
00001 /* 
00002    Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
00003    Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1998
00005    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00006    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00007    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00008    (at your option) any later version.
00010    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00011    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013    GNU General Public License for more details.
00015    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00016    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00017    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00018 */
00020 #include "includes.h"
00022 /* error code stuff - put together by Merik Karman
00023 */
00026 /* There is a big list of error codes and their meanings at:
00030    and if you don't like MSDN try:
00034 */
00036 typedef const struct
00037 {
00038   const char *name;
00039   int code;
00040   const char *message;
00041 } err_code_struct;
00043 /* Dos Error Messages */
00044 err_code_struct dos_msgs[] = {
00045   {"ERRbadfunc",ERRbadfunc,"Invalid function."},
00046   {"ERRbadfile",ERRbadfile,"File not found."},
00047   {"ERRbadpath",ERRbadpath,"Directory invalid."},
00048   {"ERRnofids",ERRnofids,"No file descriptors available"},
00049   {"ERRnoaccess",ERRnoaccess,"Access denied."},
00050   {"ERRbadfid",ERRbadfid,"Invalid file handle."},
00051   {"ERRbadmcb",ERRbadmcb,"Memory control blocks destroyed."},
00052   {"ERRnomem",ERRnomem,"Insufficient server memory to perform the requested function."},
00053   {"ERRbadmem",ERRbadmem,"Invalid memory block address."},
00054   {"ERRbadenv",ERRbadenv,"Invalid environment."},
00055   {"ERRbadformat",11,"Invalid format."},
00056   {"ERRbadaccess",ERRbadaccess,"Invalid open mode."},
00057   {"ERRbaddata",ERRbaddata,"Invalid data."},
00058   {"ERRres",ERRres,"reserved."},
00059   {"ERRbaddrive",ERRbaddrive,"Invalid drive specified."},
00060   {"ERRremcd",ERRremcd,"A Delete Directory request attempted  to  remove  the  server's  current directory."},
00061   {"ERRdiffdevice",ERRdiffdevice,"Not same device."},
00062   {"ERRnofiles",ERRnofiles,"A File Search command can find no more files matching the specified criteria."},
00063   {"ERRbadshare",ERRbadshare,"The sharing mode specified for an Open conflicts with existing  FIDs  on the file."},
00064   {"ERRlock",ERRlock,"A Lock request conflicted with an existing lock or specified an  invalid mode,  or an Unlock requested attempted to remove a lock held by another process."},
00065   {"ERRunsup", ERRunsup, "The operation is unsupported"},
00066   {"ERRnosuchshare", ERRnosuchshare, "You specified an invalid share name"},
00067   {"ERRfilexists",ERRfilexists,"The file named in a Create Directory, Make  New  File  or  Link  request already exists."},
00068   {"ERRinvalidname",ERRinvalidname, "Invalid name"},
00069   {"ERRbadpipe",ERRbadpipe,"Pipe invalid."},
00070   {"ERRpipebusy",ERRpipebusy,"All instances of the requested pipe are busy."},
00071   {"ERRpipeclosing",ERRpipeclosing,"Pipe close in progress."},
00072   {"ERRnotconnected",ERRnotconnected,"No process on other end of pipe."},
00073   {"ERRmoredata",ERRmoredata,"There is more data to be returned."},
00074   {"ERRinvgroup",ERRinvgroup,"Invalid workgroup (try the -W option)"},
00075   {"ERRlogonfailure",ERRlogonfailure,"Logon failure"},
00076   {"ERRdiskfull",ERRdiskfull,"Disk full"},
00077   {"ERRgeneral",ERRgeneral, "General failure"},
00078   {"ERRbaddirectory", ERRbaddirectory, "Bad directory name"},
00079   {"ERRunknownlevel",ERRunknownlevel, "Unknown info level"},
00080   {NULL,-1,NULL}};
00082 /* Server Error Messages */
00083 err_code_struct server_msgs[] = {
00084   {"ERRerror",1,"Non-specific error code."},
00085   {"ERRbadpw",2,"Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid."},
00086   {"ERRbadtype",3,"reserved."},
00087   {"ERRaccess",4,"The requester does not have  the  necessary  access  rights  within  the specified  context for the requested function. The context is defined by the TID or the UID."},
00088   {"ERRinvnid",5,"The tree ID (TID) specified in a command was invalid."},
00089   {"ERRinvnetname",6,"Invalid network name in tree connect."},
00090   {"ERRinvdevice",7,"Invalid device - printer request made to non-printer connection or  non-printer request made to printer connection."},
00091   {"ERRqfull",49,"Print queue full (files) -- returned by open print file."},
00092   {"ERRqtoobig",50,"Print queue full -- no space."},
00093   {"ERRqeof",51,"EOF on print queue dump."},
00094   {"ERRinvpfid",52,"Invalid print file FID."},
00095   {"ERRsmbcmd",64,"The server did not recognize the command received."},
00096   {"ERRsrverror",65,"The server encountered an internal error, e.g., system file unavailable."},
00097   {"ERRfilespecs",67,"The file handle (FID) and pathname parameters contained an invalid  combination of values."},
00098   {"ERRreserved",68,"reserved."},
00099   {"ERRbadpermits",69,"The access permissions specified for a file or directory are not a valid combination.  The server cannot set the requested attribute."},
00100   {"ERRreserved",70,"reserved."},
00101   {"ERRsetattrmode",71,"The attribute mode in the Set File Attribute request is invalid."},
00102   {"ERRpaused",81,"Server is paused."},
00103   {"ERRmsgoff",82,"Not receiving messages."},
00104   {"ERRnoroom",83,"No room to buffer message."},
00105   {"ERRrmuns",87,"Too many remote user names."},
00106   {"ERRtimeout",88,"Operation timed out."},
00107   {"ERRnoresource",89,"No resources currently available for request."},
00108   {"ERRtoomanyuids",90,"Too many UIDs active on this session."},
00109   {"ERRbaduid",91,"The UID is not known as a valid ID on this session."},
00110   {"ERRusempx",250,"Temp unable to support Raw, use MPX mode."},
00111   {"ERRusestd",251,"Temp unable to support Raw, use standard read/write."},
00112   {"ERRcontmpx",252,"Continue in MPX mode."},
00113   {"ERRreserved",253,"reserved."},
00114   {"ERRreserved",254,"reserved."},
00115   {"ERRnosupport",0xFFFF,"Function not supported."},
00116   {NULL,-1,NULL}};
00118 /* Hard Error Messages */
00119 err_code_struct hard_msgs[] = {
00120   {"ERRnowrite",19,"Attempt to write on write-protected diskette."},
00121   {"ERRbadunit",20,"Unknown unit."},
00122   {"ERRnotready",21,"Drive not ready."},
00123   {"ERRbadcmd",22,"Unknown command."},
00124   {"ERRdata",23,"Data error (CRC)."},
00125   {"ERRbadreq",24,"Bad request structure length."},
00126   {"ERRseek",25 ,"Seek error."},
00127   {"ERRbadmedia",26,"Unknown media type."},
00128   {"ERRbadsector",27,"Sector not found."},
00129   {"ERRnopaper",28,"Printer out of paper."},
00130   {"ERRwrite",29,"Write fault."},
00131   {"ERRread",30,"Read fault."},
00132   {"ERRgeneral",31,"General failure."},
00133   {"ERRbadshare",32,"An open conflicts with an existing open."},
00134   {"ERRlock",33,"A Lock request conflicted with an existing lock or specified an invalid mode, or an Unlock requested attempted to remove a lock held by another process."},
00135   {"ERRwrongdisk",34,"The wrong disk was found in a drive."},
00136   {"ERRFCBUnavail",35,"No FCBs are available to process request."},
00137   {"ERRsharebufexc",36,"A sharing buffer has been exceeded."},
00138   {NULL,-1,NULL}};
00141 const struct
00142 {
00143   int code;
00144   const char *e_class;
00145   err_code_struct *err_msgs;
00146 } err_classes[] = { 
00147   {0,"SUCCESS",NULL},
00148   {0x01,"ERRDOS",dos_msgs},
00149   {0x02,"ERRSRV",server_msgs},
00150   {0x03,"ERRHRD",hard_msgs},
00151   {0x04,"ERRXOS",NULL},
00152   {0xE1,"ERRRMX1",NULL},
00153   {0xE2,"ERRRMX2",NULL},
00154   {0xE3,"ERRRMX3",NULL},
00155   {0xFF,"ERRCMD",NULL},
00156   {-1,NULL,NULL}};
00159 /****************************************************************************
00160 return a SMB error name from a class and code
00161 ****************************************************************************/
00162 const char *smb_dos_err_name(uint8 e_class, uint16 num)
00163 {
00164         static pstring ret;
00165         int i,j;
00167         for (i=0;err_classes[i].e_class;i++)
00168                 if (err_classes[i].code == e_class) {
00169                         if (err_classes[i].err_msgs) {
00170                                 err_code_struct *err = err_classes[i].err_msgs;
00171                                 for (j=0;err[j].name;j++)
00172                                         if (num == err[j].code) {
00173                                                 return err[j].name;
00174                                         }
00175                         }
00176                         slprintf(ret, sizeof(ret) - 1, "%d",num);
00177                         return ret;
00178                 }
00180         slprintf(ret, sizeof(ret) - 1, "Error: Unknown error class (%d,%d)",e_class,num);
00181         return(ret);
00182 }
00184 /* Return a string for a DOS error */
00186 const char *get_dos_error_msg(WERROR result)
00187 {
00188         uint16 errnum;
00190         errnum = W_ERROR_V(result);
00192         return smb_dos_err_name(ERRDOS, errnum);
00193 }
00195 /****************************************************************************
00196 return a SMB error class name as a string.
00197 ****************************************************************************/
00198 const char *smb_dos_err_class(uint8 e_class)
00199 {
00200         static pstring ret;
00201         int i;
00203         for (i=0;err_classes[i].e_class;i++) {
00204                 if (err_classes[i].code == e_class) {
00205                         return err_classes[i].e_class;
00206                 }
00207         }
00209         slprintf(ret, sizeof(ret) - 1, "Error: Unknown class (%d)",e_class);
00210         return(ret);
00211 }
00213 /****************************************************************************
00214 return a SMB string from an SMB buffer
00215 ****************************************************************************/
00216 char *smb_dos_errstr(char *inbuf)
00217 {
00218         static pstring ret;
00219         int e_class = CVAL(inbuf,smb_rcls);
00220         int num = SVAL(inbuf,smb_err);
00221         int i,j;
00223         for (i=0;err_classes[i].e_class;i++)
00224                 if (err_classes[i].code == e_class) {
00225                         if (err_classes[i].err_msgs) {
00226                                 err_code_struct *err = err_classes[i].err_msgs;
00227                                 for (j=0;err[j].name;j++)
00228                                         if (num == err[j].code) {
00229                                                 if (DEBUGLEVEL > 0)
00230                                                         slprintf(ret, sizeof(ret) - 1, "%s - %s (%s)",
00231                                                                  err_classes[i].e_class,
00232                                                                  err[j].name,err[j].message);
00233                                                 else
00234                                                         slprintf(ret, sizeof(ret) - 1, "%s - %s",
00235                                                                  err_classes[i].e_class,err[j].name);
00236                                                 return ret;
00237                                         }
00238                         }
00240                         slprintf(ret, sizeof(ret) - 1, "%s - %d",err_classes[i].e_class,num);
00241                         return ret;
00242                 }
00244         slprintf(ret, sizeof(ret) - 1, "Error: Unknown error (%d,%d)",e_class,num);
00245         return(ret);
00246 }
00248 /*****************************************************************************
00249 map a unix errno to a win32 error
00250  *****************************************************************************/
00251 WERROR map_werror_from_unix(int error)
00252 {
00253         NTSTATUS status = map_nt_error_from_unix(error);
00254         return ntstatus_to_werror(status);
00255 }

Sambaに対してSat Aug 29 21:23:06 2009に生成されました。  doxygen 1.4.7