


void tdb_setalarm_sigptr (struct tdb_context *tdb, volatile sig_atomic_t *ptr)
int tdb_brlock (struct tdb_context *tdb, tdb_off_t offset, int rw_type, int lck_type, int probe, size_t len)
int tdb_brlock_upgrade (struct tdb_context *tdb, tdb_off_t offset, size_t len)
int tdb_lock (struct tdb_context *tdb, int list, int ltype)
int tdb_unlock (struct tdb_context *tdb, int list, int ltype)
static int _tdb_lockall (struct tdb_context *tdb, int ltype)
static int _tdb_unlockall (struct tdb_context *tdb, int ltype)
int tdb_lockall (struct tdb_context *tdb)
int tdb_unlockall (struct tdb_context *tdb)
int tdb_lockall_read (struct tdb_context *tdb)
int tdb_unlockall_read (struct tdb_context *tdb)
int tdb_chainlock (struct tdb_context *tdb, TDB_DATA key)
int tdb_chainunlock (struct tdb_context *tdb, TDB_DATA key)
int tdb_chainlock_read (struct tdb_context *tdb, TDB_DATA key)
int tdb_chainunlock_read (struct tdb_context *tdb, TDB_DATA key)
int tdb_lock_record (struct tdb_context *tdb, tdb_off_t off)
int tdb_write_lock_record (struct tdb_context *tdb, tdb_off_t off)
int tdb_write_unlock_record (struct tdb_context *tdb, tdb_off_t off)
int tdb_unlock_record (struct tdb_context *tdb, tdb_off_t off)


void tdb_setalarm_sigptr ( struct tdb_context tdb,
volatile sig_atomic_t ptr 

lock.c31 行で定義されています。

参照先 tdb_context::interrupt_sig_ptrtdb.

参照元 tdb_chainlock_with_timeout_internal().

00032 {
00033         tdb->interrupt_sig_ptr = ptr;
00034 }

int tdb_brlock ( struct tdb_context tdb,
tdb_off_t  offset,
int  rw_type,
int  lck_type,
int  probe,
size_t  len 

lock.c44 行で定義されています。

参照先 tdb_context::ecodeerrnotdb_context::fdtdb_context::flagstdb_context::interrupt_sig_ptrtdb_context::read_onlytdbTDB_DEBUG_TRACETDB_ERR_LOCKTDB_ERR_RDONLYtdb_context::traverse_read.

参照元 tdb_brlock_upgrade()tdb_increment_seqnum()tdb_transaction_cancel()tdb_transaction_commit()tdb_transaction_start().

00046 {
00047         struct flock fl;
00048         int ret;
00050         if (tdb->flags & TDB_NOLOCK) {
00051                 return 0;
00052         }
00054         if ((rw_type == F_WRLCK) && (tdb->read_only || tdb->traverse_read)) {
00055                 tdb->ecode = TDB_ERR_RDONLY;
00056                 return -1;
00057         }
00059         fl.l_type = rw_type;
00060         fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
00061         fl.l_start = offset;
00062         fl.l_len = len;
00063         fl.l_pid = 0;
00065         do {
00066                 ret = fcntl(tdb->fd,lck_type,&fl);
00068                 /* Check for a sigalarm break. */
00069                 if (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR &&
00070                                 tdb->interrupt_sig_ptr &&
00071                                 *tdb->interrupt_sig_ptr) {
00072                         break;
00073                 }
00074         } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR);
00076         if (ret == -1) {
00077                 /* Generic lock error. errno set by fcntl.
00078                  * EAGAIN is an expected return from non-blocking
00079                  * locks. */
00080                 if (!probe && lck_type != F_SETLK) {
00081                         /* Ensure error code is set for log fun to examine. */
00082                         tdb->ecode = TDB_ERR_LOCK;
00083                         TDB_LOG((tdb, TDB_DEBUG_TRACE,"tdb_brlock failed (fd=%d) at offset %d rw_type=%d lck_type=%d len=%d\n", 
00084                                  tdb->fd, offset, rw_type, lck_type, (int)len));
00085                 }
00086                 return TDB_ERRCODE(TDB_ERR_LOCK, -1);
00087         }
00088         return 0;
00089 }

int tdb_brlock_upgrade ( struct tdb_context tdb,
tdb_off_t  offset,
size_t  len 

lock.c98 行で定義されています。

参照先 errnotdbtdb_brlock()TDB_DEBUG_TRACE.

参照元 tdb_transaction_commit().

00099 {
00100         int count = 1000;
00101         while (count--) {
00102                 struct timeval tv;
00103                 if (tdb_brlock(tdb, offset, F_WRLCK, F_SETLKW, 1, len) == 0) {
00104                         return 0;
00105                 }
00106                 if (errno != EDEADLK) {
00107                         break;
00108                 }
00109                 /* sleep for as short a time as we can - more portable than usleep() */
00110                 tv.tv_sec = 0;
00111                 tv.tv_usec = 1;
00112                 select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);
00113         }
00114         TDB_LOG((tdb, TDB_DEBUG_TRACE,"tdb_brlock_upgrade failed at offset %d\n", offset));
00115         return -1;
00116 }

int tdb_lock ( struct tdb_context tdb,
int  list,
int  ltype 

lock.c120 行で定義されています。

参照先 tdb_lock_type::counttdb_context::flagstdb_context::global_locktdb_header::hash_sizetdb_context::headertdb_lock_type::listtdb_context::lockrecstdb_lock_type::ltypetdb_context::num_lockrecstdbTDB_DEBUG_ERRORTDB_ERR_LOCK.

参照元 tdb_allocate()tdb_append()tdb_chainlock()tdb_chainlock_read()tdb_delete_hash()tdb_dump_chain()tdb_expand()tdb_find_lock_hash()tdb_free()tdb_next_lock()tdb_nextkey()tdb_printfreelist()tdb_purge_dead()tdb_store()tdb_validate_freelist().

00121 {
00122         struct tdb_lock_type *new_lck;
00123         int i;
00125         /* a global lock allows us to avoid per chain locks */
00126         if (tdb->global_lock.count && 
00127             (ltype == tdb->global_lock.ltype || ltype == F_RDLCK)) {
00128                 return 0;
00129         }
00131         if (tdb->global_lock.count) {
00132                 return TDB_ERRCODE(TDB_ERR_LOCK, -1);
00133         }
00135         if (list < -1 || list >= (int)tdb->header.hash_size) {
00136                 TDB_LOG((tdb, TDB_DEBUG_ERROR,"tdb_lock: invalid list %d for ltype=%d\n", 
00137                            list, ltype));
00138                 return -1;
00139         }
00140         if (tdb->flags & TDB_NOLOCK)
00141                 return 0;
00143         for (i=0; i<tdb->num_lockrecs; i++) {
00144                 if (tdb->lockrecs[i].list == list) {
00145                         if (tdb->lockrecs[i].count == 0) {
00146                                 /*
00147                                  * Can't happen, see tdb_unlock(). It should
00148                                  * be an assert.
00149                                  */
00150                                 TDB_LOG((tdb, TDB_DEBUG_ERROR, "tdb_lock: "
00151                                          "lck->count == 0 for list %d", list));
00152                         }
00153                         /*
00154                          * Just increment the in-memory struct, posix locks
00155                          * don't stack.
00156                          */
00157                         tdb->lockrecs[i].count++;
00158                         return 0;
00159                 }
00160         }
00162         new_lck = (struct tdb_lock_type *)realloc(
00163                 tdb->lockrecs,
00164                 sizeof(*tdb->lockrecs) * (tdb->num_lockrecs+1));
00165         if (new_lck == NULL) {
00166                 errno = ENOMEM;
00167                 return -1;
00168         }
00169         tdb->lockrecs = new_lck;
00171         /* Since fcntl locks don't nest, we do a lock for the first one,
00172            and simply bump the count for future ones */
00173         if (tdb->methods->tdb_brlock(tdb,FREELIST_TOP+4*list,ltype,F_SETLKW,
00174                                      0, 1)) {
00175                 TDB_LOG((tdb, TDB_DEBUG_ERROR, "tdb_lock failed on list %d "
00176                          "ltype=%d (%s)\n",  list, ltype, strerror(errno)));
00177                 return -1;
00178         }
00180         tdb->num_locks++;
00182         tdb->lockrecs[tdb->num_lockrecs].list = list;
00183         tdb->lockrecs[tdb->num_lockrecs].count = 1;
00184         tdb->lockrecs[tdb->num_lockrecs].ltype = ltype;
00185         tdb->num_lockrecs += 1;
00187         return 0;
00188 }

int tdb_unlock ( struct tdb_context tdb,
int  list,
int  ltype 

lock.c193 行で定義されています。

参照先 tdb_lock_type::counttdb_context::flagstdb_context::global_locktdb_header::hash_sizetdb_context::headertdb_lock_type::listtdb_context::lockrecstdb_lock_type::ltypetdb_context::num_lockrecstdbTDB_DEBUG_ERRORTDB_ERR_LOCK.

参照元 tdb_allocate()tdb_append()tdb_chainunlock()tdb_chainunlock_read()tdb_delete_hash()tdb_dump_chain()tdb_exists_hash()tdb_expand()tdb_fetch()tdb_find_lock_hash()tdb_firstkey()tdb_free()tdb_next_lock()tdb_nextkey()tdb_parse_record()tdb_printfreelist()tdb_purge_dead()tdb_store()tdb_traverse_internal()tdb_validate_freelist().

00194 {
00195         int ret = -1;
00196         int i;
00197         struct tdb_lock_type *lck = NULL;
00199         /* a global lock allows us to avoid per chain locks */
00200         if (tdb->global_lock.count && 
00201             (ltype == tdb->global_lock.ltype || ltype == F_RDLCK)) {
00202                 return 0;
00203         }
00205         if (tdb->global_lock.count) {
00206                 return TDB_ERRCODE(TDB_ERR_LOCK, -1);
00207         }
00209         if (tdb->flags & TDB_NOLOCK)
00210                 return 0;
00212         /* Sanity checks */
00213         if (list < -1 || list >= (int)tdb->header.hash_size) {
00214                 TDB_LOG((tdb, TDB_DEBUG_ERROR, "tdb_unlock: list %d invalid (%d)\n", list, tdb->header.hash_size));
00215                 return ret;
00216         }
00218         for (i=0; i<tdb->num_lockrecs; i++) {
00219                 if (tdb->lockrecs[i].list == list) {
00220                         lck = &tdb->lockrecs[i];
00221                         break;
00222                 }
00223         }
00225         if ((lck == NULL) || (lck->count == 0)) {
00226                 TDB_LOG((tdb, TDB_DEBUG_ERROR, "tdb_unlock: count is 0\n"));
00227                 return -1;
00228         }
00230         if (lck->count > 1) {
00231                 lck->count--;
00232                 return 0;
00233         }
00235         /*
00236          * This lock has count==1 left, so we need to unlock it in the
00237          * kernel. We don't bother with decrementing the in-memory array
00238          * element, we're about to overwrite it with the last array element
00239          * anyway.
00240          */
00242         ret = tdb->methods->tdb_brlock(tdb, FREELIST_TOP+4*list, F_UNLCK,
00243                                        F_SETLKW, 0, 1);
00244         tdb->num_locks--;
00246         /*
00247          * Shrink the array by overwriting the element just unlocked with the
00248          * last array element.
00249          */
00251         if (tdb->num_lockrecs > 1) {
00252                 *lck = tdb->lockrecs[tdb->num_lockrecs-1];
00253         }
00254         tdb->num_lockrecs -= 1;
00256         /*
00257          * We don't bother with realloc when the array shrinks, but if we have
00258          * a completely idle tdb we should get rid of the locked array.
00259          */
00261         if (tdb->num_lockrecs == 0) {
00262                 SAFE_FREE(tdb->lockrecs);
00263         }
00265         if (ret)
00266                 TDB_LOG((tdb, TDB_DEBUG_ERROR, "tdb_unlock: An error occurred unlocking!\n")); 
00267         return ret;
00268 }

static int _tdb_lockall ( struct tdb_context tdb,
int  ltype 
) [static]

lock.c273 行で定義されています。

参照先 tdb_lock_type::counterrnotdb_context::global_locktdb_header::hash_sizetdb_context::headertdb_lock_type::ltypetdb_context::methodstdb_context::num_lockstdb_context::read_onlystrerror()tdbtdb_methods::tdb_brlockTDB_DEBUG_ERRORTDB_ERR_LOCKtdb_context::traverse_read.

参照元 tdb_lockall()tdb_lockall_read().

00274 {
00275         /* There are no locks on read-only dbs */
00276         if (tdb->read_only || tdb->traverse_read)
00277                 return TDB_ERRCODE(TDB_ERR_LOCK, -1);
00279         if (tdb->global_lock.count && tdb->global_lock.ltype == ltype) {
00280                 tdb->global_lock.count++;
00281                 return 0;
00282         }
00284         if (tdb->global_lock.count) {
00285                 /* a global lock of a different type exists */
00286                 return TDB_ERRCODE(TDB_ERR_LOCK, -1);
00287         }
00289         if (tdb->num_locks != 0) {
00290                 /* can't combine global and chain locks */
00291                 return TDB_ERRCODE(TDB_ERR_LOCK, -1);
00292         }
00294         if (tdb->methods->tdb_brlock(tdb, FREELIST_TOP, ltype, F_SETLKW, 
00295                                      0, 4*tdb->header.hash_size)) {
00296                 TDB_LOG((tdb, TDB_DEBUG_ERROR, "tdb_lockall failed (%s)\n", strerror(errno)));
00297                 return -1;
00298         }
00300         tdb->global_lock.count = 1;
00301         tdb->global_lock.ltype = ltype;
00303         return 0;
00304 }

static int _tdb_unlockall ( struct tdb_context tdb,
int  ltype 
) [static]

lock.c307 行で定義されています。

参照先 tdb_lock_type::counterrnotdb_context::global_locktdb_header::hash_sizetdb_context::headertdb_lock_type::ltypetdb_context::methodstdb_context::read_onlystrerror()tdbtdb_methods::tdb_brlockTDB_DEBUG_ERRORTDB_ERR_LOCKtdb_context::traverse_read.

参照元 tdb_unlockall()tdb_unlockall_read().

00308 {
00309         /* There are no locks on read-only dbs */
00310         if (tdb->read_only || tdb->traverse_read) {
00311                 return TDB_ERRCODE(TDB_ERR_LOCK, -1);
00312         }
00314         if (tdb->global_lock.ltype != ltype || tdb->global_lock.count == 0) {
00315                 return TDB_ERRCODE(TDB_ERR_LOCK, -1);
00316         }
00318         if (tdb->global_lock.count > 1) {
00319                 tdb->global_lock.count--;
00320                 return 0;
00321         }
00323         if (tdb->methods->tdb_brlock(tdb, FREELIST_TOP, F_UNLCK, F_SETLKW, 
00324                                      0, 4*tdb->header.hash_size)) {
00325                 TDB_LOG((tdb, TDB_DEBUG_ERROR, "tdb_unlockall failed (%s)\n", strerror(errno)));
00326                 return -1;
00327         }
00329         tdb->global_lock.count = 0;
00330         tdb->global_lock.ltype = 0;
00332         return 0;
00333 }

int tdb_lockall ( struct tdb_context tdb  ) 

lock.c336 行で定義されています。

参照先 _tdb_lockall()tdb.

参照元 backup_tdb()load_msg()py_tdb_hnd_lock_all().

00337 {
00338         return _tdb_lockall(tdb, F_WRLCK);
00339 }

int tdb_unlockall ( struct tdb_context tdb  ) 

lock.c342 行で定義されています。

参照先 _tdb_unlockall()tdb.

参照元 load_msg()py_tdb_hnd_unlock_all().

00343 {
00344         return _tdb_unlockall(tdb, F_WRLCK);
00345 }

int tdb_lockall_read ( struct tdb_context tdb  ) 

lock.c348 行で定義されています。

参照先 _tdb_lockall()tdb.

00349 {
00350         return _tdb_lockall(tdb, F_RDLCK);
00351 }

int tdb_unlockall_read ( struct tdb_context tdb  ) 

lock.c354 行で定義されています。

参照先 _tdb_unlockall()tdb.

00355 {
00356         return _tdb_unlockall(tdb, F_RDLCK);
00357 }

int tdb_chainlock ( struct tdb_context tdb,
TDB_DATA  key 

lock.c361 行で定義されています。

参照先 tdb_context::hash_fntdbtdb_lock().

参照元 addrec_db()brl_get_locks_internal()get_share_mode_lock()idmap_tdb_remove_mapping()idmap_tdb_set_mapping()message_send_pid_internal()py_tdb_hnd_chainlock()retrieve_all_messages()smb_lock_share_mode_entry()tdb_chainlock_with_timeout_internal()tdb_lock_bystring().

00362 {
00363         return tdb_lock(tdb, BUCKET(tdb->hash_fn(&key)), F_WRLCK);
00364 }

int tdb_chainunlock ( struct tdb_context tdb,
TDB_DATA  key 

lock.c366 行で定義されています。

参照先 tdb_context::hash_fntdbtdb_unlock().

参照元 addrec_db()byte_range_lock_destructor()idmap_tdb_remove_mapping()idmap_tdb_set_mapping()message_send_pid_internal()py_tdb_hnd_chainunlock()remove_from_jobs_changed()retrieve_all_messages()share_mode_lock_destructor()smb_unlock_share_mode_entry()tdb_unlock_bystring().

00367 {
00368         return tdb_unlock(tdb, BUCKET(tdb->hash_fn(&key)), F_WRLCK);
00369 }

int tdb_chainlock_read ( struct tdb_context tdb,
TDB_DATA  key 

lock.c371 行で定義されています。

参照先 tdb_context::hash_fntdbtdb_lock().

参照元 tdb_chainlock_with_timeout_internal().

00372 {
00373         return tdb_lock(tdb, BUCKET(tdb->hash_fn(&key)), F_RDLCK);
00374 }

int tdb_chainunlock_read ( struct tdb_context tdb,
TDB_DATA  key 

lock.c376 行で定義されています。

参照先 tdb_context::hash_fntdbtdb_unlock().

参照元 tdb_read_unlock_bystring().

00377 {
00378         return tdb_unlock(tdb, BUCKET(tdb->hash_fn(&key)), F_RDLCK);
00379 }

int tdb_lock_record ( struct tdb_context tdb,
tdb_off_t  off 

lock.c384 行で定義されています。

参照先 tdb_context::methodstdbtdb_methods::tdb_brlock.

参照元 tdb_next_lock()tdb_nextkey().

00385 {
00386         return off ? tdb->methods->tdb_brlock(tdb, off, F_RDLCK, F_SETLKW, 0, 1) : 0;
00387 }

int tdb_write_lock_record ( struct tdb_context tdb,
tdb_off_t  off 

lock.c394 行で定義されています。

参照先 tdb_context::methodstdb_traverse_lock::nexttdb_traverse_lock::offtdbtdb_methods::tdb_brlocktdb_context::travlocks.

参照元 tdb_do_delete().

00395 {
00396         struct tdb_traverse_lock *i;
00397         for (i = &tdb->travlocks; i; i = i->next)
00398                 if (i->off == off)
00399                         return -1;
00400         return tdb->methods->tdb_brlock(tdb, off, F_WRLCK, F_SETLK, 1, 1);
00401 }

int tdb_write_unlock_record ( struct tdb_context tdb,
tdb_off_t  off 

lock.c407 行で定義されています。

参照先 tdb_context::methodstdbtdb_methods::tdb_brlock.

参照元 tdb_do_delete().

00408 {
00409         return tdb->methods->tdb_brlock(tdb, off, F_UNLCK, F_SETLK, 0, 1);
00410 }

int tdb_unlock_record ( struct tdb_context tdb,
tdb_off_t  off 

lock.c413 行で定義されています。

参照先 tdb_context::methodstdb_traverse_lock::nexttdb_traverse_lock::offtdbtdb_methods::tdb_brlocktdb_context::travlocks.

参照元 tdb_firstkey()tdb_next_lock()tdb_nextkey()tdb_traverse_internal().

00414 {
00415         struct tdb_traverse_lock *i;
00416         u32 count = 0;
00418         if (off == 0)
00419                 return 0;
00420         for (i = &tdb->travlocks; i; i = i->next)
00421                 if (i->off == off)
00422                         count++;
00423         return (count == 1 ? tdb->methods->tdb_brlock(tdb, off, F_UNLCK, F_SETLKW, 0, 1) : 0);
00424 }

Sambaに対してSat Aug 29 21:24:30 2009に生成されました。  doxygen 1.4.7