


static void clearmem (char *start, int cnt)
static void ufc_init_des (void)
static void shuffle_sb (long32 *k, ufc_long saltbits)
static void shuffle_sb (long64 *k, ufc_long saltbits)
static void setup_salt (const char *s1)
static void ufc_mk_keytab (char *key)
ufc_long * _ufc_dofinalperm (ufc_long l1, ufc_long l2, ufc_long r1, ufc_long r2)
static char * output_conversion (ufc_long v1, ufc_long v2, const char *salt)
static ufc_long * _ufc_doit (ufc_long, ufc_long, ufc_long, ufc_long, ufc_long)
char * ufc_crypt (const char *key, const char *salt)
 main ()


static int pc1 [56]
static int rots [16]
static int pc2 [48]
static int esel [48]
static int e_inverse [64]
static int perm32 [32]
static int sbox [8][4][16]
static int final_perm [64]
long32 _ufc_keytab [16][2]
long32 _ufc_sb0 [8192]
long32 _ufc_sb1 [8192]
long32 _ufc_sb2 [8192]
long32 _ufc_sb3 [8192]
static long32 * sb [4] = {_ufc_sb0, _ufc_sb1, _ufc_sb2, _ufc_sb3}
static long64 * sb [4] = {_ufc_sb0, _ufc_sb1, _ufc_sb2, _ufc_sb3}
static ufc_long eperm32tab [4][256][2]
static ufc_long do_pc1 [8][2][128]
static ufc_long do_pc2 [8][128]
static ufc_long efp [16][64][2]
static unsigned char bytemask [8]
static ufc_long longmask [32]
static int initialized = 0
static unsigned char current_salt [3] = "&&"
static ufc_long current_saltbits = 0
static int direction = 0
long32 _ufc_keytab [16][2]


static void clearmem ( char *  start,
int  cnt 
) [static]

crypttest.c308 行で定義されています。

00309   { while(cnt--)
00310       *start++ = '\0';
00311   }

static void ufc_init_des ( void   )  [static]

crypttest.c324 行で定義されています。

参照先 bytemaskclearmem()do_pc1do_pc2e_inverseefpeperm32tabeselfinal_perminitializedlongmaskpc1pc2perm32sb.

00325   { int comes_from_bit;
00326     int bit, sg;
00327     ufc_long j;
00328     ufc_long mask1, mask2;
00330     /*
00331      * Create the do_pc1 table used
00332      * to affect pc1 permutation
00333      * when generating keys
00334      */
00335     for(bit = 0; bit < 56; bit++) {
00336       comes_from_bit  = pc1[bit] - 1;
00337       mask1 = bytemask[comes_from_bit % 8 + 1];
00338       mask2 = longmask[bit % 28 + 4];
00339       for(j = 0; j < 128; j++) {
00340         if(j & mask1) 
00341           do_pc1[comes_from_bit / 8][bit / 28][j] |= mask2;
00342       }
00343     }
00345     /*
00346      * Create the do_pc2 table used
00347      * to affect pc2 permutation when
00348      * generating keys
00349      */
00350     for(bit = 0; bit < 48; bit++) {
00351       comes_from_bit  = pc2[bit] - 1;
00352       mask1 = bytemask[comes_from_bit % 7 + 1];
00353       mask2 = BITMASK(bit % 24);
00354       for(j = 0; j < 128; j++) {
00355         if(j & mask1)
00356           do_pc2[comes_from_bit / 7][j] |= mask2;
00357       }
00358     }
00360     /* 
00361      * Now generate the table used to do combined
00362      * 32 bit permutation and e expansion
00363      *
00364      * We use it because we have to permute 16384 32 bit
00365      * longs into 48 bit in order to initialize sb.
00366      *
00367      * Looping 48 rounds per permutation becomes 
00368      * just too slow...
00369      *
00370      */
00372     clearmem((char*)eperm32tab, sizeof(eperm32tab));
00374     for(bit = 0; bit < 48; bit++) {
00375       ufc_long inner_mask1,comes_from;
00377       comes_from = perm32[esel[bit]-1]-1;
00378       inner_mask1      = bytemask[comes_from % 8];
00380       for(j = 256; j--;) {
00381         if(j & inner_mask1)
00382           eperm32tab[comes_from / 8][j][bit / 24] |= BITMASK(bit % 24);
00383       }
00384     }
00386     /* 
00387      * Create the sb tables:
00388      *
00389      * For each 12 bit segment of an 48 bit intermediate
00390      * result, the sb table precomputes the two 4 bit
00391      * values of the sbox lookups done with the two 6
00392      * bit halves, shifts them to their proper place,
00393      * sends them through perm32 and finally E expands
00394      * them so that they are ready for the next
00395      * DES round.
00396      *
00397      */
00398     for(sg = 0; sg < 4; sg++) {
00399       int j1, j2;
00400       int s1, s2;
00402       for(j1 = 0; j1 < 64; j1++) {
00403         s1 = s_lookup(2 * sg, j1);
00404         for(j2 = 0; j2 < 64; j2++) {
00405           ufc_long to_permute, inx;
00407           s2         = s_lookup(2 * sg + 1, j2);
00408           to_permute = ((s1 << 4)  | s2) << (24 - 8 * sg);
00410 #ifdef _UFC_32_
00411           inx = ((j1 << 6)  | j2) << 1;
00412           sb[sg][inx  ]  = eperm32tab[0][(to_permute >> 24) & 0xff][0];
00413           sb[sg][inx+1]  = eperm32tab[0][(to_permute >> 24) & 0xff][1];
00414           sb[sg][inx  ] |= eperm32tab[1][(to_permute >> 16) & 0xff][0];
00415           sb[sg][inx+1] |= eperm32tab[1][(to_permute >> 16) & 0xff][1];
00416           sb[sg][inx  ] |= eperm32tab[2][(to_permute >>  8) & 0xff][0];
00417           sb[sg][inx+1] |= eperm32tab[2][(to_permute >>  8) & 0xff][1];
00418           sb[sg][inx  ] |= eperm32tab[3][(to_permute)       & 0xff][0];
00419           sb[sg][inx+1] |= eperm32tab[3][(to_permute)       & 0xff][1];
00420 #endif
00421 #ifdef _UFC_64_
00422           inx = ((j1 << 6)  | j2);
00423           sb[sg][inx]  = 
00424             ((long64)eperm32tab[0][(to_permute >> 24) & 0xff][0] << 32) |
00425              (long64)eperm32tab[0][(to_permute >> 24) & 0xff][1];
00426           sb[sg][inx] |=
00427             ((long64)eperm32tab[1][(to_permute >> 16) & 0xff][0] << 32) |
00428              (long64)eperm32tab[1][(to_permute >> 16) & 0xff][1];
00429           sb[sg][inx] |= 
00430             ((long64)eperm32tab[2][(to_permute >>  8) & 0xff][0] << 32) |
00431              (long64)eperm32tab[2][(to_permute >>  8) & 0xff][1];
00432           sb[sg][inx] |=
00433             ((long64)eperm32tab[3][(to_permute)       & 0xff][0] << 32) |
00434              (long64)eperm32tab[3][(to_permute)       & 0xff][1];
00435 #endif
00436         }
00437       }
00438     }  
00440     /* 
00441      * Create an inverse matrix for esel telling
00442      * where to plug out bits if undoing it
00443      */
00444     for(bit=48; bit--;) {
00445       e_inverse[esel[bit] - 1     ] = bit;
00446       e_inverse[esel[bit] - 1 + 32] = bit + 48;
00447     }
00449     /* 
00450      * create efp: the matrix used to
00451      * undo the E expansion and effect final permutation
00452      */
00453     clearmem((char*)efp, sizeof efp);
00454     for(bit = 0; bit < 64; bit++) {
00455       int o_bit, o_long;
00456       ufc_long word_value, inner_mask1, inner_mask2;
00457       int comes_from_f_bit, comes_from_e_bit;
00458       int comes_from_word, bit_within_word;
00460       /* See where bit i belongs in the two 32 bit long's */
00461       o_long = bit / 32; /* 0..1  */
00462       o_bit  = bit % 32; /* 0..31 */
00464       /* 
00465        * And find a bit in the e permutated value setting this bit.
00466        *
00467        * Note: the e selection may have selected the same bit several
00468        * times. By the initialization of e_inverse, we only look
00469        * for one specific instance.
00470        */
00471       comes_from_f_bit = final_perm[bit] - 1;         /* 0..63 */
00472       comes_from_e_bit = e_inverse[comes_from_f_bit]; /* 0..95 */
00473       comes_from_word  = comes_from_e_bit / 6;        /* 0..15 */
00474       bit_within_word  = comes_from_e_bit % 6;        /* 0..5  */
00476       inner_mask1 = longmask[bit_within_word + 26];
00477       inner_mask2 = longmask[o_bit];
00479       for(word_value = 64; word_value--;) {
00480         if(word_value & inner_mask1)
00481           efp[comes_from_word][word_value][o_long] |= inner_mask2;
00482       }
00483     }
00484     initialized++;
00485   }

static void shuffle_sb ( long32 *  k,
ufc_long  saltbits 
) [static]

crypttest.c493 行で定義されています。

00494   { ufc_long j;
00495     long32 x;
00496     for(j=4096; j--;) {
00497       x = (k[0] ^ k[1]) & (long32)saltbits;
00498       *k++ ^= x;
00499       *k++ ^= x;
00500     }
00501   }

static void shuffle_sb ( long64 *  k,
ufc_long  saltbits 
) [static]

crypttest.c505 行で定義されています。

00506   { ufc_long j;
00507     long64 x;
00508     for(j=4096; j--;) {
00509       x = ((*k >> 32) ^ *k) & (long64)saltbits;
00510       *k++ ^= (x << 32) | x;
00511     }
00512   }

static void setup_salt ( const char *  s1  )  [static]

crypttest.c524 行で定義されています。

参照先 _ufc_sb0_ufc_sb1_ufc_sb2_ufc_sb3ccurrent_saltcurrent_saltbitsinitializedshuffle_sb()ufc_init_des().

00525   { ufc_long i, j, saltbits;
00526     const unsigned char *s2 = (const unsigned char *)s1;
00528     if(!initialized)
00529       ufc_init_des();
00531     if(s2[0] == current_salt[0] && s2[1] == current_salt[1])
00532       return;
00533     current_salt[0] = s2[0]; current_salt[1] = s2[1];
00535     /* 
00536      * This is the only crypt change to DES:
00537      * entries are swapped in the expansion table
00538      * according to the bits set in the salt.
00539      */
00540     saltbits = 0;
00541     for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
00542       long c=ascii_to_bin(s2[i]);
00543       if(c < 0 || c > 63)
00544         c = 0;
00545       for(j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
00546         if((c >> j) & 0x1)
00547           saltbits |= BITMASK(6 * i + j);
00548       }
00549     }
00551     /*
00552      * Permute the sb table values
00553      * to reflect the changed e
00554      * selection table
00555      */
00556     shuffle_sb(_ufc_sb0, current_saltbits ^ saltbits); 
00557     shuffle_sb(_ufc_sb1, current_saltbits ^ saltbits);
00558     shuffle_sb(_ufc_sb2, current_saltbits ^ saltbits);
00559     shuffle_sb(_ufc_sb3, current_saltbits ^ saltbits);
00561     current_saltbits = saltbits;
00562   }

static void ufc_mk_keytab ( char *  key  )  [static]

crypttest.c564 行で定義されています。

参照先 _ufc_keytabdirectiondo_pc1do_pc2rots.

00565   { ufc_long v1, v2, *k1;
00566     int i;
00567 #ifdef _UFC_32_
00568     long32 v, *k2 = &_ufc_keytab[0][0];
00569 #endif
00570 #ifdef _UFC_64_
00571     long64 v, *k2 = &_ufc_keytab[0];
00572 #endif
00574     v1 = v2 = 0; k1 = &do_pc1[0][0][0];
00575     for(i = 8; i--;) {
00576       v1 |= k1[*key   & 0x7f]; k1 += 128;
00577       v2 |= k1[*key++ & 0x7f]; k1 += 128;
00578     }
00580     for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
00581       k1 = &do_pc2[0][0];
00583       v1 = (v1 << rots[i]) | (v1 >> (28 - rots[i]));
00584       v  = k1[(v1 >> 21) & 0x7f]; k1 += 128;
00585       v |= k1[(v1 >> 14) & 0x7f]; k1 += 128;
00586       v |= k1[(v1 >>  7) & 0x7f]; k1 += 128;
00587       v |= k1[(v1      ) & 0x7f]; k1 += 128;
00589 #ifdef _UFC_32_
00590       *k2++ = v;
00591       v = 0;
00592 #endif
00593 #ifdef _UFC_64_
00594       v <<= 32;
00595 #endif
00597       v2 = (v2 << rots[i]) | (v2 >> (28 - rots[i]));
00598       v |= k1[(v2 >> 21) & 0x7f]; k1 += 128;
00599       v |= k1[(v2 >> 14) & 0x7f]; k1 += 128;
00600       v |= k1[(v2 >>  7) & 0x7f]; k1 += 128;
00601       v |= k1[(v2      ) & 0x7f];
00603       *k2++ = v;
00604     }
00606     direction = 0;
00607   }

ufc_long* _ufc_dofinalperm ( ufc_long  l1,
ufc_long  l2,
ufc_long  r1,
ufc_long  r2 

crypttest.c613 行で定義されています。

参照先 current_saltbitsefp.

00614   { ufc_long v1, v2, x;
00615     static ufc_long ary[2];
00617     x = (l1 ^ l2) & current_saltbits; l1 ^= x; l2 ^= x;
00618     x = (r1 ^ r2) & current_saltbits; r1 ^= x; r2 ^= x;
00620     v1=v2=0; l1 >>= 3; l2 >>= 3; r1 >>= 3; r2 >>= 3;
00622     v1 |= efp[15][ r2         & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[15][ r2 & 0x3f][1];
00623     v1 |= efp[14][(r2 >>= 6)  & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[14][ r2 & 0x3f][1];
00624     v1 |= efp[13][(r2 >>= 10) & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[13][ r2 & 0x3f][1];
00625     v1 |= efp[12][(r2 >>= 6)  & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[12][ r2 & 0x3f][1];
00627     v1 |= efp[11][ r1         & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[11][ r1 & 0x3f][1];
00628     v1 |= efp[10][(r1 >>= 6)  & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[10][ r1 & 0x3f][1];
00629     v1 |= efp[ 9][(r1 >>= 10) & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[ 9][ r1 & 0x3f][1];
00630     v1 |= efp[ 8][(r1 >>= 6)  & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[ 8][ r1 & 0x3f][1];
00632     v1 |= efp[ 7][ l2         & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[ 7][ l2 & 0x3f][1];
00633     v1 |= efp[ 6][(l2 >>= 6)  & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[ 6][ l2 & 0x3f][1];
00634     v1 |= efp[ 5][(l2 >>= 10) & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[ 5][ l2 & 0x3f][1];
00635     v1 |= efp[ 4][(l2 >>= 6)  & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[ 4][ l2 & 0x3f][1];
00637     v1 |= efp[ 3][ l1         & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[ 3][ l1 & 0x3f][1];
00638     v1 |= efp[ 2][(l1 >>= 6)  & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[ 2][ l1 & 0x3f][1];
00639     v1 |= efp[ 1][(l1 >>= 10) & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[ 1][ l1 & 0x3f][1];
00640     v1 |= efp[ 0][(l1 >>= 6)  & 0x3f][0]; v2 |= efp[ 0][ l1 & 0x3f][1];
00642     ary[0] = v1; ary[1] = v2;
00643     return ary;
00644   }

static char* output_conversion ( ufc_long  v1,
ufc_long  v2,
const char *  salt 
) [static]

crypttest.c651 行で定義されています。

00652   { static char outbuf[14];
00653     int i, s;
00655     outbuf[0] = salt[0];
00656     outbuf[1] = salt[1] ? salt[1] : salt[0];
00658     for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
00659       outbuf[i + 2] = bin_to_ascii((v1 >> (26 - 6 * i)) & 0x3f);
00661     s  = (v2 & 0xf) << 2;
00662     v2 = (v2 >> 2) | ((v1 & 0x3) << 30);
00664     for(i = 5; i < 10; i++)
00665       outbuf[i + 2] = bin_to_ascii((v2 >> (56 - 6 * i)) & 0x3f);
00667     outbuf[12] = bin_to_ascii(s);
00668     outbuf[13] = 0;
00670     return outbuf;
00671   }

static ufc_long * _ufc_doit ( ufc_long  ,
ufc_long  ,
ufc_long  ,
ufc_long  ,
) [static]

crypttest.c719 行で定義されています。

参照先 _ufc_dofinalperm()_ufc_keytab_ufc_sb0_ufc_sb1_ufc_sb2_ufc_sb3.

00720   { int i;
00721     long32 s, *k;
00723     while(itr--) {
00724       k = &_ufc_keytab[0][0];
00725       for(i=8; i--; ) {
00726         s = *k++ ^ r1;
00727         l1 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb1, s & 0xffff); l2 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb1, (s & 0xffff)+4);  
00728         l1 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb0, s >>= 16);   l2 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb0, (s)         +4); 
00729         s = *k++ ^ r2; 
00730         l1 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb3, s & 0xffff); l2 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb3, (s & 0xffff)+4);
00731         l1 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb2, s >>= 16);   l2 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb2, (s)         +4);
00733         s = *k++ ^ l1; 
00734         r1 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb1, s & 0xffff); r2 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb1, (s & 0xffff)+4);  
00735         r1 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb0, s >>= 16);   r2 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb0, (s)         +4); 
00736         s = *k++ ^ l2; 
00737         r1 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb3, s & 0xffff); r2 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb3, (s & 0xffff)+4);  
00738         r1 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb2, s >>= 16);   r2 ^= SBA(_ufc_sb2, (s)         +4);
00739       } 
00740       s=l1; l1=r1; r1=s; s=l2; l2=r2; r2=s;
00741     }
00742     return _ufc_dofinalperm(l1, l2, r1, r2);
00743   }

char* ufc_crypt ( const char *  key,
const char *  salt 

crypttest.c679 行で定義されています。

参照先 _ufc_doit()clearmem()output_conversion()setup_salt()ufc_mk_keytab().

00680   { ufc_long *s;
00681     char ktab[9];
00683     /*
00684      * Hack DES tables according to salt
00685      */
00686     setup_salt(salt);
00688     /*
00689      * Setup key schedule
00690      */
00691     clearmem(ktab, sizeof ktab);
00692     strncpy(ktab, key, 8);
00693     ufc_mk_keytab(ktab);
00695     /*
00696      * Go for the 25 DES encryptions
00697      */
00698     s = _ufc_doit((ufc_long)0, (ufc_long)0, 
00699                   (ufc_long)0, (ufc_long)0, (ufc_long)25);
00701     /*
00702      * And convert back to 6 bit ASCII
00703      */
00704     return output_conversion(s[0], s[1], salt);
00705   }

main ( void   ) 

crypttest.c793 行で定義されています。

00794 {
00795         char passwd[9];
00796         char salt[9];
00797         char c_out1[256];
00798         char c_out2[256];
00800         char expected_out[14];
00802         strcpy(expected_out, "12yJ.Of/NQ.Pk");
00803         strcpy(passwd, "12345678");
00804         strcpy(salt, "12345678");
00806         strcpy(c_out1, crypt(passwd, salt));
00807         salt[2] = '\0';
00808         strcpy(c_out2, crypt(passwd, salt));
00810         /*
00811          * If the non-trucated salt fails but the
00812          * truncated salt succeeds then exit 1.
00813          */
00815         if((strcmp(c_out1, expected_out) != 0) && 
00816                 (strcmp(c_out2, expected_out) == 0))
00817                 exit(1);
00819 #ifdef HAVE_BIGCRYPT
00820         /*
00821          * Try the same with bigcrypt...
00822          */
00824         {
00825                 char big_passwd[17];
00826                 char big_salt[17];
00827                 char big_c_out1[256];
00828                 char big_c_out2[256];
00829                 char big_expected_out[27];
00831                 strcpy(big_passwd, "1234567812345678");
00832                 strcpy(big_salt, "1234567812345678");
00833                 strcpy(big_expected_out, "12yJ.Of/NQ.PklfyCuHi/rwM");
00835                 strcpy(big_c_out1, bigcrypt(big_passwd, big_salt));
00836                 big_salt[2] = '\0';
00837                 strcpy(big_c_out2, bigcrypt(big_passwd, big_salt));
00839                 /*
00840                  * If the non-trucated salt fails but the
00841                  * truncated salt succeeds then exit 1.
00842                  */
00844                 if((strcmp(big_c_out1, big_expected_out) != 0) && 
00845                         (strcmp(big_c_out2, big_expected_out) == 0))
00846                         exit(1);
00848         }
00849 #endif
00851         exit(0);
00852 }


int pc1[56] [static]


  57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17,  9,  1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18,
  10,  2, 59, 51, 43, 35, 27, 19, 11,  3, 60, 52, 44, 36,
  63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15,  7, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22,
  14,  6, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29, 21, 13,  5, 28, 20, 12,  4

crypttest.c92 行で定義されています。

int rots[16] [static]


  1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 

crypttest.c103 行で定義されています。

int pc2[48] [static]


  14, 17, 11, 24,  1,  5,  3, 28, 15,  6, 21, 10,
  23, 19, 12,  4, 26,  8, 16,  7, 27, 20, 13,  2,
  41, 52, 31, 37, 47, 55, 30, 40, 51, 45, 33, 48,
  44, 49, 39, 56, 34, 53, 46, 42, 50, 36, 29, 32

crypttest.c111 行で定義されています。

int esel[48] [static]


  32,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,
   8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
  16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
  24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,  1

crypttest.c122 行で定義されています。

int e_inverse[64] [static]

crypttest.c128 行で定義されています。

int perm32[32] [static]


  16,  7, 20, 21, 29, 12, 28, 17,  1, 15, 23, 26,  5, 18, 31, 10,
  2,   8, 24, 14, 32, 27,  3,  9, 19, 13, 30,  6, 22, 11,  4, 25

crypttest.c134 行で定義されています。

int sbox[8][4][16] [static]

crypttest.c142 行で定義されています。

int final_perm[64] [static]


  40,  8, 48, 16, 56, 24, 64, 32, 39,  7, 47, 15, 55, 23, 63, 31,
  38,  6, 46, 14, 54, 22, 62, 30, 37,  5, 45, 13, 53, 21, 61, 29,
  36,  4, 44, 12, 52, 20, 60, 28, 35,  3, 43, 11, 51, 19, 59, 27,
  34,  2, 42, 10, 50, 18, 58, 26, 33,  1, 41,  9, 49, 17, 57, 25

crypttest.c196 行で定義されています。

long64 _ufc_keytab[16]

crypttest.c207 行で定義されています。

long64 _ufc_sb0[]

crypttest.c232 行で定義されています。

long64 _ufc_sb1[]

crypttest.c232 行で定義されています。

long64 _ufc_sb2[]

crypttest.c232 行で定義されています。

long64 _ufc_sb3[]

crypttest.c232 行で定義されています。

long32* sb[4] = {_ufc_sb0, _ufc_sb1, _ufc_sb2, _ufc_sb3} [static]

crypttest.c233 行で定義されています。

long64* sb[4] = {_ufc_sb0, _ufc_sb1, _ufc_sb2, _ufc_sb3} [static]

crypttest.c238 行で定義されています。

ufc_long eperm32tab[4][256][2] [static]

crypttest.c250 行で定義されています。

ufc_long do_pc1[8][2][128] [static]

crypttest.c262 行で定義されています。

ufc_long do_pc2[8][128] [static]

crypttest.c275 行で定義されています。

ufc_long efp[16][64][2] [static]

crypttest.c284 行で定義されています。

unsigned char bytemask[8] [static]


  0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01

crypttest.c286 行で定義されています。

ufc_long longmask[32] [static]


  0x80000000, 0x40000000, 0x20000000, 0x10000000,
  0x08000000, 0x04000000, 0x02000000, 0x01000000,
  0x00800000, 0x00400000, 0x00200000, 0x00100000,
  0x00080000, 0x00040000, 0x00020000, 0x00010000,
  0x00008000, 0x00004000, 0x00002000, 0x00001000,
  0x00000800, 0x00000400, 0x00000200, 0x00000100,
  0x00000080, 0x00000040, 0x00000020, 0x00000010,
  0x00000008, 0x00000004, 0x00000002, 0x00000001

crypttest.c290 行で定義されています。

int initialized = 0 [static]

crypttest.c313 行で定義されています。

unsigned char current_salt[3] = "&&" [static]

crypttest.c520 行で定義されています。

ufc_long current_saltbits = 0 [static]

crypttest.c521 行で定義されています。

int direction = 0 [static]

crypttest.c522 行で定義されています。

long32 _ufc_keytab[16][2]

ufc.c184 行で定義されています。

Sambaに対してSat Aug 29 21:24:31 2009に生成されました。  doxygen 1.4.7