
00001 /*=====================================================================
00002   Unix SMB/Netbios implementation.
00003   SMB client library API definitions
00004   Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1998
00005   Copyright (C) Richard Sharpe 2000
00006   Copyright (C) John Terpsra 2000
00007   Copyright (C) Tom Jansen (Ninja ISD) 2002 
00008   Copyright (C) Derrell Lipman 2003
00011   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00012   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00013   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00014   (at your option) any later version.
00016   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00017   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00019   GNU General Public License for more details.
00021   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00022   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00023   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00024   =====================================================================*/
00029 #ifdef __cplusplus
00030 extern "C" {
00031 #endif
00033 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00034 /* The following are special comments to instruct DOXYGEN (automated 
00035  * documentation tool:
00036 */
00037 /** \defgroup libsmbclient
00038 */
00039 /** \defgroup structure Data Structures Type and Constants
00040 *   \ingroup libsmbclient
00041 *   Data structures, types, and constants
00042 */
00043 /** \defgroup callback Callback function types
00044 *   \ingroup libsmbclient
00045 *   Callback functions
00046 */
00047 /** \defgroup file File Functions
00048 *   \ingroup libsmbclient
00049 *   Functions used to access individual file contents
00050 */
00051 /** \defgroup directory Directory Functions
00052 *   \ingroup libsmbclient
00053 *   Functions used to access directory entries
00054 */
00055 /** \defgroup attribute Attributes Functions
00056 *   \ingroup libsmbclient
00057 *   Functions used to view or change file and directory attributes
00058 */
00059 /** \defgroup print Print Functions
00060 *   \ingroup libsmbclient
00061 *   Functions used to access printing functionality
00062 */
00063 /** \defgroup misc Miscellaneous Functions
00064 *   \ingroup libsmbclient
00065 *   Functions that don't fit in to other categories
00066 */
00067 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/   
00069 /* Make sure we have the following includes for now ... */
00070 #include <sys/types.h>
00071 #include <sys/stat.h>
00072 #include <fcntl.h>
00073 #include <utime.h>
00075 #define SMBC_BASE_FD        10000 /* smallest file descriptor returned */
00077 #define SMBC_WORKGROUP      1
00078 #define SMBC_SERVER         2
00079 #define SMBC_FILE_SHARE     3
00080 #define SMBC_PRINTER_SHARE  4
00081 #define SMBC_COMMS_SHARE    5
00082 #define SMBC_IPC_SHARE      6
00083 #define SMBC_DIR            7
00084 #define SMBC_FILE           8
00085 #define SMBC_LINK           9
00087 /**@ingroup structure
00088  * Structure that represents a directory entry.
00089  *
00090  */
00091 struct smbc_dirent 
00092 {
00093         /** Type of entity.
00094             SMBC_WORKGROUP=1,
00095             SMBC_SERVER=2, 
00096             SMBC_FILE_SHARE=3,
00097             SMBC_PRINTER_SHARE=4,
00098             SMBC_COMMS_SHARE=5,
00099             SMBC_IPC_SHARE=6,
00100             SMBC_DIR=7,
00101             SMBC_FILE=8,
00102             SMBC_LINK=9,*/ 
00103         unsigned int smbc_type; 
00105         /** Length of this smbc_dirent in bytes
00106          */
00107         unsigned int dirlen;
00108         /** The length of the comment string in bytes (does not include
00109          *  null terminator)
00110          */
00111         unsigned int commentlen;
00112         /** Points to the null terminated comment string 
00113          */
00114         char *comment;
00115         /** The length of the name string in bytes (does not include
00116          *  null terminator)
00117          */
00118         unsigned int namelen;
00119         /** Points to the null terminated name string 
00120          */
00121         char name[1];
00122 };
00124 /*
00125  * Flags for smbc_setxattr()
00126  *   Specify a bitwise OR of these, or 0 to add or replace as necessary
00127  */
00128 #define SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_CREATE       0x1 /* fail if attr already exists */
00129 #define SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_REPLACE      0x2 /* fail if attr does not exist */
00132 /*
00133  * Mappings of the DOS mode bits, as returned by smbc_getxattr() when the
00134  * attribute name "system.dos_attr.mode" (or "system.dos_attr.*" or
00135  * "system.*") is specified.
00136  */
00137 #define SMBC_DOS_MODE_READONLY       0x01
00138 #define SMBC_DOS_MODE_HIDDEN         0x02
00139 #define SMBC_DOS_MODE_SYSTEM         0x04
00140 #define SMBC_DOS_MODE_VOLUME_ID      0x08
00141 #define SMBC_DOS_MODE_DIRECTORY      0x10
00142 #define SMBC_DOS_MODE_ARCHIVE        0x20
00144 /*
00145  * Valid values for the option "open_share_mode", when calling
00146  * smbc_option_set()
00147  */
00148 typedef enum smbc_share_mode
00149 {
00150     SMBC_SHAREMODE_DENY_DOS     = 0,
00151     SMBC_SHAREMODE_DENY_ALL     = 1,
00153     SMBC_SHAREMODE_DENY_READ    = 3,
00154     SMBC_SHAREMODE_DENY_NONE    = 4,
00155     SMBC_SHAREMODE_DENY_FCB     = 7
00156 } smbc_share_mode;
00159 #ifndef ENOATTR
00160 # define ENOATTR ENOENT        /* No such attribute */
00161 #endif
00166 /**@ingroup structure
00167  * Structure that represents a print job.
00168  *
00169  */
00170 #ifndef _CLIENT_H
00171 struct print_job_info 
00172 {
00173         /** numeric ID of the print job
00174          */
00175         unsigned short id;
00177         /** represents print job priority (lower numbers mean higher priority)
00178          */
00179         unsigned short priority;
00181         /** Size of the print job
00182          */
00183         size_t size;
00185         /** Name of the user that owns the print job
00186          */
00187         char user[128];
00189         /** Name of the print job. This will have no name if an anonymous print
00190          *  file was opened. Ie smb://server/printer
00191          */
00192         char name[128];
00194         /** Time the print job was spooled
00195          */
00196         time_t t;
00197 };
00198 #endif /* _CLIENT_H */
00201 /**@ingroup structure
00202  * Server handle 
00203  */
00204 typedef struct _SMBCSRV  SMBCSRV;
00206 /**@ingroup structure
00207  * File or directory handle 
00208  */
00209 typedef struct _SMBCFILE SMBCFILE;
00211 /**@ingroup structure
00212  * File or directory handle 
00213  */
00214 typedef struct _SMBCCTX SMBCCTX;
00220 /**@ingroup callback
00221  * Authentication callback function type (traditional method)
00222  * 
00223  * Type for the the authentication function called by the library to
00224  * obtain authentication credentals
00225  *
00226  * @param srv       Server being authenticated to
00227  *
00228  * @param shr       Share being authenticated to
00229  *
00230  * @param wg        Pointer to buffer containing a "hint" for the
00231  *                  workgroup to be authenticated.  Should be filled in
00232  *                  with the correct workgroup if the hint is wrong.
00233  * 
00234  * @param wglen     The size of the workgroup buffer in bytes
00235  *
00236  * @param un        Pointer to buffer containing a "hint" for the
00237  *                  user name to be use for authentication. Should be
00238  *                  filled in with the correct workgroup if the hint is
00239  *                  wrong.
00240  * 
00241  * @param unlen     The size of the username buffer in bytes
00242  *
00243  * @param pw        Pointer to buffer containing to which password 
00244  *                  copied
00245  * 
00246  * @param pwlen     The size of the password buffer in bytes
00247  *           
00248  */
00249 typedef void (*smbc_get_auth_data_fn)(const char *srv, 
00250                                       const char *shr,
00251                                       char *wg, int wglen, 
00252                                       char *un, int unlen,
00253                                       char *pw, int pwlen);
00254 /**@ingroup callback
00255  * Authentication callback function type (method that includes context)
00256  * 
00257  * Type for the the authentication function called by the library to
00258  * obtain authentication credentals
00259  *
00260  * @param c         Pointer to the smb context
00261  *
00262  * @param srv       Server being authenticated to
00263  *
00264  * @param shr       Share being authenticated to
00265  *
00266  * @param wg        Pointer to buffer containing a "hint" for the
00267  *                  workgroup to be authenticated.  Should be filled in
00268  *                  with the correct workgroup if the hint is wrong.
00269  * 
00270  * @param wglen     The size of the workgroup buffer in bytes
00271  *
00272  * @param un        Pointer to buffer containing a "hint" for the
00273  *                  user name to be use for authentication. Should be
00274  *                  filled in with the correct workgroup if the hint is
00275  *                  wrong.
00276  * 
00277  * @param unlen     The size of the username buffer in bytes
00278  *
00279  * @param pw        Pointer to buffer containing to which password 
00280  *                  copied
00281  * 
00282  * @param pwlen     The size of the password buffer in bytes
00283  *           
00284  */
00285 typedef void (*smbc_get_auth_data_with_context_fn)(SMBCCTX *c,
00286                                                    const char *srv, 
00287                                                    const char *shr,
00288                                                    char *wg, int wglen, 
00289                                                    char *un, int unlen,
00290                                                    char *pw, int pwlen);
00293 /**@ingroup callback
00294  * Print job info callback function type.
00295  *
00296  * @param i         pointer to print job information structure
00297  *
00298  */ 
00299 typedef void (*smbc_list_print_job_fn)(struct print_job_info *i);
00302 /**@ingroup callback
00303  * Check if a server is still good
00304  *
00305  * @param c         pointer to smb context
00306  *
00307  * @param srv       pointer to server to check
00308  *
00309  * @return          0 when connection is good. 1 on error.
00310  *
00311  */ 
00312 typedef int (*smbc_check_server_fn)(SMBCCTX * c, SMBCSRV *srv);
00314 /**@ingroup callback
00315  * Remove a server if unused
00316  *
00317  * @param c         pointer to smb context
00318  *
00319  * @param srv       pointer to server to remove
00320  *
00321  * @return          0 on success. 1 on failure.
00322  *
00323  */ 
00324 typedef int (*smbc_remove_unused_server_fn)(SMBCCTX * c, SMBCSRV *srv);
00327 /**@ingroup callback
00328  * Add a server to the cache system
00329  *
00330  * @param c         pointer to smb context
00331  *
00332  * @param srv       pointer to server to add
00333  *
00334  * @param server    server name 
00335  *
00336  * @param share     share name
00337  *
00338  * @param workgroup workgroup used to connect
00339  *
00340  * @param username  username used to connect
00341  *
00342  * @return          0 on success. 1 on failure.
00343  *
00344  */ 
00345 typedef int (*smbc_add_cached_srv_fn)   (SMBCCTX * c, SMBCSRV *srv, 
00346                                     const char * server, const char * share,
00347                                     const char * workgroup, const char * username);
00349 /**@ingroup callback
00350  * Look up a server in the cache system
00351  *
00352  * @param c         pointer to smb context
00353  *
00354  * @param server    server name to match
00355  *
00356  * @param share     share name to match
00357  *
00358  * @param workgroup workgroup to match
00359  *
00360  * @param username  username to match
00361  *
00362  * @return          pointer to SMBCSRV on success. NULL on failure.
00363  *
00364  */ 
00365 typedef SMBCSRV * (*smbc_get_cached_srv_fn)   (SMBCCTX * c, const char * server,
00366                                                const char * share, const char * workgroup,
00367                                                const char * username);
00369 /**@ingroup callback
00370  * Check if a server is still good
00371  *
00372  * @param c         pointer to smb context
00373  *
00374  * @param srv       pointer to server to remove
00375  *
00376  * @return          0 when found and removed. 1 on failure.
00377  *
00378  */ 
00379 typedef int (*smbc_remove_cached_srv_fn)(SMBCCTX * c, SMBCSRV *srv);
00382 /**@ingroup callback
00383  * Try to remove all servers from the cache system and disconnect
00384  *
00385  * @param c         pointer to smb context
00386  *
00387  * @return          0 when found and removed. 1 on failure.
00388  *
00389  */ 
00390 typedef int (*smbc_purge_cached_fn)     (SMBCCTX * c);
00393 /**@ingroup structure
00394  * Structure that contains a client context information 
00395  * This structure is know as SMBCCTX
00396  */
00397 struct _SMBCCTX {
00398         /** debug level 
00399          */
00400         int     debug;
00402         /** netbios name used for making connections
00403          */
00404         char * netbios_name;
00406         /** workgroup name used for making connections 
00407          */
00408         char * workgroup;
00410         /** username used for making connections 
00411          */
00412         char * user;
00414         /** timeout used for waiting on connections / response data (in milliseconds)
00415          */
00416         int timeout;
00418         /** callable functions for files:
00419          * For usage and return values see the smbc_* functions
00420          */ 
00421         SMBCFILE * (*open)    (SMBCCTX *c, const char *fname, int flags, mode_t mode);
00422         SMBCFILE * (*creat)   (SMBCCTX *c, const char *path, mode_t mode);
00423         ssize_t    (*read)    (SMBCCTX *c, SMBCFILE *file, void *buf, size_t count);
00424         ssize_t    (*write)   (SMBCCTX *c, SMBCFILE *file, void *buf, size_t count);
00425         int        (*unlink)  (SMBCCTX *c, const char *fname);
00426         int        (*rename)  (SMBCCTX *ocontext, const char *oname, 
00427                                SMBCCTX *ncontext, const char *nname);
00428         off_t      (*lseek)   (SMBCCTX *c, SMBCFILE * file, off_t offset, int whence);
00429         int        (*stat)    (SMBCCTX *c, const char *fname, struct stat *st);
00430         int        (*fstat)   (SMBCCTX *c, SMBCFILE *file, struct stat *st);
00431         int        (*close_fn) (SMBCCTX *c, SMBCFILE *file);
00433         /** callable functions for dirs
00434          */ 
00435         SMBCFILE * (*opendir) (SMBCCTX *c, const char *fname);
00436         int        (*closedir)(SMBCCTX *c, SMBCFILE *dir);
00437         struct smbc_dirent * (*readdir)(SMBCCTX *c, SMBCFILE *dir);
00438         int        (*getdents)(SMBCCTX *c, SMBCFILE *dir, 
00439                                struct smbc_dirent *dirp, int count);
00440         int        (*mkdir)   (SMBCCTX *c, const char *fname, mode_t mode);
00441         int        (*rmdir)   (SMBCCTX *c, const char *fname);
00442         off_t      (*telldir) (SMBCCTX *c, SMBCFILE *dir);
00443         int        (*lseekdir)(SMBCCTX *c, SMBCFILE *dir, off_t offset);
00444         int        (*fstatdir)(SMBCCTX *c, SMBCFILE *dir, struct stat *st);
00445         int        (*chmod)(SMBCCTX *c, const char *fname, mode_t mode);
00446         int        (*utimes)(SMBCCTX *c,
00447                              const char *fname, struct timeval *tbuf);
00448         int        (*setxattr)(SMBCCTX *context,
00449                                const char *fname,
00450                                const char *name,
00451                                const void *value,
00452                                size_t size,
00453                                int flags);
00454         int        (*getxattr)(SMBCCTX *context,
00455                                const char *fname,
00456                                const char *name,
00457                                const void *value,
00458                                size_t size);
00459         int        (*removexattr)(SMBCCTX *context,
00460                                   const char *fname,
00461                                   const char *name);
00462         int        (*listxattr)(SMBCCTX *context,
00463                                 const char *fname,
00464                                 char *list,
00465                                 size_t size);
00467         /** callable functions for printing
00468          */ 
00469         int        (*print_file)(SMBCCTX *c_file, const char *fname, 
00470                                  SMBCCTX *c_print, const char *printq);
00471         SMBCFILE * (*open_print_job)(SMBCCTX *c, const char *fname);
00472         int        (*list_print_jobs)(SMBCCTX *c, const char *fname, smbc_list_print_job_fn fn);
00473         int        (*unlink_print_job)(SMBCCTX *c, const char *fname, int id);
00476         /*
00477         ** Callbacks
00478         * These callbacks _always_ have to be initialized because they will
00479         * not be checked at dereference for increased speed.
00480         */
00481         struct _smbc_callbacks {
00482                 /** authentication function callback: called upon auth requests
00483                  */
00484                 smbc_get_auth_data_fn auth_fn;
00486                 /** check if a server is still good
00487                  */
00488                 smbc_check_server_fn check_server_fn;
00490                 /** remove a server if unused
00491                  */
00492                 smbc_remove_unused_server_fn remove_unused_server_fn;
00494                 /** Cache subsystem
00495                  * For an example cache system see samba/source/libsmb/libsmb_cache.c
00496                  * Cache subsystem functions follow.
00497                  */
00499                 /** server cache addition 
00500                  */
00501                 smbc_add_cached_srv_fn add_cached_srv_fn;
00503                 /** server cache lookup 
00504                  */
00505                 smbc_get_cached_srv_fn get_cached_srv_fn;
00507                 /** server cache removal
00508                  */
00509                 smbc_remove_cached_srv_fn remove_cached_srv_fn;
00511                 /** server cache purging, try to remove all cached servers (disconnect)
00512                  */
00513                 smbc_purge_cached_fn purge_cached_fn;
00514         } callbacks;
00517         /** Space to store private data of the server cache.
00518          */
00519         struct smbc_server_cache * server_cache;
00521         int flags;
00523         /** user options selections that apply to this session
00524          */
00525         struct _smbc_options {
00527                 /*
00528                  * From how many local master browsers should the list of
00529                  * workgroups be retrieved?  It can take up to 12 minutes or
00530                  * longer after a server becomes a local master browser, for
00531                  * it to have the entire browse list (the list of
00532                  * workgroups/domains) from an entire network.  Since a client
00533                  * never knows which local master browser will be found first,
00534                  * the one which is found first and used to retrieve a browse
00535                  * list may have an incomplete or empty browse list.  By
00536                  * requesting the browse list from multiple local master
00537                  * browsers, a more complete list can be generated.  For small
00538                  * networks (few workgroups), it is recommended that this
00539                  * value be set to 0, causing the browse lists from all found
00540                  * local master browsers to be retrieved and merged.  For
00541                  * networks with many workgroups, a suitable value for this
00542                  * variable is probably somewhere around 3. (Default: 3).
00543                  */
00544                 int browse_max_lmb_count;
00546                 /*
00547                  * There is a difference in the desired return strings from
00548                  * smbc_readdir() depending upon whether the filenames are to
00549                  * be displayed to the user, or whether they are to be
00550                  * appended to the path name passed to smbc_opendir() to call
00551                  * a further smbc_ function (e.g. open the file with
00552                  * smbc_open()).  In the former case, the filename should be
00553                  * in "human readable" form.  In the latter case, the smbc_
00554                  * functions expect a URL which must be url-encoded.  Those
00555                  * functions decode the URL.  If, for example, smbc_readdir()
00556                  * returned a file name of "abc%20def.txt", passing a path
00557                  * with this file name attached to smbc_open() would cause
00558                  * smbc_open to attempt to open the file "abc def.txt" since
00559                  * the %20 is decoded into a space.
00560                  *
00561                  * Set this option to True if the names returned by
00562                  * smbc_readdir() should be url-encoded such that they can be
00563                  * passed back to another smbc_ call.  Set it to False if the
00564                  * names returned by smbc_readdir() are to be presented to the
00565                  * user.
00566                  *
00567                  * For backwards compatibility, this option defaults to False.
00568                  */
00569                 int urlencode_readdir_entries;
00571                 /*
00572                  * Some Windows versions appear to have a limit to the number
00573                  * of concurrent SESSIONs and/or TREE CONNECTions.  In
00574                  * one-shot programs (i.e. the program runs and then quickly
00575                  * ends, thereby shutting down all connections), it is
00576                  * probably reasonable to establish a new connection for each
00577                  * share.  In long-running applications, the limitation can be
00578                  * avoided by using only a single connection to each server,
00579                  * and issuing a new TREE CONNECT when the share is accessed.
00580                  */
00581                 int one_share_per_server;
00582         } options;
00584         /** INTERNAL DATA
00585          * do _NOT_ touch this from your program !
00586          */
00587         struct smbc_internal_data * internal;
00588 };
00590 /* Flags for SMBCCTX->flags */
00591 #define SMB_CTX_FLAG_USE_KERBEROS (1 << 0)
00593 #define SMBCCTX_FLAG_NO_AUTO_ANONYMOUS_LOGON (1 << 2) /* don't try to do automatic anon login */
00595 /**@ingroup misc
00596  * Create a new SBMCCTX (a context).
00597  *
00598  * Must be called before the context is passed to smbc_context_init()
00599  *
00600  * @return          The given SMBCCTX pointer on success, NULL on error with errno set:
00601  *                  - ENOMEM Out of memory
00602  *
00603  * @see             smbc_free_context(), smbc_init_context()
00604  *
00605  * @note            Do not forget to smbc_init_context() the returned SMBCCTX pointer !
00606  */
00607 SMBCCTX * smbc_new_context(void);
00609 /**@ingroup misc
00610  * Delete a SBMCCTX (a context) acquired from smbc_new_context().
00611  *
00612  * The context will be deleted if possible.
00613  *
00614  * @param context   A pointer to a SMBCCTX obtained from smbc_new_context()
00615  *
00616  * @param shutdown_ctx   If 1, all connections and files will be closed even if they are busy.
00617  *
00618  *
00619  * @return          Returns 0 on succes. Returns 1 on failure with errno set:
00620  *                  - EBUSY Server connections are still used, Files are open or cache 
00621  *                          could not be purged
00622  *                  - EBADF context == NULL
00623  *
00624  * @see             smbc_new_context()
00625  *
00626  * @note            It is advised to clean up all the contexts with shutdown_ctx set to 1
00627  *                  just before exit()'ing. When shutdown_ctx is 0, this function can be
00628  *                  use in periodical cleanup functions for example.
00629  */
00630 int smbc_free_context(SMBCCTX * context, int shutdown_ctx);
00633 /**@ingroup misc
00634  * Each time the context structure is changed, we have binary backward
00635  * compatibility issues.  Instead of modifying the public portions of the
00636  * context structure to add new options, instead, we put them in the internal
00637  * portion of the context structure and provide a set function for these new
00638  * options.
00639  *
00640  * @param context   A pointer to a SMBCCTX obtained from smbc_new_context()
00641  *
00642  * @param option_name
00643  *                  The name of the option for which the value is to be set
00644  *
00645  * @param option_value
00646  *                  The new value of the option being set
00647  *
00648  */
00649 void
00650 smbc_option_set(SMBCCTX *context,
00651                 char *option_name,
00652                 ... /* option_value */);
00653 /*
00654  * Retrieve the current value of an option
00655  *
00656  * @param context   A pointer to a SMBCCTX obtained from smbc_new_context()
00657  *
00658  * @param option_name
00659  *                  The name of the option for which the value is to be
00660  *                  retrieved
00661  *
00662  * @return          The value of the specified option.
00663  */
00664 void *
00665 smbc_option_get(SMBCCTX *context,
00666                 char *option_name);
00668 /**@ingroup misc
00669  * Initialize a SBMCCTX (a context).
00670  *
00671  * Must be called before using any SMBCCTX API function
00672  *
00673  * @param context   A pointer to a SMBCCTX obtained from smbc_new_context()
00674  *
00675  * @return          A pointer to the given SMBCCTX on success,
00676  *                  NULL on error with errno set:
00677  *                  - EBADF  NULL context given
00678  *                  - ENOMEM Out of memory
00679  *                  - ENOENT The smb.conf file would not load
00680  *
00681  * @see             smbc_new_context()
00682  *
00683  * @note            my_context = smbc_init_context(smbc_new_context())
00684  *                  is perfectly safe, but it might leak memory on
00685  *                  smbc_context_init() failure. Avoid this.
00686  *                  You'll have to call smbc_free_context() yourself
00687  *                  on failure.  
00688  */
00690 SMBCCTX * smbc_init_context(SMBCCTX * context);
00692 /**@ingroup misc
00693  * Initialize the samba client library.
00694  *
00695  * Must be called before using any of the smbclient API function
00696  *  
00697  * @param fn        The function that will be called to obtaion 
00698  *                  authentication credentials.
00699  *
00700  * @param debug     Allows caller to set the debug level. Can be
00701  *                  changed in smb.conf file. Allows caller to set
00702  *                  debugging if no smb.conf.
00703  *   
00704  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
00705  *                  - ENOMEM Out of memory
00706  *                  - ENOENT The smb.conf file would not load
00707  *
00708  */
00710 int smbc_init(smbc_get_auth_data_fn fn, int debug);
00712 /**@ingroup misc
00713  * Set or retrieve the compatibility library's context pointer
00714  *
00715  * @param context   New context to use, or NULL.  If a new context is provided,
00716  *                  it must have allocated with smbc_new_context() and
00717  *                  initialized with smbc_init_context(), followed, optionally,
00718  *                  by some manual changes to some of the non-internal fields.
00719  *
00720  * @return          The old context.
00721  *
00722  * @see             smbc_new_context(), smbc_init_context(), smbc_init()
00723  *
00724  * @note            This function may be called prior to smbc_init() to force
00725  *                  use of the next context without any internal calls to
00726  *                  smbc_new_context() or smbc_init_context().  It may also
00727  *                  be called after smbc_init() has already called those two
00728  *                  functions, to replace the existing context with a new one.
00729  *                  Care should be taken, in this latter case, to ensure that
00730  *                  the server cache and any data allocated by the
00731  *                  authentication functions have been freed, if necessary.
00732  */
00734 SMBCCTX * smbc_set_context(SMBCCTX * new_context);
00736 /**@ingroup file
00737  * Open a file on an SMB server.
00738  *
00739  * @param furl      The smb url of the file to be opened. 
00740  *
00741  * @param flags     Is one of O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY or O_RDWR which 
00742  *                  request opening  the  file  read-only,write-only
00743  *                  or read/write. flags may also be bitwise-or'd with
00744  *                  one or  more of  the following: 
00745  *                  O_CREAT - If the file does not exist it will be 
00746  *                  created.
00747  *                  O_EXCL - When  used with O_CREAT, if the file 
00748  *                  already exists it is an error and the open will 
00749  *                  fail. 
00750  *                  O_TRUNC - If the file already exists it will be
00751  *                  truncated.
00752  *                  O_APPEND The  file  is  opened  in  append mode 
00753  *
00754  * @param mode      mode specifies the permissions to use if a new 
00755  *                  file is created.  It  is  modified  by  the 
00756  *                  process's umask in the usual way: the permissions
00757  *                  of the created file are (mode & ~umask) 
00758  *
00759  *                  Not currently use, but there for future use.
00760  *                  We will map this to SYSTEM, HIDDEN, etc bits
00761  *                  that reverses the mapping that smbc_fstat does.
00762  *
00763  * @return          Valid file handle, < 0 on error with errno set:
00764  *                  - ENOMEM  Out of memory
00765  *                  - EINVAL if an invalid parameter passed, like no 
00766  *                  file, or smbc_init not called.
00767  *                  - EEXIST  pathname already exists and O_CREAT and 
00768  *                  O_EXCL were used.
00769  *                  - EISDIR  pathname  refers  to  a  directory  and  
00770  *                  the access requested involved writing.
00771  *                  - EACCES  The requested access to the file is not 
00772  *                  allowed 
00773  *                  - ENODEV The requested share does not exist
00774  *                  - ENOTDIR A file on the path is not a directory
00775  *                  - ENOENT  A directory component in pathname does 
00776  *                  not exist.
00777  *
00778  * @see             smbc_creat()
00779  *
00780  * @note            This call uses an underlying routine that may create
00781  *                  a new connection to the server specified in the URL.
00782  *                  If the credentials supplied in the URL, or via the
00783  *                  auth_fn in the smbc_init call, fail, this call will
00784  *                  try again with an empty username and password. This 
00785  *                  often gets mapped to the guest account on some machines.
00786  */
00788 int smbc_open(const char *furl, int flags, mode_t mode);
00790 /**@ingroup file
00791  * Create a file on an SMB server.
00792  *
00793  * Same as calling smbc_open() with flags = O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC 
00794  *   
00795  * @param furl      The smb url of the file to be created
00796  *  
00797  * @param mode      mode specifies the permissions to use if  a  new  
00798  *                  file is created.  It  is  modified  by  the 
00799  *                  process's umask in the usual way: the permissions
00800  *                  of the created file are (mode & ~umask)
00801  *
00802  *                  NOTE, the above is not true. We are dealing with 
00803  *                  an SMB server, which has no concept of a umask!
00804  *      
00805  * @return          Valid file handle, < 0 on error with errno set:
00806  *                  - ENOMEM  Out of memory
00807  *                  - EINVAL if an invalid parameter passed, like no 
00808  *                  file, or smbc_init not called.
00809  *                  - EEXIST  pathname already exists and O_CREAT and
00810  *                  O_EXCL were used.
00811  *                  - EISDIR  pathname  refers  to  a  directory  and
00812  *                  the access requested involved writing.
00813  *                  - EACCES  The requested access to the file is not
00814  *                  allowed 
00815  *                  - ENOENT  A directory component in pathname does 
00816  *                  not exist.
00817  *                  - ENODEV The requested share does not exist.
00818  * @see             smbc_open()
00819  *
00820  */
00822 int smbc_creat(const char *furl, mode_t mode);
00824 /**@ingroup file
00825  * Read from a file using an opened file handle.
00826  *
00827  * @param fd        Open file handle from smbc_open() or smbc_creat()
00828  *
00829  * @param buf       Pointer to buffer to recieve read data
00830  *
00831  * @param bufsize   Size of buf in bytes
00832  *
00833  * @return          Number of bytes read, < 0 on error with errno set:
00834  *                  - EISDIR fd refers to a directory
00835  *                  - EBADF  fd  is  not  a valid file descriptor or 
00836  *                  is not open for reading.
00837  *                  - EINVAL fd is attached to an object which is 
00838  *                  unsuitable for reading, or no buffer passed or
00839  *                  smbc_init not called.
00840  *
00841  * @see             smbc_open(), smbc_write()
00842  *
00843  */
00844 ssize_t smbc_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t bufsize);
00847 /**@ingroup file
00848  * Write to a file using an opened file handle.
00849  *
00850  * @param fd        Open file handle from smbc_open() or smbc_creat()
00851  *
00852  * @param buf       Pointer to buffer to recieve read data
00853  *
00854  * @param bufsize   Size of buf in bytes
00855  *
00856  * @return          Number of bytes written, < 0 on error with errno set:
00857  *                  - EISDIR fd refers to a directory.
00858  *                  - EBADF  fd  is  not  a valid file descriptor or 
00859  *                  is not open for reading.
00860  *                  - EINVAL fd is attached to an object which is 
00861  *                  unsuitable for reading, or no buffer passed or
00862  *                  smbc_init not called.
00863  *
00864  * @see             smbc_open(), smbc_read()
00865  *
00866  */
00867 ssize_t smbc_write(int fd, void *buf, size_t bufsize);
00870 /**@ingroup file
00871  * Seek to a specific location in a file.
00872  *
00873  * @param fd        Open file handle from smbc_open() or smbc_creat()
00874  * 
00875  * @param offset    Offset in bytes from whence
00876  * 
00877  * @param whence    A location in the file:
00878  *                  - SEEK_SET The offset is set to offset bytes from
00879  *                  the beginning of the file
00880  *                  - SEEK_CUR The offset is set to current location 
00881  *                  plus offset bytes.
00882  *                  - SEEK_END The offset is set to the size of the 
00883  *                  file plus offset bytes.
00884  *
00885  * @return          Upon successful completion, lseek returns the 
00886  *                  resulting offset location as measured in bytes 
00887  *                  from the beginning  of the file. Otherwise, a value
00888  *                  of (off_t)-1 is returned and errno is set to 
00889  *                  indicate the error:
00890  *                  - EBADF  Fildes is not an open file descriptor.
00891  *                  - EINVAL Whence is not a proper value or smbc_init
00892  *                    not called.
00893  *
00894  * @todo Are all the whence values really supported?
00895  * 
00896  * @todo Are errno values complete and correct?
00897  */
00898 off_t smbc_lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence);
00901 /**@ingroup file
00902  * Close an open file handle.
00903  *
00904  * @param fd        The file handle to close
00905  *
00906  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
00907  *                  - EBADF  fd isn't a valid open file descriptor
00908  *                  - EINVAL smbc_init() failed or has not been called
00909  *
00910  * @see             smbc_open(), smbc_creat()
00911  */
00912 int smbc_close(int fd);
00915 /**@ingroup directory
00916  * Unlink (delete) a file or directory.
00917  *
00918  * @param furl      The smb url of the file to delete
00919  *
00920  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
00921  *                  - EACCES or EPERM Write  access  to the directory 
00922  *                  containing pathname is not allowed or one  
00923  *                  of  the  directories in pathname did not allow
00924  *                  search (execute) permission
00925  *                  - ENOENT A directory component in pathname does
00926  *                  not exist
00927  *                  - EINVAL NULL was passed in the file param or
00928  *                    smbc_init not called.
00929  *                  - EACCES You do not have access to the file
00930  *                  - ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory was available
00931  *
00932  * @see             smbc_rmdir()s
00933  *
00934  * @todo Are errno values complete and correct?
00935  */
00936 int smbc_unlink(const char *furl);
00939 /**@ingroup directory
00940  * Rename or move a file or directory.
00941  * 
00942  * @param ourl      The original smb url (source url) of file or 
00943  *                  directory to be moved
00944  * 
00945  * @param nurl      The new smb url (destination url) of the file
00946  *                  or directory after the move.  Currently nurl must
00947  *                  be on the same share as ourl.
00948  *
00949  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
00950  *                  - EISDIR nurl is an existing directory, but ourl is
00951  *                  not a directory.
00952  *                  - EEXIST nurl is  a  non-empty directory, 
00953  *                  i.e., contains entries other than "." and ".."
00954  *                  - EINVAL The  new  url  contained  a path prefix 
00955  *                  of the old, or, more generally, an  attempt was
00956  *                  made  to make a directory a subdirectory of itself
00957  *                  or smbc_init not called.
00958  *                  - ENOTDIR A component used as a directory in ourl 
00959  *                  or nurl path is not, in fact, a directory.  Or, 
00960  *                  ourl  is a directory, and newpath exists but is not
00961  *                  a directory.
00962  *                  - EACCES or EPERM Write access to the directory 
00963  *                  containing ourl or nurl is not allowed for the 
00964  *                  process's effective uid,  or  one of the 
00965  *                  directories in ourl or nurl did not allow search
00966  *                  (execute) permission,  or ourl  was  a  directory
00967  *                  and did not allow write permission.
00968  *                  - ENOENT A  directory component in ourl or nurl 
00969  *                  does not exist.
00970  *                  - EXDEV Rename across shares not supported.
00971  *                  - ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory was available.
00972  *                  - EEXIST The target file, nurl, already exists.
00973  *
00974  *
00975  * @todo Are we going to support copying when urls are not on the same
00976  *       share?  I say no... NOTE. I agree for the moment.
00977  *
00978  */
00979 int smbc_rename(const char *ourl, const char *nurl);
00982 /**@ingroup directory
00983  * Open a directory used to obtain directory entries.
00984  *
00985  * @param durl      The smb url of the directory to open
00986  *
00987  * @return          Valid directory handle. < 0 on error with errno set:
00988  *                  - EACCES Permission denied.
00989  *                  - EINVAL A NULL file/URL was passed, or the URL would
00990  *                  not parse, or was of incorrect form or smbc_init not
00991  *                  called.
00992  *                  - ENOENT durl does not exist, or name is an 
00993  *                  - ENOMEM Insufficient memory to complete the 
00994  *                  operation.                              
00995  *                  - ENOTDIR name is not a directory.
00996  *                  - EPERM the workgroup could not be found.
00997  *                  - ENODEV the workgroup or server could not be found.
00998  *
00999  * @see             smbc_getdents(), smbc_readdir(), smbc_closedir()
01000  *
01001  */
01002 int smbc_opendir(const char *durl);
01005 /**@ingroup directory
01006  * Close a directory handle opened by smbc_opendir().
01007  *
01008  * @param dh        Directory handle to close
01009  *
01010  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01011  *                  - EBADF dh is an invalid directory handle
01012  *
01013  * @see             smbc_opendir()
01014  */
01015 int smbc_closedir(int dh);
01018 /**@ingroup directory
01019  * Get multiple directory entries.
01020  *
01021  * smbc_getdents() reads as many dirent structures from the an open 
01022  * directory handle into a specified memory area as will fit.
01023  *
01024  * @param dh        Valid directory as returned by smbc_opendir()
01025  *
01026  * @param dirp      pointer to buffer that will receive the directory
01027  *                  entries.
01028  * 
01029  * @param count     The size of the dirp buffer in bytes
01030  *
01031  * @returns         If any dirents returned, return will indicate the
01032  *                  total size. If there were no more dirents available,
01033  *                  0 is returned. < 0 indicates an error.
01034  *                  - EBADF  Invalid directory handle
01035  *                  - EINVAL Result buffer is too small or smbc_init
01036  *                  not called.
01037  *                  - ENOENT No such directory.
01038  * @see             , smbc_dirent, smbc_readdir(), smbc_open()
01039  *
01040  * @todo Are errno values complete and correct?
01041  *
01042  * @todo Add example code so people know how to parse buffers.
01043  */
01044 int smbc_getdents(unsigned int dh, struct smbc_dirent *dirp, int count);
01047 /**@ingroup directory
01048  * Get a single directory entry.
01049  *
01050  * @param dh        Valid directory as returned by smbc_opendir()
01051  *
01052  * @return          A pointer to a smbc_dirent structure, or NULL if an
01053  *                  error occurs or end-of-directory is reached:
01054  *                  - EBADF Invalid directory handle
01055  *                  - EINVAL smbc_init() failed or has not been called
01056  *
01057  * @see             smbc_dirent, smbc_getdents(), smbc_open()
01058  */
01059 struct smbc_dirent* smbc_readdir(unsigned int dh);
01062 /**@ingroup directory
01063  * Get the current directory offset.
01064  *
01065  * smbc_telldir() may be used in conjunction with smbc_readdir() and
01066  * smbc_lseekdir().
01067  *
01068  * @param dh        Valid directory as returned by smbc_opendir()
01069  *
01070  * @return          The current location in the directory stream or -1
01071  *                  if an error occur.  The current location is not
01072  *                  an offset. Becuase of the implementation, it is a 
01073  *                  handle that allows the library to find the entry
01074  *                  later.
01075  *                  - EBADF dh is not a valid directory handle
01076  *                  - EINVAL smbc_init() failed or has not been called
01077  *                  - ENOTDIR if dh is not a directory
01078  *
01079  * @see             smbc_readdir()
01080  *
01081  */
01082 off_t smbc_telldir(int dh);
01085 /**@ingroup directory
01086  * lseek on directories.
01087  *
01088  * smbc_lseekdir() may be used in conjunction with smbc_readdir() and
01089  * smbc_telldir(). (rewind by smbc_lseekdir(fd, NULL))
01090  *
01091  * @param fd        Valid directory as returned by smbc_opendir()
01092  * 
01093  * @param offset    The offset (as returned by smbc_telldir). Can be
01094  *                  NULL, in which case we will rewind
01095  *
01096  * @return          0 on success, -1 on failure
01097  *                  - EBADF dh is not a valid directory handle
01098  *                  - ENOTDIR if dh is not a directory
01099  *                  - EINVAL offset did not refer to a valid dirent or
01100  *                    smbc_init not called.
01101  *
01102  * @see             smbc_telldir()
01103  *
01104  *
01105  * @todo In what does the reture and errno values mean?
01106  */
01107 int smbc_lseekdir(int fd, off_t offset);
01109 /**@ingroup directory
01110  * Create a directory.
01111  *
01112  * @param durl      The url of the directory to create
01113  *
01114  * @param mode      Specifies  the  permissions to use. It is modified
01115  *                  by the process's umask in the usual way: the 
01116  *                  permissions of the created file are (mode & ~umask).
01117  * 
01118  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01119  *                  - EEXIST directory url already exists
01120  *                  - EACCES The parent directory does not allow write
01121  *                  permission to the process, or one of the directories
01122  *                  - ENOENT A directory component in pathname does not
01123  *                  exist.
01124  *                  - EINVAL NULL durl passed or smbc_init not called.
01125  *                  - ENOMEM Insufficient memory was available.
01126  *
01127  * @see             smbc_rmdir()
01128  *
01129  */
01130 int smbc_mkdir(const char *durl, mode_t mode);
01133 /**@ingroup directory
01134  * Remove a directory.
01135  * 
01136  * @param durl      The smb url of the directory to remove
01137  *
01138  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01139  *                  - EACCES or EPERM Write access to the directory
01140  *                  containing pathname was not allowed.
01141  *                  - EINVAL durl is NULL or smbc_init not called.
01142  *                  - ENOENT A directory component in pathname does not
01143  *                  exist.
01144  *                  - ENOTEMPTY directory contains entries.
01145  *                  - ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory was available.
01146  *
01147  * @see             smbc_mkdir(), smbc_unlink() 
01148  *
01149  * @todo Are errno values complete and correct?
01150  */
01151 int smbc_rmdir(const char *durl);
01154 /**@ingroup attribute
01155  * Get information about a file or directory.
01156  *
01157  * @param url       The smb url to get information for
01158  *
01159  * @param st        pointer to a buffer that will be filled with 
01160  *                  standard Unix struct stat information.
01161  *
01162  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01163  *                  - ENOENT A component of the path file_name does not
01164  *                  exist.
01165  *                  - EINVAL a NULL url was passed or smbc_init not called.
01166  *                  - EACCES Permission denied.
01167  *                  - ENOMEM Out of memory
01168  *                  - ENOTDIR The target dir, url, is not a directory.
01169  *
01170  * @see             Unix stat()
01171  *
01172  */
01173 int smbc_stat(const char *url, struct stat *st);
01176 /**@ingroup attribute
01177  * Get file information via an file descriptor.
01178  * 
01179  * @param fd        Open file handle from smbc_open() or smbc_creat()
01180  *
01181  * @param st        pointer to a buffer that will be filled with 
01182  *                  standard Unix struct stat information.
01183  * 
01184  * @return          EBADF  filedes is bad.
01185  *                  - EACCES Permission denied.
01186  *                  - EBADF fd is not a valid file descriptor
01187  *                  - EINVAL Problems occurred in the underlying routines
01188  *                    or smbc_init not called.
01189  *                  - ENOMEM Out of memory
01190  *
01191  * @see             smbc_stat(), Unix stat()
01192  *
01193  */
01194 int smbc_fstat(int fd, struct stat *st);
01197 /**@ingroup attribue
01198  * Change the ownership of a file or directory.
01199  *
01200  * @param url       The smb url of the file or directory to change 
01201  *                  ownership of.
01202  *
01203  * @param owner     I have no idea?
01204  *
01205  * @param group     I have not idea?
01206  *
01207  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01208  *                  - EPERM  The effective UID does not match the owner
01209  *                  of the file, and is not zero; or the owner or group
01210  *                  were specified incorrectly.
01211  *                  - ENOENT The file does not exist.
01212  *                  - ENOMEM Insufficient was available.
01213  *                  - ENOENT file or directory does not exist
01214  *
01215  * @todo Are we actually going to be able to implement this function
01216  *
01217  * @todo How do we abstract owner and group uid and gid?
01218  *
01219  */
01220 int smbc_chown(const char *url, uid_t owner, gid_t group);
01223 /**@ingroup attribute
01224  * Change the permissions of a file.
01225  *
01226  * @param url       The smb url of the file or directory to change
01227  *                  permissions of
01228  * 
01229  * @param mode      The permissions to set:
01230  *                  - Put good explaination of permissions here!
01231  *
01232  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01233  *                  - EPERM  The effective UID does not match the owner
01234  *                  of the file, and is not zero
01235  *                  - ENOENT The file does not exist.
01236  *                  - ENOMEM Insufficient was available.
01237  *                  - ENOENT file or directory does not exist
01238  *
01239  * @todo Actually implement this fuction?
01240  *
01241  * @todo Are errno values complete and correct?
01242  */
01243 int smbc_chmod(const char *url, mode_t mode);
01245 /**@ingroup attribute
01246  * Change the last modification time on a file
01247  *
01248  * @param url       The smb url of the file or directory to change
01249  *                  the modification time of
01250  * 
01251  * @param tbuf      A timeval structure which contains the desired
01252  *                  modification time.  NOTE: Only the tv_sec field is
01253  *                  used.  The tv_usec (microseconds) portion is ignored.
01254  *
01255  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01256  *                  - EINVAL The client library is not properly initialized
01257  *                  - EPERM  Permission was denied.
01258  *
01259  */
01260 int smbc_utimes(const char *url, struct timeval *tbuf);
01262 #ifdef HAVE_UTIME_H
01263 /**@ingroup attribute
01264  * Change the last modification time on a file
01265  *
01266  * @param url       The smb url of the file or directory to change
01267  *                  the modification time of
01268  * 
01269  * @param utbuf     A utimebuf structure which contains the desired
01270  *                  modification time.  NOTE: Although the structure contains
01271  *                  an access time as well, the access time value is ignored.
01272  *
01273  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01274  *                  - EINVAL The client library is not properly initialized
01275  *                  - ENOMEM No memory was available for internal needs
01276  *                  - EPERM  Permission was denied.
01277  *
01278  */
01279 int smbc_utime(const char *fname, struct utimbuf *utbuf);
01280 #endif
01282 /**@ingroup attribute
01283  * Set extended attributes for a file.  This is used for modifying a file's
01284  * security descriptor (i.e. owner, group, and access control list)
01285  *
01286  * @param url       The smb url of the file or directory to set extended
01287  *                  attributes for.
01288  * 
01289  * @param name      The name of an attribute to be changed.  Names are of
01290  *                  one of the following forms:
01291  *
01292  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.<attribute name>
01293  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*
01294  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*+
01295  *
01296  *                  where <attribute name> is one of:
01297  *
01298  *                     revision
01299  *                     owner
01300  *                     owner+
01301  *                     group
01302  *                     group+
01303  *                     acl:<name or sid>
01304  *                     acl+:<name or sid>
01305  *
01306  *                  In the forms "system.nt_sec_desc.*" and
01307  *                  "system.nt_sec_desc.*+", the asterisk and plus signs are
01308  *                  literal, i.e. the string is provided exactly as shown, and
01309  *                  the value parameter should contain a complete security
01310  *                  descriptor with name:value pairs separated by tabs,
01311  *                  commas, or newlines (not spaces!).
01312  *
01313  *                  The plus sign ('+') indicates that SIDs should be mapped
01314  *                  to names.  Without the plus sign, SIDs are not mapped;
01315  *                  rather they are simply converted to a string format.
01316  *
01317  * @param value     The value to be assigned to the specified attribute name.
01318  *                  This buffer should contain only the attribute value if the
01319  *                  name was of the "system.nt_sec_desc.<attribute_name>"
01320  *                  form.  If the name was of the "system.nt_sec_desc.*" form
01321  *                  then a complete security descriptor, with name:value pairs
01322  *                  separated by tabs, commas, or newlines (not spaces!),
01323  *                  should be provided in this value buffer.  A complete
01324  *                  security descriptor will contain one or more entries
01325  *                  selected from the following:
01326  *
01327  *                    REVISION:<revision number>
01328  *                    OWNER:<sid or name>
01329  *                    GROUP:<sid or name>
01330  *                    ACL:<sid or name>:<type>/<flags>/<mask>
01331  *
01332  *                  The  revision of the ACL specifies the internal Windows NT
01333  *                  ACL revision for the security descriptor. If not specified
01334  *                  it defaults to  1.  Using values other than 1 may cause
01335  *                  strange behaviour.
01336  *
01337  *                  The owner and group specify the owner and group sids for
01338  *                  the object. If the attribute name (either '*+' with a
01339  *                  complete security descriptor, or individual 'owner+' or
01340  *                  'group+' attribute names) ended with a plus sign, the
01341  *                  specified name is resolved to a SID value, using the
01342  *                  server on which the file or directory resides.  Otherwise,
01343  *                  the value should be provided in SID-printable format as
01344  *                  S-1-x-y-z, and is used directly.  The <sid or name>
01345  *                  associated with the ACL: attribute should be provided
01346  *                  similarly.
01347  *
01348  * @param size      The number of the bytes of data in the value buffer
01349  *
01350  * @param flags     A bit-wise OR of zero or more of the following:
01351  *                    SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_CREATE -
01352  *                      fail if the named attribute already exists
01353  *                    SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_REPLACE -
01354  *                      fail if the attribute does not already exist
01355  *
01356  *                  If neither flag is specified, the specified attributes
01357  *                  will be added or replace existing attributes of the same
01358  *                  name, as necessary.
01359  *
01360  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01361  *                  - EINVAL  The client library is not properly initialized
01362  *                            or one of the parameters is not of a correct
01363  *                            form
01364  *                  - ENOMEM No memory was available for internal needs
01365  *                  - EEXIST  If the attribute already exists and the flag
01366  *                            SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_CREAT was specified
01367  *                  - ENOATTR If the attribute does not exist and the flag
01368  *                            SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_REPLACE was specified
01369  *                  - EPERM   Permission was denied.
01370  *                  - ENOTSUP The referenced file system does not support
01371  *                            extended attributes
01372  *
01373  * @note            Attribute names are compared in a case-insensitive
01374  *                  fashion.  All of the following are equivalent, although
01375  *                  the all-lower-case name is the preferred format:
01376  *                    system.nt_sec_desc.owner
01377  *                    SYSTEM.NT_SEC_DESC.OWNER
01378  *                    sYsTeM.nt_sEc_desc.owNER
01379  *
01380  */
01381 int smbc_setxattr(const char *url,
01382                   const char *name,
01383                   const void *value,
01384                   size_t size,
01385                   int flags);
01388 /**@ingroup attribute
01389  * Set extended attributes for a file.  This is used for modifying a file's
01390  * security descriptor (i.e. owner, group, and access control list).  The
01391  * POSIX function which this maps to would act on a symbolic link rather than
01392  * acting on what the symbolic link points to, but with no symbolic links in
01393  * SMB file systems, this function is functionally identical to
01394  * smbc_setxattr().
01395  *
01396  * @param url       The smb url of the file or directory to set extended
01397  *                  attributes for.
01398  * 
01399  * @param name      The name of an attribute to be changed.  Names are of
01400  *                  one of the following forms:
01401  *
01402  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.<attribute name>
01403  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*
01404  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*+
01405  *
01406  *                  where <attribute name> is one of:
01407  *
01408  *                     revision
01409  *                     owner
01410  *                     owner+
01411  *                     group
01412  *                     group+
01413  *                     acl:<name or sid>
01414  *                     acl+:<name or sid>
01415  *
01416  *                  In the forms "system.nt_sec_desc.*" and
01417  *                  "system.nt_sec_desc.*+", the asterisk and plus signs are
01418  *                  literal, i.e. the string is provided exactly as shown, and
01419  *                  the value parameter should contain a complete security
01420  *                  descriptor with name:value pairs separated by tabs,
01421  *                  commas, or newlines (not spaces!).
01422  *
01423  *                  The plus sign ('+') indicates that SIDs should be mapped
01424  *                  to names.  Without the plus sign, SIDs are not mapped;
01425  *                  rather they are simply converted to a string format.
01426  *
01427  * @param value     The value to be assigned to the specified attribute name.
01428  *                  This buffer should contain only the attribute value if the
01429  *                  name was of the "system.nt_sec_desc.<attribute_name>"
01430  *                  form.  If the name was of the "system.nt_sec_desc.*" form
01431  *                  then a complete security descriptor, with name:value pairs
01432  *                  separated by tabs, commas, or newlines (not spaces!),
01433  *                  should be provided in this value buffer.  A complete
01434  *                  security descriptor will contain one or more entries
01435  *                  selected from the following:
01436  *
01437  *                    REVISION:<revision number>
01438  *                    OWNER:<sid or name>
01439  *                    GROUP:<sid or name>
01440  *                    ACL:<sid or name>:<type>/<flags>/<mask>
01441  *
01442  *                  The  revision of the ACL specifies the internal Windows NT
01443  *                  ACL revision for the security descriptor. If not specified
01444  *                  it defaults to  1.  Using values other than 1 may cause
01445  *                  strange behaviour.
01446  *
01447  *                  The owner and group specify the owner and group sids for
01448  *                  the object. If the attribute name (either '*+' with a
01449  *                  complete security descriptor, or individual 'owner+' or
01450  *                  'group+' attribute names) ended with a plus sign, the
01451  *                  specified name is resolved to a SID value, using the
01452  *                  server on which the file or directory resides.  Otherwise,
01453  *                  the value should be provided in SID-printable format as
01454  *                  S-1-x-y-z, and is used directly.  The <sid or name>
01455  *                  associated with the ACL: attribute should be provided
01456  *                  similarly.
01457  *
01458  * @param size      The number of the bytes of data in the value buffer
01459  *
01460  * @param flags     A bit-wise OR of zero or more of the following:
01461  *                    SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_CREATE -
01462  *                      fail if the named attribute already exists
01463  *                    SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_REPLACE -
01464  *                      fail if the attribute does not already exist
01465  *
01466  *                  If neither flag is specified, the specified attributes
01467  *                  will be added or replace existing attributes of the same
01468  *                  name, as necessary.
01469  *
01470  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01471  *                  - EINVAL  The client library is not properly initialized
01472  *                            or one of the parameters is not of a correct
01473  *                            form
01474  *                  - ENOMEM No memory was available for internal needs
01475  *                  - EEXIST  If the attribute already exists and the flag
01476  *                            SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_CREAT was specified
01477  *                  - ENOATTR If the attribute does not exist and the flag
01478  *                            SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_REPLACE was specified
01479  *                  - EPERM   Permission was denied.
01480  *                  - ENOTSUP The referenced file system does not support
01481  *                            extended attributes
01482  *
01483  * @note            Attribute names are compared in a case-insensitive
01484  *                  fashion.  All of the following are equivalent, although
01485  *                  the all-lower-case name is the preferred format:
01486  *                    system.nt_sec_desc.owner
01487  *                    SYSTEM.NT_SEC_DESC.OWNER
01488  *                    sYsTeM.nt_sEc_desc.owNER
01489  *
01490  */
01491 int smbc_lsetxattr(const char *url,
01492                    const char *name,
01493                    const void *value,
01494                    size_t size,
01495                    int flags);
01498 /**@ingroup attribute
01499  * Set extended attributes for a file.  This is used for modifying a file's
01500  * security descriptor (i.e. owner, group, and access control list)
01501  *
01502  * @param fd        A file descriptor associated with an open file (as
01503  *                  previously returned by smbc_open(), to get extended
01504  *                  attributes for.
01505  * 
01506  * @param name      The name of an attribute to be changed.  Names are of
01507  *                  one of the following forms:
01508  *
01509  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.<attribute name>
01510  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*
01511  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*+
01512  *
01513  *                  where <attribute name> is one of:
01514  *
01515  *                     revision
01516  *                     owner
01517  *                     owner+
01518  *                     group
01519  *                     group+
01520  *                     acl:<name or sid>
01521  *                     acl+:<name or sid>
01522  *
01523  *                  In the forms "system.nt_sec_desc.*" and
01524  *                  "system.nt_sec_desc.*+", the asterisk and plus signs are
01525  *                  literal, i.e. the string is provided exactly as shown, and
01526  *                  the value parameter should contain a complete security
01527  *                  descriptor with name:value pairs separated by tabs,
01528  *                  commas, or newlines (not spaces!).
01529  *
01530  *                  The plus sign ('+') indicates that SIDs should be mapped
01531  *                  to names.  Without the plus sign, SIDs are not mapped;
01532  *                  rather they are simply converted to a string format.
01533  *
01534  * @param value     The value to be assigned to the specified attribute name.
01535  *                  This buffer should contain only the attribute value if the
01536  *                  name was of the "system.nt_sec_desc.<attribute_name>"
01537  *                  form.  If the name was of the "system.nt_sec_desc.*" form
01538  *                  then a complete security descriptor, with name:value pairs
01539  *                  separated by tabs, commas, or newlines (not spaces!),
01540  *                  should be provided in this value buffer.  A complete
01541  *                  security descriptor will contain one or more entries
01542  *                  selected from the following:
01543  *
01544  *                    REVISION:<revision number>
01545  *                    OWNER:<sid or name>
01546  *                    GROUP:<sid or name>
01547  *                    ACL:<sid or name>:<type>/<flags>/<mask>
01548  *
01549  *                  The  revision of the ACL specifies the internal Windows NT
01550  *                  ACL revision for the security descriptor. If not specified
01551  *                  it defaults to  1.  Using values other than 1 may cause
01552  *                  strange behaviour.
01553  *
01554  *                  The owner and group specify the owner and group sids for
01555  *                  the object. If the attribute name (either '*+' with a
01556  *                  complete security descriptor, or individual 'owner+' or
01557  *                  'group+' attribute names) ended with a plus sign, the
01558  *                  specified name is resolved to a SID value, using the
01559  *                  server on which the file or directory resides.  Otherwise,
01560  *                  the value should be provided in SID-printable format as
01561  *                  S-1-x-y-z, and is used directly.  The <sid or name>
01562  *                  associated with the ACL: attribute should be provided
01563  *                  similarly.
01564  *
01565  * @param size      The number of the bytes of data in the value buffer
01566  *
01567  * @param flags     A bit-wise OR of zero or more of the following:
01568  *                    SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_CREATE -
01569  *                      fail if the named attribute already exists
01570  *                    SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_REPLACE -
01571  *                      fail if the attribute does not already exist
01572  *
01573  *                  If neither flag is specified, the specified attributes
01574  *                  will be added or replace existing attributes of the same
01575  *                  name, as necessary.
01576  *
01577  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01578  *                  - EINVAL  The client library is not properly initialized
01579  *                            or one of the parameters is not of a correct
01580  *                            form
01581  *                  - ENOMEM No memory was available for internal needs
01582  *                  - EEXIST  If the attribute already exists and the flag
01583  *                            SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_CREAT was specified
01584  *                  - ENOATTR If the attribute does not exist and the flag
01585  *                            SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_REPLACE was specified
01586  *                  - EPERM   Permission was denied.
01587  *                  - ENOTSUP The referenced file system does not support
01588  *                            extended attributes
01589  *
01590  * @note            Attribute names are compared in a case-insensitive
01591  *                  fashion.  All of the following are equivalent, although
01592  *                  the all-lower-case name is the preferred format:
01593  *                    system.nt_sec_desc.owner
01594  *                    SYSTEM.NT_SEC_DESC.OWNER
01595  *                    sYsTeM.nt_sEc_desc.owNER
01596  *
01597  */
01598 int smbc_fsetxattr(int fd,
01599                    const char *name,
01600                    const void *value,
01601                    size_t size,
01602                    int flags);
01605 /**@ingroup attribute
01606  * Get extended attributes for a file.
01607  *
01608  * @param url       The smb url of the file or directory to get extended
01609  *                  attributes for.
01610  * 
01611  * @param name      The name of an attribute to be retrieved.  Names are of
01612  *                  one of the following forms:
01613  *
01614  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.<attribute name>
01615  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*
01616  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*+
01617  *
01618  *                  where <attribute name> is one of:
01619  *
01620  *                     revision
01621  *                     owner
01622  *                     owner+
01623  *                     group
01624  *                     group+
01625  *                     acl:<name or sid>
01626  *                     acl+:<name or sid>
01627  *
01628  *                  In the forms "system.nt_sec_desc.*" and
01629  *                  "system.nt_sec_desc.*+", the asterisk and plus signs are
01630  *                  literal, i.e. the string is provided exactly as shown, and
01631  *                  the value parameter will return a complete security
01632  *                  descriptor with name:value pairs separated by tabs,
01633  *                  commas, or newlines (not spaces!).
01634  *
01635  *                  The plus sign ('+') indicates that SIDs should be mapped
01636  *                  to names.  Without the plus sign, SIDs are not mapped;
01637  *                  rather they are simply converted to a string format.
01638  *
01639  * @param value     A pointer to a buffer in which the value of the specified
01640  *                  attribute will be placed (unless size is zero).
01641  *
01642  * @param size      The size of the buffer pointed to by value.  This parameter
01643  *                  may also be zero, in which case the size of the buffer
01644  *                  required to hold the attribute value will be returned,
01645  *                  but nothing will be placed into the value buffer.
01646  * 
01647  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01648  *                  - EINVAL  The client library is not properly initialized
01649  *                            or one of the parameters is not of a correct
01650  *                            form
01651  *                  - ENOMEM No memory was available for internal needs
01652  *                  - EEXIST  If the attribute already exists and the flag
01653  *                            SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_CREAT was specified
01654  *                  - ENOATTR If the attribute does not exist and the flag
01655  *                            SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_REPLACE was specified
01656  *                  - EPERM   Permission was denied.
01657  *                  - ENOTSUP The referenced file system does not support
01658  *                            extended attributes
01659  *
01660  */
01661 int smbc_getxattr(const char *url,
01662                   const char *name,
01663                   const void *value,
01664                   size_t size);
01667 /**@ingroup attribute
01668  * Get extended attributes for a file.  The POSIX function which this maps to
01669  * would act on a symbolic link rather than acting on what the symbolic link
01670  * points to, but with no symbolic links in SMB file systems, this function
01671  * is functionally identical to smbc_getxattr().
01672  *
01673  * @param url       The smb url of the file or directory to get extended
01674  *                  attributes for.
01675  * 
01676  * @param name      The name of an attribute to be retrieved.  Names are of
01677  *                  one of the following forms:
01678  *
01679  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.<attribute name>
01680  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*
01681  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*+
01682  *
01683  *                  where <attribute name> is one of:
01684  *
01685  *                     revision
01686  *                     owner
01687  *                     owner+
01688  *                     group
01689  *                     group+
01690  *                     acl:<name or sid>
01691  *                     acl+:<name or sid>
01692  *
01693  *                  In the forms "system.nt_sec_desc.*" and
01694  *                  "system.nt_sec_desc.*+", the asterisk and plus signs are
01695  *                  literal, i.e. the string is provided exactly as shown, and
01696  *                  the value parameter will return a complete security
01697  *                  descriptor with name:value pairs separated by tabs,
01698  *                  commas, or newlines (not spaces!).
01699  *
01700  *                  The plus sign ('+') indicates that SIDs should be mapped
01701  *                  to names.  Without the plus sign, SIDs are not mapped;
01702  *                  rather they are simply converted to a string format.
01703  *
01704  * @param value     A pointer to a buffer in which the value of the specified
01705  *                  attribute will be placed (unless size is zero).
01706  *
01707  * @param size      The size of the buffer pointed to by value.  This parameter
01708  *                  may also be zero, in which case the size of the buffer
01709  *                  required to hold the attribute value will be returned,
01710  *                  but nothing will be placed into the value buffer.
01711  * 
01712  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01713  *                  - EINVAL  The client library is not properly initialized
01714  *                            or one of the parameters is not of a correct
01715  *                            form
01716  *                  - ENOMEM No memory was available for internal needs
01717  *                  - EEXIST  If the attribute already exists and the flag
01718  *                            SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_CREAT was specified
01719  *                  - ENOATTR If the attribute does not exist and the flag
01720  *                            SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_REPLACE was specified
01721  *                  - EPERM   Permission was denied.
01722  *                  - ENOTSUP The referenced file system does not support
01723  *                            extended attributes
01724  *
01725  */
01726 int smbc_lgetxattr(const char *url,
01727                    const char *name,
01728                    const void *value,
01729                    size_t size);
01732 /**@ingroup attribute
01733  * Get extended attributes for a file.
01734  *
01735  * @param fd        A file descriptor associated with an open file (as
01736  *                  previously returned by smbc_open(), to get extended
01737  *                  attributes for.
01738  * 
01739  * @param name      The name of an attribute to be retrieved.  Names are of
01740  *                  one of the following forms:
01741  *
01742  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.<attribute name>
01743  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*
01744  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*+
01745  *
01746  *                  where <attribute name> is one of:
01747  *
01748  *                     revision
01749  *                     owner
01750  *                     owner+
01751  *                     group
01752  *                     group+
01753  *                     acl:<name or sid>
01754  *                     acl+:<name or sid>
01755  *
01756  *                  In the forms "system.nt_sec_desc.*" and
01757  *                  "system.nt_sec_desc.*+", the asterisk and plus signs are
01758  *                  literal, i.e. the string is provided exactly as shown, and
01759  *                  the value parameter will return a complete security
01760  *                  descriptor with name:value pairs separated by tabs,
01761  *                  commas, or newlines (not spaces!).
01762  *
01763  *                  The plus sign ('+') indicates that SIDs should be mapped
01764  *                  to names.  Without the plus sign, SIDs are not mapped;
01765  *                  rather they are simply converted to a string format.
01766  *
01767  * @param value     A pointer to a buffer in which the value of the specified
01768  *                  attribute will be placed (unless size is zero).
01769  *
01770  * @param size      The size of the buffer pointed to by value.  This parameter
01771  *                  may also be zero, in which case the size of the buffer
01772  *                  required to hold the attribute value will be returned,
01773  *                  but nothing will be placed into the value buffer.
01774  * 
01775  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01776  *                  - EINVAL  The client library is not properly initialized
01777  *                            or one of the parameters is not of a correct
01778  *                            form
01779  *                  - ENOMEM No memory was available for internal needs
01780  *                  - EEXIST  If the attribute already exists and the flag
01781  *                            SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_CREAT was specified
01782  *                  - ENOATTR If the attribute does not exist and the flag
01783  *                            SMBC_XATTR_FLAG_REPLACE was specified
01784  *                  - EPERM   Permission was denied.
01785  *                  - ENOTSUP The referenced file system does not support
01786  *                            extended attributes
01787  *
01788  */
01789 int smbc_fgetxattr(int fd,
01790                    const char *name,
01791                    const void *value,
01792                    size_t size);
01795 /**@ingroup attribute
01796  * Remove extended attributes for a file.  This is used for modifying a file's
01797  * security descriptor (i.e. owner, group, and access control list)
01798  *
01799  * @param url       The smb url of the file or directory to remove the extended
01800  *                  attributes for.
01801  * 
01802  * @param name      The name of an attribute to be removed.  Names are of
01803  *                  one of the following forms:
01804  *
01805  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.<attribute name>
01806  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*
01807  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*+
01808  *
01809  *                  where <attribute name> is one of:
01810  *
01811  *                     revision
01812  *                     owner
01813  *                     owner+
01814  *                     group
01815  *                     group+
01816  *                     acl:<name or sid>
01817  *                     acl+:<name or sid>
01818  *
01819  *                  In the forms "system.nt_sec_desc.*" and
01820  *                  "system.nt_sec_desc.*+", the asterisk and plus signs are
01821  *                  literal, i.e. the string is provided exactly as shown, and
01822  *                  the value parameter will return a complete security
01823  *                  descriptor with name:value pairs separated by tabs,
01824  *                  commas, or newlines (not spaces!).
01825  *
01826  *                  The plus sign ('+') indicates that SIDs should be mapped
01827  *                  to names.  Without the plus sign, SIDs are not mapped;
01828  *                  rather they are simply converted to a string format.
01829  *
01830  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01831  *                  - EINVAL The client library is not properly initialized
01832  *                  - ENOMEM No memory was available for internal needs
01833  *                  - EPERM  Permission was denied.
01834  *                  - ENOTSUP The referenced file system does not support
01835  *                            extended attributes
01836  *
01837  */
01838 int smbc_removexattr(const char *url,
01839                      const char *name);
01842 /**@ingroup attribute
01843  * Remove extended attributes for a file.  This is used for modifying a file's
01844  * security descriptor (i.e. owner, group, and access control list) The POSIX
01845  * function which this maps to would act on a symbolic link rather than acting
01846  * on what the symbolic link points to, but with no symbolic links in SMB file
01847  * systems, this function is functionally identical to smbc_removexattr().
01848  *
01849  * @param url       The smb url of the file or directory to remove the extended
01850  *                  attributes for.
01851  * 
01852  * @param name      The name of an attribute to be removed.  Names are of
01853  *                  one of the following forms:
01854  *
01855  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.<attribute name>
01856  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*
01857  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*+
01858  *
01859  *                  where <attribute name> is one of:
01860  *
01861  *                     revision
01862  *                     owner
01863  *                     owner+
01864  *                     group
01865  *                     group+
01866  *                     acl:<name or sid>
01867  *                     acl+:<name or sid>
01868  *
01869  *                  In the forms "system.nt_sec_desc.*" and
01870  *                  "system.nt_sec_desc.*+", the asterisk and plus signs are
01871  *                  literal, i.e. the string is provided exactly as shown, and
01872  *                  the value parameter will return a complete security
01873  *                  descriptor with name:value pairs separated by tabs,
01874  *                  commas, or newlines (not spaces!).
01875  *
01876  *                  The plus sign ('+') indicates that SIDs should be mapped
01877  *                  to names.  Without the plus sign, SIDs are not mapped;
01878  *                  rather they are simply converted to a string format.
01879  *
01880  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01881  *                  - EINVAL The client library is not properly initialized
01882  *                  - ENOMEM No memory was available for internal needs
01883  *                  - EPERM  Permission was denied.
01884  *                  - ENOTSUP The referenced file system does not support
01885  *                            extended attributes
01886  *
01887  */
01888 int smbc_lremovexattr(const char *url,
01889                       const char *name);
01892 /**@ingroup attribute
01893  * Remove extended attributes for a file.  This is used for modifying a file's
01894  * security descriptor (i.e. owner, group, and access control list)
01895  *
01896  * @param fd        A file descriptor associated with an open file (as
01897  *                  previously returned by smbc_open(), to get extended
01898  *                  attributes for.
01899  * 
01900  * @param name      The name of an attribute to be removed.  Names are of
01901  *                  one of the following forms:
01902  *
01903  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.<attribute name>
01904  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*
01905  *                     system.nt_sec_desc.*+
01906  *
01907  *                  where <attribute name> is one of:
01908  *
01909  *                     revision
01910  *                     owner
01911  *                     owner+
01912  *                     group
01913  *                     group+
01914  *                     acl:<name or sid>
01915  *                     acl+:<name or sid>
01916  *
01917  *                  In the forms "system.nt_sec_desc.*" and
01918  *                  "system.nt_sec_desc.*+", the asterisk and plus signs are
01919  *                  literal, i.e. the string is provided exactly as shown, and
01920  *                  the value parameter will return a complete security
01921  *                  descriptor with name:value pairs separated by tabs,
01922  *                  commas, or newlines (not spaces!).
01923  *
01924  *                  The plus sign ('+') indicates that SIDs should be mapped
01925  *                  to names.  Without the plus sign, SIDs are not mapped;
01926  *                  rather they are simply converted to a string format.
01927  *
01928  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01929  *                  - EINVAL The client library is not properly initialized
01930  *                  - ENOMEM No memory was available for internal needs
01931  *                  - EPERM  Permission was denied.
01932  *                  - ENOTSUP The referenced file system does not support
01933  *                            extended attributes
01934  *
01935  */
01936 int smbc_fremovexattr(int fd,
01937                       const char *name);
01940 /**@ingroup attribute
01941  * List the supported extended attribute names associated with a file
01942  *
01943  * @param url       The smb url of the file or directory to list the extended
01944  *                  attributes for.
01945  *
01946  * @param list      A pointer to a buffer in which the list of attributes for
01947  *                  the specified file or directory will be placed (unless
01948  *                  size is zero).
01949  *
01950  * @param size      The size of the buffer pointed to by list.  This parameter
01951  *                  may also be zero, in which case the size of the buffer
01952  *                  required to hold all of the attribute names will be
01953  *                  returned, but nothing will be placed into the list buffer.
01954  * 
01955  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01956  *                  - EINVAL The client library is not properly initialized
01957  *                  - ENOMEM No memory was available for internal needs
01958  *                  - EPERM  Permission was denied.
01959  *                  - ENOTSUP The referenced file system does not support
01960  *                            extended attributes
01961  *
01962  * @note            This function always returns all attribute names supported
01963  *                  by NT file systems, regardless of wether the referenced
01964  *                  file system supports extended attributes (e.g. a Windows
01965  *                  2000 machine supports extended attributes if NTFS is used,
01966  *                  but not if FAT is used, and Windows 98 doesn't support
01967  *                  extended attributes at all.  Whether this is a feature or
01968  *                  a bug is yet to be decided.
01969  */
01970 int smbc_listxattr(const char *url,
01971                    char *list,
01972                    size_t size);
01974 /**@ingroup attribute
01975  * List the supported extended attribute names associated with a file The
01976  * POSIX function which this maps to would act on a symbolic link rather than
01977  * acting on what the symbolic link points to, but with no symbolic links in
01978  * SMB file systems, this function is functionally identical to
01979  * smbc_listxattr().
01980  *
01981  * @param url       The smb url of the file or directory to list the extended
01982  *                  attributes for.
01983  *
01984  * @param list      A pointer to a buffer in which the list of attributes for
01985  *                  the specified file or directory will be placed (unless
01986  *                  size is zero).
01987  *
01988  * @param size      The size of the buffer pointed to by list.  This parameter
01989  *                  may also be zero, in which case the size of the buffer
01990  *                  required to hold all of the attribute names will be
01991  *                  returned, but nothing will be placed into the list buffer.
01992  * 
01993  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
01994  *                  - EINVAL The client library is not properly initialized
01995  *                  - ENOMEM No memory was available for internal needs
01996  *                  - EPERM  Permission was denied.
01997  *                  - ENOTSUP The referenced file system does not support
01998  *                            extended attributes
01999  *
02000  * @note            This function always returns all attribute names supported
02001  *                  by NT file systems, regardless of wether the referenced
02002  *                  file system supports extended attributes (e.g. a Windows
02003  *                  2000 machine supports extended attributes if NTFS is used,
02004  *                  but not if FAT is used, and Windows 98 doesn't support
02005  *                  extended attributes at all.  Whether this is a feature or
02006  *                  a bug is yet to be decided.
02007  */
02008 int smbc_llistxattr(const char *url,
02009                     char *list,
02010                     size_t size);
02012 /**@ingroup attribute
02013  * List the supported extended attribute names associated with a file
02014  *
02015  * @param fd        A file descriptor associated with an open file (as
02016  *                  previously returned by smbc_open(), to get extended
02017  *                  attributes for.
02018  * 
02019  * @param list      A pointer to a buffer in which the list of attributes for
02020  *                  the specified file or directory will be placed (unless
02021  *                  size is zero).
02022  *
02023  * @param size      The size of the buffer pointed to by list.  This parameter
02024  *                  may also be zero, in which case the size of the buffer
02025  *                  required to hold all of the attribute names will be
02026  *                  returned, but nothing will be placed into the list buffer.
02027  * 
02028  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
02029  *                  - EINVAL The client library is not properly initialized
02030  *                  - ENOMEM No memory was available for internal needs
02031  *                  - EPERM  Permission was denied.
02032  *                  - ENOTSUP The referenced file system does not support
02033  *                            extended attributes
02034  *
02035  * @note            This function always returns all attribute names supported
02036  *                  by NT file systems, regardless of wether the referenced
02037  *                  file system supports extended attributes (e.g. a Windows
02038  *                  2000 machine supports extended attributes if NTFS is used,
02039  *                  but not if FAT is used, and Windows 98 doesn't support
02040  *                  extended attributes at all.  Whether this is a feature or
02041  *                  a bug is yet to be decided.
02042  */
02043 int smbc_flistxattr(int fd,
02044                     char *list,
02045                     size_t size);
02047 /**@ingroup print
02048  * Print a file given the name in fname. It would be a URL ...
02049  * 
02050  * @param fname     The URL of a file on a remote SMB server that the
02051  *                  caller wants printed
02052  *
02053  * @param printq    The URL of the print share to print the file to.
02054  *
02055  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:         
02056  *
02057  *                  - EINVAL fname or printq was NULL or smbc_init not
02058  *                    not called.
02059  *                  and errors returned by smbc_open
02060  *
02061  */                                     
02062 int smbc_print_file(const char *fname, const char *printq);
02064 /**@ingroup print
02065  * Open a print file that can be written to by other calls. This simply
02066  * does an smbc_open call after checking if there is a file name on the
02067  * URI. If not, a temporary name is added ...
02068  *
02069  * @param fname     The URL of the print share to print to?
02070  *
02071  * @returns         A file handle for the print file if successful.
02072  *                  Returns -1 if an error ocurred and errno has the values
02073  *                  - EINVAL fname was NULL or smbc_init not called.
02074  *                  - all errors returned by smbc_open
02075  *
02076  */
02077 int smbc_open_print_job(const char *fname);
02079 /**@ingroup print
02080  * List the print jobs on a print share, for the moment, pass a callback 
02081  *
02082  * @param purl      The url of the print share to list the jobs of
02083  * 
02084  * @param fn        Callback function the receives printjob info
02085  * 
02086  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set: 
02087  *                  - EINVAL fname was NULL or smbc_init not called
02088  *                  - EACCES ???
02089  */
02090 int smbc_list_print_jobs(const char *purl, smbc_list_print_job_fn fn);
02092 /**@ingroup print
02093  * Delete a print job 
02094  *
02095  * @param purl      Url of the print share
02096  *
02097  * @param id        The id of the job to delete
02098  *
02099  * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set: 
02100  *                  - EINVAL fname was NULL or smbc_init not called
02101  *
02102  * @todo    what errno values are possible here?
02103  */
02104 int smbc_unlink_print_job(const char *purl, int id);
02106 /**@ingroup callback
02107  * Remove a server from the cached server list it's unused.
02108  *
02109  * @param context    pointer to smb context
02110  *
02111  * @param srv        pointer to server to remove
02112  *
02113  * @return On success, 0 is returned. 1 is returned if the server could not
02114  *         be removed. Also useable outside libsmbclient.
02115  */
02116 int smbc_remove_unused_server(SMBCCTX * context, SMBCSRV * srv);
02118 #ifdef __cplusplus
02119 }
02120 #endif
02122 /**@ingroup directory
02123  * Convert strings of %xx to their single character equivalent.
02124  *
02125  * @param dest      A pointer to a buffer in which the resulting decoded
02126  *                  string should be placed.  This may be a pointer to the
02127  *                  same buffer as src_segment.
02128  * 
02129  * @param src       A pointer to the buffer containing the URL to be decoded.
02130  *                  Any %xx sequences herein are converted to their single
02131  *                  character equivalent.  Each 'x' must be a valid hexadecimal
02132  *                  digit, or that % sequence is left undecoded.
02133  *
02134  * @param max_dest_len
02135  *                  The size of the buffer pointed to by dest_segment.
02136  * 
02137  * @return          The number of % sequences which could not be converted
02138  *                  due to lack of two following hexadecimal digits.
02139  */
02140 #ifdef __cplusplus
02141 extern "C" {
02142 #endif
02143 int
02144 smbc_urldecode(char *dest, char * src, size_t max_dest_len);
02145 #ifdef __cplusplus
02146 }
02147 #endif
02150 /*
02151  * Convert any characters not specifically allowed in a URL into their %xx
02152  * equivalent.
02153  *
02154  * @param dest      A pointer to a buffer in which the resulting encoded
02155  *                  string should be placed.  Unlike smbc_urldecode(), this
02156  *                  must be a buffer unique from src.
02157  * 
02158  * @param src       A pointer to the buffer containing the string to be encoded.
02159  *                  Any character not specifically allowed in a URL is converted
02160  *                  into its hexadecimal value and encoded as %xx.
02161  *
02162  * @param max_dest_len
02163  *                  The size of the buffer pointed to by dest_segment.
02164  * 
02165  * @returns         The remaining buffer length.
02166  */
02167 #ifdef __cplusplus
02168 extern "C" {
02169 #endif
02170 int
02171 smbc_urlencode(char * dest, char * src, int max_dest_len);
02172 #ifdef __cplusplus
02173 }
02174 #endif
02177 /**@ingroup directory
02178  * Return the version of the linked Samba code, and thus the version of the
02179  * libsmbclient code.
02180  *
02181  * @return          The version string.
02182  */
02183 #ifdef __cplusplus
02184 extern "C" {
02185 #endif
02186 const char *
02187 smbc_version(void);
02188 #ifdef __cplusplus
02189 }
02190 #endif
02193 #endif /* SMBCLIENT_H_INCLUDED */

Sambaに対してSat Aug 29 21:22:54 2009に生成されました。  doxygen 1.4.7