


BOOL set_global_myname (const char *myname)
const char * global_myname (void)
BOOL set_global_myname_override (const char *myname)
const char * global_myname_override (void)
BOOL set_global_myworkgroup (const char *myworkgroup)
const char * lp_workgroup (void)
BOOL set_global_scope (const char *scope)
const char * global_scope (void)
static void free_netbios_names_array (void)
static BOOL allocate_my_netbios_names_array (size_t number)
static BOOL set_my_netbios_names (const char *name, int i)
void gfree_names (void)
void gfree_all (void)
const char * my_netbios_names (int i)
BOOL set_netbios_aliases (const char **str_array)
BOOL init_names (void)
const char * tmpdir (void)
BOOL add_gid_to_array_unique (TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, gid_t gid, gid_t **gids, size_t *num_gids)
static const char * Atoic (const char *p, int *n, const char *c)
const char * get_numlist (const char *p, uint32 **num, int *count)
BOOL file_exist (const char *fname, SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf)
time_t file_modtime (const char *fname)
BOOL directory_exist (char *dname, SMB_STRUCT_STAT *st)
SMB_OFF_T get_file_size (char *file_name)
char * attrib_string (uint16 mode)
void show_msg (char *buf)
void smb_setlen (char *buf, int len)
int set_message (char *buf, int num_words, int num_bytes, BOOL zero)
int set_message_bcc (char *buf, int num_bytes)
int set_message_end (void *outbuf, void *end_ptr)
void dos_clean_name (char *s)
void unix_clean_name (char *s)
void clean_name (char *s)
void close_low_fds (BOOL stderr_too)
ssize_t write_data_at_offset (int fd, const char *buffer, size_t N, SMB_OFF_T pos)
int set_blocking (int fd, BOOL set)
ssize_t transfer_file_internal (int infd, int outfd, size_t n, ssize_t(*read_fn)(int, void *, size_t), ssize_t(*write_fn)(int, const void *, size_t))
SMB_OFF_T transfer_file (int infd, int outfd, SMB_OFF_T n)
void smb_msleep (unsigned int t)
void become_daemon (BOOL Fork, BOOL no_process_group)
BOOL yesno (char *p)
void * malloc_ (size_t size)
static void * calloc_ (size_t count, size_t size)
static void * realloc_ (void *ptr, size_t size)
void * malloc_array (size_t el_size, unsigned int count)
void * memalign_array (size_t el_size, size_t align, unsigned int count)
void * calloc_array (size_t size, size_t nmemb)
void * Realloc (void *p, size_t size, BOOL free_old_on_error)
void * realloc_array (void *p, size_t el_size, unsigned int count, BOOL free_old_on_error)
void add_to_large_array (TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, size_t element_size, void *element, void *_array, uint32 *num_elements, ssize_t *array_size)
void safe_free (void *p)
BOOL get_myname (char *my_name)
BOOL get_mydnsfullname (fstring my_dnsname)
BOOL get_mydnsdomname (fstring my_domname)
int interpret_protocol (const char *str, int def)
BOOL is_ipaddress (const char *str)
uint32 interpret_addr (const char *str)
in_addr * interpret_addr2 (const char *str)
BOOL is_zero_ip (struct in_addr ip)
void zero_ip (struct in_addr *ip)
static void strip_mount_options (pstring *str)
char * automount_lookup (const char *user_name)
BOOL same_net (struct in_addr ip1, struct in_addr ip2, struct in_addr mask)
BOOL process_exists (const struct process_id pid)
BOOL process_exists_by_pid (pid_t pid)
const char * uidtoname (uid_t uid)
char * gidtoname (gid_t gid)
uid_t nametouid (const char *name)
gid_t nametogid (const char *name)
void smb_panic (const char *const why)
void log_stack_trace (void)
const char * readdirname (SMB_STRUCT_DIR *p)
BOOL is_in_path (const char *name, name_compare_entry *namelist, BOOL case_sensitive)
void set_namearray (name_compare_entry **ppname_array, char *namelist)
void free_namearray (name_compare_entry *name_array)
BOOL fcntl_lock (int fd, int op, SMB_OFF_T offset, SMB_OFF_T count, int type)
BOOL fcntl_getlock (int fd, SMB_OFF_T *poffset, SMB_OFF_T *pcount, int *ptype, pid_t *ppid)
BOOL is_myname (const char *s)
BOOL is_myname_or_ipaddr (const char *s)
BOOL is_myworkgroup (const char *s)
void ra_lanman_string (const char *native_lanman)
void set_remote_arch (enum remote_arch_types type)
enum remote_arch_types get_remote_arch (void)
void print_asc (int level, const unsigned char *buf, int len)
void dump_data (int level, const char *buf1, int len)
void dump_data_pw (const char *msg, const uchar *data, size_t len)
char * tab_depth (int depth)
int str_checksum (const char *s)
void zero_free (void *p, size_t size)
int set_maxfiles (int requested_max)
int smb_mkstemp (char *name_template)
void * smb_xmalloc_array (size_t size, unsigned int count)
void * smb_xmemdup (const void *p, size_t size)
 Memdup with smb_panic on fail.
char * smb_xstrdup (const char *s)
 strdup that aborts on malloc fail.
char * smb_xstrndup (const char *s, size_t n)
 strndup that aborts on malloc fail.
int smb_xvasprintf (char **ptr, const char *format, va_list ap)
void * memdup (const void *p, size_t size)
char * myhostname (void)
char * lock_path (const char *name)
char * pid_path (const char *name)
char * lib_path (const char *name)
 Returns an absolute path to a file in the Samba lib directory.
const char * shlib_ext (void)
 Returns the platform specific shared library extension.
char * parent_dirname (const char *path)
BOOL parent_dirname_talloc (TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const char *dir, char **parent, const char **name)
BOOL ms_has_wild (const char *s)
BOOL ms_has_wild_w (const smb_ucs2_t *s)
BOOL mask_match (const char *string, const char *pattern, BOOL is_case_sensitive)
BOOL mask_match_search (const char *string, const char *pattern, BOOL is_case_sensitive)
BOOL mask_match_list (const char *string, char **list, int listLen, BOOL is_case_sensitive)
static BOOL unix_do_match (const char *regexp, const char *str)
BOOL unix_wild_match (const char *pattern, const char *string)
BOOL name_to_fqdn (fstring fqdn, const char *name)
void * talloc_check_name_abort (const void *ptr, const char *name)
int _Insure_trap_error (int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6)
uint32 map_share_mode_to_deny_mode (uint32 share_access, uint32 private_options)
pid_t procid_to_pid (const struct process_id *proc)
process_id pid_to_procid (pid_t pid)
process_id procid_self (void)
server_id server_id_self (void)
BOOL procid_equal (const struct process_id *p1, const struct process_id *p2)
BOOL cluster_id_equal (const struct server_id *id1, const struct server_id *id2)
BOOL procid_is_me (const struct process_id *pid)
process_id interpret_pid (const char *pid_string)
char * procid_str_static (const struct process_id *pid)
char * procid_str (TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct process_id *pid)
BOOL procid_valid (const struct process_id *pid)
BOOL procid_is_local (const struct process_id *pid)
int this_is_smp (void)
BOOL is_offset_safe (const char *buf_base, size_t buf_len, char *ptr, size_t off)
char * get_safe_ptr (const char *buf_base, size_t buf_len, char *ptr, size_t off)
char * get_safe_str_ptr (const char *buf_base, size_t buf_len, char *ptr, size_t off)
int get_safe_SVAL (const char *buf_base, size_t buf_len, char *ptr, size_t off, int failval)
int get_safe_IVAL (const char *buf_base, size_t buf_len, char *ptr, size_t off, int failval)
void * _talloc_zero_zeronull (const void *ctx, size_t size, const char *name)
void * _talloc_memdup_zeronull (const void *t, const void *p, size_t size, const char *name)
void * _talloc_array_zeronull (const void *ctx, size_t el_size, unsigned count, const char *name)
void * _talloc_zero_array_zeronull (const void *ctx, size_t el_size, unsigned count, const char *name)
void * talloc_zeronull (const void *context, size_t size, const char *name)


fstring local_machine
char * global_clobber_region_function
unsigned int global_clobber_region_line
fstring remote_arch
enum protocol_types Protocol = PROTOCOL_COREPLUS
file_info def_finfo
int chain_size = 0
int trans_num = 0
static enum remote_arch_types ra_type = RA_UNKNOWN
pstring user_socket_options = DEFAULT_SOCKET_OPTIONS
static char * smb_myname
static char * smb_myname_override
static char * smb_myworkgroup
static char * smb_scope
static int smb_num_netbios_names
static char ** smb_my_netbios_names


BOOL set_global_myname ( const char *  myname  ) 

util.c89 行で定義されています。

参照先 smb_mynamestrupper_m().

参照元 handle_netbios_name()init_globals()init_names()main().

00090 {
00091         SAFE_FREE(smb_myname);
00092         smb_myname = SMB_STRDUP(myname);
00093         if (!smb_myname)
00094                 return False;
00095         strupper_m(smb_myname);
00096         return True;
00097 }

const char* global_myname ( void   ) 

util.c99 行で定義されています。

参照先 global_mynamesmb_myname.

00100 {
00101         return smb_myname;
00102 }

BOOL set_global_myname_override ( const char *  myname  ) 

util.c109 行で定義されています。

参照先 smb_myname_overridestrdup()strupper_m().

参照元 popt_common_callback().

00110 {
00111         SAFE_FREE(smb_myname_override);
00112         smb_myname_override = strdup(myname);
00113         if (!smb_myname_override)
00114                 return False;
00115         strupper_m(smb_myname_override);
00116         return True;
00117 }

const char* global_myname_override ( void   ) 

util.c119 行で定義されています。

参照先 smb_myname_override.

参照元 handle_netbios_name()init_globals().

00120 {
00121         return smb_myname_override;
00122 }

BOOL set_global_myworkgroup ( const char *  myworkgroup  ) 

util.c129 行で定義されています。

参照先 smb_myworkgroupstrupper_m().

参照元 get_auth_data_fn()get_credentials_file()handle_workgroup()init_globals()main()popt_common_callback().

00130 {
00131         SAFE_FREE(smb_myworkgroup);
00132         smb_myworkgroup = SMB_STRDUP(myworkgroup);
00133         if (!smb_myworkgroup)
00134                 return False;
00135         strupper_m(smb_myworkgroup);
00136         return True;
00137 }

const char* lp_workgroup ( void   ) 

util.c139 行で定義されています。

参照先 smb_myworkgroup.

参照元 _lsa_query_info()_lsa_query_info2()_net_auth_2()_net_sam_logon_internal()_samr_query_domain_info()ad_idmap_cached_connection_internal()add_builtin_administrators()add_domain_names()add_logon_names()add_signature()ads_cached_connection()ads_change_trust_account_password()ads_dc_name()ads_find_dc()ads_init()ads_keytab_add_entry()ads_kinit_password()ads_secrets_verify_ticket()announce_my_lm_server_names()announce_my_server_names()announce_remote()api_NetWkstaGetInfo()api_RNetServerEnum()api_RNetServerGetInfo()api_WWkstaUserLogon()assume_domain()assume_own_realm()become_logon_server_success()browse_sync_remote()check_domain_match()check_for_master_browser_fail()check_master_browser_exists()check_ntdomain_security()check_plaintext_password()check_published_printers()check_samstrict_security()cm_get_ipc_userpass()cm_prepare_connection()cmd_logon()cmd_netlogon_change_trust_pw()cmd_netlogon_sam_logon()cmd_spoolss_printercmp()collect_all_workgroup_names_from_wins_server()connect_one()construct_default_printer_sdb()create_builtin_administrators()create_builtin_users()create_schannel_auth_rpc_bind_req()create_wks_info_100()do_cmd()do_connect()do_host_query()fetch_database_to_ldif()fill_dsrole_dominfo_basic()get_dc_list()get_dc_name()get_dcs()get_global_sam_name()get_ipc_connect()get_server_info()get_trust_pw_clear()get_winbind_domain()get_workgroups()handle_workgroup()idmap_init()init_domain_list()init_globals()initiate_myworkgroup_startup()is_myworkgroup()is_our_primary_domain()is_trusted_domain_situation()just_change_the_password()longvar_domainsid()lookup_name()main()make_user_info_map()my_sam_name()net_ads_check_our_domain()net_ads_join()net_changesecretpw()net_setdomainsid()nmbd_message_election()nt_printer_publish()nt_printing_getsec()nt_token_check_domain_rid()ntlm_auth_start_ntlmssp_server()ntlmssp_client_start()ntlmssp_server_start()parse_domain_user()parse_quota_set()password_ok()pdb_generate_sam_sid()popt_common_credentials_callback()populate_ldap_for_ldif()process_announce_request()process_election()process_get_backup_list_request()process_host_announce()process_lm_announce_request()process_lm_host_announce()process_logon_packet()process_master_browser_announce()process_name_release_request()py_auth_smbd()py_config_dict()py_name_to_sid()register_my_workgroup_and_names()register_my_workgroup_one_subnet()register_name_response()reply_nt1()rpc_trustdom_establish()rpc_trustdom_list()rpc_trustdom_vampire()rpccli_net_auth2()sam_account_from_delta()secrets_fetch_ipc_userpass()smbc_init_context()sync_all_dmbs()timeout_processing()update_trustdom_cache()wbinfo_auth_crap()winbindd_domain_name()winbindd_dual_pam_auth_crap()winbindd_dual_pam_auth_samlogon()winbindd_dual_pam_chng_pswd_auth_crap()winbindd_getpwnam()winbindd_pam_auth_crap()winbindd_pam_chng_pswd_auth_crap()winbindd_setpwent_internal()write_browse_list()write_this_workgroup_name().

00140 {
00141         return smb_myworkgroup;
00142 }

BOOL set_global_scope ( const char *  scope  ) 

util.c148 行で定義されています。

参照先 smb_scopestrupper_m().

参照元 global_scope()handle_netbios_scope()parse_mount_smb()popt_common_callback().

00149 {
00150         SAFE_FREE(smb_scope);
00151         smb_scope = SMB_STRDUP(scope);
00152         if (!smb_scope)
00153                 return False;
00154         strupper_m(smb_scope);
00155         return True;
00156 }

const char* global_scope ( void   ) 

util.c162 行で定義されています。

参照先 set_global_scope()smb_scope.

参照元 handle_netbios_scope()make_nmb_name()my_make_nmb_name()name_mangle()process_browse_packet()process_lanman_packet()wins_record_to_name_record().

00163 {
00164         if (!smb_scope)
00165                 set_global_scope("");
00166         return smb_scope;
00167 }

static void free_netbios_names_array ( void   )  [static]

util.c169 行で定義されています。

参照先 smb_my_netbios_namessmb_num_netbios_names.

参照元 allocate_my_netbios_names_array()gfree_names().

00170 {
00171         int i;
00173         for (i = 0; i < smb_num_netbios_names; i++)
00174                 SAFE_FREE(smb_my_netbios_names[i]);
00176         SAFE_FREE(smb_my_netbios_names);
00177         smb_num_netbios_names = 0;
00178 }

static BOOL allocate_my_netbios_names_array ( size_t  number  )  [static]

util.c180 行で定義されています。

参照先 free_netbios_names_array()smb_my_netbios_namessmb_num_netbios_names.

参照元 set_netbios_aliases().

00181 {
00182         free_netbios_names_array();
00184         smb_num_netbios_names = number + 1;
00185         smb_my_netbios_names = SMB_MALLOC_ARRAY( char *, smb_num_netbios_names );
00187         if (!smb_my_netbios_names)
00188                 return False;
00190         memset(smb_my_netbios_names, '\0', sizeof(char *) * smb_num_netbios_names);
00191         return True;
00192 }

static BOOL set_my_netbios_names ( const char *  name,
int  i 
) [static]

util.c194 行で定義されています。

参照先 smb_my_netbios_namesstrupper_m().

参照元 set_netbios_aliases().

00195 {
00196         SAFE_FREE(smb_my_netbios_names[i]);
00198         smb_my_netbios_names[i] = SMB_STRDUP(name);
00199         if (!smb_my_netbios_names[i])
00200                 return False;
00201         strupper_m(smb_my_netbios_names[i]);
00202         return True;
00203 }

void gfree_names ( void   ) 

util.c209 行で定義されています。

参照先 free_netbios_names_array()smb_mynamesmb_myworkgroupsmb_scope.

参照元 gfree_all().

00210 {
00211         SAFE_FREE( smb_myname );
00212         SAFE_FREE( smb_myworkgroup );
00213         SAFE_FREE( smb_scope );
00214         free_netbios_names_array();
00215 }

void gfree_all ( void   ) 

util.c217 行で定義されています。

参照先 gfree_case_tables()gfree_charcnv()gfree_debugsyms()gfree_interfaces()gfree_messages()gfree_names()talloc_disable_null_tracking().

00218 {
00219         gfree_names();  
00220         gfree_loadparm();
00221         gfree_case_tables();
00222         gfree_debugsyms();
00223         gfree_charcnv();
00224         gfree_messages();
00225         gfree_interfaces();
00227         /* release the talloc null_context memory last */
00228         talloc_disable_null_tracking();
00229 }

const char* my_netbios_names ( int  i  ) 

util.c231 行で定義されています。

参照先 smb_my_netbios_names.

参照元 add_name_to_subnet()announce_remote()init_names()initiate_myworkgroup_startup()is_myname()register_my_workgroup_and_names()register_my_workgroup_one_subnet()set_netbios_aliases()write_browse_list().

00232 {
00233         return smb_my_netbios_names[i];
00234 }

BOOL set_netbios_aliases ( const char **  str_array  ) 

util.c236 行で定義されています。

参照先 allocate_my_netbios_names_array()global_mynamemy_netbios_names()set_my_netbios_names()strequal().

参照元 handle_netbios_aliases()init_names().

00237 {
00238         size_t namecount;
00240         /* Work out the max number of netbios aliases that we have */
00241         for( namecount=0; str_array && (str_array[namecount] != NULL); namecount++ )
00242                 ;
00244         if ( global_myname() && *global_myname())
00245                 namecount++;
00247         /* Allocate space for the netbios aliases */
00248         if (!allocate_my_netbios_names_array(namecount))
00249                 return False;
00251         /* Use the global_myname string first */
00252         namecount=0;
00253         if ( global_myname() && *global_myname()) {
00254                 set_my_netbios_names( global_myname(), namecount );
00255                 namecount++;
00256         }
00258         if (str_array) {
00259                 size_t i;
00260                 for ( i = 0; str_array[i] != NULL; i++) {
00261                         size_t n;
00262                         BOOL duplicate = False;
00264                         /* Look for duplicates */
00265                         for( n=0; n<namecount; n++ ) {
00266                                 if( strequal( str_array[i], my_netbios_names(n) ) ) {
00267                                         duplicate = True;
00268                                         break;
00269                                 }
00270                         }
00271                         if (!duplicate) {
00272                                 if (!set_my_netbios_names(str_array[i], namecount))
00273                                         return False;
00274                                 namecount++;
00275                         }
00276                 }
00277         }
00278         return True;
00279 }

BOOL init_names ( void   ) 

util.c285 行で定義されています。

参照先 global_mynamelocal_machinemy_netbios_names()myhostname()set_global_myname()set_netbios_aliases()strlower_m()trim_char().

参照元 init_structs()main()py_samba_init().

00286 {
00287         char *p;
00288         int n;
00290         if (global_myname() == NULL || *global_myname() == '\0') {
00291                 if (!set_global_myname(myhostname())) {
00292                         DEBUG( 0, ( "init_structs: malloc fail.\n" ) );
00293                         return False;
00294                 }
00295         }
00297         if (!set_netbios_aliases(lp_netbios_aliases())) {
00298                 DEBUG( 0, ( "init_structs: malloc fail.\n" ) );
00299                 return False;
00300         }                       
00302         fstrcpy( local_machine, global_myname() );
00303         trim_char( local_machine, ' ', ' ' );
00304         p = strchr( local_machine, ' ' );
00305         if (p)
00306                 *p = 0;
00307         strlower_m( local_machine );
00309         DEBUG( 5, ("Netbios name list:-\n") );
00310         for( n=0; my_netbios_names(n); n++ )
00311                 DEBUGADD( 5, ( "my_netbios_names[%d]=\"%s\"\n", n, my_netbios_names(n) ) );
00313         return( True );
00314 }

const char* tmpdir ( void   ) 

util.c321 行で定義されています。

参照元 cmd_more()lp_add_ipc()msg_deliver()setup_out_fd().

00322 {
00323         char *p;
00324         if ((p = getenv("TMPDIR")))
00325                 return p;
00326         return "/tmp";
00327 }

BOOL add_gid_to_array_unique ( TALLOC_CTX mem_ctx,
gid_t  gid,
gid_t **  gids,
size_t *  num_gids 

util.c333 行で定義されています。

参照元 create_local_token()getgroups_sid2gid_recv()getgroups_unix_user()make_connection_snum().

00335 {
00336         int i;
00338         if ((*num_gids != 0) && (*gids == NULL)) {
00339                 /*
00340                  * A former call to this routine has failed to allocate memory
00341                  */
00342                 return False;
00343         }
00345         for (i=0; i<*num_gids; i++) {
00346                 if ((*gids)[i] == gid) {
00347                         return True;
00348                 }
00349         }
00351         *gids = TALLOC_REALLOC_ARRAY(mem_ctx, *gids, gid_t, *num_gids+1);
00352         if (*gids == NULL) {
00353                 *num_gids = 0;
00354                 return False;
00355         }
00357         (*gids)[*num_gids] = gid;
00358         *num_gids += 1;
00359         return True;
00360 }

static const char* Atoic ( const char *  p,
int *  n,
const char *  c 
) [static]

util.c366 行で定義されています。

参照先 strchr_m().

参照元 get_numlist().

00367 {
00368         if (!isdigit((int)*p)) {
00369                 DEBUG(5, ("Atoic: malformed number\n"));
00370                 return NULL;
00371         }
00373         (*n) = atoi(p);
00375         while ((*p) && isdigit((int)*p))
00376                 p++;
00378         if (strchr_m(c, *p) == NULL) {
00379                 DEBUG(5, ("Atoic: no separator characters (%s) not found\n", c));
00380                 return NULL;
00381         }
00383         return p;
00384 }

const char* get_numlist ( const char *  p,
uint32 **  num,
int *  count 

util.c390 行で定義されています。

参照先 Atoic().

00391 {
00392         int val;
00394         if (num == NULL || count == NULL)
00395                 return NULL;
00397         (*count) = 0;
00398         (*num  ) = NULL;
00400         while ((p = Atoic(p, &val, ":,")) != NULL && (*p) != ':') {
00401                 *num = SMB_REALLOC_ARRAY((*num), uint32, (*count)+1);
00402                 if (!(*num)) {
00403                         return NULL;
00404                 }
00405                 (*num)[(*count)] = val;
00406                 (*count)++;
00407                 p++;
00408         }
00410         return p;
00411 }

BOOL file_exist ( const char *  fname,

util.c417 行で定義されています。

参照先 sys_stat().

参照元 cgi_download()cmd_put()cmd_reput()handle_include()idmap_tdb_open_db()init_mount()main()reload_nmbd_services()reload_services()reload_services_file()welcome_page().

00418 {
00419         SMB_STRUCT_STAT st;
00420         if (!sbuf)
00421                 sbuf = &st;
00423         if (sys_stat(fname,sbuf) != 0) 
00424                 return(False);
00426         return((S_ISREG(sbuf->st_mode)) || (S_ISFIFO(sbuf->st_mode)));
00427 }

time_t file_modtime ( const char *  fname  ) 

util.c433 行で定義されています。

参照先 sys_stat().

参照元 add_to_file_list()lp_file_list_changed().

00434 {
00435         SMB_STRUCT_STAT st;
00437         if (sys_stat(fname,&st) != 0) 
00438                 return(0);
00440         return(st.st_mtime);
00441 }

BOOL directory_exist ( char *  dname,

util.c447 行で定義されています。

参照先 errnosys_stat().

参照元 do_global_checks()do_mget()lock_path()main()perfcount_init_keys()pid_path().

00448 {
00449         SMB_STRUCT_STAT st2;
00450         BOOL ret;
00452         if (!st)
00453                 st = &st2;
00455         if (sys_stat(dname,st) != 0) 
00456                 return(False);
00458         ret = S_ISDIR(st->st_mode);
00459         if(!ret)
00460                 errno = ENOTDIR;
00461         return ret;
00462 }

SMB_OFF_T get_file_size ( char *  file_name  ) 

util.c468 行で定義されています。

参照先 bufsys_stat().

参照元 call_trans2open()call_trans2qfilepathinfo()check_log_size()get_allocation_size()get_lanman2_dir_entry()smb_set_file_allocation_info()smb_set_file_size()smb_set_file_unix_basic()store_file_unix_basic().

00469 {
00470         SMB_STRUCT_STAT buf;
00471         buf.st_size = 0;
00472         if(sys_stat(file_name,&buf) != 0)
00473                 return (SMB_OFF_T)-1;
00474         return(buf.st_size);
00475 }

char* attrib_string ( uint16  mode  ) 

util.c481 行で定義されています。

参照元 display_finfo().

00482 {
00483         static fstring attrstr;
00485         attrstr[0] = 0;
00487         if (mode & aVOLID) fstrcat(attrstr,"V");
00488         if (mode & aDIR) fstrcat(attrstr,"D");
00489         if (mode & aARCH) fstrcat(attrstr,"A");
00490         if (mode & aHIDDEN) fstrcat(attrstr,"H");
00491         if (mode & aSYSTEM) fstrcat(attrstr,"S");
00492         if (mode & aRONLY) fstrcat(attrstr,"R");          
00494         return(attrstr);
00495 }

void show_msg ( char *  buf  ) 

util.c501 行で定義されています。

参照先 DEBUGLEVELdump_data().

参照元 chain_reply()change_notify_reply_packet()cli_issue_write()cli_negprot()cli_receive_nt_trans()cli_receive_trans()cli_send_nt_trans()cli_send_trans()cli_session_setup_blob_receive()cli_session_setup_guest()cli_session_setup_lanman2()cli_session_setup_plaintext()client_receive_smb()exit_server_common()handle_aio_read_complete()handle_aio_write_complete()process_kernel_oplock_break()process_oplock_async_level2_break_message()process_oplock_break_message()process_smb()reply_echo()reply_nttrans()reply_nttranss()reply_readbmpx()reply_sesssetup_blob()reply_trans2()reply_transs()reply_transs2()reply_writebmpx()reply_writebraw()schedule_aio_write_and_X()send_nt_replies()send_trans2_replies()send_trans_reply().

00502 {
00503         int i;
00504         int bcc=0;
00506         if (!DEBUGLVL(5))
00507                 return;
00509         DEBUG(5,("size=%d\nsmb_com=0x%x\nsmb_rcls=%d\nsmb_reh=%d\nsmb_err=%d\nsmb_flg=%d\nsmb_flg2=%d\n",
00510                         smb_len(buf),
00511                         (int)CVAL(buf,smb_com),
00512                         (int)CVAL(buf,smb_rcls),
00513                         (int)CVAL(buf,smb_reh),
00514                         (int)SVAL(buf,smb_err),
00515                         (int)CVAL(buf,smb_flg),
00516                         (int)SVAL(buf,smb_flg2)));
00517         DEBUGADD(5,("smb_tid=%d\nsmb_pid=%d\nsmb_uid=%d\nsmb_mid=%d\n",
00518                         (int)SVAL(buf,smb_tid),
00519                         (int)SVAL(buf,smb_pid),
00520                         (int)SVAL(buf,smb_uid),
00521                         (int)SVAL(buf,smb_mid)));
00522         DEBUGADD(5,("smt_wct=%d\n",(int)CVAL(buf,smb_wct)));
00524         for (i=0;i<(int)CVAL(buf,smb_wct);i++)
00525                 DEBUGADD(5,("smb_vwv[%2d]=%5d (0x%X)\n",i,
00526                         SVAL(buf,smb_vwv+2*i),SVAL(buf,smb_vwv+2*i)));
00528         bcc = (int)SVAL(buf,smb_vwv+2*(CVAL(buf,smb_wct)));
00530         DEBUGADD(5,("smb_bcc=%d\n",bcc));
00532         if (DEBUGLEVEL < 10)
00533                 return;
00535         if (DEBUGLEVEL < 50)
00536                 bcc = MIN(bcc, 512);
00538         dump_data(10, smb_buf(buf), bcc);       
00539 }

void smb_setlen ( char *  buf,
int  len 

util.c545 行で定義されています。

参照元 chain_reply()construct_reply()handle_aio_read_complete()reply_echo()reply_search()reply_special()reply_writebmpx()send_blocking_reply()set_message()set_message_bcc().

00546 {
00547         _smb_setlen(buf,len);
00549         SCVAL(buf,4,0xFF);
00550         SCVAL(buf,5,'S');
00551         SCVAL(buf,6,'M');
00552         SCVAL(buf,7,'B');
00553 }

int set_message ( char *  buf,
int  num_words,
int  num_bytes,
BOOL  zero 

util.c559 行で定義されています。

参照先 smb_setlen().

参照元 call_trans2setfsinfo()change_notify_reply_packet()cli_chkpath()cli_close()cli_ctemp()cli_dskattr()cli_echo()cli_getatr()cli_getattrE()cli_issue_read()cli_issue_readraw()cli_issue_write()cli_list_old()cli_lock()cli_lock64()cli_locktype()cli_message_end_build()cli_message_start_build()cli_message_text_build()cli_mkdir()cli_negprot()cli_negprot_send()cli_nt_create_full()cli_nt_hardlink()cli_ntrename()cli_open()cli_oplock_ack()cli_raw_ioctl()cli_raw_tcon()cli_rename()cli_rmdir()cli_send_mailslot()cli_send_nt_trans()cli_send_tconX()cli_send_trans()cli_session_setup_blob_send()cli_session_setup_guest()cli_session_setup_lanman2()cli_session_setup_nt1()cli_session_setup_plaintext()cli_setatr()cli_setattrE()cli_smbwrite()cli_spl_close()cli_spl_open()cli_tdis()cli_ulogoff()cli_unlink_full()cli_unlock()cli_unlock64()construct_reply_common()do_ntcreate_pipe_open()error_packet()handle_aio_read_complete()new_break_smb_message()reply_checkpath()reply_close()reply_copy()reply_corep()reply_coreplus()reply_ctemp()reply_dskattr()reply_echo()reply_exit()reply_fclose()reply_findclose()reply_findnclose()reply_flush()reply_getatr()reply_getattrE()reply_ioctl()reply_lanman1()reply_lanman2()reply_lock()reply_lockingX()reply_lockingX_success()reply_lockread()reply_lseek()reply_mkdir()reply_mknew()reply_mv()reply_negprot()reply_nt1()reply_ntcreate_and_X()reply_ntcreate_and_X_quota()reply_ntrename()reply_nttrans()reply_open()reply_open_and_X()reply_open_pipe_and_X()reply_pipe_close()reply_pipe_read_and_X()reply_pipe_write()reply_pipe_write_and_X()reply_printclose()reply_printopen()reply_printqueue()reply_printwrite()reply_read()reply_read_and_X()reply_readbmpx()reply_rmdir()reply_search()reply_sendend()reply_sends()reply_sendstrt()reply_sendtxt()reply_sesssetup_and_X()reply_sesssetup_blob()reply_setatr()reply_setattrE()reply_setdir()reply_spnego_kerberos()reply_spnego_ntlmssp()reply_tcon()reply_tcon_and_X()reply_tdis()reply_trans2()reply_ulogoffX()reply_unlink()reply_unlock()reply_write()reply_write_and_X()reply_writebmpx()reply_writebraw()reply_writebs()reply_writeclose()reply_writeunlock()send_file_readX()send_mailslot()send_nt_replies()send_trans2_replies()send_trans_reply().

00560 {
00561         if (zero && (num_words || num_bytes)) {
00562                 memset(buf + smb_size,'\0',num_words*2 + num_bytes);
00563         }
00564         SCVAL(buf,smb_wct,num_words);
00565         SSVAL(buf,smb_vwv + num_words*SIZEOFWORD,num_bytes);  
00566         smb_setlen(buf,smb_size + num_words*2 + num_bytes - 4);
00567         return (smb_size + num_words*2 + num_bytes);
00568 }

int set_message_bcc ( char *  buf,
int  num_bytes 

util.c574 行で定義されています。

参照先 smb_setlen().

参照元 cli_setup_bcc()reply_pipe_read_and_X()set_message_end().

00575 {
00576         int num_words = CVAL(buf,smb_wct);
00577         SSVAL(buf,smb_vwv + num_words*SIZEOFWORD,num_bytes);  
00578         smb_setlen(buf,smb_size + num_words*2 + num_bytes - 4);
00579         return (smb_size + num_words*2 + num_bytes);
00580 }

int set_message_end ( void *  outbuf,
void *  end_ptr 

util.c587 行で定義されています。

参照先 set_message_bcc().

参照元 reply_ctemp()reply_nt1()reply_sesssetup_and_X()reply_sesssetup_blob()reply_tcon_and_X().

00588 {
00589         return set_message_bcc((char *)outbuf,PTR_DIFF(end_ptr,smb_buf((char *)outbuf)));
00590 }

void dos_clean_name ( char *  s  ) 

util.c596 行で定義されています。

参照先 all_string_sub()strrchr_m()strstr_m()trim_string().

参照元 clean_name().

00597 {
00598         char *p=NULL;
00600         DEBUG(3,("dos_clean_name [%s]\n",s));
00602         /* remove any double slashes */
00603         all_string_sub(s, "\\\\", "\\", 0);
00605         /* Remove leading .\\ characters */
00606         if(strncmp(s, ".\\", 2) == 0) {
00607                 trim_string(s, ".\\", NULL);
00608                 if(*s == 0)
00609                         pstrcpy(s,".\\");
00610         }
00612         while ((p = strstr_m(s,"\\..\\")) != NULL) {
00613                 pstring s1;
00615                 *p = 0;
00616                 pstrcpy(s1,p+3);
00618                 if ((p=strrchr_m(s,'\\')) != NULL)
00619                         *p = 0;
00620                 else
00621                         *s = 0;
00622                 pstrcat(s,s1);
00623         }  
00625         trim_string(s,NULL,"\\..");
00626         all_string_sub(s, "\\.\\", "\\", 0);
00627 }

void unix_clean_name ( char *  s  ) 

util.c633 行で定義されています。

参照先 all_string_sub()strrchr_m()strstr_m()trim_string().

参照元 clean_name()driver_unix_convert()valid_share_pathname().

00634 {
00635         char *p=NULL;
00637         DEBUG(3,("unix_clean_name [%s]\n",s));
00639         /* remove any double slashes */
00640         all_string_sub(s, "//","/", 0);
00642         /* Remove leading ./ characters */
00643         if(strncmp(s, "./", 2) == 0) {
00644                 trim_string(s, "./", NULL);
00645                 if(*s == 0)
00646                         pstrcpy(s,"./");
00647         }
00649         while ((p = strstr_m(s,"/../")) != NULL) {
00650                 pstring s1;
00652                 *p = 0;
00653                 pstrcpy(s1,p+3);
00655                 if ((p=strrchr_m(s,'/')) != NULL)
00656                         *p = 0;
00657                 else
00658                         *s = 0;
00659                 pstrcat(s,s1);
00660         }  
00662         trim_string(s,NULL,"/..");
00663         all_string_sub(s, "/./", "/", 0);
00664 }

void clean_name ( char *  s  ) 

util.c666 行で定義されています。

参照先 dos_clean_name()unix_clean_name().

参照元 cli_cm_set_mntpoint()cmd_get()cmd_more()cmd_put()cmd_reget()cmd_reput()do_cd()writetarheader().

00667 {
00668         dos_clean_name(s);
00669         unix_clean_name(s);
00670 }

void close_low_fds ( BOOL  stderr_too  ) 

util.c676 行で定義されています。

参照先 fdsys_open().

参照元 become_daemon()open_sockets_inetd()open_sockets_smbd()reopen_logs().

00677 {
00678 #ifndef VALGRIND
00679         int fd;
00680         int i;
00682         close(0);
00683         close(1); 
00685         if (stderr_too)
00686                 close(2);
00688         /* try and use up these file descriptors, so silly
00689                 library routines writing to stdout etc won't cause havoc */
00690         for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
00691                 if (i == 2 && !stderr_too)
00692                         continue;
00694                 fd = sys_open("/dev/null",O_RDWR,0);
00695                 if (fd < 0)
00696                         fd = sys_open("/dev/null",O_WRONLY,0);
00697                 if (fd < 0) {
00698                         DEBUG(0,("Can't open /dev/null\n"));
00699                         return;
00700                 }
00701                 if (fd != i) {
00702                         DEBUG(0,("Didn't get file descriptor %d\n",i));
00703                         return;
00704                 }
00705         }
00706 #endif
00707 }

ssize_t write_data_at_offset ( int  fd,
const char *  buffer,
size_t  N,
SMB_OFF_T  pos 

util.c713 行で定義されています。

参照先 errnostrerror()sys_lseek()sys_pwrite()totalwrite_data().

参照元 print_job_write().

00714 {
00715         size_t total=0;
00716         ssize_t ret;
00718         if (pos == (SMB_OFF_T)-1) {
00719                 return write_data(fd, buffer, N);
00720         }
00721 #if defined(HAVE_PWRITE) || defined(HAVE_PRWITE64)
00722         while (total < N) {
00723                 ret = sys_pwrite(fd,buffer + total,N - total, pos);
00724                 if (ret == -1 && errno == ESPIPE) {
00725                         return write_data(fd, buffer + total,N - total);
00726                 }
00727                 if (ret == -1) {
00728                         DEBUG(0,("write_data_at_offset: write failure. Error = %s\n", strerror(errno) ));
00729                         return -1;
00730                 }
00731                 if (ret == 0) {
00732                         return total;
00733                 }
00734                 total += ret;
00735                 pos += ret;
00736         }
00737         return (ssize_t)total;
00738 #else
00739         /* Use lseek and write_data. */
00740         if (sys_lseek(fd, pos, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
00741                 if (errno != ESPIPE) {
00742                         return -1;
00743                 }
00744         }
00745         return write_data(fd, buffer, N);
00746 #endif
00747 }

int set_blocking ( int  fd,
BOOL  set 

util.c756 行で定義されています。

参照先 sys_fcntl_long().

参照元 make_subnet()open_any_socket_out()open_socket_out()open_sockets()open_sockets_smbd()socketpair_tcp()sys_select().

00757 {
00758         int val;
00759 #ifdef O_NONBLOCK
00760 #define FLAG_TO_SET O_NONBLOCK
00761 #else
00762 #ifdef SYSV
00763 #define FLAG_TO_SET O_NDELAY
00764 #else /* BSD */
00765 #define FLAG_TO_SET FNDELAY
00766 #endif
00767 #endif
00769         if((val = sys_fcntl_long(fd, F_GETFL, 0)) == -1)
00770                 return -1;
00771         if(set) /* Turn blocking on - ie. clear nonblock flag */
00772                 val &= ~FLAG_TO_SET;
00773         else
00774                 val |= FLAG_TO_SET;
00775         return sys_fcntl_long( fd, F_SETFL, val);
00776 #undef FLAG_TO_SET
00777 }

ssize_t transfer_file_internal ( int  infd,
int  outfd,
size_t  n,
ssize_t(*)(int, void *, size_t)  read_fn,
ssize_t(*)(int, const void *, size_t)  write_fn 

util.c787 行で定義されています。

参照先 buferrnostrerror()total.

参照元 transfer_file()vfs_transfer_file().

00789 {
00790         char *buf;
00791         size_t total = 0;
00792         ssize_t read_ret;
00793         ssize_t write_ret;
00794         size_t num_to_read_thistime;
00795         size_t num_written = 0;
00797         if ((buf = SMB_MALLOC_ARRAY(char, TRANSFER_BUF_SIZE)) == NULL)
00798                 return -1;
00800         while (total < n) {
00801                 num_to_read_thistime = MIN((n - total), TRANSFER_BUF_SIZE);
00803                 read_ret = (*read_fn)(infd, buf, num_to_read_thistime);
00804                 if (read_ret == -1) {
00805                         DEBUG(0,("transfer_file_internal: read failure. Error = %s\n", strerror(errno) ));
00806                         SAFE_FREE(buf);
00807                         return -1;
00808                 }
00809                 if (read_ret == 0)
00810                         break;
00812                 num_written = 0;
00814                 while (num_written < read_ret) {
00815                         write_ret = (*write_fn)(outfd,buf + num_written, read_ret - num_written);
00817                         if (write_ret == -1) {
00818                                 DEBUG(0,("transfer_file_internal: write failure. Error = %s\n", strerror(errno) ));
00819                                 SAFE_FREE(buf);
00820                                 return -1;
00821                         }
00822                         if (write_ret == 0)
00823                                 return (ssize_t)total;
00825                         num_written += (size_t)write_ret;
00826                 }
00828                 total += (size_t)read_ret;
00829         }
00831         SAFE_FREE(buf);
00832         return (ssize_t)total;          
00833 }

SMB_OFF_T transfer_file ( int  infd,
int  outfd,

util.c835 行で定義されています。

参照先 sys_read()sys_write()transfer_file_internal().

参照元 check_magic()copy_reg()fetch_database_to_ldif().

00836 {
00837         return (SMB_OFF_T)transfer_file_internal(infd, outfd, (size_t)n, sys_read, sys_write);
00838 }

void smb_msleep ( unsigned int  t  ) 

util.c844 行で定義されています。

参照先 errnoGetTimeOfDay()sys_select_intr().

参照元 another_ldap_try()cli_list_new()cli_qpathinfo()cli_qpathinfo_alt_name()cli_setpathinfo()create_procs()dcip_to_name()main()open_socket_out()rw_torture3()smbldap_search_ext()wait_before_sending_break().

00845 {
00846 #if defined(HAVE_NANOSLEEP)
00847         struct timespec tval;
00848         int ret;
00850         tval.tv_sec = t/1000;
00851         tval.tv_nsec = 1000000*(t%1000);
00853         do {
00854                 errno = 0;
00855                 ret = nanosleep(&tval, &tval);
00856         } while (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR && (tval.tv_sec > 0 || tval.tv_nsec > 0));
00857 #else
00858         unsigned int tdiff=0;
00859         struct timeval tval,t1,t2;  
00860         fd_set fds;
00862         GetTimeOfDay(&t1);
00863         t2 = t1;
00865         while (tdiff < t) {
00866                 tval.tv_sec = (t-tdiff)/1000;
00867                 tval.tv_usec = 1000*((t-tdiff)%1000);
00869                 /* Never wait for more than 1 sec. */
00870                 if (tval.tv_sec > 1) {
00871                         tval.tv_sec = 1; 
00872                         tval.tv_usec = 0;
00873                 }
00875                 FD_ZERO(&fds);
00876                 errno = 0;
00877                 sys_select_intr(0,&fds,NULL,NULL,&tval);
00879                 GetTimeOfDay(&t2);
00880                 if (t2.tv_sec < t1.tv_sec) {
00881                         /* Someone adjusted time... */
00882                         t1 = t2;
00883                 }
00885                 tdiff = TvalDiff(&t1,&t2);
00886         }
00887 #endif
00888 }

void become_daemon ( BOOL  Fork,
BOOL  no_process_group 

util.c894 行で定義されています。

参照先 close_low_fds()sys_fork()sys_open().

参照元 main()start_nmbd()start_smbd()start_winbindd().

00895 {
00896         if (Fork) {
00897                 if (sys_fork()) {
00898                         _exit(0);
00899                 }
00900         }
00902   /* detach from the terminal */
00903 #ifdef HAVE_SETSID
00904         if (!no_process_group) setsid();
00905 #elif defined(TIOCNOTTY)
00906         if (!no_process_group) {
00907                 int i = sys_open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR, 0);
00908                 if (i != -1) {
00909                         ioctl(i, (int) TIOCNOTTY, (char *)0);      
00910                         close(i);
00911                 }
00912         }
00913 #endif /* HAVE_SETSID */
00915         /* Close fd's 0,1,2. Needed if started by rsh */
00916         close_low_fds(False);  /* Don't close stderr, let the debug system
00917                                   attach it to the logfile */
00918 }

BOOL yesno ( char *  p  ) 

util.c924 行で定義されています。

参照先 printf().

参照元 cmd_mput()do_mget().

00925 {
00926         pstring ans;
00927         printf("%s",p);
00929         if (!fgets(ans,sizeof(ans)-1,stdin))
00930                 return(False);
00932         if (*ans == 'y' || *ans == 'Y')
00933                 return(True);
00935         return(False);
00936 }

void* malloc_ ( size_t  size  ) 

util.c944 行で定義されています。

参照元 malloc_array()Realloc().

00945 {
00946         if (size == 0) {
00947                 return NULL;
00948         }
00949 #undef malloc
00950         return malloc(size);
00951 #define malloc(s) __ERROR_DONT_USE_MALLOC_DIRECTLY
00952 }

static void* calloc_ ( size_t  count,
size_t  size 
) [static]

util.c958 行で定義されています。

参照元 calloc_array().

00959 {
00960         if (size == 0 || count == 0) {
00961                 return NULL;
00962         }
00963 #undef calloc
00964         return calloc(count, size);
00965 #define calloc(n,s) __ERROR_DONT_USE_CALLOC_DIRECTLY
00966 }

static void* realloc_ ( void *  ptr,
size_t  size 
) [static]

util.c972 行で定義されています。

参照元 Realloc().

00973 {
00974 #undef realloc
00975         return realloc(ptr, size);
00976 #define realloc(p,s) __ERROR_DONT_USE_RELLOC_DIRECTLY
00977 }

void* malloc_array ( size_t  el_size,
unsigned int  count 

util.c985 行で定義されています。

参照先 malloc_().

00986 {
00987         if (count >= MAX_ALLOC_SIZE/el_size) {
00988                 return NULL;
00989         }
00991         if (el_size == 0 || count == 0) {
00992                 return NULL;
00993         }
00994 #if defined(PARANOID_MALLOC_CHECKER)
00995         return malloc_(el_size*count);
00996 #else
00997         return malloc(el_size*count);
00998 #endif
00999 }

void* memalign_array ( size_t  el_size,
size_t  align,
unsigned int  count 

util.c1005 行で定義されています。

参照先 sys_memalign().

01006 {
01007         if (count >= MAX_ALLOC_SIZE/el_size) {
01008                 return NULL;
01009         }
01011         return sys_memalign(align, el_size*count);
01012 }

void* calloc_array ( size_t  size,
size_t  nmemb 

util.c1018 行で定義されています。

参照先 calloc_().

01019 {
01020         if (nmemb >= MAX_ALLOC_SIZE/size) {
01021                 return NULL;
01022         }
01023         if (size == 0 || nmemb == 0) {
01024                 return NULL;
01025         }
01026 #if defined(PARANOID_MALLOC_CHECKER)
01027         return calloc_(nmemb, size);
01028 #else
01029         return calloc(nmemb, size);
01030 #endif
01031 }

void* Realloc ( void *  p,
size_t  size,
BOOL  free_old_on_error 

util.c1065 行で定義されています。

参照先 malloc_()realloc_().

参照元 realloc_array().

01066 {
01067         void *ret=NULL;
01069         if (size == 0) {
01070                 if (free_old_on_error) {
01071                         SAFE_FREE(p);
01072                 }
01073                 DEBUG(2,("Realloc asked for 0 bytes\n"));
01074                 return NULL;
01075         }
01077 #if defined(PARANOID_MALLOC_CHECKER)
01078         if (!p) {
01079                 ret = (void *)malloc_(size);
01080         } else {
01081                 ret = (void *)realloc_(p,size);
01082         }
01083 #else
01084         if (!p) {
01085                 ret = (void *)malloc(size);
01086         } else {
01087                 ret = (void *)realloc(p,size);
01088         }
01089 #endif
01091         if (!ret) {
01092                 if (free_old_on_error && p) {
01093                         SAFE_FREE(p);
01094                 }
01095                 DEBUG(0,("Memory allocation error: failed to expand to %d bytes\n",(int)size));
01096         }
01098         return(ret);
01099 }

void* realloc_array ( void *  p,
size_t  el_size,
unsigned int  count,
BOOL  free_old_on_error 

util.c1105 行で定義されています。

参照先 Realloc().

01106 {
01107         if (count >= MAX_ALLOC_SIZE/el_size) {
01108                 if (free_old_on_error) {
01109                         SAFE_FREE(p);
01110                 }
01111                 return NULL;
01112         }
01113         return Realloc(p, el_size*count, free_old_on_error);
01114 }

void add_to_large_array ( TALLOC_CTX mem_ctx,
size_t  element_size,
void *  element,
void *  _array,
uint32 *  num_elements,
ssize_t *  array_size 

util.c1120 行で定義されています。

参照先 error.

01123 {
01124         void **array = (void **)_array;
01126         if (*array_size < 0) {
01127                 return;
01128         }
01130         if (*array == NULL) {
01131                 if (*array_size == 0) {
01132                         *array_size = 128;
01133                 }
01135                 if (*array_size >= MAX_ALLOC_SIZE/element_size) {
01136                         goto error;
01137                 }
01139                 *array = TALLOC(mem_ctx, element_size * (*array_size));
01140                 if (*array == NULL) {
01141                         goto error;
01142                 }
01143         }
01145         if (*num_elements == *array_size) {
01146                 *array_size *= 2;
01148                 if (*array_size >= MAX_ALLOC_SIZE/element_size) {
01149                         goto error;
01150                 }
01152                 *array = TALLOC_REALLOC(mem_ctx, *array,
01153                                         element_size * (*array_size));
01155                 if (*array == NULL) {
01156                         goto error;
01157                 }
01158         }
01160         memcpy((char *)(*array) + element_size*(*num_elements),
01161                element, element_size);
01162         *num_elements += 1;
01164         return;
01166  error:
01167         *num_elements = 0;
01168         *array_size = -1;
01169 }

void safe_free ( void *  p  ) 

util.c1177 行で定義されています。

参照元 ads_user_add()ads_user_info()aix_cache_reload()enum_group_mapping()get_group_map_from_gid()get_group_map_from_ntname()get_ntdrivers()get_ntforms()map_single_multi_sz_into_ctr()pcap_cache_reload()query_one()upgrade_to_version_3().

01178 {
01179         SAFE_FREE(p);
01180 }

BOOL get_myname ( char *  my_name  ) 

util.c1186 行で定義されています。

参照先 strchr_m().

参照元 get_ipc_connect()main()myhostname()process_logon_packet()smb_connect().

01187 {
01188         pstring hostname;
01190         *hostname = 0;
01192         /* get my host name */
01193         if (gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)) == -1) {
01194                 DEBUG(0,("gethostname failed\n"));
01195                 return False;
01196         } 
01198         /* Ensure null termination. */
01199         hostname[sizeof(hostname)-1] = '\0';
01201         if (my_name) {
01202                 /* split off any parts after an initial . */
01203                 char *p = strchr_m(hostname,'.');
01205                 if (p)
01206                         *p = 0;
01208                 fstrcpy(my_name,hostname);
01209         }
01211         return(True);
01212 }

BOOL get_mydnsfullname ( fstring  my_dnsname  ) 

util.c1218 行で定義されています。

参照先 sys_gethostbyname().

参照元 get_mydnsdomname()getprinterdata_printer_server()is_myname_or_ipaddr()ntlmssp_server_negotiate()rpc_printer_migrate_settings_internals().

01219 {
01220         static fstring dnshostname;
01221         struct hostent *hp;
01223         if (!*dnshostname) {
01224                 /* get my host name */
01225                 if (gethostname(dnshostname, sizeof(dnshostname)) == -1) {
01226                         *dnshostname = '\0';
01227                         DEBUG(0,("gethostname failed\n"));
01228                         return False;
01229                 } 
01231                 /* Ensure null termination. */
01232                 dnshostname[sizeof(dnshostname)-1] = '\0';
01234                 /* Ensure we get the cannonical name. */
01235                 if (!(hp = sys_gethostbyname(dnshostname))) {
01236                         *dnshostname = '\0';
01237                         return False;
01238                 }
01239                 fstrcpy(dnshostname, hp->h_name);
01240         }
01241         fstrcpy(my_dnsname, dnshostname);
01242         return True;
01243 }

BOOL get_mydnsdomname ( fstring  my_domname  ) 

util.c1249 行で定義されています。

参照先 get_mydnsfullname()strchr_m().

参照元 _lsa_query_info2()map_nt_printer_info2_to_dsspooler()ntlmssp_server_negotiate()process_logon_packet()tcpip_params().

01250 {
01251         fstring domname;
01252         char *p;
01254         *my_domname = '\0';
01255         if (!get_mydnsfullname(domname)) {
01256                 return False;
01257         }       
01258         p = strchr_m(domname, '.');
01259         if (p) {
01260                 p++;
01261                 fstrcpy(my_domname, p);
01262                 return True;
01263         }
01265         return False;
01266 }

int interpret_protocol ( const char *  str,
int  def 

util.c1272 行で定義されています。


参照元 main().

01273 {
01274         if (strequal(str,"NT1"))
01275                 return(PROTOCOL_NT1);
01276         if (strequal(str,"LANMAN2"))
01277                 return(PROTOCOL_LANMAN2);
01278         if (strequal(str,"LANMAN1"))
01279                 return(PROTOCOL_LANMAN1);
01280         if (strequal(str,"CORE"))
01281                 return(PROTOCOL_CORE);
01282         if (strequal(str,"COREPLUS"))
01283                 return(PROTOCOL_COREPLUS);
01284         if (strequal(str,"CORE+"))
01285                 return(PROTOCOL_COREPLUS);
01287         DEBUG(0,("Unrecognised protocol level %s\n",str));
01289         return(def);
01290 }

BOOL is_ipaddress ( const char *  str  ) 

util.c1296 行で定義されています。

参照先 strchr_m().

参照元 attempt_netbios_session_request()cli_session_setup_spnego()cli_start_connection()cm_open_connection()find_new_dc()get_ipc_connect()internal_resolve_name()interpret_addr()is_myname_or_ipaddr()only_ipaddrs_in_list()resolve_name()smbc_opendir_ctx()smbc_server().

01297 {
01298         BOOL pure_address = True;
01299         int i;
01301         for (i=0; pure_address && str[i]; i++)
01302                 if (!(isdigit((int)str[i]) || str[i] == '.'))
01303                         pure_address = False;
01305         /* Check that a pure number is not misinterpreted as an IP */
01306         pure_address = pure_address && (strchr_m(str, '.') != NULL);
01308         return pure_address;
01309 }

uint32 interpret_addr ( const char *  str  ) 

util.c1315 行で定義されています。

参照先 is_ipaddress()sys_gethostbyname().

参照元 asyncdns_process()interpret_addr2()is_myname_or_ipaddr()masked_match()name_resolve_bcast()name_status_find()nmbd_running()open_sockets()open_sockets_smbd()wins_lookup_open_socket_in().

01316 {
01317         struct hostent *hp;
01318         uint32 res;
01320         if (strcmp(str,"") == 0)
01321                 return(0);
01322         if (strcmp(str,"") == 0)
01323                 return(0xFFFFFFFF);
01325   /* if it's in the form of an IP address then get the lib to interpret it */
01326         if (is_ipaddress(str)) {
01327                 res = inet_addr(str);
01328         } else {
01329                 /* otherwise assume it's a network name of some sort and use 
01330                         sys_gethostbyname */
01331                 if ((hp = sys_gethostbyname(str)) == 0) {
01332                         DEBUG(3,("sys_gethostbyname: Unknown host. %s\n",str));
01333                         return 0;
01334                 }
01336                 if(hp->h_addr == NULL) {
01337                         DEBUG(3,("sys_gethostbyname: host address is invalid for host %s\n",str));
01338                         return 0;
01339                 }
01340                 putip((char *)&res,(char *)hp->h_addr);
01341         }
01343         if (res == (uint32)-1)
01344                 return(0);
01346         return(res);
01347 }

struct in_addr* interpret_addr2 ( const char *  str  ) 

util.c1353 行で定義されています。

参照先 interpret_addr().

参照元 ads_try_connect()announce_remote()browse_sync_remote()cm_open_connection()create_cs()do_krb5_kpasswd_request()do_nodestatus()get_my_ip_address()get_peer_name()getlmhostsent()initialise_wins()interpret_interface()load_interfaces()lookup_byaddr_backend()main()nmbd_wins_new_entry()open_udp_socket()parse_ip()parse_mount_smb()resolve_ads()resolve_name()resolve_wins()session_yield()wins_multihomed_register_query_success()wins_process_multihomed_name_registration_request()wins_process_name_refresh_request()wins_process_name_registration_request()wins_processing_traverse_fn()zero_ip().

01354 {
01355         static struct in_addr ret;
01356         uint32 a = interpret_addr(str);
01357         ret.s_addr = a;
01358         return(&ret);
01359 }

BOOL is_zero_ip ( struct in_addr  ip  ) 

util.c1365 行で定義されています。

参照元 become_domain_master_query_success()cli_connect()find_domain_master_name_query_success()iface_find()main()net_find_pdc()net_find_server()parse_mount_smb()queue_query_name()remove_duplicate_addrs2()resolve_ads()rpc_dc_name()spoolss_connect_to_client()wins_srv_died().

01366 {
01367         uint32 a;
01368         putip((char *)&a,(char *)&ip);
01369         return(a == 0);
01370 }

void zero_ip ( struct in_addr *  ip  ) 

util.c1376 行で定義されています。

参照先 init()interpret_addr2().

参照元 connect_one()create_workgroup()do_connect()do_connection()do_message_op()find_domain_master_name_query_success()get_dc_name()interpret_interface()main()open_nbt_connection()parse_quota_set()query_name_response()remove_duplicate_addrs2()rpc_dc_name()smbc_attr_server()smbc_server()wins_srv_ip_tag().

01377 {
01378         static BOOL init;
01379         static struct in_addr ipzero;
01381         if (!init) {
01382                 ipzero = *interpret_addr2("");
01383                 init = True;
01384         }
01386         *ip = ipzero;
01387 }

static void strip_mount_options ( pstring str  )  [static]

util.c1395 行で定義されています。

参照元 automount_lookup().

01396 {
01397         if (**str == '-') { 
01398                 char *p = *str;
01399                 while(*p && !isspace(*p))
01400                         p++;
01401                 while(*p && isspace(*p))
01402                         p++;
01403                 if(*p) {
01404                         pstring tmp_str;
01406                         pstrcpy(tmp_str, p);
01407                         pstrcpy(*str, tmp_str);
01408                 }
01409         }
01410 }

char * automount_lookup ( const char *  user_name  ) 

util.c1420 行で定義されています。

参照先 pstring_sub()resultstrip_mount_options().

参照元 automount_path()automount_server().

01421 {
01422         static fstring last_key = "";
01423         static pstring last_value = "";
01425         char *nis_map = (char *)lp_nis_home_map_name();
01427         char buffer[NIS_MAXATTRVAL + 1];
01428         nis_result *result;
01429         nis_object *object;
01430         entry_obj  *entry;
01432         if (strcmp(user_name, last_key)) {
01433                 slprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, "[key=%s],%s", user_name, nis_map);
01434                 DEBUG(5, ("NIS+ querystring: %s\n", buffer));
01436                 if (result = nis_list(buffer, FOLLOW_PATH|EXPAND_NAME|HARD_LOOKUP, NULL, NULL)) {
01437                         if (result->status != NIS_SUCCESS) {
01438                                 DEBUG(3, ("NIS+ query failed: %s\n", nis_sperrno(result->status)));
01439                                 fstrcpy(last_key, ""); pstrcpy(last_value, "");
01440                         } else {
01441                                 object = result->objects.objects_val;
01442                                 if (object->zo_data.zo_type == ENTRY_OBJ) {
01443                                         entry = &object->zo_data.objdata_u.en_data;
01444                                         DEBUG(5, ("NIS+ entry type: %s\n", entry->en_type));
01445                                         DEBUG(3, ("NIS+ result: %s\n", entry->en_cols.en_cols_val[1].ec_value.ec_value_val));
01447                                         pstrcpy(last_value, entry->en_cols.en_cols_val[1].ec_value.ec_value_val);
01448                                         pstring_sub(last_value, "&", user_name);
01449                                         fstrcpy(last_key, user_name);
01450                                 }
01451                         }
01452                 }
01453                 nis_freeresult(result);
01454         }
01456         strip_mount_options(&last_value);
01458         DEBUG(4, ("NIS+ Lookup: %s resulted in %s\n", user_name, last_value));
01459         return last_value;
01460 }

BOOL same_net ( struct in_addr  ip1,
struct in_addr  ip2,
struct in_addr  mask 

util.c1516 行で定義されています。

参照元 find_subnet_for_dgram_browse_packet()find_subnet_for_nmb_packet()iface_find()interpret_interface()listening()load_lmhosts_file()process_name_query_request().

01517 {
01518         uint32 net1,net2,nmask;
01520         nmask = ntohl(mask.s_addr);
01521         net1  = ntohl(ip1.s_addr);
01522         net2  = ntohl(ip2.s_addr);
01524         return((net1 & nmask) == (net2 & nmask));
01525 }

BOOL process_exists ( const struct process_id  pid  ) 

util.c1532 行で定義されています。

参照先 errnoprocess_id::pidprocid_is_local()procid_is_me().

参照元 count_fn()enum_file_fn()parse_share_modes()pipe_enum_fn()process_exists_by_pid()show_share()show_share_parseable()shutdown_other_smbds()traverse_fn1()traverse_fn2()traverse_fn3()validate_lock_entries().

01533 {
01534         if (procid_is_me(&pid)) {
01535                 return True;
01536         }
01538         if (!procid_is_local(&pid)) {
01539                 /* This *SEVERELY* needs fixing. */
01540                 return True;
01541         }
01543         /* Doing kill with a non-positive pid causes messages to be
01544          * sent to places we don't want. */
01545         SMB_ASSERT( > 0);
01546         return(kill(,0) == 0 || errno != ESRCH);
01547 }

BOOL process_exists_by_pid ( pid_t  pid  ) 

util.c1549 行で定義されています。

参照先 pid_to_procid()process_exists().

参照元 collect_pid()get_printer_notify_pid_list()get_updating_pid()pidfile_pid()run_dns_queue()show_session()sync_check_completion()traverse_sessionid().

01550 {
01551         return process_exists(pid_to_procid(pid));
01552 }

const char* uidtoname ( uid_t  uid  ) 

util.c1558 行で定義されています。

参照先 getpwuid_alloc()name.

参照元 _cleanup_failures()_samr_create_user()_samr_set_userinfo()_samr_set_userinfo2()_spoolss_deleteprinterdriver()_spoolss_deleteprinterdriverex()_spoolss_open_printer_ex()enum_file_fn()is_owner()lookup_rids()pam_sm_chauthtok()pipe_enum_fn()print_access_check()print_canon_ace()print_job_delete()print_job_pause()print_job_resume()print_job_start()show_session()sys_acl_to_text()traverse_fn3()traverse_sessionid()Ucrit_addPid()uid_entry_in_group().

01559 {
01560         static fstring name;
01561         struct passwd *pass;
01563         pass = getpwuid_alloc(NULL, uid);
01564         if (pass) {
01565                 fstrcpy(name, pass->pw_name);
01566                 TALLOC_FREE(pass);
01567         } else {
01568                 slprintf(name, sizeof(name) - 1, "%ld",(long int)uid);
01569         }
01570         return name;
01571 }

char* gidtoname ( gid_t  gid  ) 

util.c1578 行で定義されています。

参照先 name.

参照元 alloc_sub_advanced()alloc_sub_basic()lookup_rids()print_canon_ace()print_map_entry()run_local_substitute()show_session()talloc_sub_specified()traverse_fn3()traverse_sessionid().

01579 {
01580         static fstring name;
01581         struct group *grp;
01583         grp = getgrgid(gid);
01584         if (grp)
01585                 return(grp->gr_name);
01586         slprintf(name,sizeof(name) - 1, "%d",(int)gid);
01587         return(name);
01588 }

uid_t nametouid ( const char *  name  ) 

util.c1594 行で定義されています。

参照先 getpwnam_alloc().

参照元 main()parse_mount_smb()print_sam_info().

01595 {
01596         struct passwd *pass;
01597         char *p;
01598         uid_t u;
01600         pass = getpwnam_alloc(NULL, name);
01601         if (pass) {
01602                 u = pass->pw_uid;
01603                 TALLOC_FREE(pass);
01604                 return u;
01605         }
01607         u = (uid_t)strtol(name, &p, 0);
01608         if ((p != name) && (*p == '\0'))
01609                 return u;
01611         return (uid_t)-1;
01612 }

gid_t nametogid ( const char *  name  ) 

util.c1618 行で定義されています。

参照先 sys_getgrnam().

参照元 net_groupmap_add()net_groupmap_modify()parse_mount_smb().

01619 {
01620         struct group *grp;
01621         char *p;
01622         gid_t g;
01624         g = (gid_t)strtol(name, &p, 0);
01625         if ((p != name) && (*p == '\0'))
01626                 return g;
01628         grp = sys_getgrnam(name);
01629         if (grp)
01630                 return(grp->gr_gid);
01631         return (gid_t)-1;
01632 }

void smb_panic ( const char *const   why  ) 

util.c1638 行で定義されています。

参照先 dump_core()errnoglobal_clobber_region_functionglobal_clobber_region_linelog_stack_trace()resultstrerror()sys_getpid().

参照元 _samr_get_dispenum_index()_samr_query_dispinfo()add_fd_to_close_entry()add_ntlmssp_auth_footer()add_schannel_auth_footer()aixjfs2_sys_acl_get_file()assert_gid()assert_uid()async_request_sent()brlock_posix_split_merge()byte_range_lock_destructor()calculate_data_len_tosend()centry_expand()centry_hash16()centry_nttime()centry_string()centry_uint16()centry_uint32()centry_uint8()change_notify_remove_request()cli_get_fs_attr_info()cli_get_fs_quota_info()cli_get_user_quota()cli_list_user_quota()cli_set_fs_quota_info()cli_set_user_quota()copy_unistr2()create_rpc_blob()data_blob_talloc()decrement_windows_lock_ref_count()delete_close_entries()domain_list()dump_ntquota()enum_dom_groups()enum_local_groups()fault_report()file_find_dif()find_builtin_domain()find_our_domain()get_challenge()get_global_sam_sid()get_ntlm_challenge()getgrouplist_internals()gpfsacl_sys_acl_get_file()increment_windows_lock_ref_count()init_bitmap()init_iconv()init_pipe_handle_list()init_pwnam_cache()init_q_add_acct_rights()init_q_remove_acct_rights()init_reg_q_abort_shutdown()init_reg_q_create_key_ex()init_reg_q_enum_val()init_reg_q_open_hive()init_reg_q_shutdown()init_reg_r_enum_key()init_reg_r_enum_val()init_registry_data()init_regval_buffer()init_shutdown_q_abort()init_shutdown_q_init()init_string2()init_unistr()init_unistr2()init_unistr2_from_datablob()init_unistr2_from_unistr()init_unistr2_w()init_unistr3()init_unistr4()init_unistr4_w()lookup_groupmem()lookup_usergroups()main_loop_talloc_get()make_auth_methods()make_connection()nttrans_realloc()open_sockets_smbd()parse_share_modes()parse_user_quota_record()pdb_default_enum_group_memberships()pdb_get_methods_reload()pop_conn_ctx()pop_sec_ctx()process_blocking_lock_cancel_message()pull_delete_on_close_flag()push_ascii()push_ascii_nstring()push_conn_ctx()push_sec_ctx()query_user_list()reduce_windows_lock_ref_count()register_vuid()reply_lockingX()rpc_api_pipe_req()set_domain_offline()set_domain_online_request()set_filelen_write_cache()set_sec_ctx()setup_domain_child()share_mode_lock_destructor()smb_xmalloc_array()smb_xstrdup()smb_xstrndup()smb_xvasprintf()smbd_event_context()smbd_messaging_context()smbldap_set_mod()sys_get_quota()sys_get_vfs_quota()sys_get_xfs_quota()sys_path_to_bdev()sys_select()sys_set_quota()sys_set_vfs_quota()sys_set_xfs_quota()talloc_check_name_abort()tdb_search_keys()tdb_trans_delete()tdb_trans_store()tdbsam_new_rid()tmp_talloc_ctx()token_contains_name()token_contains_name_in_list()trusted_domains()unix_strlower()unix_strupper()validate_my_share_entries()vfs_default_init()winbind_event_context().

01639 {
01640         char *cmd;
01641         int result;
01643 #ifdef DEVELOPER
01644         {
01646                 if (global_clobber_region_function) {
01647                         DEBUG(0,("smb_panic: clobber_region() last called from [%s(%u)]\n",
01648                                          global_clobber_region_function,
01649                                          global_clobber_region_line));
01650                 } 
01651         }
01652 #endif
01654         DEBUG(0,("PANIC (pid %llu): %s\n",
01655                     (unsigned long long)sys_getpid(), why));
01656         log_stack_trace();
01658         cmd = lp_panic_action();
01659         if (cmd && *cmd) {
01660                 DEBUG(0, ("smb_panic(): calling panic action [%s]\n", cmd));
01661                 result = system(cmd);
01663                 if (result == -1)
01664                         DEBUG(0, ("smb_panic(): fork failed in panic action: %s\n",
01665                                           strerror(errno)));
01666                 else
01667                         DEBUG(0, ("smb_panic(): action returned status %d\n",
01668                                           WEXITSTATUS(result)));
01669         }
01671         dump_core();
01672 }

void log_stack_trace ( void   ) 

util.c1692 行で定義されています。

参照先 become_root()procname().

参照元 exit_server_common()smb_panic().

01693 {
01694 #ifdef HAVE_LIBUNWIND
01695         /* Try to use libunwind before any other technique since on ia64
01696          * libunwind correctly walks the stack in more circumstances than
01697          * backtrace.
01698          */ 
01699         unw_cursor_t cursor;
01700         unw_context_t uc;
01701         unsigned i = 0;
01703         char procname[256];
01704         unw_word_t ip, sp, off;
01706         procname[sizeof(procname) - 1] = '\0';
01708         if (unw_getcontext(&uc) != 0) {
01709                 goto libunwind_failed;
01710         }
01712         if (unw_init_local(&cursor, &uc) != 0) {
01713                 goto libunwind_failed;
01714         }
01716         DEBUG(0, ("BACKTRACE:\n"));
01718         do {
01719             ip = sp = 0;
01720             unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_REG_IP, &ip);
01721             unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_REG_SP, &sp);
01723             switch (unw_get_proc_name(&cursor,
01724                         procname, sizeof(procname) - 1, &off) ) {
01725             case 0:
01726                     /* Name found. */
01727             case -UNW_ENOMEM:
01728                     /* Name truncated. */
01729                     DEBUGADD(0, (" #%u %s + %#llx [ip=%#llx] [sp=%#llx]\n",
01730                             i, procname, (long long)off,
01731                             (long long)ip, (long long) sp));
01732                     break;
01733             default:
01734             /* case -UNW_ENOINFO: */
01735             /* case -UNW_EUNSPEC: */
01736                     /* No symbol name found. */
01737                     DEBUGADD(0, (" #%u %s [ip=%#llx] [sp=%#llx]\n",
01738                             i, "<unknown symbol>",
01739                             (long long)ip, (long long) sp));
01740             }
01741             ++i;
01742         } while (unw_step(&cursor) > 0);
01744         return;
01746 libunwind_failed:
01747         DEBUG(0, ("unable to produce a stack trace with libunwind\n"));
01750         void *backtrace_stack[BACKTRACE_STACK_SIZE];
01751         size_t backtrace_size;
01752         char **backtrace_strings;
01754         /* get the backtrace (stack frames) */
01755         backtrace_size = backtrace(backtrace_stack,BACKTRACE_STACK_SIZE);
01756         backtrace_strings = backtrace_symbols(backtrace_stack, backtrace_size);
01758         DEBUG(0, ("BACKTRACE: %lu stack frames:\n", 
01759                   (unsigned long)backtrace_size));
01761         if (backtrace_strings) {
01762                 int i;
01764                 for (i = 0; i < backtrace_size; i++)
01765                         DEBUGADD(0, (" #%u %s\n", i, backtrace_strings[i]));
01767                 /* Leak the backtrace_strings, rather than risk what free() might do */
01768         }
01770 #elif HAVE_LIBEXC
01772         /* The IRIX libexc library provides an API for unwinding the stack. See
01773          * libexc(3) for details. Apparantly trace_back_stack leaks memory, but
01774          * since we are about to abort anyway, it hardly matters.
01775          */
01777 #define NAMESIZE 32 /* Arbitrary */
01779         __uint64_t      addrs[BACKTRACE_STACK_SIZE];
01780         char *          names[BACKTRACE_STACK_SIZE];
01781         char            namebuf[BACKTRACE_STACK_SIZE * NAMESIZE];
01783         int             i;
01784         int             levels;
01786         ZERO_ARRAY(addrs);
01787         ZERO_ARRAY(names);
01788         ZERO_ARRAY(namebuf);
01790         /* We need to be root so we can open our /proc entry to walk
01791          * our stack. It also helps when we want to dump core.
01792          */
01793         become_root();
01795         for (i = 0; i < BACKTRACE_STACK_SIZE; i++) {
01796                 names[i] = namebuf + (i * NAMESIZE);
01797         }
01799         levels = trace_back_stack(0, addrs, names,
01800                         BACKTRACE_STACK_SIZE, NAMESIZE - 1);
01802         DEBUG(0, ("BACKTRACE: %d stack frames:\n", levels));
01803         for (i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
01804                 DEBUGADD(0, (" #%d 0x%llx %s\n", i, addrs[i], names[i]));
01805         }
01806 #undef NAMESIZE
01808 #else
01809         DEBUG(0, ("unable to produce a stack trace on this platform\n"));
01810 #endif
01811 }

const char* readdirname ( SMB_STRUCT_DIR *  p  ) 

util.c1817 行で定義されています。

参照先 buflensys_readdir()telldir().

参照元 file_find()findpty().

01818 {
01819         SMB_STRUCT_DIRENT *ptr;
01820         char *dname;
01822         if (!p)
01823                 return(NULL);
01825         ptr = (SMB_STRUCT_DIRENT *)sys_readdir(p);
01826         if (!ptr)
01827                 return(NULL);
01829         dname = ptr->d_name;
01831 #ifdef NEXT2
01832         if (telldir(p) < 0)
01833                 return(NULL);
01834 #endif
01837         /* using /usr/ucb/cc is BAD */
01838         dname = dname - 2;
01839 #endif
01841         {
01842                 static pstring buf;
01843                 int len = NAMLEN(ptr);
01844                 memcpy(buf, dname, len);
01845                 buf[len] = 0;
01846                 dname = buf;
01847         }
01849         return(dname);
01850 }

BOOL is_in_path ( const char *  name,
name_compare_entry namelist,
BOOL  case_sensitive 

util.c1857 行で定義されています。

参照先 name_compare_entry::is_wildmask_match()name_compare_entry::namestrrchr_m().

参照元 open_file().

01858 {
01859         const char *last_component;
01861         /* if we have no list it's obviously not in the path */
01862         if((namelist == NULL ) || ((namelist != NULL) && (namelist[0].name == NULL))) {
01863                 return False;
01864         }
01866         DEBUG(8, ("is_in_path: %s\n", name));
01868         /* Get the last component of the unix name. */
01869         last_component = strrchr_m(name, '/');
01870         if (!last_component) {
01871                 last_component = name;
01872         } else {
01873                 last_component++; /* Go past '/' */
01874         }
01876         for(; namelist->name != NULL; namelist++) {
01877                 if(namelist->is_wild) {
01878                         if (mask_match(last_component, namelist->name, case_sensitive)) {
01879                                 DEBUG(8,("is_in_path: mask match succeeded\n"));
01880                                 return True;
01881                         }
01882                 } else {
01883                         if((case_sensitive && (strcmp(last_component, namelist->name) == 0))||
01884                                                 (!case_sensitive && (StrCaseCmp(last_component, namelist->name) == 0))) {
01885                                 DEBUG(8,("is_in_path: match succeeded\n"));
01886                                 return True;
01887                         }
01888                 }
01889         }
01890         DEBUG(8,("is_in_path: match not found\n"));
01891         return False;
01892 }

void set_namearray ( name_compare_entry **  ppname_array,
char *  namelist 

util.c1907 行で定義されています。

参照先 ms_has_wild()namestrchr_m().

01908 {
01909         char *name_end;
01910         char *nameptr = namelist;
01911         int num_entries = 0;
01912         int i;
01914         (*ppname_array) = NULL;
01916         if((nameptr == NULL ) || ((nameptr != NULL) && (*nameptr == '\0'))) 
01917                 return;
01919         /* We need to make two passes over the string. The
01920                 first to count the number of elements, the second
01921                 to split it.
01922         */
01924         while(*nameptr) {
01925                 if ( *nameptr == '/' ) {
01926                         /* cope with multiple (useless) /s) */
01927                         nameptr++;
01928                         continue;
01929                 }
01930                 /* find the next / */
01931                 name_end = strchr_m(nameptr, '/');
01933                 /* oops - the last check for a / didn't find one. */
01934                 if (name_end == NULL)
01935                         break;
01937                 /* next segment please */
01938                 nameptr = name_end + 1;
01939                 num_entries++;
01940         }
01942         if(num_entries == 0)
01943                 return;
01945         if(( (*ppname_array) = SMB_MALLOC_ARRAY(name_compare_entry, num_entries + 1)) == NULL) {
01946                 DEBUG(0,("set_namearray: malloc fail\n"));
01947                 return;
01948         }
01950         /* Now copy out the names */
01951         nameptr = namelist;
01952         i = 0;
01953         while(*nameptr) {
01954                 if ( *nameptr == '/' ) {
01955                         /* cope with multiple (useless) /s) */
01956                         nameptr++;
01957                         continue;
01958                 }
01959                 /* find the next / */
01960                 if ((name_end = strchr_m(nameptr, '/')) != NULL)
01961                         *name_end = 0;
01963                 /* oops - the last check for a / didn't find one. */
01964                 if(name_end == NULL) 
01965                         break;
01967                 (*ppname_array)[i].is_wild = ms_has_wild(nameptr);
01968                 if(((*ppname_array)[i].name = SMB_STRDUP(nameptr)) == NULL) {
01969                         DEBUG(0,("set_namearray: malloc fail (1)\n"));
01970                         return;
01971                 }
01973                 /* next segment please */
01974                 nameptr = name_end + 1;
01975                 i++;
01976         }
01978         (*ppname_array)[i].name = NULL;
01980         return;
01981 }

void free_namearray ( name_compare_entry name_array  ) 

util.c1987 行で定義されています。

参照先 namename_compare_entry::name.

参照元 atalk_add_to_list()conn_free_internal().

01988 {
01989         int i;
01991         if(name_array == NULL)
01992                 return;
01994         for(i=0; name_array[i].name!=NULL; i++)
01995                 SAFE_FREE(name_array[i].name);
01996         SAFE_FREE(name_array);
01997 }

BOOL fcntl_lock ( int  fd,
int  op,
SMB_OFF_T  offset,
SMB_OFF_T  count,
int  type 

util.c2008 行で定義されています。

参照先 errnostrerror()sys_fcntl_ptr().

参照元 pidfile_create()pidfile_pid()vfswrap_lock().

02009 {
02010         SMB_STRUCT_FLOCK lock;
02011         int ret;
02013         DEBUG(8,("fcntl_lock fd=%d op=%d offset=%.0f count=%.0f type=%d\n",
02014                 fd,op,(double)offset,(double)count,type));
02016         lock.l_type = type;
02017         lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
02018         lock.l_start = offset;
02019         lock.l_len = count;
02020         lock.l_pid = 0;
02022         ret = sys_fcntl_ptr(fd,op,&lock);
02024         if (ret == -1) {
02025                 int sav = errno;
02026                 DEBUG(3,("fcntl_lock: lock failed at offset %.0f count %.0f op %d type %d (%s)\n",
02027                         (double)offset,(double)count,op,type,strerror(errno)));
02028                 errno = sav;
02029                 return False;
02030         }
02032         /* everything went OK */
02033         DEBUG(8,("fcntl_lock: Lock call successful\n"));
02035         return True;
02036 }

BOOL fcntl_getlock ( int  fd,
SMB_OFF_T *  poffset,
SMB_OFF_T *  pcount,
int *  ptype,
pid_t *  ppid 

util.c2045 行で定義されています。

参照先 errnostrerror()sys_fcntl_ptr().

参照元 vfswrap_getlock().

02046 {
02047         SMB_STRUCT_FLOCK lock;
02048         int ret;
02050         DEBUG(8,("fcntl_getlock fd=%d offset=%.0f count=%.0f type=%d\n",
02051                     fd,(double)*poffset,(double)*pcount,*ptype));
02053         lock.l_type = *ptype;
02054         lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
02055         lock.l_start = *poffset;
02056         lock.l_len = *pcount;
02057         lock.l_pid = 0;
02059         ret = sys_fcntl_ptr(fd,SMB_F_GETLK,&lock);
02061         if (ret == -1) {
02062                 int sav = errno;
02063                 DEBUG(3,("fcntl_getlock: lock request failed at offset %.0f count %.0f type %d (%s)\n",
02064                         (double)*poffset,(double)*pcount,*ptype,strerror(errno)));
02065                 errno = sav;
02066                 return False;
02067         }
02069         *ptype = lock.l_type;
02070         *poffset = lock.l_start;
02071         *pcount = lock.l_len;
02072         *ppid = lock.l_pid;
02074         DEBUG(3,("fcntl_getlock: fd %d is returned info %d pid %u\n",
02075                         fd, (int)lock.l_type, (unsigned int)lock.l_pid));
02076         return True;
02077 }

BOOL is_myname ( const char *  s  ) 

util.c2087 行で定義されています。

参照先 my_netbios_names()strequal().

参照元 announce_my_lm_server_names()announce_my_server_names()announce_my_servers_removed()check_domain_match()check_samstrict_security()find_auth_domain()is_myname_or_ipaddr()process_browse_packet()process_host_announce()process_lanman_packet()process_lm_host_announce()process_local_master_announce()tell_become_backup()update_server_ttl()winbindd_dual_pam_auth_crap()winbindd_dual_pam_auth_kerberos()winbindd_dual_pam_auth_samlogon()wins_process_multihomed_name_registration_request()wins_process_name_registration_request()write_browse_list().

02088 {
02089         int n;
02090         BOOL ret = False;
02092         for (n=0; my_netbios_names(n); n++) {
02093                 if (strequal(my_netbios_names(n), s)) {
02094                         ret=True;
02095                         break;
02096                 }
02097         }
02098         DEBUG(8, ("is_myname(\"%s\") returns %d\n", s, ret));
02099         return(ret);
02100 }

BOOL is_myname_or_ipaddr ( const char *  s  ) 

util.c2102 行で定義されています。

参照先 get_interfaces()get_mydnsfullname()global_mynameinterpret_addr()iface_struct::ipis_ipaddress()is_myname()namestrequal()strrchr_m()sys_gethostbyname().

参照元 _spoolss_enumprinterdrivers()create_junction()enum_all_printers_info_1_name()enum_all_printers_info_1_network()enumprinters_level2()getprinterdriverdir_level_1()set_printer_hnd_name().

02103 {
02104         fstring name, dnsname;
02105         char *servername;
02107         if ( !s )
02108                 return False;
02110         /* santize the string from '\\name' */
02112         fstrcpy( name, s );
02114         servername = strrchr_m( name, '\\' );
02115         if ( !servername )
02116                 servername = name;
02117         else
02118                 servername++;
02120         /* optimize for the common case */
02122         if (strequal(servername, global_myname())) 
02123                 return True;
02125         /* check for an alias */
02127         if (is_myname(servername))
02128                 return True;
02130         /* check for loopback */
02132         if (strequal(servername, "")) 
02133                 return True;
02135         if (strequal(servername, "localhost")) 
02136                 return True;
02138         /* maybe it's my dns name */
02140         if ( get_mydnsfullname( dnsname ) )
02141                 if ( strequal( servername, dnsname ) )
02142                         return True;
02144         /* handle possible CNAME records */
02146         if ( !is_ipaddress( servername ) ) {
02147                 /* use DNS to resolve the name, but only the first address */
02148                 struct hostent *hp;
02150                 if (((hp = sys_gethostbyname(name)) != NULL) && (hp->h_addr != NULL)) {
02151                         struct in_addr return_ip;
02152                         putip( (char*)&return_ip, (char*)hp->h_addr );
02153                         fstrcpy( name, inet_ntoa( return_ip ) );
02154                         servername = name;
02155                 }       
02156         }
02158         /* maybe its an IP address? */
02159         if (is_ipaddress(servername)) {
02160                 struct iface_struct nics[MAX_INTERFACES];
02161                 int i, n;
02162                 uint32 ip;
02164                 ip = interpret_addr(servername);
02165                 if ((ip==0) || (ip==0xffffffff))
02166                         return False;
02168                 n = get_interfaces(nics, MAX_INTERFACES);
02169                 for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
02170                         if (ip == nics[i].ip.s_addr)
02171                                 return True;
02172                 }
02173         }       
02175         /* no match */
02176         return False;
02177 }

BOOL is_myworkgroup ( const char *  s  ) 

util.c2184 行で定義されています。

参照先 lp_workgroup()strequal().

02185 {
02186         BOOL ret = False;
02188         if (strequal(s, lp_workgroup())) {
02189                 ret=True;
02190         }
02192         DEBUG(8, ("is_myworkgroup(\"%s\") returns %d\n", s, ret));
02193         return(ret);
02194 }

void ra_lanman_string ( const char *  native_lanman  ) 

util.c2207 行で定義されています。

参照先 RA_WIN2K3RA_WINXPset_remote_arch().

参照元 reply_sesssetup_and_X()reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego().

02208 {       
02209         if ( strcmp( native_lanman, "Windows 2002 5.1" ) == 0 )
02210                 set_remote_arch( RA_WINXP );
02211         else if ( strcmp( native_lanman, "Windows XP 5.2" ) == 0 )
02212                 set_remote_arch( RA_WINXP );
02213         else if ( strcmp( native_lanman, "Windows Server 2003 5.2" ) == 0 )
02214                 set_remote_arch( RA_WIN2K3 );
02215 }

void set_remote_arch ( enum remote_arch_types  type  ) 

util.c2221 行で定義されています。


参照元 ra_lanman_string()reply_negprot()reply_nt1()reply_sesssetup_and_X()reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego().

02222 {
02223         ra_type = type;
02224         switch( type ) {
02225         case RA_WFWG:
02226                 fstrcpy(remote_arch, "WfWg");
02227                 break;
02228         case RA_OS2:
02229                 fstrcpy(remote_arch, "OS2");
02230                 break;
02231         case RA_WIN95:
02232                 fstrcpy(remote_arch, "Win95");
02233                 break;
02234         case RA_WINNT:
02235                 fstrcpy(remote_arch, "WinNT");
02236                 break;
02237         case RA_WIN2K:
02238                 fstrcpy(remote_arch, "Win2K");
02239                 break;
02240         case RA_WINXP:
02241                 fstrcpy(remote_arch, "WinXP");
02242                 break;
02243         case RA_WIN2K3:
02244                 fstrcpy(remote_arch, "Win2K3");
02245                 break;
02246         case RA_VISTA:
02247                 fstrcpy(remote_arch, "Vista");
02248                 break;
02249         case RA_SAMBA:
02250                 fstrcpy(remote_arch,"Samba");
02251                 break;
02252         case RA_CIFSFS:
02253                 fstrcpy(remote_arch,"CIFSFS");
02254                 break;
02255         default:
02256                 ra_type = RA_UNKNOWN;
02257                 fstrcpy(remote_arch, "UNKNOWN");
02258                 break;
02259         }
02261         DEBUG(10,("set_remote_arch: Client arch is \'%s\'\n", remote_arch));
02262 }

enum remote_arch_types get_remote_arch ( void   ) 

util.c2268 行で定義されています。

参照先 ra_type.

参照元 _samr_enum_dom_users()_samr_query_dispinfo()_spoolss_open_printer_ex()get_a_printer_2()getprinterdata_printer_server()nt4_compatible_acls()reply_negprot()reply_nt1()reply_sesssetup_and_X()reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego()set_current_service()smb_roundup().

02269 {
02270         return ra_type;
02271 }

void print_asc ( int  level,
const unsigned char *  buf,
int  len 

util.c2273 行で定義されています。

参照元 dump_data()print_arec()print_data()print_key().

02274 {
02275         int i;
02276         for (i=0;i<len;i++)
02277                 DEBUG(level,("%c", isprint(buf[i])?buf[i]:'.'));
02278 }

void dump_data ( int  level,
const char *  buf1,
int  len 

util.c2280 行で定義されています。

参照先 bufprint_asc().

参照元 _samr_set_userinfo()_samr_set_userinfo2()auth_ntlmssp_set_challenge()cache_retrieve_response()check_ntlm_password()check_passwd_history()cli_oem_change_password()cli_simple_set_signing()client_check_incoming_message()client_sign_outgoing_message()cmd_show_data()create_krb5_auth_bind_req()create_ntlmssp_auth_rpc_bind_req()create_policy_hnd()create_spnego_ntlmssp_auth_rpc_bind_req()decode_pw_buffer()dump_data_pw()eventlog_add_source()find_policy_by_hnd_internal()get_ea_value()get_md4pw()get_ntlm_challenge()init_id_info1()init_samr_q_set_userinfo2()init_samr_userinfo_ctr()make_user_info_for_reply()make_user_info_netlogon_interactive()manage_client_ntlmssp_request()manage_gss_spnego_request()manage_squid_ntlmssp_request()ndr_print_DATA_BLOB()new_trans()notify2_unpack_msg()nt_lm_owf_gen()ntlmssp_check_packet()ntlmssp_client_challenge()ntlmssp_server_auth()ntlmssp_server_negotiate()ntlmssp_update()NTLMSSPOWFencrypt()ntv2_owf_gen()process_logon_packet()read_ea_list_entry()reply_nttrans()run_eatest()setup_dfs_referral()setup_ver2_dfs_referral()setup_ver3_dfs_referral()show_msg()smb_pwd_check_ntlmv1()smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2()SMBencrypt_hash()SMBNTencrypt_hash()SMBOWFencrypt_ntv2()SMBsesskeygen_lm_sess_key()SMBsesskeygen_ntv1()SMBsesskeygen_ntv2()srv_check_incoming_message()srv_sign_outgoing_message()test_lm_ntlm_broken()test_lmv2_ntlmv2_broken()test_ntlm_in_both()test_ntlm_in_lm()valid_pipe_name()wcache_get_creds()wcache_save_creds()winbindd_dual_pam_auth_cached()winbindd_store_creds()write_to_pipe()writetarheader().

02281 {
02282         const unsigned char *buf = (const unsigned char *)buf1;
02283         int i=0;
02284         if (len<=0) return;
02286         if (!DEBUGLVL(level)) return;
02288         DEBUGADD(level,("[%03X] ",i));
02289         for (i=0;i<len;) {
02290                 DEBUGADD(level,("%02X ",(int)buf[i]));
02291                 i++;
02292                 if (i%8 == 0) DEBUGADD(level,(" "));
02293                 if (i%16 == 0) {      
02294                         print_asc(level,&buf[i-16],8); DEBUGADD(level,(" "));
02295                         print_asc(level,&buf[i-8],8); DEBUGADD(level,("\n"));
02296                         if (i<len) DEBUGADD(level,("[%03X] ",i));
02297                 }
02298         }
02299         if (i%16) {
02300                 int n;
02301                 n = 16 - (i%16);
02302                 DEBUGADD(level,(" "));
02303                 if (n>8) DEBUGADD(level,(" "));
02304                 while (n--) DEBUGADD(level,("   "));
02305                 n = MIN(8,i%16);
02306                 print_asc(level,&buf[i-(i%16)],n); DEBUGADD(level,( " " ));
02307                 n = (i%16) - n;
02308                 if (n>0) print_asc(level,&buf[i-n],n); 
02309                 DEBUGADD(level,("\n"));    
02310         }       
02311 }

void dump_data_pw ( const char *  msg,
const uchar *  data,
size_t  len 

util.c2313 行で定義されています。

参照先 dump_data().

参照元 ads_verify_ticket()cli_simple_set_signing()creds_client_init()creds_init_128()creds_server_init()get_krb5_smb_session_key()ntlmssp_check_packet()ntlmssp_client_challenge()ntlmssp_make_packet_signature()ntlmssp_seal_packet()ntlmssp_server_auth()ntlmssp_sign_init()ntlmssp_unseal_packet()srv_set_signing().

02314 {
02315 #ifdef DEBUG_PASSWORD
02316         DEBUG(11, ("%s", msg));
02317         if (data != NULL && len > 0)
02318         {
02319                 dump_data(11, (const char *)data, len);
02320         }
02321 #endif
02322 }

char* tab_depth ( int  depth  ) 

util.c2324 行で定義されています。

参照元 prs_debug()srv_io_info_ctr()srv_io_srv_conn_ctr()srv_io_srv_file_ctr()srv_io_srv_sess_ctr()srv_io_srv_share_ctr()srv_io_srv_share_info().

02325 {
02326         static pstring spaces;
02327         memset(spaces, ' ', depth * 4);
02328         spaces[depth * 4] = 0;
02329         return spaces;
02330 }

int str_checksum ( const char *  s  ) 

util.c2341 行で定義されています。

参照先 c.

参照元 call_trans2qfsinfo()smbc_inode()smbc_server()to_8_3().

02342 {
02343         int res = 0;
02344         int c;
02345         int i=0;
02347         while(*s) {
02348                 c = *s;
02349                 res ^= (c << (i % 15)) ^ (c >> (15-(i%15)));
02350                 s++;
02351                 i++;
02352         }
02353         return(res);
02354 }

void zero_free ( void *  p,
size_t  size 

util.c2360 行で定義されています。

参照元 become_local_master_browser()find_domain_master_name_query_success()release_1d_name().

02361 {
02362         memset(p, 0, size);
02363         SAFE_FREE(p);
02364 }

int set_maxfiles ( int  requested_max  ) 

util.c2370 行で定義されています。

参照先 errnostrerror().

参照元 file_init().

02371 {
02372 #if (defined(HAVE_GETRLIMIT) && defined(RLIMIT_NOFILE))
02373         struct rlimit rlp;
02374         int saved_current_limit;
02376         if(getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlp)) {
02377                 DEBUG(0,("set_maxfiles: getrlimit (1) for RLIMIT_NOFILE failed with error %s\n",
02378                         strerror(errno) ));
02379                 /* just guess... */
02380                 return requested_max;
02381         }
02383         /* 
02384          * Set the fd limit to be real_max_open_files + MAX_OPEN_FUDGEFACTOR to
02385          * account for the extra fd we need 
02386          * as well as the log files and standard
02387          * handles etc. Save the limit we want to set in case
02388          * we are running on an OS that doesn't support this limit (AIX)
02389          * which always returns RLIM_INFINITY for rlp.rlim_max.
02390          */
02392         /* Try raising the hard (max) limit to the requested amount. */
02394 #if defined(RLIM_INFINITY)
02395         if (rlp.rlim_max != RLIM_INFINITY) {
02396                 int orig_max = rlp.rlim_max;
02398                 if ( rlp.rlim_max < requested_max )
02399                         rlp.rlim_max = requested_max;
02401                 /* This failing is not an error - many systems (Linux) don't
02402                         support our default request of 10,000 open files. JRA. */
02404                 if(setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlp)) {
02405                         DEBUG(3,("set_maxfiles: setrlimit for RLIMIT_NOFILE for %d max files failed with error %s\n", 
02406                                 (int)rlp.rlim_max, strerror(errno) ));
02408                         /* Set failed - restore original value from get. */
02409                         rlp.rlim_max = orig_max;
02410                 }
02411         }
02412 #endif
02414         /* Now try setting the soft (current) limit. */
02416         saved_current_limit = rlp.rlim_cur = MIN(requested_max,rlp.rlim_max);
02418         if(setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlp)) {
02419                 DEBUG(0,("set_maxfiles: setrlimit for RLIMIT_NOFILE for %d files failed with error %s\n", 
02420                         (int)rlp.rlim_cur, strerror(errno) ));
02421                 /* just guess... */
02422                 return saved_current_limit;
02423         }
02425         if(getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlp)) {
02426                 DEBUG(0,("set_maxfiles: getrlimit (2) for RLIMIT_NOFILE failed with error %s\n",
02427                         strerror(errno) ));
02428                 /* just guess... */
02429                 return saved_current_limit;
02430     }
02432 #if defined(RLIM_INFINITY)
02433         if(rlp.rlim_cur == RLIM_INFINITY)
02434                 return saved_current_limit;
02435 #endif
02437         if((int)rlp.rlim_cur > saved_current_limit)
02438                 return saved_current_limit;
02440         return rlp.rlim_cur;
02441 #else /* !defined(HAVE_GETRLIMIT) || !defined(RLIMIT_NOFILE) */
02442         /*
02443          * No way to know - just guess...
02444          */
02445         return requested_max;
02446 #endif
02447 }

int smb_mkstemp ( char *  name_template  ) 

util.c2453 行で定義されています。

参照元 cmd_more()create_local_private_krb5_conf_for_domain()fetch_database_to_ldif()msg_deliver()net_usershare_add()print_job_start()reply_ctemp()setup_out_fd().

02454 {
02456         return mkstemp(name_template);
02457 #else
02458         /* have a reasonable go at emulating it. Hope that
02459            the system mktemp() isn't completly hopeless */
02460         char *p = mktemp(name_template);
02461         if (!p)
02462                 return -1;
02463         return open(p, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_RDWR, 0600);
02464 #endif
02465 }

void* smb_xmalloc_array ( size_t  size,
unsigned int  count 

util.c2471 行で定義されています。

参照先 smb_panic().

02472 {
02473         void *p;
02474         if (size == 0)
02475                 smb_panic("smb_xmalloc_array: called with zero size.\n");
02476         if (count >= MAX_ALLOC_SIZE/size) {
02477                 smb_panic("smb_xmalloc: alloc size too large.\n");
02478         }
02479         if ((p = SMB_MALLOC(size*count)) == NULL) {
02480                 DEBUG(0, ("smb_xmalloc_array failed to allocate %lu * %lu bytes\n",
02481                         (unsigned long)size, (unsigned long)count));
02482                 smb_panic("smb_xmalloc_array: malloc fail.\n");
02483         }
02484         return p;
02485 }

void* smb_xmemdup ( const void *  p,
size_t  size 

Memdup with smb_panic on fail.

util.c2491 行で定義されています。

参照元 data_blob()getgroups_sid2gid_recv()winbindd_dual_ccache_ntlm_auth().

02492 {
02493         void *p2;
02494         p2 = SMB_XMALLOC_ARRAY(unsigned char,size);
02495         memcpy(p2, p, size);
02496         return p2;
02497 }

char* smb_xstrdup ( const char *  s  ) 

strdup that aborts on malloc fail.

util.c2503 行で定義されています。

参照先 smb_panic()strdup().

参照元 add_session_workgroup()ads_startup_int()allow_access()cm_get_ipc_userpass()contact_winbind_auth_crap()contact_winbind_change_pswd_auth_crap()cups_connect()fetch_ldap_pw()get_pass()init_mount()load_auth_module()main()make_pdb_method_name()manage_ntlm_change_password_1_request()manage_ntlm_server_1_request()msrpc_parse()net_rpc_testjoin()offer_gss_spnego_mechs()open_sockets_smbd()pdb_init_ldapsam()process_nonroot()process_options()process_root()rap_group_add()rap_share_add()rap_user_add()register_vuid()rpc_file_list_internals()rpc_trustdom_establish()rpc_trustdom_revoke()secrets_fetch_ipc_userpass()smb_register_auth()smb_register_idmap_nss()smb_register_passdb()smb_register_vfs()vfs_init_custom().

02504 {
02505 #if defined(PARANOID_MALLOC_CHECKER)
02506 #ifdef strdup
02507 #undef strdup
02508 #endif
02509 #endif
02511 #ifndef HAVE_STRDUP
02512 #define strdup rep_strdup
02513 #endif
02515         char *s1 = strdup(s);
02516 #if defined(PARANOID_MALLOC_CHECKER)
02517 #ifdef strdup
02518 #undef strdup
02519 #endif
02520 #define strdup(s) __ERROR_DONT_USE_STRDUP_DIRECTLY
02521 #endif
02522         if (!s1)
02523                 smb_panic("smb_xstrdup: malloc fail\n");
02524         return s1;
02526 }

char* smb_xstrndup ( const char *  s,
size_t  n 

strndup that aborts on malloc fail.

util.c2532 行で定義されています。

参照先 smb_panic().

02533 {
02534 #if defined(PARANOID_MALLOC_CHECKER)
02535 #ifdef strndup
02536 #undef strndup
02537 #endif
02538 #endif
02540 #if (defined(BROKEN_STRNDUP) || !defined(HAVE_STRNDUP))
02541 #undef HAVE_STRNDUP
02542 #define strndup rep_strndup
02543 #endif
02545         char *s1 = strndup(s, n);
02546 #if defined(PARANOID_MALLOC_CHECKER)
02547 #ifdef strndup
02548 #undef strndup
02549 #endif
02550 #define strndup(s,n) __ERROR_DONT_USE_STRNDUP_DIRECTLY
02551 #endif
02552         if (!s1)
02553                 smb_panic("smb_xstrndup: malloc fail\n");
02554         return s1;
02555 }

int smb_xvasprintf ( char **  ptr,
const char *  format,
va_list  ap 

util.c2561 行で定義されています。

参照先 smb_panic()vasprintf().

参照元 centry_end()wcache_delete()wcache_fetch().

02562 {
02563         int n;
02564         va_list ap2;
02566         VA_COPY(ap2, ap);
02568         n = vasprintf(ptr, format, ap2);
02569         if (n == -1 || ! *ptr)
02570                 smb_panic("smb_xvasprintf: out of memory");
02571         return n;
02572 }

void* memdup ( const void *  p,
size_t  size 

util.c2578 行で定義されています。

参照元 asn1_load()cli_qfileinfo_test()convert_nt_devicemode()copy_current_user()dup_nt_devicemode()dup_registry_value()dup_spool_notify_option()get_a_printer_driver_3()get_a_printer_driver_3_default()get_builtin_ntforms()init_unistr2_from_datablob()load_interfaces()pipe_ntlmssp_verify_final()register_vuid()set_current_user_guest()set_sec_ctx()tdbsam_traverse_setpwent()traverse_fn()unpack_devicemode().

02579 {
02580         void *p2;
02581         if (size == 0)
02582                 return NULL;
02583         p2 = SMB_MALLOC(size);
02584         if (!p2)
02585                 return NULL;
02586         memcpy(p2, p, size);
02587         return p2;
02588 }

char* myhostname ( void   ) 

util.c2594 行で定義されています。

参照先 get_myname().

参照元 alloc_sub_basic()cmd_spoolss_rffpcnex()init_globals()init_names()main()server_cryptkey()tcpip_params().

02595 {
02596         static pstring ret;
02597         if (ret[0] == 0)
02598                 get_myname(ret);
02599         return ret;
02600 }

char* lock_path ( const char *  name  ) 

util.c2606 行で定義されています。

参照先 directory_exist()trim_char().

参照元 ads_gpo_explode_filesyspath()ads_gpo_prepare_local_store()brl_init()conn_tdb_ctx()counters_directory()del_a_printer()do_daemon_stack_trace()do_winbind_offline()do_winbind_online()dump_all_namelists()elog_tdbname()gencache_init()get_server_info()get_winbind_priv_pipe_dir()idmap_cache_init()idmap_tdb_open_db()init_account_policy()init_group_mapping()init_wcache()initialise_wins()initialize_winbindd_cache()lang_tdb_init()locking_init()main()message_init()net_status_sessions()net_status_shares()net_status_shares_parseable()netsamlogon_cache_init()netsamlogon_clear_cached_user()notify_init()nt_printing_init()perfcount_init_keys()print_backend_init()receive_unexpected()regdb_init()regdb_open()send_message()send_repl_message()send_sync_message()session_init()share_info_db_init()status_page()tdbsam_new_rid()unexpected_packet()wcache_flush_cache().

02607 {
02608         static pstring fname;
02610         pstrcpy(fname,lp_lockdir());
02611         trim_char(fname,'\0','/');
02613         if (!directory_exist(fname,NULL))
02614                 mkdir(fname,0755);
02616         pstrcat(fname,"/");
02617         pstrcat(fname,name);
02619         return fname;
02620 }

char* pid_path ( const char *  name  ) 

util.c2626 行で定義されています。

参照先 directory_exist()trim_char().

02627 {
02628         static pstring fname;
02630         pstrcpy(fname,lp_piddir());
02631         trim_char(fname,'\0','/');
02633         if (!directory_exist(fname,NULL))
02634                 mkdir(fname,0755);
02636         pstrcat(fname,"/");
02637         pstrcat(fname,name);
02639         return fname;
02640 }

char* lib_path ( const char *  name  ) 

Returns an absolute path to a file in the Samba lib directory.

name File to find, relative to LIBDIR.
Pointer to a static pstring containing the full path.

util.c2650 行で定義されています。

参照先 dyn_LIBDIRfstr_sprintf().

参照元 init_valid_table()lang_tdb_init()load_case_tables()smb_probe_module().

02651 {
02652         static pstring fname;
02653         fstr_sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", dyn_LIBDIR, name);
02654         return fname;
02655 }

const char* shlib_ext ( void   ) 

Returns the platform specific shared library extension.

Pointer to a static fstring containing the extension.

util.c2663 行で定義されています。

参照先 dyn_SHLIBEXT.

参照元 smb_probe_module().

02664 {
02665   return dyn_SHLIBEXT;
02666 }

char* parent_dirname ( const char *  path  ) 

util.c2676 行で定義されています。

参照先 strrchr_m().

参照元 can_delete_file_in_directory()copy_internals()smb_unix_mknod()vfswrap_mkdir().

02677 {
02678         static pstring dirpath;
02679         char *p;
02681         if (!path)
02682                 return(NULL);
02684         pstrcpy(dirpath, path);
02685         p = strrchr_m(dirpath, '/');  /* Find final '/', if any */
02686         if (!p) {
02687                 pstrcpy(dirpath, ".");    /* No final "/", so dir is "." */
02688         } else {
02689                 if (p == dirpath)
02690                         ++p;    /* For root "/", leave "/" in place */
02691                 *p = '\0';
02692         }
02693         return dirpath;
02694 }

BOOL parent_dirname_talloc ( TALLOC_CTX mem_ctx,
const char *  dir,
char **  parent,
const char **  name 

util.c2696 行で定義されています。

参照先 lenstrrchr_m()talloc_strdup().

参照元 append_parent_acl()mkdir_internal()notify_rename()open_file_ntcreate().

02698 {
02699         char *p;
02700         ptrdiff_t len;
02702         p = strrchr_m(dir, '/'); /* Find final '/', if any */
02704         if (p == NULL) {
02705                 if (!(*parent = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, "."))) {
02706                         return False;
02707                 }
02708                 if (name) {
02709                         *name = "";
02710                 }
02711                 return True;
02712         }
02714         len = p-dir;
02716         if (!(*parent = TALLOC_ARRAY(mem_ctx, char, len+1))) {
02717                 return False;
02718         }
02719         memcpy(*parent, dir, len);
02720         (*parent)[len] = '\0';
02722         if (name) {
02723                 *name = p+1;
02724         }
02725         return True;
02726 }

BOOL ms_has_wild ( const char *  s  ) 

util.c2732 行で定義されています。

参照先 c.

参照元 determine_path_error()open_file()reply_ntrename()reply_search()set_namearray()unix_convert().

02733 {
02734         char c;
02736         if (lp_posix_pathnames()) {
02737                 /* With posix pathnames no characters are wild. */
02738                 return False;
02739         }
02741         while ((c = *s++)) {
02742                 switch (c) {
02743                 case '*':
02744                 case '?':
02745                 case '<':
02746                 case '>':
02747                 case '"':
02748                         return True;
02749                 }
02750         }
02751         return False;
02752 }

BOOL ms_has_wild_w ( const smb_ucs2_t s  ) 

util.c2754 行で定義されています。

参照先 c.

参照元 has_illegal_chars()has_valid_83_chars().

02755 {
02756         smb_ucs2_t c;
02757         if (!s) return False;
02758         while ((c = *s++)) {
02759                 switch (c) {
02760                 case UCS2_CHAR('*'):
02761                 case UCS2_CHAR('?'):
02762                 case UCS2_CHAR('<'):
02763                 case UCS2_CHAR('>'):
02764                 case UCS2_CHAR('"'):
02765                         return True;
02766                 }
02767         }
02768         return False;
02769 }

BOOL mask_match ( const char *  string,
const char *  pattern,
BOOL  is_case_sensitive 

util.c2776 行で定義されています。

参照先 ms_fnmatch()ProtocolPROTOCOL_LANMAN2.

参照元 do_this_one()get_lanman2_dir_entry()is_in_path()mask_match_list()rename_internals()reply_copy()tool_list()unlink_internals().

02777 {
02778         if (strcmp(string,"..") == 0)
02779                 string = ".";
02780         if (strcmp(pattern,".") == 0)
02781                 return False;
02783         return ms_fnmatch(pattern, string, Protocol <= PROTOCOL_LANMAN2, is_case_sensitive) == 0;
02784 }

BOOL mask_match_search ( const char *  string,
const char *  pattern,
BOOL  is_case_sensitive 

util.c2792 行で定義されています。

参照先 ms_fnmatch().

参照元 get_dir_entry()mangle_mask_match().

02793 {
02794         if (strcmp(string,"..") == 0)
02795                 string = ".";
02796         if (strcmp(pattern,".") == 0)
02797                 return False;
02799         return ms_fnmatch(pattern, string, True, is_case_sensitive) == 0;
02800 }

BOOL mask_match_list ( const char *  string,
char **  list,
int  listLen,
BOOL  is_case_sensitive 

util.c2807 行で定義されています。

参照先 mask_match().

参照元 writetarheader().

02808 {
02809        while (listLen-- > 0) {
02810                if (mask_match(string, *list++, is_case_sensitive))
02811                        return True;
02812        }
02813        return False;
02814 }

static BOOL unix_do_match ( const char *  regexp,
const char *  str 
) [static]

util.c2820 行で定義されています。

参照元 unix_wild_match().

02821 {
02822         const char *p;
02824         for( p = regexp; *p && *str; ) {
02826                 switch(*p) {
02827                         case '?':
02828                                 str++;
02829                                 p++;
02830                                 break;
02832                         case '*':
02834                                 /*
02835                                  * Look for a character matching 
02836                                  * the one after the '*'.
02837                                  */
02838                                 p++;
02839                                 if(!*p)
02840                                         return True; /* Automatic match */
02841                                 while(*str) {
02843                                         while(*str && (*p != *str))
02844                                                 str++;
02846                                         /*
02847                                          * Patch from In the case of the regexp
02848                                          * '*XX*' we want to ensure there are at least 2 'X' characters
02849                                          * in the string after the '*' for a match to be made.
02850                                          */
02852                                         {
02853                                                 int matchcount=0;
02855                                                 /*
02856                                                  * Eat all the characters that match, but count how many there were.
02857                                                  */
02859                                                 while(*str && (*p == *str)) {
02860                                                         str++;
02861                                                         matchcount++;
02862                                                 }
02864                                                 /*
02865                                                  * Now check that if the regexp had n identical characters that
02866                                                  * matchcount had at least that many matches.
02867                                                  */
02869                                                 while ( *(p+1) && (*(p+1) == *p)) {
02870                                                         p++;
02871                                                         matchcount--;
02872                                                 }
02874                                                 if ( matchcount <= 0 )
02875                                                         return False;
02876                                         }
02878                                         str--; /* We've eaten the match char after the '*' */
02880                                         if(unix_do_match(p, str))
02881                                                 return True;
02883                                         if(!*str)
02884                                                 return False;
02885                                         else
02886                                                 str++;
02887                                 }
02888                                 return False;
02890                         default:
02891                                 if(*str != *p)
02892                                         return False;
02893                                 str++;
02894                                 p++;
02895                                 break;
02896                 }
02897         }
02899         if(!*p && !*str)
02900                 return True;
02902         if (!*p && str[0] == '.' && str[1] == 0)
02903                 return(True);
02905         if (!*str && *p == '?') {
02906                 while (*p == '?')
02907                         p++;
02908                 return(!*p);
02909         }
02911         if(!*str && (*p == '*' && p[1] == '\0'))
02912                 return True;
02914         return False;
02915 }

BOOL unix_wild_match ( const char *  pattern,
const char *  string 

util.c2922 行で定義されています。

参照先 strequal()strlower_m()unix_do_match().

参照元 expect()get_share_list()matchdirparam()matchparam()smb_pam_passchange_conv().

02923 {
02924         pstring p2, s2;
02925         char *p;
02927         pstrcpy(p2, pattern);
02928         pstrcpy(s2, string);
02929         strlower_m(p2);
02930         strlower_m(s2);
02932         /* Remove any *? and ** from the pattern as they are meaningless */
02933         for(p = p2; *p; p++)
02934                 while( *p == '*' && (p[1] == '?' ||p[1] == '*'))
02935                         pstrcpy( &p[1], &p[2]);
02937         if (strequal(p2,"*"))
02938                 return True;
02940         return unix_do_match(p2, s2);
02941 }

BOOL name_to_fqdn ( fstring  fqdn,
const char *  name 

util.c2948 行で定義されています。

参照先 StrCaseCmp()strchr_m()sys_gethostbyname().

参照元 ads_keytab_verify_ticket()negprot_spnego()net_set_machine_spn()net_update_dns().

02949 {
02950         struct hostent *hp = sys_gethostbyname(name);
02952         if ( hp && hp->h_name && *hp->h_name ) {
02953                 char *full = NULL;
02955                 /* find out if the fqdn is returned as an alias
02956                  * to cope with /etc/hosts files where the first
02957                  * name is not the fqdn but the short name */
02958                 if (hp->h_aliases && (! strchr_m(hp->h_name, '.'))) {
02959                         int i;
02960                         for (i = 0; hp->h_aliases[i]; i++) {
02961                                 if (strchr_m(hp->h_aliases[i], '.')) {
02962                                         full = hp->h_aliases[i];
02963                                         break;
02964                                 }
02965                         }
02966                 }
02967                 if (full && (StrCaseCmp(full, "localhost.localdomain") == 0)) {
02968                         DEBUG(1, ("WARNING: your /etc/hosts file may be broken!\n"));
02969                         DEBUGADD(1, ("    Specifing the machine hostname for address may lead\n"));
02970                         DEBUGADD(1, ("    to Kerberos authentication problems as localhost.localdomain\n"));
02971                         DEBUGADD(1, ("    may end up being used instead of the real machine FQDN.\n"));
02972                         full = hp->h_name;
02973                 }
02975                 if (!full) {
02976                         full = hp->h_name;
02977                 }
02979                 DEBUG(10,("name_to_fqdn: lookup for %s -> %s.\n", name, full));
02980                 fstrcpy(fqdn, full);
02981                 return True;
02982         } else {
02983                 DEBUG(10,("name_to_fqdn: lookup for %s failed.\n", name));
02984                 fstrcpy(fqdn, name);
02985                 return False;
02986         }
02987 }

void* talloc_check_name_abort ( const void *  ptr,
const char *  name 

util.c2993 行で定義されています。

参照先 resultsmb_panic()talloc_check_name()talloc_get_name().

02994 {
02995         void *result;
02997         result = talloc_check_name(ptr, name);
02998         if (result != NULL)
02999                 return result;
03001         DEBUG(0, ("Talloc type mismatch, expected %s, got %s\n",
03002                   name, talloc_get_name(ptr)));
03003         smb_panic("aborting");
03004         /* Keep the compiler happy */
03005         return NULL;
03006 }

int _Insure_trap_error ( int  a1,
int  a2,
int  a3,
int  a4,
int  a5,
int  a6 

util.c3017 行で定義されています。

参照先 fnpstring_sub()sys_getpid().

03018 {
03019         static int (*fn)();
03020         int ret;
03021         char pidstr[10];
03022         /* you can get /usr/bin/backtrace from 
03023   */
03024         pstring cmd = "/usr/bin/backtrace %d";
03026         slprintf(pidstr, sizeof(pidstr)-1, "%d", sys_getpid());
03027         pstring_sub(cmd, "%d", pidstr);
03029         if (!fn) {
03030                 static void *h;
03031                 h = dlopen("/usr/local/parasoft/insure++lite/lib.linux2/", RTLD_LAZY);
03032                 fn = dlsym(h, "_Insure_trap_error");
03034                 if (!h || h == _Insure_trap_error) {
03035                         h = dlopen("/usr/local/parasoft/lib.linux2/", RTLD_LAZY);
03036                         fn = dlsym(h, "_Insure_trap_error");
03037                 }               
03038         }
03040         ret = fn(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);
03042         system(cmd);
03044         return ret;
03045 }

uint32 map_share_mode_to_deny_mode ( uint32  share_access,
uint32  private_options 

util.c3048 行で定義されています。

参照元 print_share_mode().

03049 {
03050         switch (share_access & ~FILE_SHARE_DELETE) {
03051                 case FILE_SHARE_NONE:
03052                         return DENY_ALL;
03053                 case FILE_SHARE_READ:
03054                         return DENY_WRITE;
03055                 case FILE_SHARE_WRITE:
03056                         return DENY_READ;
03057                 case FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE:
03058                         return DENY_NONE;
03059         }
03060         if (private_options & NTCREATEX_OPTIONS_PRIVATE_DENY_DOS) {
03061                 return DENY_DOS;
03062         } else if (private_options & NTCREATEX_OPTIONS_PRIVATE_DENY_FCB) {
03063                 return DENY_FCB;
03064         }
03066         return (uint32)-1;
03067 }

pid_t procid_to_pid ( const struct process_id proc  ) 

util.c3069 行で定義されています。

参照先 process_id::pid.

参照元 debug_message()debuglevel_message()do_daemon_stack_trace()do_debuglevel()do_ping()do_poolusage()do_profilelevel()do_winbind_onlinestatus()kill_pid()make_pipe_rec_key()message_dispatch()message_send_pid_internal()msg_nmbd_send_packet()pipe_enum_fn()print_brl()print_lock_struct()print_pid_string_cb()print_share_mode()process_kernel_oplock_break()process_open_retry_message()process_oplock_async_level2_break_message()process_oplock_break_message()process_oplock_break_response()profilelevel_cb()reqprofile_message()send_message()sess_file_fn()set_profile_level()stack_trace_connection().

03070 {
03071         return proc->pid;
03072 }

struct process_id pid_to_procid ( pid_t  pid  ) 

util.c3074 行で定義されています。

参照先 process_id::pidresult.

参照元 _srv_net_sess_del()cli_send_mailslot()debug_message_send()do_winbind_onlinestatus()fill_pipe_open_rec()fork_child_dc_connect()interpret_pid()main()parse_dest()print_queue_update()process()process_exists_by_pid()process_kernel_oplocks()procid_self()retrieve_all_messages()show_share_parseable()shutdown_other_smbds()srv_spoolss_drv_upgrade_printer()srv_spoolss_reset_printerdata()status_page()winbind_check_sighup()winbind_msg_offline()winbind_msg_online()winbind_msg_onlinestatus().

03075 {
03076         struct process_id result;
03077 = pid;
03078         return result;
03079 }

struct process_id procid_self ( void   ) 

util.c3081 行で定義されています。

参照先 pid_to_procid()sys_getpid().

参照元 brl_close_fnum()cancel_pending_lock_requests_by_fid()claim_connection()do_lock()do_lock_cancel()do_unlock()fill_deferred_open_entry()fill_share_mode_entry()generic_blocking_lock_error()is_locked()make_conn_key()message_send_pid_internal()process_blocking_lock_queue()push_blocking_lock_request()query_lock()remove_pending_lock_requests_by_mid()server_id_self().

03082 {
03083         return pid_to_procid(sys_getpid());
03084 }

struct server_id server_id_self ( void   ) 

util.c3086 行で定義されています。

参照先 server_id::idprocid_self().

参照元 smbd_messaging_context().

03087 {
03088         struct server_id id;
03089 = procid_self();
03090         return id;
03091 }

BOOL procid_equal ( const struct process_id p1,
const struct process_id p2 

util.c3093 行で定義されています。

参照先 process_id::pid.

参照元 brl_close_fnum()brl_lock_failed()brl_same_context()cluster_id_equal()deferred_open_identical()mapPid2Machine()posix_lock_list()share_modes_identical()show_share_parseable()traverse_fn2().

03094 {
03095         return (p1->pid == p2->pid);
03096 }

BOOL cluster_id_equal ( const struct server_id id1,
const struct server_id id2 

util.c3098 行で定義されています。

参照先 server_id::idprocid_equal().

参照元 notify_remove()notify_remove_all().

03100 {
03101         return procid_equal(&id1->id, &id2->id);
03102 }

BOOL procid_is_me ( const struct process_id pid  ) 

util.c3104 行で定義されています。

参照先 process_id::pidsys_getpid().

参照元 defer_open()notify_deferred_opens()process_exists()rename_share_filename()validate_my_share_entries().

03105 {
03106         return (pid->pid == sys_getpid());
03107 }

struct process_id interpret_pid ( const char *  pid_string  ) 

util.c3109 行で定義されています。

参照先 pid_to_procid().

参照元 parse_dest().

03110 {
03111         return pid_to_procid(atoi(pid_string));
03112 }

char* procid_str_static ( const struct process_id pid  ) 

util.c3114 行で定義されています。

参照先 fstr_sprintf()process_id::pid.

参照元 count_fn()message_key_pid()notify_trigger()ping_message()print_brl()print_share_mode()procid_str()rename_share_filename()share_mode_str()show_share()traverse_fn()traverse_fn1()traverse_fn2()traverse_fn3().

03115 {
03116         static fstring str;
03117         fstr_sprintf(str, "%d", pid->pid);
03118         return str;
03119 }

char* procid_str ( TALLOC_CTX mem_ctx,
const struct process_id pid 

util.c3121 行で定義されています。

参照先 process_id::pidprocid_str_static()talloc_strdup().

参照元 pong_cb().

03122 {
03123         return talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, procid_str_static(pid));
03124 }

BOOL procid_valid ( const struct process_id pid  ) 

util.c3126 行で定義されています。

参照先 process_id::pid.

参照元 do_command()parse_dest().

03127 {
03128         return (pid->pid != -1);
03129 }

BOOL procid_is_local ( const struct process_id pid  ) 

util.c3131 行で定義されています。

参照元 process_exists().

03132 {
03133         return True;
03134 }

int this_is_smp ( void   ) 

util.c3136 行で定義されています。

参照元 init_clock_gettime().

03137 {
03138 #if defined(HAVE_SYSCONF)
03140 #if defined(SYSCONF_SC_NPROC_ONLN)
03141         return (sysconf(_SC_NPROC_ONLN) > 1) ? 1 : 0;
03142 #elif defined(SYSCONF_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
03143         return (sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) > 1) ? 1 : 0;
03144 #else
03145         return 0;
03146 #endif
03148 #else
03149         return 0;
03150 #endif
03151 }

BOOL is_offset_safe ( const char *  buf_base,
size_t  buf_len,
char *  ptr,
size_t  off 

util.c3159 行で定義されています。

参照元 api_PrintJobInfo()api_RDosPrintJobDel()api_SetUserPassword()get_safe_IVAL()get_safe_ptr()get_safe_str_ptr()get_safe_SVAL().

03160 {
03161         const char *end_base = buf_base + buf_len;
03162         char *end_ptr = ptr + off;
03164         if (!buf_base || !ptr) {
03165                 return False;
03166         }
03168         if (end_base < buf_base || end_ptr < ptr) {
03169                 return False; /* wrap. */
03170         }
03172         if (end_ptr < end_base) {
03173                 return True;
03174         }
03175         return False;
03176 }

char* get_safe_ptr ( const char *  buf_base,
size_t  buf_len,
char *  ptr,
size_t  off 

util.c3182 行で定義されています。

参照先 is_offset_safe().

参照元 api_NetWkstaGetInfo()api_RNetUserGetInfo().

03183 {
03184         return is_offset_safe(buf_base, buf_len, ptr, off) ?
03185                         ptr + off : NULL;
03186 }

char* get_safe_str_ptr ( const char *  buf_base,
size_t  buf_len,
char *  ptr,
size_t  off 

util.c3192 行で定義されています。

参照先 is_offset_safe()skip_string().

参照元 api_DosPrintQEnum()api_DosPrintQGetInfo()api_NetUserGetGroups()api_NetWkstaGetInfo()api_PrintJobInfo()api_RDosPrintJobDel()api_RNetGroupEnum()api_RNetGroupGetUsers()api_RNetServerEnum()api_RNetServerGetInfo()api_RNetSessionEnum()api_RNetShareAdd()api_RNetShareEnum()api_RNetShareGetInfo()api_RNetUserEnum()api_RNetUserGetInfo()api_SamOEMChangePassword()api_SetUserPassword()api_WAccessGetUserPerms()api_WPrintDestEnum()api_WPrintDestGetInfo()api_WPrintDriverEnum()api_WPrintJobEnumerate()api_WPrintJobGetInfo()api_WPrintPortEnum()api_WPrintQProcEnum()api_WPrintQueueCtrl()api_WWkstaUserLogon()process_lm_host_announce().

03193 {
03194         if (!is_offset_safe(buf_base, buf_len, ptr, off)) {
03195                 return NULL;
03196         }
03197         /* Check if a valid string exists at this offset. */
03198         if (skip_string(buf_base,buf_len, ptr + off) == NULL) {
03199                 return NULL;
03200         }
03201         return ptr + off;
03202 }

int get_safe_SVAL ( const char *  buf_base,
size_t  buf_len,
char *  ptr,
size_t  off,
int  failval 

util.c3208 行で定義されています。

参照先 is_offset_safe().

参照元 api_DosPrintQEnum()api_DosPrintQGetInfo()api_NetUserGetGroups()api_NetWkstaGetInfo()api_PrintJobInfo()api_RDosPrintJobDel()api_RNetGroupEnum()api_RNetGroupGetUsers()api_RNetServerEnum()api_RNetServerGetInfo()api_RNetSessionEnum()api_RNetShareAdd()api_RNetShareEnum()api_RNetShareGetInfo()api_RNetUserEnum()api_RNetUserGetInfo()api_WPrintDestEnum()api_WPrintDestGetInfo()api_WPrintDriverEnum()api_WPrintJobEnumerate()api_WPrintJobGetInfo()api_WPrintPortEnum()api_WPrintQProcEnum()api_WPrintQueueCtrl()api_WWkstaUserLogon()process_logon_packet().

03209 {
03210         /*
03211          * Note we use off+1 here, not off+2 as SVAL accesses ptr[0] and ptr[1],
03212          * NOT ptr[2].
03213          */
03214         if (!is_offset_safe(buf_base, buf_len, ptr, off+1)) {
03215                 return failval;
03216         }
03217         return SVAL(ptr,off);
03218 }

int get_safe_IVAL ( const char *  buf_base,
size_t  buf_len,
char *  ptr,
size_t  off,
int  failval 

util.c3224 行で定義されています。

参照先 is_offset_safe().

参照元 api_RNetServerEnum().

03225 {
03226         /*
03227          * Note we use off+3 here, not off+4 as IVAL accesses 
03228          * ptr[0] ptr[1] ptr[2] ptr[3] NOT ptr[4].
03229          */
03230         if (!is_offset_safe(buf_base, buf_len, ptr, off+3)) {
03231                 return failval;
03232         }
03233         return IVAL(ptr,off);
03234 }

void* _talloc_zero_zeronull ( const void *  ctx,
size_t  size,
const char *  name 

util.c3250 行で定義されています。

参照先 talloc_named_const().

03251 {
03252         void *p;
03254         if (size == 0) {
03255                 return NULL;
03256         }
03258         p = talloc_named_const(ctx, size, name);
03260         if (p) {
03261                 memset(p, '\0', size);
03262         }
03264         return p;
03265 }

void* _talloc_memdup_zeronull ( const void *  t,
const void *  p,
size_t  size,
const char *  name 

util.c3272 行で定義されています。

参照先 talloc_named_const().

03273 {
03274         void *newp;
03276         if (size == 0) {
03277                 return NULL;
03278         }
03280         newp = talloc_named_const(t, size, name);
03281         if (newp) {
03282                 memcpy(newp, p, size);
03283         }
03285         return newp;
03286 }

void* _talloc_array_zeronull ( const void *  ctx,
size_t  el_size,
unsigned  count,
const char *  name 

util.c3293 行で定義されています。

参照先 talloc_named_const().

03294 {
03295         if (count >= MAX_TALLOC_SIZE/el_size) {
03296                 return NULL;
03297         }
03299         if (el_size == 0 || count == 0) {
03300                 return NULL;
03301         }
03303         return talloc_named_const(ctx, el_size * count, name);
03304 }

void* _talloc_zero_array_zeronull ( const void *  ctx,
size_t  el_size,
unsigned  count,
const char *  name 

util.c3311 行で定義されています。

参照先 _talloc_zero().

03312 {
03313         if (count >= MAX_TALLOC_SIZE/el_size) {
03314                 return NULL;
03315         }
03317         if (el_size == 0 || count == 0) {
03318                 return NULL;
03319         }
03321         return _talloc_zero(ctx, el_size * count, name);
03322 }

void* talloc_zeronull ( const void *  context,
size_t  size,
const char *  name 

util.c3327 行で定義されています。

参照先 talloc_named_const().

03328 {
03329         if (size == 0) {
03330                 return NULL;
03331         }
03332         return talloc_named_const(context, size, name);
03333 }


fstring local_machine

substitute.c27 行で定義されています。

char* global_clobber_region_function

clobber.c25 行で定義されています。

参照元 clobber_region()smb_panic().

unsigned int global_clobber_region_line

clobber.c26 行で定義されています。

参照元 clobber_region()smb_panic().

fstring remote_arch

substitute.c28 行で定義されています。

参照元 alloc_sub_basic()set_remote_arch().

enum protocol_types Protocol = PROTOCOL_COREPLUS

util.c61 行で定義されています。

参照元 call_trans2findfirst()handle_nttrans()handle_trans2()mask_match()reply_corep()reply_coreplus()reply_dskattr()reply_getatr()reply_lanman1()reply_lanman2()reply_negprot()reply_nt1()reply_sesssetup_and_X()reply_tcon_and_X()reply_writebraw().

file_info def_finfo

util.c64 行で定義されています。

int chain_size = 0

util.c67 行で定義されています。

参照元 chain_reply()construct_reply()in_chained_smb()process_blocking_lock_queue()reply_lockingX_success()schedule_aio_read_and_X()schedule_aio_write_and_X()send_file_readbraw()send_file_readX().

int trans_num = 0

util.c69 行で定義されています。

参照元 process_smb().

enum remote_arch_types ra_type = RA_UNKNOWN [static]

util.c71 行で定義されています。

参照元 _samr_enum_dom_users()_samr_query_dispinfo()get_remote_arch()nt4_compatible_acls()reply_sesssetup_and_X()reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego()set_current_service()set_remote_arch()smb_roundup().

pstring user_socket_options = DEFAULT_SOCKET_OPTIONS

util.c72 行で定義されています。

char* smb_myname [static]

util.c78 行で定義されています。

参照元 gfree_names()global_myname()set_global_myname().

char* smb_myname_override [static]

util.c79 行で定義されています。

参照元 global_myname_override()set_global_myname_override().

char* smb_myworkgroup [static]

util.c80 行で定義されています。

参照元 gfree_names()lp_workgroup()set_global_myworkgroup().

char* smb_scope [static]

util.c81 行で定義されています。

参照元 gfree_names()global_scope()set_global_scope().

int smb_num_netbios_names [static]

util.c82 行で定義されています。

参照元 allocate_my_netbios_names_array()free_netbios_names_array().

char** smb_my_netbios_names [static]

util.c83 行で定義されています。

参照元 allocate_my_netbios_names_array()free_netbios_names_array()my_netbios_names()set_my_netbios_names().

Sambaに対してSat Aug 29 21:23:40 2009に生成されました。  doxygen 1.4.7