グローバル check_unix_security
This call assumes a ASCII password, no charset transformation is done. We may need to revisit this

ファイル dynconfig.c
Perhaps eventually these should be merged into the parameter table? There's kind of a chicken-and-egg situation there...

グローバル smbc_chown
Are we actually going to be able to implement this function

グローバル smbc_chown
How do we abstract owner and group uid and gid?

グローバル poptAddAlias
Pass alias by reference, not value.

グローバル poptCallbackType

グローバル poptCallbackType

グローバル showShortOptions
Sub-tables should be recursed.

ファイル net_rpc.c
Perhaps eventually these should be split out into a number of files, as this could get quite big.

グローバル smbc_lseek
Are all the whence values really supported?

グローバル smbc_lseek
Are errno values complete and correct?

グローバル smbc_unlink
Are errno values complete and correct?

グローバル smbc_rename
Are we going to support copying when urls are not on the same share? I say no... NOTE. I agree for the moment.

グローバル smbc_getdents
Are errno values complete and correct?

グローバル smbc_getdents
Add example code so people know how to parse buffers.

グローバル smbc_lseekdir
In what does the reture and errno values mean?

グローバル smbc_rmdir
Are errno values complete and correct?

グローバル smbc_chmod
Actually implement this fuction?

グローバル smbc_chmod
Are errno values complete and correct?

グローバル smbc_unlink_print_job
what errno values are possible here?

Sambaに対してSat Aug 29 21:24:38 2009に生成されました。  doxygen 1.4.7