;
00608         }
00610         free(s);
00611         free(base);
00612 }
00614 /**
00615  * Convert a string to lower case
00616  **/
00617 void strlower(char *s)
00618 {
00619         while (*s) {
00620                 if (isupper(*(unsigned char *)s))
00621                         *s = tolower(*(unsigned char *)s);
00622                 s++;
00623         }
00624 }
00626 /* Join strings p1 & p2 into "dest" with a guaranteed '/' between them.  (If
00627  * p1 ends with a '/', no extra '/' is inserted.)  Returns the length of both
00628  * strings + 1 (if '/' was inserted), regardless of whether the null-terminated
00629  * string fits into destsize. */
00630 size_t pathjoin(char *dest, size_t destsize, const char *p1, const char *p2)
00631 {
00632         size_t len = strlcpy(dest, p1, destsize);
00633         if (len < destsize - 1) {
00634                 if (!len || dest[len-1] != '/')
00635                         dest[len++] = '/';
00636                 if (len < destsize - 1)
00637                         len += strlcpy(dest + len, p2, destsize - len);
00638                 else {
00639                         dest[len] = '\0';
00640                         len += strlen(p2);
00641                 }
00642         }
00643         else
00644                 len += strlen(p2) + 1; /* Assume we'd insert a '/'. */
00645         return len;
00646 }
00648 /* Join any number of strings together, putting them in "dest".  The return
00649  * value is the length of all the strings, regardless of whether the null-
00650  * terminated whole fits in destsize.  Your list of string pointers must end
00651  * with a NULL to indicate the end of the list. */
00652 size_t stringjoin(char *dest, size_t destsize, ...)
00653 {
00654         va_list ap;
00655         size_t len, ret = 0;
00656         const char *src;
00658         va_start(ap, destsize);
00659         while (1) {
00660                 if (!(src = va_arg(ap, const char *)))
00661                         break;
00662                 len = strlen(src);
00663                 ret += len;
00664                 if (destsize > 1) {
00665                         if (len >= destsize)
00666                                 len = destsize - 1;
00667                         memcpy(dest, src, len);
00668                         destsize -= len;
00669                         dest += len;
00670                 }
00671         }
00672         *dest = '\0';
00673         va_end(ap);
00675         return ret;
00676 }
00678 int count_dir_elements(const char *p)
00679 {
00680         int cnt = 0, new_component = 1;
00681         while (*p) {
00682                 if (*p++ == '/')
00683                         new_component = 1;
00684                 else if (new_component) {
00685                         new_component = 0;
00686                         cnt++;
00687                 }
00688         }
00689         return cnt;
00690 }
00692 /* Turns multiple adjacent slashes into a single slash, gets rid of "./"
00693  * elements (but not a trailing dot dir), removes a trailing slash, and
00694  * optionally collapses ".." elements (except for those at the start of the
00695  * string).  If the resulting name would be empty, change it into a ".". */
00696 unsigned int clean_fname(char *name, BOOL collapse_dot_dot)
00697 {
00698         char *limit = name - 1, *t = name, *f = name;
00699         int anchored;
00701         if (!name)
00702                 return 0;
00704         if ((anchored = *f == '/') != 0)
00705                 *t++ = *f++;
00706         while (*f) {
00707                 /* discard extra slashes */
00708                 if (*f == '/') {
00709                         f++;
00710                         continue;
00711                 }
00712                 if (*f == '.') {
00713                         /* discard "." dirs (but NOT a trailing '.'!) */
00714                         if (f[1] == '/') {
00715                                 f += 2;
00716                                 continue;
00717                         }
00718                         /* collapse ".." dirs */
00719                         if (collapse_dot_dot
00720                             && f[1] == '.' && (f[2] == '/' || !f[2])) {
00721                                 char *s = t - 1;
00722                                 if (s == name && anchored) {
00723                                         f += 2;
00724                                         continue;
00725                                 }
00726                                 while (s > limit && *--s != '/') {}
00727                                 if (s != t - 1 && (s < name || *s == '/')) {
00728                                         t = s + 1;
00729                                         f += 2;
00730                                         continue;
00731                                 }
00732                                 limit = t + 2;
00733                         }
00734                 }
00735                 while (*f && (*t++ = *f++) != '/') {}
00736         }
00738         if (t > name+anchored && t[-1] == '/')
00739                 t--;
00740         if (t == name)
00741                 *t++ = '.';
00742         *t = '\0';
00744         return t - name;
00745 }
00747 /* Make path appear as if a chroot had occurred.  This handles a leading
00748  * "/" (either removing it or expanding it) and any leading or embedded
00749  * ".." components that attempt to escape past the module's top dir.
00750  *
00751  * If dest is NULL, a buffer is allocated to hold the result.  It is legal
00752  * to call with the dest and the path (p) pointing to the same buffer, but
00753  * rootdir will be ignored to avoid expansion of the string.
00754  *
00755  * The rootdir string contains a value to use in place of a leading slash.
00756  * Specify NULL to get the default of lp_path(module_id).
00757  *
00758  * If depth is >= 0, it is a count of how many '..'s to allow at the start
00759  * of the path.  Use -1 to allow unlimited depth.
00760  *
00761  * We also clean the path in a manner similar to clean_fname() but with a
00762  * few differences: 
00763  *
00764  * Turns multiple adjacent slashes into a single slash, gets rid of "." dir
00765  * elements (INCLUDING a trailing dot dir), PRESERVES a trailing slash, and
00766  * ALWAYS collapses ".." elements (except for those at the start of the
00767  * string up to "depth" deep).  If the resulting name would be empty,
00768  * change it into a ".". */
00769 char *sanitize_path(char *dest, const char *p, const char *rootdir, int depth)
00770 {
00771         char *start, *sanp;
00772         int rlen = 0, leave_one_dotdir = relative_paths;
00774         if (dest != p) {
00775                 int plen = strlen(p);
00776                 if (*p == '/') {
00777                         if (!rootdir)
00778                                 rootdir = lp_path(module_id);
00779                         rlen = strlen(rootdir);
00780                         depth = 0;
00781                         p++;
00782                 }
00783                 if (dest) {
00784                         if (rlen + plen + 1 >= MAXPATHLEN)
00785                                 return NULL;
00786                 } else if (!(dest = new_array(char, rlen + plen + 1)))
00787                         out_of_memory("sanitize_path");
00788                 if (rlen) {
00789                         memcpy(dest, rootdir, rlen);
00790                         if (rlen > 1)
00791                                 dest[rlen++] = '/';
00792                 }
00793         }
00795         start = sanp = dest + rlen;
00796         while (*p != '\0') {
00797                 /* discard leading or extra slashes */
00798                 if (*p == '/') {
00799                         p++;
00800                         continue;
00801                 }
00802                 /* this loop iterates once per filename component in p.
00803                  * both p (and sanp if the original had a slash) should
00804                  * always be left pointing after a slash
00805                  */
00806                 if (*p == '.' && (p[1] == '/' || p[1] == '\0')) {
00807                         if (leave_one_dotdir && p[1])
00808                                 leave_one_dotdir = 0;
00809                         else {
00810                                 /* skip "." component */
00811                                 p++;
00812                                 continue;
00813                         }
00814                 }
00815                 if (*p == '.' && p[1] == '.' && (p[2] == '/' || p[2] == '\0')) {
00816                         /* ".." component followed by slash or end */
00817                         if (depth <= 0 || sanp != start) {
00818                                 p += 2;
00819                                 if (sanp != start) {
00820                                         /* back up sanp one level */
00821                                         --sanp; /* now pointing at slash */
00822                                         while (sanp > start && sanp[-1] != '/') {
00823                                                 /* skip back up to slash */
00824                                                 sanp--;
00825                                         }
00826                                 }
00827                                 continue;
00828                         }
00829                         /* allow depth levels of .. at the beginning */
00830                         depth--;
00831                         /* move the virtual beginning to leave the .. alone */
00832                         start = sanp + 3;
00833                 }
00834                 /* copy one component through next slash */
00835                 while (*p && (*sanp++ = *p++) != '/') {}
00836         }
00837         if (sanp == dest) {
00838                 /* ended up with nothing, so put in "." component */
00839                 *sanp++ = '.';
00840         }
00841         *sanp = '\0';
00843         return dest;
00844 }
00846 char curr_dir[MAXPATHLEN];
00847 unsigned int curr_dir_len;
00849 /**
00850  * Like chdir(), but it keeps track of the current directory (in the
00851  * global "curr_dir"), and ensures that the path size doesn't overflow.
00852  * Also cleans the path using the clean_fname() function.
00853  **/
00854 int push_dir(char *dir)
00855 {
00856         static int initialised;
00857         unsigned int len;
00859         if (!initialised) {
00860                 initialised = 1;
00861                 getcwd(curr_dir, sizeof curr_dir - 1);
00862                 curr_dir_len = strlen(curr_dir);
00863         }
00865         if (!dir)       /* this call was probably just to initialize */
00866                 return 0;
00868         len = strlen(dir);
00869         if (len == 1 && *dir == '.')
00870                 return 1;
00872         if ((*dir == '/' ? len : curr_dir_len + 1 + len) >= sizeof curr_dir)
00873                 return 0;
00875         if (chdir(dir))
00876                 return 0;
00878         if (*dir == '/') {
00879                 memcpy(curr_dir, dir, len + 1);
00880                 curr_dir_len = len;
00881         } else {
00882                 curr_dir[curr_dir_len++] = '/';
00883                 memcpy(curr_dir + curr_dir_len, dir, len + 1);
00884                 curr_dir_len += len;
00885         }
00887         curr_dir_len = clean_fname(curr_dir, 1);
00889         return 1;
00890 }
00892 /**
00893  * Reverse a push_dir() call.  You must pass in an absolute path
00894  * that was copied from a prior value of "curr_dir".
00895  **/
00896 int pop_dir(char *dir)
00897 {
00898         if (chdir(dir))
00899                 return 0;
00901         curr_dir_len = strlcpy(curr_dir, dir, sizeof curr_dir);
00902         if (curr_dir_len >= sizeof curr_dir)
00903                 curr_dir_len = sizeof curr_dir - 1;
00905         return 1;
00906 }
00908 /**
00909  * Return a quoted string with the full pathname of the indicated filename.
00910  * The string " (in MODNAME)" may also be appended.  The returned pointer
00911  * remains valid until the next time full_fname() is called.
00912  **/
00913 char *full_fname(const char *fn)
00914 {
00915         static char *result = NULL;
00916         char *m1, *m2, *m3;
00917         char *p1, *p2;
00919         if (result)
00920                 free(result);
00922         if (*fn == '/')
00923                 p1 = p2 = "";
00924         else {
00925                 p1 = curr_dir;
00926                 for (p2 = p1; *p2 == '/'; p2++) {}
00927                 if (*p2)
00928                         p2 = "/";
00929         }
00930         if (module_id >= 0) {
00931                 m1 = " (in ";
00932                 m2 = lp_name(module_id);
00933                 m3 = ")";
00934                 if (p1 == curr_dir) {
00935                         if (!lp_use_chroot(module_id)) {
00936                                 char *p = lp_path(module_id);
00937                                 if (*p != '/' || p[1])
00938                                         p1 += strlen(p);
00939                         }
00940                 }
00941         } else
00942                 m1 = m2 = m3 = "";
00944         asprintf(&result, "\"%s%s%s\"%s%s%s", p1, p2, fn, m1, m2, m3);
00946         return result;
00947 }
00949 static char partial_fname[MAXPATHLEN];
00951 char *partial_dir_fname(const char *fname)
00952 {
00953         char *t = partial_fname;
00954         int sz = sizeof partial_fname;
00955         const char *fn;
00957         if ((fn = strrchr(fname, '/')) != NULL) {
00958                 fn++;
00959                 if (*partial_dir != '/') {
00960                         int len = fn - fname;
00961                         strncpy(t, fname, len); /* safe */
00962                         t += len;
00963                         sz -= len;
00964                 }
00965         } else
00966                 fn = fname;
00967         if ((int)pathjoin(t, sz, partial_dir, fn) >= sz)
00968                 return NULL;
00969         if (server_filter_list.head) {
00970                 static int len;
00971                 if (!len)
00972                         len = strlen(partial_dir);
00973                 t[len] = '\0';
00974                 if (check_filter(&server_filter_list, partial_fname, 1) < 0)
00975                         return NULL;
00976                 t[len] = '/';
00977                 if (check_filter(&server_filter_list, partial_fname, 0) < 0)
00978                         return NULL;
00979         }
00981         return partial_fname;
00982 }
00984 /* If no --partial-dir option was specified, we don't need to do anything
00985  * (the partial-dir is essentially '.'), so just return success. */
00986 int handle_partial_dir(const char *fname, int create)
00987 {
00988         char *fn, *dir;
00990         if (fname != partial_fname)
00991                 return 1;
00992         if (!create && *partial_dir == '/')
00993                 return 1;
00994         if (!(fn = strrchr(partial_fname, '/')))
00995                 return 1;
00997         *fn = '\0';
00998         dir = partial_fname;
00999         if (create) {
01000                 STRUCT_STAT st;
01001                 int statret = do_lstat(dir, &st);
01002                 if (statret == 0 && !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
01003                         if (do_unlink(dir) < 0)
01004                                 return 0;
01005                         statret = -1;
01006                 }
01007                 if (statret < 0 && do_mkdir(dir, 0700) < 0)
01008                         return 0;
01009         } else
01010                 do_rmdir(dir);
01011         *fn = '/';
01013         return 1;
01014 }
01016 /**
01017  * Determine if a symlink points outside the current directory tree.
01018  * This is considered "unsafe" because e.g. when mirroring somebody
01019  * else's machine it might allow them to establish a symlink to
01020  * /etc/passwd, and then read it through a web server.
01021  *
01022  * Null symlinks and absolute symlinks are always unsafe.
01023  *
01024  * Basically here we are concerned with symlinks whose target contains
01025  * "..", because this might cause us to walk back up out of the
01026  * transferred directory.  We are not allowed to go back up and
01027  * reenter.
01028  *
01029  * @param dest Target of the symlink in question.
01030  *
01031  * @param src Top source directory currently applicable.  Basically this
01032  * is the first parameter to rsync in a simple invocation, but it's
01033  * modified by flist.c in slightly complex ways.
01034  *
01035  * @retval True if unsafe
01036  * @retval False is unsafe
01037  *
01038  * @sa t_unsafe.c
01039  **/
01040 int unsafe_symlink(const char *dest, const char *src)
01041 {
01042         const char *name, *slash;
01043         int depth = 0;
01045         /* all absolute and null symlinks are unsafe */
01046         if (!dest || !*dest || *dest == '/')
01047                 return 1;
01049         /* find out what our safety margin is */
01050         for (name = src; (slash = strchr(name, '/')) != 0; name = slash+1) {
01051                 if (strncmp(name, "../", 3) == 0) {
01052                         depth = 0;
01053                 } else if (strncmp(name, "./", 2) == 0) {
01054                         /* nothing */
01055                 } else {
01056                         depth++;
01057                 }
01058         }
01059         if (strcmp(name, "..") == 0)
01060                 depth = 0;
01062         for (name = dest; (slash = strchr(name, '/')) != 0; name = slash+1) {
01063                 if (strncmp(name, "../", 3) == 0) {
01064                         /* if at any point we go outside the current directory
01065                            then stop - it is unsafe */
01066                         if (--depth < 0)
01067                                 return 1;
01068                 } else if (strncmp(name, "./", 2) == 0) {
01069                         /* nothing */
01070                 } else {
01071                         depth++;
01072                 }
01073         }
01074         if (strcmp(name, "..") == 0)
01075                 depth--;
01077         return (depth < 0);
01078 }
01080 /* Return the int64 number as a string.  If the --human-readable option was
01081  * specified, we may output the number in K, M, or G units.  We can return
01082  * up to 4 buffers at a time. */
01083 char *human_num(int64 num)
01084 {
01085         static char bufs[4][128]; /* more than enough room */
01086         static unsigned int n;
01087         char *s;
01089         n = (n + 1) % (sizeof bufs / sizeof bufs[0]);
01091         if (human_readable) {
01092                 char units = '\0';
01093                 int mult = human_readable == 1 ? 1000 : 1024;
01094                 double dnum = 0;
01095                 if (num > mult*mult*mult) {
01096                         dnum = (double)num / (mult*mult*mult);
01097                         units = 'G';
01098                 } else if (num > mult*mult) {
01099                         dnum = (double)num / (mult*mult);
01100                         units = 'M';
01101                 } else if (num > mult) {
01102                         dnum = (double)num / mult;
01103                         units = 'K';
01104                 }
01105                 if (units) {
01106                         sprintf(bufs[n], "%.2f%c", dnum, units);
01107                         return bufs[n];
01108                 }
01109         }
01111         s = bufs[n] + sizeof bufs[0] - 1;
01112         *s = '\0';
01114         if (!num)
01115                 *--s = '0';
01116         while (num) {
01117                 *--s = (num % 10) + '0';
01118                 num /= 10;
01119         }
01120         return s;
01121 }
01123 /* Return the double number as a string.  If the --human-readable option was
01124  * specified, we may output the number in K, M, or G units.  We use a buffer
01125  * from human_num() to return our result. */
01126 char *human_dnum(double dnum, int decimal_digits)
01127 {
01128         char *buf = human_num(dnum);
01129         int len = strlen(buf);
01130         if (isdigit(*(uchar*)(buf+len-1))) {
01131                 /* There's extra room in buf prior to the start of the num. */
01132                 buf -= decimal_digits + 1;
01133                 snprintf(buf, len + decimal_digits + 2, "%.*f", decimal_digits, dnum);
01134         }
01135         return buf;
01136 }
01138 /**
01139  * Return the date and time as a string
01140  **/
01141 char *timestring(time_t t)
01142 {
01143         static char TimeBuf[200];
01144         struct tm *tm = localtime(&t);
01145         char *p;
01147 #ifdef HAVE_STRFTIME
01148         strftime(TimeBuf, sizeof TimeBuf - 1, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", tm);
01149 #else
01150         strlcpy(TimeBuf, asctime(tm), sizeof TimeBuf);
01151 #endif
01153         if ((p = strchr(TimeBuf, '\n')) != NULL)
01154                 *p = '\0';
01156         return TimeBuf;
01157 }
01159 /**
01160  * Sleep for a specified number of milliseconds.
01161  *
01162  * Always returns TRUE.  (In the future it might return FALSE if
01163  * interrupted.)
01164  **/
01165 int msleep(int t)
01166 {
01167         int tdiff = 0;
01168         struct timeval tval, t1, t2;
01170         gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
01172         while (tdiff < t) {
01173                 tval.tv_sec = (t-tdiff)/1000;
01174                 tval.tv_usec = 1000*((t-tdiff)%1000);
01176                 errno = 0;
01177                 select(0,NULL,NULL, NULL, &tval);
01179                 gettimeofday(&t2, NULL);
01180                 tdiff = (t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec)*1000 +
01181                         (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec)/1000;
01182         }
01184         return True;
01185 }
01187 /* Determine if two time_t values are equivalent (either exact, or in
01188  * the modification timestamp window established by --modify-window).
01189  *
01190  * @retval 0 if the times should be treated as the same
01191  *
01192  * @retval +1 if the first is later
01193  *
01194  * @retval -1 if the 2nd is later
01195  **/
01196 int cmp_time(time_t file1, time_t file2)
01197 {
01198         if (file2 > file1) {
01199                 if (file2 - file1 <= modify_window)
01200                         return 0;
01201                 return -1;
01202         }
01203         if (file1 - file2 <= modify_window)
01204                 return 0;
01205         return 1;
01206 }
01209 #ifdef __INSURE__XX
01210 #include <dlfcn.h>
01212 /**
01213    This routine is a trick to immediately catch errors when debugging
01214    with insure. A xterm with a gdb is popped up when insure catches
01215    a error. It is Linux specific.
01216 **/
01217 int _Insure_trap_error(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6)
01218 {
01219         static int (*fn)();
01220         int ret;
01221         char *cmd;
01223         asprintf(&cmd, "/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -display :0 -T Panic -n Panic -e /bin/sh -c 'cat /tmp/ierrs.*.%d ; gdb /proc/%d/exe %d'",
01224                 getpid(), getpid(), getpid());
01226         if (!fn) {
01227                 static void *h;
01228                 h = dlopen("/usr/local/parasoft/insure++lite/lib.linux2/libinsure.so", RTLD_LAZY);
01229                 fn = dlsym(h, "_Insure_trap_error");
01230         }
01232         ret = fn(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);
01234         system(cmd);
01236         free(cmd);
01238         return ret;
01239 }
01240 #endif
01242 #define MALLOC_MAX 0x40000000
01244 void *_new_array(unsigned int size, unsigned long num)
01245 {
01246         if (num >= MALLOC_MAX/size)
01247                 return NULL;
01248         return malloc(size * num);
01249 }
01251 void *_realloc_array(void *ptr, unsigned int size, unsigned long num)
01252 {
01253         if (num >= MALLOC_MAX/size)
01254                 return NULL;
01255         /* No realloc should need this, but just in case... */
01256         if (!ptr)
01257                 return malloc(size * num);
01258         return realloc(ptr, size * num);
01259 }
01261 /* Take a filename and filename length and return the most significant
01262  * filename suffix we can find.  This ignores suffixes such as "~",
01263  * ".bak", ".orig", ".~1~", etc. */
01264 const char *find_filename_suffix(const char *fn, int fn_len, int *len_ptr)
01265 {
01266         const char *suf, *s;
01267         BOOL had_tilde;
01268         int s_len;
01270         /* One or more dots at the start aren't a suffix. */
01271         while (fn_len && *fn == '.') fn++, fn_len--;
01273         /* Ignore the ~ in a "foo~" filename. */
01274         if (fn_len > 1 && fn[fn_len-1] == '~')
01275                 fn_len--, had_tilde = True;
01276         else
01277                 had_tilde = False;
01279         /* Assume we don't find an suffix. */
01280         suf = "";
01281         *len_ptr = 0;
01283         /* Find the last significant suffix. */
01284         for (s = fn + fn_len; fn_len > 1; ) {
01285                 while (*--s != '.' && s != fn) {}
01286                 if (s == fn)
01287                         break;
01288                 s_len = fn_len - (s - fn);
01289                 fn_len = s - fn;
01290                 if (s_len == 4) {
01291                         if (strcmp(s+1, "bak") == 0
01292                          || strcmp(s+1, "old") == 0)
01293                                 continue;
01294                 } else if (s_len == 5) {
01295                         if (strcmp(s+1, "orig") == 0)
01296                                 continue;
01297                 } else if (s_len > 2 && had_tilde
01298                     && s[1] == '~' && isdigit(*(uchar*)(s+2)))
01299                         continue;
01300                 *len_ptr = s_len;
01301                 suf = s;
01302                 if (s_len == 1)
01303                         break;
01304                 /* Determine if the suffix is all digits. */
01305                 for (s++, s_len--; s_len > 0; s++, s_len--) {
01306                         if (!isdigit(*(uchar*)s))
01307                                 return suf;
01308                 }
01309                 /* An all-digit suffix may not be that signficant. */
01310                 s = suf;
01311         }
01313         return suf;
01314 }
01316 /* This is an implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm.  It
01317  * was implemented to avoid needing a two-dimensional matrix (to save
01318  * memory).  It was also tweaked to try to factor in the ASCII distance
01319  * between changed characters as a minor distance quantity.  The normal
01320  * Levenshtein units of distance (each signifying a single change between
01321  * the two strings) are defined as a "UNIT". */
01323 #define UNIT (1 << 16)
01325 uint32 fuzzy_distance(const char *s1, int len1, const char *s2, int len2)
01326 {
01327         uint32 a[MAXPATHLEN], diag, above, left, diag_inc, above_inc, left_inc;
01328         int32 cost;
01329         int i1, i2;
01331         if (!len1 || !len2) {
01332                 if (!len1) {
01333                         s1 = s2;
01334                         len1 = len2;
01335                 }
01336                 for (i1 = 0, cost = 0; i1 < len1; i1++)
01337                         cost += s1[i1];
01338                 return (int32)len1 * UNIT + cost;
01339         }
01341         for (i2 = 0; i2 < len2; i2++)
01342                 a[i2] = (i2+1) * UNIT;
01344         for (i1 = 0; i1 < len1; i1++) {
01345                 diag = i1 * UNIT;
01346                 above = (i1+1) * UNIT;
01347                 for (i2 = 0; i2 < len2; i2++) {
01348                         left = a[i2];
01349                         if ((cost = *((uchar*)s1+i1) - *((uchar*)s2+i2)) != 0) {
01350                                 if (cost < 0)
01351                                         cost = UNIT - cost;
01352                                 else
01353                                         cost = UNIT + cost;
01354                         }
01355                         diag_inc = diag + cost;
01356                         left_inc = left + UNIT + *((uchar*)s1+i1);
01357                         above_inc = above + UNIT + *((uchar*)s2+i2);
01358                         a[i2] = above = left < above
01359                               ? (left_inc < diag_inc ? left_inc : diag_inc)
01360                               : (above_inc < diag_inc ? above_inc : diag_inc);
01361                         diag = left;
01362                 }
01363         }
01365         return a[len2-1];
01366 }
01368 #define BB_SLOT_SIZE     (16*1024)          /* Desired size in bytes */
01369 #define BB_PER_SLOT_BITS (BB_SLOT_SIZE * 8) /* Number of bits per slot */
01370 #define BB_PER_SLOT_INTS (BB_SLOT_SIZE / 4) /* Number of int32s per slot */
01372 struct bitbag {
01373     uint32 **bits;
01374     int slot_cnt;
01375 };
01377 struct bitbag *bitbag_create(int max_ndx)
01378 {
01379         struct bitbag *bb = new(struct bitbag);
01380         bb->slot_cnt = (max_ndx + BB_PER_SLOT_BITS - 1) / BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
01382         if (!(bb->bits = (uint32**)calloc(bb->slot_cnt, sizeof (uint32*))))
01383                 out_of_memory("bitbag_create");
01385         return bb;
01386 }
01388 void bitbag_set_bit(struct bitbag *bb, int ndx)
01389 {
01390         int slot = ndx / BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
01391         ndx %= BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
01393         if (!bb->bits[slot]) {
01394                 if (!(bb->bits[slot] = (uint32*)calloc(BB_PER_SLOT_INTS, 4)))
01395                         out_of_memory("bitbag_set_bit");
01396         }
01398         bb->bits[slot][ndx/32] |= 1u << (ndx % 32);
01399 }
01401 #if 0 /* not needed yet */
01402 void bitbag_clear_bit(struct bitbag *bb, int ndx)
01403 {
01404         int slot = ndx / BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
01405         ndx %= BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
01407         if (!bb->bits[slot])
01408                 return;
01410         bb->bits[slot][ndx/32] &= ~(1u << (ndx % 32));
01411 }
01413 int bitbag_check_bit(struct bitbag *bb, int ndx)
01414 {
01415         int slot = ndx / BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
01416         ndx %= BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
01418         if (!bb->bits[slot])
01419                 return 0;
01421         return bb->bits[slot][ndx/32] & (1u << (ndx % 32)) ? 1 : 0;
01422 }
01423 #endif
01425 /* Call this with -1 to start checking from 0.  Returns -1 at the end. */
01426 int bitbag_next_bit(struct bitbag *bb, int after)
01427 {
01428         uint32 bits, mask;
01429         int i, ndx = after + 1;
01430         int slot = ndx / BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
01431         ndx %= BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
01433         mask = (1u << (ndx % 32)) - 1;
01434         for (i = ndx / 32; slot < bb->slot_cnt; slot++, i = mask = 0) {
01435                 if (!bb->bits[slot])
01436                         continue;
01437                 for ( ; i < BB_PER_SLOT_INTS; i++, mask = 0) {
01438                         if (!(bits = bb->bits[slot][i] & ~mask))
01439                                 continue;
01440                         /* The xor magic figures out the lowest enabled bit in
01441                          * bits, and the switch quickly computes log2(bit). */
01442                         switch (bits ^ (bits & (bits-1))) {
01443 #define LOG2(n) case 1u << n: return slot*BB_PER_SLOT_BITS + i*32 + n
01444                             LOG2(0);  LOG2(1);  LOG2(2);  LOG2(3);
01445                             LOG2(4);  LOG2(5);  LOG2(6);  LOG2(7);
01446                             LOG2(8);  LOG2(9);  LOG2(10); LOG2(11);
01447                             LOG2(12); LOG2(13); LOG2(14); LOG2(15);
01448                             LOG2(16); LOG2(17); LOG2(18); LOG2(19);
01449                             LOG2(20); LOG2(21); LOG2(22); LOG2(23);
01450                             LOG2(24); LOG2(25); LOG2(26); LOG2(27);
01451                             LOG2(28); LOG2(29); LOG2(30); LOG2(31);
01452                         }
01453                         return -1; /* impossible... */
01454                 }
01455         }
01457         return -1;
01458 }

rsyncに対してSat Dec 5 19:45:42 2009に生成されました。  doxygen 1.4.7