


void gfree_debugsyms (void)
static char * debug_list_class_names_and_levels (void)
const char * debug_classname_from_index (int ndx)
static int debug_lookup_classname_int (const char *classname)
int debug_add_class (const char *classname)
int debug_lookup_classname (const char *classname)
static void debug_dump_status (int level)
static BOOL debug_parse_params (char **params)
BOOL debug_parse_levels (const char *params_str)
static void debug_message (int msg_type, struct process_id src, void *buf, size_t len, void *private_data)
void debug_message_send (pid_t pid, const char *params_str)
static void debuglevel_message (int msg_type, struct process_id src, void *buf, size_t len, void *private_data)
void debug_init (void)
void setup_logging (const char *pname, BOOL interactive)
BOOL reopen_logs (void)
void force_check_log_size (void)
BOOL need_to_check_log_size (void)
void check_log_size (void)
int Debug1 (const char *format_str,...)
static void bufr_print (void)
static void format_debug_text (const char *msg)
void dbgflush (void)
BOOL dbghdr (int level, const char *file, const char *func, int line)
BOOL dbgtext (const char *format_str,...)


pstring debugf = ""
BOOL debug_warn_unknown_class = True
BOOL debug_auto_add_unknown_class = True
BOOL AllowDebugChange = True
BOOL override_logfile
static int debug_all_class_hack = 1
static BOOL debug_all_class_isset_hack = True
static int debug_num_classes = 0
int * DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS = &debug_all_class_hack
BOOLDEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSET = &debug_all_class_isset_hack
int DEBUGLEVEL = &debug_all_class_hack
static BOOL stdout_logging = False
static int debug_count = 0
static int syslog_level = 0
static pstring format_bufr = { '\0' }
static size_t format_pos = 0
static BOOL log_overflow = False
static const char * default_classname_table []
static char ** classname_table = NULL


void gfree_debugsyms ( void   ) 

debug.c184 行で定義されています。

参照先 classname_tabledebug_all_class_hackdebug_all_class_isset_hackdebug_num_classesDEBUGLEVEL_CLASSDEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSET.

参照元 gfree_all().

00185 {
00186         int i;
00188         if ( classname_table ) {
00189                 for ( i = 0; i < debug_num_classes; i++ ) {
00190                         SAFE_FREE( classname_table[i] );
00191                 }
00192                 SAFE_FREE( classname_table );
00193         }
00195         if ( DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS != &debug_all_class_hack )
00196                 SAFE_FREE( DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS );
00198         if ( DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSET != &debug_all_class_isset_hack )
00199                 SAFE_FREE( DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSET );
00200 }

static char* debug_list_class_names_and_levels ( void   )  [static]

debug.c208 行で定義されています。

参照先 asprintf()bitmap::bbufclassname_tabledebug_all_class_hackdebug_num_classesDEBUGLEVELDEBUGLEVEL_CLASSDEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSETerrlist().

参照元 debuglevel_message().

00209 {
00210         int i, dim;
00211         char **list;
00212         char *buf = NULL;
00213         char *b;
00214         BOOL err = False;
00216         if (DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS == &debug_all_class_hack) {
00217                 return NULL;
00218         }
00220         list = SMB_CALLOC_ARRAY(char *, debug_num_classes + 1);
00221         if (!list) {
00222                 return NULL;
00223         }
00225         /* prepare strings */
00226         for (i = 0, dim = 0; i < debug_num_classes; i++) {
00227                 int l = asprintf(&list[i],
00228                                 "%s:%d ",
00229                                 classname_table[i],
00230                                 DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSET[i]?DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS[i]:DEBUGLEVEL);
00231                 if (l < 0 || l > MAX_CLASS_NAME_SIZE) {
00232                         err = True;
00233                         goto done;
00234                 }
00235                 dim += l;
00236         }
00238         /* create single string list - add space for newline */
00239         b = buf = (char *)SMB_MALLOC(dim+1);
00240         if (!buf) {
00241                 err = True;
00242                 goto done;
00243         }
00244         for (i = 0; i < debug_num_classes; i++) {
00245                 int l = strlen(list[i]);
00246                 strncpy(b, list[i], l);
00247                 b = b + l;
00248         }
00249         b[-1] = '\n'; /* replace last space with newline */
00250         b[0] = '\0';  /* null terminate string */
00252 done:
00253         /* free strings list */
00254         for (i = 0; i < debug_num_classes; i++) {
00255                 SAFE_FREE(list[i]);
00256         }
00257         SAFE_FREE(list);
00259         if (err) {
00260                 return NULL;
00261         } else {
00262                 return buf;
00263         }
00264 }

const char* debug_classname_from_index ( int  ndx  ) 

debug.c270 行で定義されています。

参照先 classname_tabledebug_num_classes.

00271 {
00272         if (ndx < 0 || ndx >= debug_num_classes)
00273                 return NULL;
00274         else
00275                 return classname_table[ndx];
00276 }

static int debug_lookup_classname_int ( const char *  classname  )  [static]

debug.c282 行で定義されています。

参照先 classname_tabledebug_num_classes.

参照元 debug_add_class()debug_lookup_classname().

00283 {
00284         int i;
00286         if (!classname) return -1;
00288         for (i=0; i < debug_num_classes; i++) {
00289                 if (strcmp(classname, classname_table[i])==0)
00290                         return i;
00291         }
00292         return -1;
00293 }

int debug_add_class ( const char *  classname  ) 

debug.c299 行で定義されています。

参照先 classname_tabledebug_all_class_hackdebug_all_class_isset_hackdebug_init()debug_lookup_classname_int()debug_num_classesDEBUGLEVELDEBUGLEVEL_CLASSDEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSET.

参照元 debug_init()debug_lookup_classname()vfs_extd_audit_init()vfs_full_audit_init()vfs_recycle_init()vfs_shadow_copy_init().

00300 {
00301         int ndx;
00302         void *new_ptr;
00304         if (!classname)
00305                 return -1;
00307         /* check the init has yet been called */
00308         debug_init();
00310         ndx = debug_lookup_classname_int(classname);
00311         if (ndx >= 0)
00312                 return ndx;
00313         ndx = debug_num_classes;
00315         new_ptr = DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS;
00316         if (DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS == &debug_all_class_hack) {
00317                 /* Initial loading... */
00318                 new_ptr = NULL;
00319         }
00320         new_ptr = SMB_REALLOC_ARRAY(new_ptr, int, debug_num_classes + 1);
00321         if (!new_ptr)
00322                 return -1;
00323         DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS = (int *)new_ptr;
00324         DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS[ndx] = 0;
00326         /* debug_level is the pointer used for the DEBUGLEVEL-thingy */
00327         if (ndx==0) {
00328                 /* Transfer the initial level from debug_all_class_hack */
00329                 DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS[ndx] = DEBUGLEVEL;
00330         }
00331         debug_level = DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS;
00333         new_ptr = DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSET;
00334         if (new_ptr == &debug_all_class_isset_hack) {
00335                 new_ptr = NULL;
00336         }
00337         new_ptr = SMB_REALLOC_ARRAY(new_ptr, BOOL, debug_num_classes + 1);
00338         if (!new_ptr)
00339                 return -1;
00340         DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSET = (int *)new_ptr;
00341         DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSET[ndx] = False;
00343         new_ptr = SMB_REALLOC_ARRAY(classname_table, char *, debug_num_classes + 1);
00344         if (!new_ptr)
00345                 return -1;
00346         classname_table = (char **)new_ptr;
00348         classname_table[ndx] = SMB_STRDUP(classname);
00349         if (! classname_table[ndx])
00350                 return -1;
00352         debug_num_classes++;
00354         return ndx;
00355 }

int debug_lookup_classname ( const char *  classname  ) 

debug.c361 行で定義されています。

参照先 debug_add_class()debug_auto_add_unknown_classdebug_lookup_classname_int()debug_warn_unknown_class.

参照元 debug_parse_params().

00362 {
00363         int ndx;
00365         if (!classname || !*classname)
00366                 return -1;
00368         ndx = debug_lookup_classname_int(classname);
00370         if (ndx != -1)
00371                 return ndx;
00373         if (debug_warn_unknown_class) {
00374                 DEBUG(0, ("debug_lookup_classname(%s): Unknown class\n",
00375                           classname));
00376         }
00377         if (debug_auto_add_unknown_class) {
00378                 return debug_add_class(classname);
00379         }
00380         return -1;
00381 }

static void debug_dump_status ( int  level  )  [static]

debug.c387 行で定義されています。

参照先 classname_tabledebug_num_classesDEBUGLEVEL_CLASSDEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSET.

参照元 debug_parse_levels().

00388 {
00389         int q;
00391         DEBUG(level, ("INFO: Current debug levels:\n"));
00392         for (q = 0; q < debug_num_classes; q++) {
00393                 DEBUGADD(level, ("  %s: %s/%d\n",
00394                                  classname_table[q],
00395                                  (DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSET[q]
00396                                   ? "True" : "False"),
00397                                  DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS[q]));
00398         }
00399 }

static BOOL debug_parse_params ( char **  params  )  [static]

debug.c406 行で定義されています。

参照先 debug_lookup_classname()debug_num_classesDEBUGLEVEL_CLASSDEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSET.

参照元 debug_parse_levels().

00407 {
00408         int   i, ndx;
00409         char *class_name;
00410         char *class_level;
00412         if (!params)
00413                 return False;
00415         /* Allow DBGC_ALL to be specified w/o requiring its class name e.g."10"  
00416          * v.s. "all:10", this is the traditional way to set DEBUGLEVEL 
00417          */
00418         if (isdigit((int)params[0][0])) {
00419                 DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS[DBGC_ALL] = atoi(params[0]);
00420                 DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSET[DBGC_ALL] = True;
00421                 i = 1; /* start processing at the next params */
00422         } else {
00423                 i = 0; /* DBGC_ALL not specified OR class name was included */
00424         }
00426         /* Fill in new debug class levels */
00427         for (; i < debug_num_classes && params[i]; i++) {
00428                 if ((class_name=strtok(params[i],":")) &&
00429                         (class_level=strtok(NULL, "\0")) &&
00430             ((ndx = debug_lookup_classname(class_name)) != -1)) {
00431                                 DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS[ndx] = atoi(class_level);
00432                                 DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSET[ndx] = True;
00433                 } else {
00434                         DEBUG(0,("debug_parse_params: unrecognized debug class name or format [%s]\n", params[i]));
00435                         return False;
00436                 }
00437         }
00439         return True;
00440 }

BOOL debug_parse_levels ( const char *  params_str  ) 

debug.c448 行で定義されています。

参照先 AllowDebugChangedebug_dump_status()debug_init()debug_parse_params()str_list_free()str_list_make().

参照元 debug_message()handle_debug_list()popt_common_callback().

00449 {
00450         char **params;
00452         /* Just in case */
00453         debug_init();
00455         if (AllowDebugChange == False)
00456                 return True;
00458         params = str_list_make(params_str, NULL);
00460         if (debug_parse_params(params)) {
00461                 debug_dump_status(5);
00462                 str_list_free(&params);
00463                 return True;
00464         } else {
00465                 str_list_free(&params);
00466                 return False;
00467         }
00468 }

static void debug_message ( int  msg_type,
struct process_id  src,
void *  buf,
size_t  len,
void *  private_data 
) [static]

debug.c474 行で定義されています。

参照先 debug_parse_levels()procid_to_pid().

参照元 debug_init().

00476 {
00477         const char *params_str = (const char *)buf;
00479         /* Check, it's a proper string! */
00480         if (params_str[len-1] != '\0') {
00481                 DEBUG(1, ("Invalid debug message from pid %u to pid %u\n",
00482                           (unsigned int)procid_to_pid(&src),
00483                           (unsigned int)getpid()));
00484                 return;
00485         }
00487         DEBUG(3, ("INFO: Remote set of debug to `%s'  (pid %u from pid %u)\n",
00488                   params_str, (unsigned int)getpid(),
00489                   (unsigned int)procid_to_pid(&src)));
00491         debug_parse_levels(params_str);
00492 }

void debug_message_send ( pid_t  pid,
const char *  params_str 

debug.c498 行で定義されています。

参照先 message_send_pid()pid_to_procid().

00499 {
00500         if (!params_str)
00501                 return;
00502         message_send_pid(pid_to_procid(pid), MSG_DEBUG,
00503                          params_str, strlen(params_str) + 1,
00504                          False);
00505 }

static void debuglevel_message ( int  msg_type,
struct process_id  src,
void *  buf,
size_t  len,
void *  private_data 
) [static]

debug.c511 行で定義されています。

参照先 debug_list_class_names_and_levels()messagemessage_send_pid()procid_to_pid().

参照元 debug_init().

00513 {
00514         char *message = debug_list_class_names_and_levels();
00516         if (!message) {
00517                 DEBUG(0,("debuglevel_message - debug_list_class_names_and_levels returned NULL\n"));
00518                 return;
00519         }
00521         DEBUG(1,("INFO: Received REQ_DEBUGLEVEL message from PID %u\n",
00522                  (unsigned int)procid_to_pid(&src)));
00523         message_send_pid(src, MSG_DEBUGLEVEL, message, strlen(message) + 1, True);
00525         SAFE_FREE(message);
00526 }

void debug_init ( void   ) 

debug.c532 行で定義されています。

参照先 debug_add_class()debug_message()debuglevel_message()default_classname_tableinitialisedmessage_register().

参照元 debug_add_class()debug_parse_levels()setup_logging().

00533 {
00534         static BOOL initialised = False;
00535         const char **p;
00537         if (initialised)
00538                 return;
00540         initialised = True;
00542         message_register(MSG_DEBUG, debug_message, NULL);
00543         message_register(MSG_REQ_DEBUGLEVEL, debuglevel_message, NULL);
00545         for(p = default_classname_table; *p; p++) {
00546                 debug_add_class(*p);
00547         }
00548 }

void setup_logging ( const char *  pname,
BOOL  interactive 

debug.c554 行で定義されています。

参照先 dbfdebug_init()stdout_loggingstrrchr_m()x_fclose()x_fflush()x_setbuf()x_stdout.

参照元 cac_Init()initlsa()initsamr()initsmb()main()nss_wins_init()pam_sm_acct_mgmt()pam_sm_authenticate()pam_sm_chauthtok()parse_quota_set()py_setup_logging()send_fs_socket()smb_krb5_locator_init()smbc_init_context().

00555 {
00556         debug_init();
00558         /* reset to allow multiple setup calls, going from interactive to
00559            non-interactive */
00560         stdout_logging = False;
00561         if (dbf) {
00562                 x_fflush(dbf);
00563                 (void) x_fclose(dbf);
00564         }
00566         dbf = NULL;
00568         if (interactive) {
00569                 stdout_logging = True;
00570                 dbf = x_stdout;
00571                 x_setbuf( x_stdout, NULL );
00572         }
00573 #ifdef WITH_SYSLOG
00574         else {
00575                 const char *p = strrchr_m( pname,'/' );
00576                 if (p)
00577                         pname = p + 1;
00578 #ifdef LOG_DAEMON
00579                 openlog( pname, LOG_PID, SYSLOG_FACILITY );
00580 #else
00581                 /* for old systems that have no facility codes. */
00582                 openlog( pname, LOG_PID );
00583 #endif
00584         }
00585 #endif
00586 }

BOOL reopen_logs ( void   ) 

debug.c596 行で定義されています。

参照先 close_low_fds()dbfdebugferrnoforce_check_log_size()log_overflowlp_loaded()stdout_loggingstrerror()sys_dup2()x_fclose()x_fflush()x_fileno()x_fopen()x_setbuf().

参照元 check_log_size()fork_child_dc_connect()fork_domain_child()main()msg_reload_nmbd_services()py_setup_logging()reload_services()reload_services_file()reply_special()send_fs_socket()smbc_init_context().

00597 {
00598         pstring fname;
00599         mode_t oldumask;
00600         XFILE *new_dbf = NULL;
00601         XFILE *old_dbf = NULL;
00602         BOOL ret = True;
00604         if (stdout_logging)
00605                 return True;
00607         oldumask = umask( 022 );
00609         pstrcpy(fname, debugf );
00610         debugf[0] = '\0';
00612         if (lp_loaded()) {
00613                 char *logfname;
00615                 logfname = lp_logfile();
00616                 if (*logfname)
00617                         pstrcpy(fname, logfname);
00618         }
00620         pstrcpy( debugf, fname );
00621         new_dbf = x_fopen( debugf, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, 0644);
00623         if (!new_dbf) {
00624                 log_overflow = True;
00625                 DEBUG(0, ("Unable to open new log file %s: %s\n", debugf, strerror(errno)));
00626                 log_overflow = False;
00627                 if (dbf)
00628                         x_fflush(dbf);
00629                 ret = False;
00630         } else {
00631                 x_setbuf(new_dbf, NULL);
00632                 old_dbf = dbf;
00633                 dbf = new_dbf;
00634                 if (old_dbf)
00635                         (void) x_fclose(old_dbf);
00636         }
00638         /* Fix from klausr@ITAP.Physik.Uni-Stuttgart.De
00639          * to fix problem where smbd's that generate less
00640          * than 100 messages keep growing the log.
00641          */
00642         force_check_log_size();
00643         (void)umask(oldumask);
00645         /* Take over stderr to catch ouput into logs */
00646         if (dbf && sys_dup2(x_fileno(dbf), 2) == -1) {
00647                 close_low_fds(True); /* Close stderr too, if dup2 can't point it
00648                                         at the logfile */
00649         }
00651         return ret;
00652 }

void force_check_log_size ( void   ) 

debug.c658 行で定義されています。

参照先 debug_count.

参照元 open_sockets_smbd()reopen_logs()timeout_processing().

00659 {
00660         debug_count = 100;
00661 }

BOOL need_to_check_log_size ( void   ) 

debug.c667 行で定義されています。

参照先 dbfdebug_count.

参照元 check_log_size()smbd_process().

00668 {
00669         int maxlog;
00671         if( debug_count < 100 )
00672                 return( False );
00674         maxlog = lp_max_log_size() * 1024;
00675         if( !dbf || maxlog <= 0 ) {
00676                 debug_count = 0;
00677                 return(False);
00678         }
00679         return( True );
00680 }

void check_log_size ( void   ) 

debug.c686 行で定義されています。

参照先 dbfdebug_countdebugfget_file_size()log_overflownameneed_to_check_log_size()reopen_logs()sys_fstat()x_fileno()x_fopen().

参照元 Debug1()smbd_process()timeout_processing().

00687 {
00688         int         maxlog;
00689         SMB_STRUCT_STAT st;
00691         /*
00692          *  We need to be root to check/change log-file, skip this and let the main
00693          *  loop check do a new check as root.
00694          */
00696         if( geteuid() != 0 )
00697                 return;
00699         if(log_overflow || !need_to_check_log_size() )
00700                 return;
00702         maxlog = lp_max_log_size() * 1024;
00704         if( sys_fstat( x_fileno( dbf ), &st ) == 0 && st.st_size > maxlog ) {
00705                 (void)reopen_logs();
00706                 if( dbf && get_file_size( debugf ) > maxlog ) {
00707                         pstring name;
00709                         slprintf( name, sizeof(name)-1, "%s.old", debugf );
00710                         (void)rename( debugf, name );
00712                         if (!reopen_logs()) {
00713                                 /* We failed to reopen a log - continue using the old name. */
00714                                 (void)rename(name, debugf);
00715                         }
00716                 }
00717         }
00719         /*
00720          * Here's where we need to panic if dbf == NULL..
00721          */
00723         if(dbf == NULL) {
00724                 /* This code should only be reached in very strange
00725                  * circumstances. If we merely fail to open the new log we
00726                  * should stick with the old one. ergo this should only be
00727                  * reached when opening the logs for the first time: at
00728                  * startup or when the log level is increased from zero.
00729                  * -dwg 6 June 2000
00730                  */
00731                 dbf = x_fopen( "/dev/console", O_WRONLY, 0);
00732                 if(dbf) {
00733                         DEBUG(0,("check_log_size: open of debug file %s failed - using console.\n",
00734                                         debugf ));
00735                 } else {
00736                         /*
00737                          * We cannot continue without a debug file handle.
00738                          */
00739                         abort();
00740                 }
00741         }
00742         debug_count = 0;
00743 }

int Debug1 ( const char *  format_str,

debug.c750 行で定義されています。

参照先 check_log_size()dbfdebug_countdebugferrnomsgbufstdout_loggingsyslog_levelx_fflush()x_fopen()x_setbuf()x_vfprintf().

00751 {
00752         va_list ap;  
00753         int old_errno = errno;
00755         debug_count++;
00757         if( stdout_logging ) {
00758                 va_start( ap, format_str );
00759                 if(dbf)
00760                         (void)x_vfprintf( dbf, format_str, ap );
00761                 va_end( ap );
00762                 errno = old_errno;
00763                 return( 0 );
00764         }
00766         /* prevent recursion by checking if reopen_logs() has temporaily
00767            set the debugf string to "" */
00768         if( debugf[0] == '\0')
00769                 return( 0 );
00771 #ifdef WITH_SYSLOG
00772         if( !lp_syslog_only() )
00773 #endif
00774         {
00775                 if( !dbf ) {
00776                         mode_t oldumask = umask( 022 );
00778                         dbf = x_fopen( debugf, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, 0644 );
00779                         (void)umask( oldumask );
00780                         if( dbf ) {
00781                                 x_setbuf( dbf, NULL );
00782                         } else {
00783                                 errno = old_errno;
00784                                 return(0);
00785                         }
00786                 }
00787         }
00789 #ifdef WITH_SYSLOG
00790         if( syslog_level < lp_syslog() ) {
00791                 /* map debug levels to syslog() priorities
00792                  * note that not all DEBUG(0, ...) calls are
00793                  * necessarily errors */
00794                 static int priority_map[] = { 
00795                         LOG_ERR,     /* 0 */
00796                         LOG_WARNING, /* 1 */
00797                         LOG_NOTICE,  /* 2 */
00798                         LOG_INFO,    /* 3 */
00799                 };
00800                 int     priority;
00801                 pstring msgbuf;
00803                 if( syslog_level >= ( sizeof(priority_map) / sizeof(priority_map[0]) ) || syslog_level < 0)
00804                         priority = LOG_DEBUG;
00805                 else
00806                         priority = priority_map[syslog_level];
00808                 va_start( ap, format_str );
00809                 vslprintf( msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf)-1, format_str, ap );
00810                 va_end( ap );
00812                 msgbuf[255] = '\0';
00813                 syslog( priority, "%s", msgbuf );
00814         }
00815 #endif
00817         check_log_size();
00819 #ifdef WITH_SYSLOG
00820         if( !lp_syslog_only() )
00821 #endif
00822         {
00823                 va_start( ap, format_str );
00824                 if(dbf)
00825                         (void)x_vfprintf( dbf, format_str, ap );
00826                 va_end( ap );
00827                 if(dbf)
00828                         (void)x_fflush( dbf );
00829         }
00831         errno = old_errno;
00833         return( 0 );
00834 }

static void bufr_print ( void   )  [static]

debug.c843 行で定義されています。

参照先 Debug1()format_bufrformat_pos.

参照元 dbgflush()format_debug_text().

00844 {
00845         format_bufr[format_pos] = '\0';
00846         (void)Debug1( "%s", format_bufr );
00847         format_pos = 0;
00848 }

static void format_debug_text ( const char *  msg  )  [static]

debug.c866 行で定義されています。

参照先 bufr_print()Debug1()format_bufrformat_poslp_loaded()stdout_logging.

参照元 dbgtext().

00867 {
00868         size_t i;
00869         BOOL timestamp = (!stdout_logging && (lp_timestamp_logs() || !(lp_loaded())));
00871         for( i = 0; msg[i]; i++ ) {
00872                 /* Indent two spaces at each new line. */
00873                 if(timestamp && 0 == format_pos) {
00874                         format_bufr[0] = format_bufr[1] = ' ';
00875                         format_pos = 2;
00876                 }
00878                 /* If there's room, copy the character to the format buffer. */
00879                 if( format_pos < FORMAT_BUFR_MAX )
00880                         format_bufr[format_pos++] = msg[i];
00882                 /* If a newline is encountered, print & restart. */
00883                 if( '\n' == msg[i] )
00884                         bufr_print();
00886                 /* If the buffer is full dump it out, reset it, and put out a line
00887                  * continuation indicator.
00888                  */
00889                 if( format_pos >= FORMAT_BUFR_MAX ) {
00890                         bufr_print();
00891                         (void)Debug1( " +>\n" );
00892                 }
00893         }
00895         /* Just to be safe... */
00896         format_bufr[format_pos] = '\0';
00897 }

void dbgflush ( void   ) 

debug.c906 行で定義されています。

参照先 bufr_print()dbfx_fflush().

参照元 dump_core().

00907 {
00908         bufr_print();
00909         if(dbf)
00910                 (void)x_fflush( dbf );
00911 }

BOOL dbghdr ( int  level,
const char *  file,
const char *  func,
int  line 

debug.c935 行で定義されています。

参照先 current_timestring()Debug1()errnoformat_poslp_loaded()stdout_loggingsys_getpid()syslog_level.

00936 {
00937         /* Ensure we don't lose any real errno value. */
00938         int old_errno = errno;
00940         if( format_pos ) {
00941                 /* This is a fudge.  If there is stuff sitting in the format_bufr, then
00942                  * the *right* thing to do is to call
00943                  *   format_debug_text( "\n" );
00944                  * to write the remainder, and then proceed with the new header.
00945                  * Unfortunately, there are several places in the code at which
00946                  * the DEBUG() macro is used to build partial lines.  That in mind,
00947                  * we'll work under the assumption that an incomplete line indicates
00948                  * that a new header is *not* desired.
00949                  */
00950                 return( True );
00951         }
00953 #ifdef WITH_SYSLOG
00954         /* Set syslog_level. */
00955         syslog_level = level;
00956 #endif
00958         /* Don't print a header if we're logging to stdout. */
00959         if( stdout_logging )
00960                 return( True );
00962         /* Print the header if timestamps are turned on.  If parameters are
00963          * not yet loaded, then default to timestamps on.
00964          */
00965         if( lp_timestamp_logs() || lp_debug_prefix_timestamp() || !(lp_loaded()) ) {
00966                 char header_str[200];
00968                 header_str[0] = '\0';
00970                 if( lp_debug_pid())
00971                         slprintf(header_str,sizeof(header_str)-1,", pid=%u",(unsigned int)sys_getpid());
00973                 if( lp_debug_uid()) {
00974                         size_t hs_len = strlen(header_str);
00975                         slprintf(header_str + hs_len,
00976                         sizeof(header_str) - 1 - hs_len,
00977                                 ", effective(%u, %u), real(%u, %u)",
00978                                 (unsigned int)geteuid(), (unsigned int)getegid(),
00979                                 (unsigned int)getuid(), (unsigned int)getgid()); 
00980                 }
00982                 /* Print it all out at once to prevent split syslog output. */
00983                 if( lp_debug_prefix_timestamp() ) {
00984                     (void)Debug1( "[%s, %d%s] ",
00985                         current_timestring(lp_debug_hires_timestamp()), level,
00986                         header_str);
00987                 } else {
00988                     (void)Debug1( "[%s, %d%s] %s:%s(%d)\n",
00989                         current_timestring(lp_debug_hires_timestamp()), level,
00990                         header_str, file, func, line );
00991                 }
00992         }
00994         errno = old_errno;
00995         return( True );
00996 }

BOOL dbgtext ( const char *  format_str,

debug.c1011 行で定義されています。

参照先 format_debug_text()msgbuf.

01012 {
01013         va_list ap;
01014         pstring msgbuf;
01016         va_start( ap, format_str ); 
01017         vslprintf( msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf)-1, format_str, ap );
01018         va_end( ap );
01020         format_debug_text( msgbuf );
01022   return( True );
01023 }



debug.c81 行で定義されています。

参照元 check_log_size()dbgflush()Debug1()main()need_to_check_log_size()parse_quota_set()reopen_logs()setup_logging()smbc_init_context()writetarheader().

pstring debugf = ""

debug.c82 行で定義されています。

参照元 check_log_size()Debug1()reopen_logs().

BOOL debug_warn_unknown_class = True

debug.c83 行で定義されています。

参照元 debug_lookup_classname().

BOOL debug_auto_add_unknown_class = True

debug.c84 行で定義されています。

参照元 debug_lookup_classname().

BOOL AllowDebugChange = True

debug.c85 行で定義されています。

BOOL override_logfile

debug.c91 行で定義されています。

int debug_all_class_hack = 1 [static]

debug.c98 行で定義されています。

参照元 debug_add_class()debug_list_class_names_and_levels()gfree_debugsyms().

BOOL debug_all_class_isset_hack = True [static]

debug.c99 行で定義されています。

参照元 debug_add_class()gfree_debugsyms().

int debug_num_classes = 0 [static]

debug.c101 行で定義されています。

参照元 debug_add_class()debug_classname_from_index()debug_dump_status()debug_list_class_names_and_levels()debug_lookup_classname_int()debug_parse_params()gfree_debugsyms().

int* DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS = &debug_all_class_hack

debug.c102 行で定義されています。

参照元 debug_add_class()debug_dump_status()debug_list_class_names_and_levels()debug_parse_params()gfree_debugsyms()main()parse_quota_set().

BOOL* DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS_ISSET = &debug_all_class_isset_hack

debug.c103 行で定義されています。

参照元 debug_add_class()debug_dump_status()debug_list_class_names_and_levels()debug_parse_params()gfree_debugsyms().

int DEBUGLEVEL = &debug_all_class_hack

debug.c106 行で定義されています。

参照元 ads_get_gpo_list()api_wkssvc_NetrAddAlternateComputerName()api_WKSSVC_NETRENUMERATECOMPUTERNAMES()api_WKSSVC_NETRGETJOINABLEOUS()api_WKSSVC_NETRGETJOINABLEOUS2()api_WKSSVC_NETRGETJOININFORMATION()api_WKSSVC_NETRJOINDOMAIN()api_wkssvc_NetrJoinDomain2()api_WKSSVC_NETRLOGONDOMAINNAMEADD()api_WKSSVC_NETRLOGONDOMAINNAMEDEL()api_WKSSVC_NETRMESSAGEBUFFERSEND()api_wkssvc_NetrRemoveAlternateComputerName()api_WKSSVC_NETRRENAMEMACHINEINDOMAIN()api_wkssvc_NetrRenameMachineInDomain2()api_WKSSVC_NETRSETPRIMARYCOMPUTERNAME()api_WKSSVC_NETRUNJOINDOMAIN()api_wkssvc_NetrUnjoinDomain2()api_WKSSVC_NETRUSEADD()api_WKSSVC_NETRUSEDEL()api_WKSSVC_NETRUSEENUM()api_WKSSVC_NETRUSEGETINFO()api_WKSSVC_NETRVALIDATENAME()api_WKSSVC_NETRVALIDATENAME2()api_WKSSVC_NETRWKSTATRANSPORTADD()api_WKSSVC_NETRWKSTATRANSPORTDEL()api_WKSSVC_NETRWKSTAUSERGETINFO()api_WKSSVC_NETRWKSTAUSERSETINFO()api_WKSSVC_NETRWORKSTATIONSTATISTICSGET()api_wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsers()api_wkssvc_NetWkstaGetInfo()api_wkssvc_NetWkstaSetInfo()api_wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportEnum()asyncdns_process()brl_get_locks_internal()cac_Init()cmd_debuglevel()cmd_sign()debug_add_class()debug_list_class_names_and_levels()exit_server_common()fill_grent_mem()get_dc_list()get_debuglevel()get_key_from_keytab()init_registry()initlsa()initsamr()initsmb()internal_resolve_name()local_password_change()main()namecache_store()net_copy_fileattr()notify_load()notify_save()nss_wins_init()nt_printing_getsec()parse_mount_smb()print_socket_options()printer_driver_files_in_use()process_options()prs_dump_region()rpc_api_pipe_req()rpccli_wkssvc_NetrAddAlternateComputerName()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRENUMERATECOMPUTERNAMES()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRGETJOINABLEOUS()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRGETJOINABLEOUS2()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRGETJOININFORMATION()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRJOINDOMAIN()rpccli_wkssvc_NetrJoinDomain2()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRLOGONDOMAINNAMEADD()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRLOGONDOMAINNAMEDEL()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRMESSAGEBUFFERSEND()rpccli_wkssvc_NetrRemoveAlternateComputerName()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRRENAMEMACHINEINDOMAIN()rpccli_wkssvc_NetrRenameMachineInDomain2()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRSETPRIMARYCOMPUTERNAME()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRUNJOINDOMAIN()rpccli_wkssvc_NetrUnjoinDomain2()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRUSEADD()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRUSEDEL()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRUSEENUM()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRUSEGETINFO()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRVALIDATENAME()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRVALIDATENAME2()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRWKSTATRANSPORTADD()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRWKSTATRANSPORTDEL()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRWKSTAUSERGETINFO()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRWKSTAUSERSETINFO()rpccli_WKSSVC_NETRWORKSTATIONSTATISTICSGET()rpccli_wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsers()rpccli_wkssvc_NetWkstaGetInfo()rpccli_wkssvc_NetWkstaSetInfo()rpccli_wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportEnum()set_debuglevel()show_msg()smb_dos_errstr()smb_dump()smbc_init_context()update_printer_sec()winbindd_status().

BOOL stdout_logging = False [static]

debug.c136 行で定義されています。

参照元 dbghdr()Debug1()format_debug_text()reopen_logs()setup_logging().

int debug_count = 0 [static]

debug.c137 行で定義されています。

参照元 check_log_size()Debug1()force_check_log_size()need_to_check_log_size().

int syslog_level = 0 [static]

debug.c139 行で定義されています。

参照元 dbghdr()Debug1().

pstring format_bufr = { '\0' } [static]

debug.c141 行で定義されています。

参照元 bufr_print()format_debug_text().

size_t format_pos = 0 [static]

debug.c142 行で定義されています。

参照元 bufr_print()dbghdr()format_debug_text().

BOOL log_overflow = False [static]

debug.c143 行で定義されています。

参照元 check_log_size()reopen_logs().

const char* default_classname_table[] [static]



debug.c150 行で定義されています。

参照元 debug_init().

char** classname_table = NULL [static]

debug.c173 行で定義されています。

参照元 debug_add_class()debug_classname_from_index()debug_dump_status()debug_list_class_names_and_levels()debug_lookup_classname_int()gfree_debugsyms().

Sambaに対してSat Aug 29 21:23:35 2009に生成されました。  doxygen 1.4.7