
00001 #ifndef VSFTP_STR_H
00002 #define VSFTP_STR_H
00004 /* TODO - document these functions ;-) */
00006 #ifndef VSF_FILESIZE_H
00007 #include "filesize.h"
00008 #endif
00010 struct mystr
00011 {
00012   char* PRIVATE_HANDS_OFF_p_buf;
00013   /* Internally, EXCLUDES trailing null */
00014   unsigned int PRIVATE_HANDS_OFF_len;
00015   unsigned int PRIVATE_HANDS_OFF_alloc_bytes;
00016 };
00018 #define INIT_MYSTR \
00019   { (void*)0, 0, 0 }
00022 #define str_alloc_memchunk private_str_alloc_memchunk
00023 #endif
00024 void private_str_alloc_memchunk(struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_src,
00025                                 unsigned int len);
00027 void str_alloc_text(struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_src);
00028 /* NOTE: String buffer data does NOT include terminating character */
00029 void str_alloc_alt_term(struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_src, char term);
00030 void str_alloc_ulong(struct mystr* p_str, unsigned long the_ulong);
00031 void str_alloc_filesize_t(struct mystr* p_str, filesize_t the_filesize);
00032 void str_copy(struct mystr* p_dest, const struct mystr* p_src);
00033 const char* str_strdup(const struct mystr* p_str);
00034 void str_empty(struct mystr* p_str);
00035 void str_free(struct mystr* p_str);
00036 void str_trunc(struct mystr* p_str, unsigned int trunc_len);
00037 void str_reserve(struct mystr* p_str, unsigned int res_len);
00039 int str_isempty(const struct mystr* p_str);
00040 unsigned int str_getlen(const struct mystr* p_str);
00041 const char* str_getbuf(const struct mystr* p_str);
00043 int str_strcmp(const struct mystr* p_str1, const struct mystr* p_str2);
00044 int str_equal(const struct mystr* p_str1, const struct mystr* p_str2);
00045 int str_equal_text(const struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_text);
00047 void str_append_str(struct mystr* p_str, const struct mystr* p_other);
00048 void str_append_text(struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_src);
00049 void str_append_ulong(struct mystr* p_str, unsigned long the_long);
00050 void str_append_filesize_t(struct mystr* p_str, filesize_t the_filesize);
00051 void str_append_char(struct mystr* p_str, char the_char);
00052 void str_append_double(struct mystr* p_str, double the_double);
00054 void str_upper(struct mystr* p_str);
00055 void str_rpad(struct mystr* p_str, const unsigned int min_width);
00056 void str_lpad(struct mystr* p_str, const unsigned int min_width);
00057 void str_replace_char(struct mystr* p_str, char from, char to);
00058 void str_replace_text(struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_from,
00059                       const char* p_to);
00061 void str_split_char(struct mystr* p_src, struct mystr* p_rhs, char c);
00062 void str_split_char_reverse(struct mystr* p_src, struct mystr* p_rhs, char c);
00063 void str_split_text(struct mystr* p_src, struct mystr* p_rhs,
00064                     const char* p_text);
00065 void str_split_text_reverse(struct mystr* p_src, struct mystr* p_rhs,
00066                             const char* p_text);
00068 struct str_locate_result
00069 {
00070   int found;
00071   unsigned int index;
00072   char char_found;
00073 };
00075 struct str_locate_result str_locate_char(
00076   const struct mystr* p_str, char look_char);
00077 struct str_locate_result str_locate_str(
00078   const struct mystr* p_str, const struct mystr* p_look_str);
00079 struct str_locate_result str_locate_str_reverse(
00080   const struct mystr* p_str, const struct mystr* p_look_str);
00081 struct str_locate_result str_locate_text(
00082   const struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_text);
00083 struct str_locate_result str_locate_text_reverse(
00084   const struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_text);
00085 struct str_locate_result str_locate_chars(
00086   const struct mystr* p_str, const char* p_chars);
00088 void str_left(const struct mystr* p_str, struct mystr* p_out,
00089               unsigned int chars);
00090 void str_right(const struct mystr* p_str, struct mystr* p_out,
00091                unsigned int chars);
00092 void str_mid_to_end(const struct mystr* p_str, struct mystr* p_out,
00093                     unsigned int indexx);
00095 char str_get_char_at(const struct mystr* p_str, const unsigned int indexx);
00096 int str_contains_space(const struct mystr* p_str);
00097 int str_contains_unprintable(const struct mystr* p_str);
00098 void str_replace_unprintable(struct mystr* p_str, char new_char);
00099 void str_basename (struct mystr* d_str, const struct mystr* path);
00101 int str_atoi(const struct mystr* p_str);
00102 filesize_t str_a_to_filesize_t(const struct mystr* p_str);
00103 unsigned int str_octal_to_uint(const struct mystr* p_str);
00105 /* PURPOSE: Extract a line of text (delimited by \n or EOF) from a string
00106  * buffer, starting at character position 'p_pos'. The extracted line will
00107  * not contain the '\n' terminator.
00108  *
00109  * RETURNS: 0 if no more lines are available, 1 otherwise.
00110  * The extracted text line is stored in 'p_line_str', which is
00111  * emptied if there are no more lines. 'p_pos' is updated to point to the
00112  * first character after the end of the line just extracted.
00113  */
00114 int str_getline(const struct mystr* p_str, struct mystr* p_line_str,
00115                 unsigned int* p_pos);
00117 /* PURPOSE: Detect whether or not a string buffer contains a specific line
00118  * of text (delimited by \n or EOF).
00119  *
00120  * RETURNS: 1 if there is a matching line, 0 otherwise.
00121  */
00122 int str_contains_line(const struct mystr* p_str,
00123                       const struct mystr* p_line_str);
00125 #endif /* VSFTP_STR_H */

Sat Aug 1 13:42:12 2009に生成されました。  doxygen 1.4.7