
RPC client routines for the LSA RPC pipe. [詳細]



NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_open_policy (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, BOOL sec_qos, uint32 des_access, POLICY_HND *pol)
 Open a LSA policy handle
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_open_policy2 (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, BOOL sec_qos, uint32 des_access, POLICY_HND *pol)
 Open a LSA policy handle
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_close (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol)
 Close a LSA policy handle
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_lookup_sids (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, int num_sids, const DOM_SID *sids, char ***domains, char ***names, uint32 **types)
 Lookup a list of sids
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_lookup_names (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, int num_names, const char **names, const char ***dom_names, DOM_SID **sids, uint32 **types)
 Lookup a list of names
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_query_info_policy_new (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, uint16 info_class, LSA_INFO_CTR *ctr)
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_query_info_policy2_new (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, uint16 info_class, LSA_INFO_CTR2 *ctr)
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_query_info_policy (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, uint16 info_class, char **domain_name, DOM_SID **domain_sid)
 Query info policy
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_query_info_policy2 (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, uint16 info_class, char **domain_name, char **dns_name, char **forest_name, struct GUID **domain_guid, DOM_SID **domain_sid)
 Query info policy2
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_set_info_policy (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, uint16 info_class, LSA_INFO_CTR ctr)
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_enum_trust_dom (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 *enum_ctx, uint32 *num_domains, char ***domain_names, DOM_SID **domain_sids)
 Enumerate list of trusted domains
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_enum_privilege (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 *enum_context, uint32 pref_max_length, uint32 *count, char ***privs_name, uint32 **privs_high, uint32 **privs_low)
 Enumerate privileges
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_get_dispname (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, const char *name, uint16 lang_id, uint16 lang_id_sys, fstring description, uint16 *lang_id_desc)
 Get privilege name
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_enum_sids (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 *enum_ctx, uint32 pref_max_length, uint32 *num_sids, DOM_SID **sids)
 Enumerate list of SIDs
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_create_account (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *dom_pol, DOM_SID *sid, uint32 desired_access, POLICY_HND *user_pol)
 Create a LSA user handle
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_open_account (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *dom_pol, DOM_SID *sid, uint32 des_access, POLICY_HND *user_pol)
 Open a LSA user handle
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_enum_privsaccount (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 *count, LUID_ATTR **set)
 Enumerate user privileges
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_lookup_priv_value (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, const char *name, LUID *luid)
 Get a privilege value given its name
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_query_secobj (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 sec_info, SEC_DESC_BUF **psdb)
 Query LSA security object
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_enum_account_rights (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, DOM_SID *sid, uint32 *count, char ***priv_names)
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_add_account_rights (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, DOM_SID sid, uint32 count, const char **privs_name)
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_remove_account_rights (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, DOM_SID sid, BOOL removeall, uint32 count, const char **privs_name)
BOOL fetch_domain_sid (char *domain, char *remote_machine, DOM_SID *psid)
 An example of how to use the routines in this file.
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_open_trusted_domain (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, DOM_SID *dom_sid, uint32 access_mask, POLICY_HND *trustdom_pol)
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_query_trusted_domain_info (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, uint16 info_class, LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO **info)
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_open_trusted_domain_by_name (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, const char *name, uint32 access_mask, POLICY_HND *trustdom_pol)
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_query_trusted_domain_info_by_sid (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, uint16 info_class, DOM_SID *dom_sid, LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO **info)
NTSTATUS rpccli_lsa_query_trusted_domain_info_by_name (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, uint16 info_class, const char *domain_name, LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO **info)
NTSTATUS cli_lsa_query_domain_info_policy (struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *pol, uint16 info_class, LSA_DOM_INFO_UNION **info)


RPC client routines for the LSA RPC pipe.

LSA means "local security authority", which is half of a password database.

cli_lsarpc.c で定義されています。

Sambaに対してSat Aug 29 21:24:06 2009に生成されました。  doxygen 1.4.7