
The table iterator helper is designed to simplify the task of writing a table handler for the net-snmp agent when the data being accessed is not in an oid sorted form and must be accessed externally. [詳細]


struct  ti_cache_info_s
struct  netsnmp_iterator_info_s
 Holds iterator information containing functions which should be called by the iterator_handler to loop over your data set and sort it in a SNMP specific manner. [詳細]
struct  netsnmp_iterator_info_s
 Holds iterator information containing functions which should be called by the iterator_handler to loop over your data set and sort it in a SNMP specific manner. [詳細]


#define TI_REQUEST_CACHE   "ti_cache"
#define TABLE_ITERATOR_NAME   "table_iterator"


typedef ti_cache_info_s ti_cache_info
typedef netsnmp_variable_list *( Netsnmp_First_Data_Point )(void **loop_context, void **data_context, netsnmp_variable_list *, struct netsnmp_iterator_info_s *)
typedef netsnmp_variable_list *( Netsnmp_Next_Data_Point )(void **loop_context, void **data_context, netsnmp_variable_list *, struct netsnmp_iterator_info_s *)
typedef void *( Netsnmp_Make_Data_Context )(void *loop_context, struct netsnmp_iterator_info_s *)
typedef void( Netsnmp_Free_Loop_Context )(void *, struct netsnmp_iterator_info_s *)
typedef void( Netsnmp_Free_Data_Context )(void *, struct netsnmp_iterator_info_s *)
typedef netsnmp_iterator_info_s netsnmp_iterator_info
 Typedefs the netsnmp_iterator_info_s struct into netsnmp_iterator_info


netsnmp_iterator_infonetsnmp_iterator_create_table (Netsnmp_First_Data_Point *firstDP, Netsnmp_Next_Data_Point *nextDP, Netsnmp_First_Data_Point *getidx, netsnmp_variable_list *indexes)
void netsnmp_iterator_delete_table (netsnmp_iterator_info *iinfo)
netsnmp_mib_handlernetsnmp_get_table_iterator_handler (netsnmp_iterator_info *iinfo)
 returns a netsnmp_mib_handler object for the table_iterator helper
int netsnmp_register_table_iterator (netsnmp_handler_registration *reginfo, netsnmp_iterator_info *iinfo)
 Creates and registers a table iterator helper handler calling netsnmp_create_handler with a handler name set to TABLE_ITERATOR_NAME and access method, netsnmp_table_iterator_helper_handler.
NETSNMP_INLINE void * netsnmp_extract_iterator_context (netsnmp_request_info *request)
 extracts the table_iterator specific data from a request.
NETSNMP_INLINE void netsnmp_insert_iterator_context (netsnmp_request_info *request, void *data)
 inserts table_iterator specific data for a newly created row into a request
int netsnmp_table_iterator_helper_handler (netsnmp_mib_handler *handler, netsnmp_handler_registration *reginfo, netsnmp_agent_request_info *reqinfo, netsnmp_request_info *requests)
void * netsnmp_iterator_row_first (netsnmp_iterator_info *iinfo)
void * netsnmp_iterator_row_get (netsnmp_iterator_info *iinfo, void *row)
void * netsnmp_iterator_row_next (netsnmp_iterator_info *iinfo, void *row)
void * netsnmp_iterator_row_get_byidx (netsnmp_iterator_info *iinfo, netsnmp_variable_list *indexes)
void * netsnmp_iterator_row_next_byidx (netsnmp_iterator_info *iinfo, netsnmp_variable_list *indexes)
void * netsnmp_iterator_row_get_byoid (netsnmp_iterator_info *iinfo, oid *instance, size_t len)
void * netsnmp_iterator_row_next_byoid (netsnmp_iterator_info *iinfo, oid *instance, size_t len)
int netsnmp_iterator_row_count (netsnmp_iterator_info *iinfo)


Netsnmp_Node_Handler netsnmp_table_iterator_helper_handler


The table iterator helper is designed to simplify the task of writing a table handler for the net-snmp agent when the data being accessed is not in an oid sorted form and must be accessed externally.

Functionally, it is a specialized version of the more generic table helper but easies the burden of GETNEXT processing by manually looping through all the data indexes retrieved through function calls which should be supplied by the module that wishes help. The module the table_iterator helps should, afterwards, never be called for the case of "MODE_GETNEXT" and only for the GET and SET related modes instead.

The fundamental notion between the table iterator is that it allows your code to iterate over each "row" within your data storage mechanism, without requiring that it be sorted in a SNMP-index-compliant manner. Through the get_first_data_point and get_next_data_point hooks, the table_iterator helper will repeatedly call your hooks to find the "proper" row of data that needs processing. The following concepts are important:

The table iterator operates in a series of steps that call your code hooks from your netsnmp_iterator_info registration pointer.


struct netsnmp_iterator_info_s netsnmp_iterator_info

Typedefs the netsnmp_iterator_info_s struct into netsnmp_iterator_info


void * netsnmp_extract_iterator_context ( netsnmp_request_info request  ) 

extracts the table_iterator specific data from a request.

This function extracts the table iterator specific data from a netsnmp_request_info object. Calls netsnmp_request_get_list_data with request->parent_data set with data from a request that was added previously by a module and TABLE_ITERATOR_NAME handler name.

request the netsnmp request info structure
a void pointer(request->parent_data->data), otherwise NULL is returned if request is NULL or request->parent_data is NULL or request->parent_data object is not found.the net

table_iterator.c234 行で定義されています。

参照先 netsnmp_request_get_list_data()TABLE_ITERATOR_NAME.

netsnmp_mib_handler * netsnmp_get_table_iterator_handler ( netsnmp_iterator_info iinfo  ) 

returns a netsnmp_mib_handler object for the table_iterator helper

table_iterator.c169 行で定義されています。

参照先 netsnmp_mib_handler_s::myvoidnetsnmp_create_handler()netsnmp_table_iterator_helper_handlerNULLTABLE_ITERATOR_NAME.

参照元 netsnmp_register_table_iterator().

void netsnmp_insert_iterator_context ( netsnmp_request_info request,
void *  data 

inserts table_iterator specific data for a newly created row into a request

table_iterator.c242 行で定義されています。

参照先 build_oid_noalloc()netsnmp_table_request_info_s::indexesnetsnmp_create_data_list()netsnmp_extract_table_info()netsnmp_request_add_list_data()netsnmp_request_info_s::nextNULLnetsnmp_request_info_s::prevsnmp_oid_compare()TABLE_ITERATOR_NAME.

int netsnmp_register_table_iterator ( netsnmp_handler_registration reginfo,
netsnmp_iterator_info iinfo 

Creates and registers a table iterator helper handler calling netsnmp_create_handler with a handler name set to TABLE_ITERATOR_NAME and access method, netsnmp_table_iterator_helper_handler.

If NOT_SERIALIZED is not defined the function injects the serialize handler into the calling chain prior to calling netsnmp_register_table.

reginfo is a pointer to a netsnmp_handler_registration struct
iinfo is a pointer to a netsnmp_iterator_info struct
MIB_REGISTERED_OK is returned if the registration was a success. Failures are MIB_REGISTRATION_FAILED, MIB_DUPLICATE_REGISTRATION. If iinfo is NULL, SNMPERR_GENERR is returned.

table_iterator.c205 行で定義されています。

参照先 HANDLER_CAN_STASHnetsnmp_table_registration_info_s::indexesnetsnmp_iterator_info_s::indexesnetsnmp_handler_registration_s::modesnetsnmp_get_table_iterator_handler()netsnmp_inject_handler()netsnmp_register_table()snmp_clone_varbind()netsnmp_iterator_info_s::table_reginfo.

net-snmpに対してSat Sep 5 13:14:30 2009に生成されました。  doxygen 1.4.7