


struct  pr_chunk
struct  pr_chunk_x


void dummy_snprintf (void)
static int dopr (char *buffer, size_t maxlen, const char *format, va_list args_in)
static void fmtstr (char *buffer, size_t *currlen, size_t maxlen, char *value, int flags, int min, int max)
static void fmtint (char *buffer, size_t *currlen, size_t maxlen, LLONG value, int base, int min, int max, int flags)
static void fmtfp (char *buffer, size_t *currlen, size_t maxlen, LDOUBLE fvalue, int min, int max, int flags)
static void dopr_outch (char *buffer, size_t *currlen, size_t maxlen, char c)
static struct pr_chunknew_chunk (void)
static int add_cnk_list_entry (struct pr_chunk_x **list, int max_num, struct pr_chunk *chunk)
static LDOUBLE abs_val (LDOUBLE value)
static LDOUBLE POW10 (int exp)
static LLONG ROUND (LDOUBLE value)
static double my_modf (double x0, double *iptr)
int vsnprintf (char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt, va_list args)
int snprintf (char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt,...)
int printf (const char *fmt,...)
int fprintf (FILE *stream, const char *fmt,...)
int vasprintf (char **ptr, const char *format, va_list ap)
int asprintf (char **ptr, const char *format,...)
int sprintf (char *str, const char *fmt,...)
int main (void)


void dummy_snprintf ( void   ) 

snprintf.c126 行で定義されています。

00126 {} 

static int dopr ( char *  buffer,
size_t  maxlen,
const char *  format,
va_list  args_in 
) [static]

snprintf.c240 行で定義されています。

参照先 add_cnk_list_entry()pr_chunk::cflagspr_chunk_x::chunksclistpr_chunk::fvaluenew_chunk()pr_chunk_x::numpr_chunk::pnumprintf()pr_chunk::strvaluetypepr_chunk::typepr_chunk::value.

参照元 vsnprintf().

00241 {
00242         char ch;
00243         int state;
00244         int pflag;
00245         int pnum;
00246         int pfirst;
00247         size_t currlen;
00248         va_list args;
00249         const char *base;
00250         struct pr_chunk *chunks = NULL;
00251         struct pr_chunk *cnk = NULL;
00252         struct pr_chunk_x *clist = NULL;
00253         int max_pos;
00254         int ret = -1;
00256         VA_COPY(args, args_in);
00258         state = DP_S_DEFAULT;
00259         pfirst = 1;
00260         pflag = 0;
00261         pnum = 0;
00263         max_pos = 0;
00264         base = format;
00265         ch = *format++;
00267         /* retrieve the string structure as chunks */
00268         while (state != DP_S_DONE) {
00269                 if (ch == '\0') 
00270                         state = DP_S_DONE;
00272                 switch(state) {
00273                 case DP_S_DEFAULT:
00275                         if (cnk) {
00276                                 cnk->next = new_chunk();
00277                                 cnk = cnk->next;
00278                         } else {
00279                                 cnk = new_chunk();
00280                         }
00281                         if (!cnk) goto done;
00282                         if (!chunks) chunks = cnk;
00284                         if (ch == '%') {
00285                                 state = DP_S_FLAGS;
00286                                 ch = *format++;
00287                         } else {
00288                                 cnk->type = CNK_FMT_STR;
00289                                 cnk->start = format - base -1;
00290                                 while ((ch != '\0') && (ch != '%')) ch = *format++;
00291                                 cnk->len = format - base - cnk->start -1;
00292                         }
00293                         break;
00294                 case DP_S_FLAGS:
00295                         switch (ch) {
00296                         case '-':
00297                                 cnk->flags |= DP_F_MINUS;
00298                                 ch = *format++;
00299                                 break;
00300                         case '+':
00301                                 cnk->flags |= DP_F_PLUS;
00302                                 ch = *format++;
00303                                 break;
00304                         case ' ':
00305                                 cnk->flags |= DP_F_SPACE;
00306                                 ch = *format++;
00307                                 break;
00308                         case '#':
00309                                 cnk->flags |= DP_F_NUM;
00310                                 ch = *format++;
00311                                 break;
00312                         case '0':
00313                                 cnk->flags |= DP_F_ZERO;
00314                                 ch = *format++;
00315                                 break;
00316                         case 'I':
00317                                 /* internationalization not supported yet */
00318                                 ch = *format++;
00319                                 break;
00320                         default:
00321                                 state = DP_S_MIN;
00322                                 break;
00323                         }
00324                         break;
00325                 case DP_S_MIN:
00326                         if (isdigit((unsigned char)ch)) {
00327                                 cnk->min = 10 * cnk->min + char_to_int (ch);
00328                                 ch = *format++;
00329                         } else if (ch == '$') {
00330                                 if (!pfirst && !pflag) {
00331                                         /* parameters must be all positioned or none */
00332                                         goto done;
00333                                 }
00334                                 if (pfirst) {
00335                                         pfirst = 0;
00336                                         pflag = 1;
00337                                 }
00338                                 if (cnk->min == 0) /* what ?? */
00339                                         goto done;
00340                                 cnk->num = cnk->min;
00341                                 cnk->min = 0;
00342                                 ch = *format++;
00343                         } else if (ch == '*') {
00344                                 if (pfirst) pfirst = 0;
00345                                 cnk->min_star = new_chunk();
00346                                 if (!cnk->min_star) /* out of memory :-( */
00347                                         goto done;
00348                                 cnk->min_star->type = CNK_INT;
00349                                 if (pflag) {
00350                                         int num;
00351                                         ch = *format++;
00352                                         if (!isdigit((unsigned char)ch)) {
00353                                                 /* parameters must be all positioned or none */
00354                                                 goto done;
00355                                         }
00356                                         for (num = 0; isdigit((unsigned char)ch); ch = *format++) {
00357                                                 num = 10 * num + char_to_int(ch);
00358                                         }
00359                                         cnk->min_star->num = num;
00360                                         if (ch != '$') /* what ?? */
00361                                                 goto done;
00362                                 } else {
00363                                         cnk->min_star->num = ++pnum;
00364                                 }
00365                                 max_pos = add_cnk_list_entry(&clist, max_pos, cnk->min_star);
00366                                 if (max_pos == 0) /* out of memory :-( */
00367                                         goto done;
00368                                 ch = *format++;
00369                                 state = DP_S_DOT;
00370                         } else {
00371                                 if (pfirst) pfirst = 0;
00372                                 state = DP_S_DOT;
00373                         }
00374                         break;
00375                 case DP_S_DOT:
00376                         if (ch == '.') {
00377                                 state = DP_S_MAX;
00378                                 ch = *format++;
00379                         } else { 
00380                                 state = DP_S_MOD;
00381                         }
00382                         break;
00383                 case DP_S_MAX:
00384                         if (isdigit((unsigned char)ch)) {
00385                                 if (cnk->max < 0)
00386                                         cnk->max = 0;
00387                                 cnk->max = 10 * cnk->max + char_to_int (ch);
00388                                 ch = *format++;
00389                         } else if (ch == '$') {
00390                                 if (!pfirst && !pflag) {
00391                                         /* parameters must be all positioned or none */
00392                                         goto done;
00393                                 }
00394                                 if (cnk->max <= 0) /* what ?? */
00395                                         goto done;
00396                                 cnk->num = cnk->max;
00397                                 cnk->max = -1;
00398                                 ch = *format++;
00399                         } else if (ch == '*') {
00400                                 cnk->max_star = new_chunk();
00401                                 if (!cnk->max_star) /* out of memory :-( */
00402                                         goto done;
00403                                 cnk->max_star->type = CNK_INT;
00404                                 if (pflag) {
00405                                         int num;
00406                                         ch = *format++;
00407                                         if (!isdigit((unsigned char)ch)) {
00408                                                 /* parameters must be all positioned or none */
00409                                                 goto done;
00410                                         }
00411                                         for (num = 0; isdigit((unsigned char)ch); ch = *format++) {
00412                                                 num = 10 * num + char_to_int(ch);
00413                                         }
00414                                         cnk->max_star->num = num;
00415                                         if (ch != '$') /* what ?? */
00416                                                 goto done;
00417                                 } else {
00418                                         cnk->max_star->num = ++pnum;
00419                                 }
00420                                 max_pos = add_cnk_list_entry(&clist, max_pos, cnk->max_star);
00421                                 if (max_pos == 0) /* out of memory :-( */
00422                                         goto done;
00424                                 ch = *format++;
00425                                 state = DP_S_MOD;
00426                         } else {
00427                                 state = DP_S_MOD;
00428                         }
00429                         break;
00430                 case DP_S_MOD:
00431                         switch (ch) {
00432                         case 'h':
00433                                 cnk->cflags = DP_C_SHORT;
00434                                 ch = *format++;
00435                                 if (ch == 'h') {
00436                                         cnk->cflags = DP_C_CHAR;
00437                                         ch = *format++;
00438                                 }
00439                                 break;
00440                         case 'l':
00441                                 cnk->cflags = DP_C_LONG;
00442                                 ch = *format++;
00443                                 if (ch == 'l') {        /* It's a long long */
00444                                         cnk->cflags = DP_C_LLONG;
00445                                         ch = *format++;
00446                                 }
00447                                 break;
00448                         case 'L':
00449                                 cnk->cflags = DP_C_LDOUBLE;
00450                                 ch = *format++;
00451                                 break;
00452                         case 'z':
00453                                 cnk->cflags = DP_C_SIZET;
00454                                 ch = *format++;
00455                                 break;
00456                         default:
00457                                 break;
00458                         }
00459                         state = DP_S_CONV;
00460                         break;
00461                 case DP_S_CONV:
00462                         if (cnk->num == 0) cnk->num = ++pnum;
00463                         max_pos = add_cnk_list_entry(&clist, max_pos, cnk);
00464                         if (max_pos == 0) /* out of memory :-( */
00465                                 goto done;
00467                         switch (ch) {
00468                         case 'd':
00469                         case 'i':
00470                                 cnk->type = CNK_INT;
00471                                 break;
00472                         case 'o':
00473                                 cnk->type = CNK_OCTAL;
00474                                 cnk->flags |= DP_F_UNSIGNED;
00475                                 break;
00476                         case 'u':
00477                                 cnk->type = CNK_UINT;
00478                                 cnk->flags |= DP_F_UNSIGNED;
00479                                 break;
00480                         case 'X':
00481                                 cnk->flags |= DP_F_UP;
00482                         case 'x':
00483                                 cnk->type = CNK_HEX;
00484                                 cnk->flags |= DP_F_UNSIGNED;
00485                                 break;
00486                         case 'A':
00487                                 /* hex float not supported yet */
00488                         case 'E':
00489                         case 'G':
00490                         case 'F':
00491                                 cnk->flags |= DP_F_UP;
00492                         case 'a':
00493                                 /* hex float not supported yet */
00494                         case 'e':
00495                         case 'f':
00496                         case 'g':
00497                                 cnk->type = CNK_FLOAT;
00498                                 break;
00499                         case 'c':
00500                                 cnk->type = CNK_CHAR;
00501                                 break;
00502                         case 's':
00503                                 cnk->type = CNK_STRING;
00504                                 break;
00505                         case 'p':
00506                                 cnk->type = CNK_PTR;
00507                                 break;
00508                         case 'n':
00509                                 cnk->type = CNK_NUM;
00510                                 break;
00511                         case '%':
00512                                 cnk->type = CNK_PRCNT;
00513                                 break;
00514                         default:
00515                                 /* Unknown, bail out*/
00516                                 goto done;
00517                         }
00518                         ch = *format++;
00519                         state = DP_S_DEFAULT;
00520                         break;
00521                 case DP_S_DONE:
00522                         break;
00523                 default:
00524                         /* hmm? */
00525                         break; /* some picky compilers need this */
00526                 }
00527         }
00529         /* retieve the format arguments */
00530         for (pnum = 0; pnum < max_pos; pnum++) {
00531                 int i;
00533                 if (clist[pnum].num == 0) {
00534                         /* ignoring a parameter should not be permitted
00535                          * all parameters must be matched at least once
00536                          * BUT seem some system ignore this rule ...
00537                          * at least my glibc based system does --SSS
00538                          */
00539 #ifdef DEBUG_SNPRINTF
00540                         printf("parameter at position %d not used\n", pnum+1);
00541 #endif
00542                         /* eat the parameter */
00543                         va_arg (args, int);
00544                         continue;
00545                 }
00546                 for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
00547                         if (clist[pnum].chunks[0]->type != clist[pnum].chunks[i]->type) {
00548                                 /* nooo noo no!
00549                                  * all the references to a parameter
00550                                  * must be of the same type
00551                                  */
00552                                 goto done;
00553                         }
00554                 }
00555                 cnk = clist[pnum].chunks[0];
00556                 switch (cnk->type) {
00557                 case CNK_INT:
00558                         if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SHORT) 
00559                                 cnk->value = va_arg (args, int);
00560                         else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LONG)
00561                                 cnk->value = va_arg (args, long int);
00562                         else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LLONG)
00563                                 cnk->value = va_arg (args, LLONG);
00564                         else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SIZET)
00565                                 cnk->value = va_arg (args, ssize_t);
00566                         else
00567                                 cnk->value = va_arg (args, int);
00569                         for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
00570                                 clist[pnum].chunks[i]->value = cnk->value;
00571                         }
00572                         break;
00574                 case CNK_OCTAL:
00575                 case CNK_UINT:
00576                 case CNK_HEX:
00577                         if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SHORT)
00578                                 cnk->value = va_arg (args, unsigned int);
00579                         else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LONG)
00580                                 cnk->value = (unsigned long int)va_arg (args, unsigned long int);
00581                         else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LLONG)
00582                                 cnk->value = (LLONG)va_arg (args, unsigned LLONG);
00583                         else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SIZET)
00584                                 cnk->value = (size_t)va_arg (args, size_t);
00585                         else
00586                                 cnk->value = (unsigned int)va_arg (args, unsigned int);
00588                         for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
00589                                 clist[pnum].chunks[i]->value = cnk->value;
00590                         }
00591                         break;
00593                 case CNK_FLOAT:
00594                         if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LDOUBLE)
00595                                 cnk->fvalue = va_arg (args, LDOUBLE);
00596                         else
00597                                 cnk->fvalue = va_arg (args, double);
00599                         for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
00600                                 clist[pnum].chunks[i]->fvalue = cnk->fvalue;
00601                         }
00602                         break;
00604                 case CNK_CHAR:
00605                         cnk->value = va_arg (args, int);
00607                         for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
00608                                 clist[pnum].chunks[i]->value = cnk->value;
00609                         }
00610                         break;
00612                 case CNK_STRING:
00613                         cnk->strvalue = va_arg (args, char *);
00614                         if (!cnk->strvalue) cnk->strvalue = "(NULL)";
00616                         for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
00617                                 clist[pnum].chunks[i]->strvalue = cnk->strvalue;
00618                         }
00619                         break;
00621                 case CNK_PTR:
00622                         cnk->strvalue = va_arg (args, void *);
00623                         for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
00624                                 clist[pnum].chunks[i]->strvalue = cnk->strvalue;
00625                         }
00626                         break;
00628                 case CNK_NUM:
00629                         if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_CHAR)
00630                                 cnk->pnum = va_arg (args, char *);
00631                         else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SHORT)
00632                                 cnk->pnum = va_arg (args, short int *);
00633                         else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LONG)
00634                                 cnk->pnum = va_arg (args, long int *);
00635                         else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LLONG)
00636                                 cnk->pnum = va_arg (args, LLONG *);
00637                         else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SIZET)
00638                                 cnk->pnum = va_arg (args, ssize_t *);
00639                         else
00640                                 cnk->pnum = va_arg (args, int *);
00642                         for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
00643                                 clist[pnum].chunks[i]->pnum = cnk->pnum;
00644                         }
00645                         break;
00647                 case CNK_PRCNT:
00648                         break;
00650                 default:
00651                         /* what ?? */
00652                         goto done;
00653                 }
00654         }
00655         /* print out the actual string from chunks */
00656         currlen = 0;
00657         cnk = chunks;
00658         while (cnk) {
00659                 int len, min, max;
00661                 if (cnk->min_star) min = cnk->min_star->value;
00662                 else min = cnk->min;
00663                 if (cnk->max_star) max = cnk->max_star->value;
00664                 else max = cnk->max;
00666                 switch (cnk->type) {
00668                 case CNK_FMT_STR:
00669                         if (maxlen != 0 && maxlen > currlen) {
00670                                 if (maxlen > (currlen + cnk->len)) len = cnk->len;
00671                                 else len = maxlen - currlen;
00673                                 memcpy(&(buffer[currlen]), &(base[cnk->start]), len);
00674                         }
00675                         currlen += cnk->len;
00677                         break;
00679                 case CNK_INT:
00680                 case CNK_UINT:
00681                         fmtint (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, cnk->value, 10, min, max, cnk->flags);
00682                         break;
00684                 case CNK_OCTAL:
00685                         fmtint (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, cnk->value, 8, min, max, cnk->flags);
00686                         break;
00688                 case CNK_HEX:
00689                         fmtint (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, cnk->value, 16, min, max, cnk->flags);
00690                         break;
00692                 case CNK_FLOAT:
00693                         fmtfp (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, cnk->fvalue, min, max, cnk->flags);
00694                         break;
00696                 case CNK_CHAR:
00697                         dopr_outch (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, cnk->value);
00698                         break;
00700                 case CNK_STRING:
00701                         if (max == -1) {
00702                                 max = strlen(cnk->strvalue);
00703                         }
00704                         fmtstr (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, cnk->strvalue, cnk->flags, min, max);
00705                         break;
00707                 case CNK_PTR:
00708                         fmtint (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, (long)(cnk->strvalue), 16, min, max, cnk->flags);
00709                         break;
00711                 case CNK_NUM:
00712                         if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_CHAR)
00713                                 *((char *)(cnk->pnum)) = (char)currlen;
00714                         else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SHORT)
00715                                 *((short int *)(cnk->pnum)) = (short int)currlen;
00716                         else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LONG)
00717                                 *((long int *)(cnk->pnum)) = (long int)currlen;
00718                         else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LLONG)
00719                                 *((LLONG *)(cnk->pnum)) = (LLONG)currlen;
00720                         else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SIZET)
00721                                 *((ssize_t *)(cnk->pnum)) = (ssize_t)currlen;
00722                         else
00723                                 *((int *)(cnk->pnum)) = (int)currlen;
00724                         break;
00726                 case CNK_PRCNT:
00727                         dopr_outch (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, '%');
00728                         break;
00730                 default:
00731                         /* what ?? */
00732                         goto done;
00733                 }
00734                 cnk = cnk->next;
00735         }
00736         if (maxlen != 0) {
00737                 if (currlen < maxlen - 1) 
00738                         buffer[currlen] = '\0';
00739                 else if (maxlen > 0) 
00740                         buffer[maxlen - 1] = '\0';
00741         }
00742         ret = currlen;
00744 done:
00745         va_end(args);
00747         while (chunks) {
00748                 cnk = chunks->next;
00749                 free(chunks);
00750                 chunks = cnk;
00751         }
00752         if (clist) {
00753                 for (pnum = 0; pnum < max_pos; pnum++) {
00754                         if (clist[pnum].chunks) free(clist[pnum].chunks);
00755                 }
00756                 free(clist);
00757         }
00758         return ret;
00759 }

static void fmtstr ( char *  buffer,
size_t *  currlen,
size_t  maxlen,
char *  value,
int  flags,
int  min,
int  max 
) [static]

snprintf.c761 行で定義されています。

参照先 dopr_outch()printf().

00763 {
00764         int padlen, strln;     /* amount to pad */
00765         int cnt = 0;
00767 #ifdef DEBUG_SNPRINTF
00768         printf("fmtstr min=%d max=%d s=[%s]\n", min, max, value);
00769 #endif
00770         if (value == 0) {
00771                 value = "<NULL>";
00772         }
00774         for (strln = 0; strln < max && value[strln]; ++strln); /* strlen */
00775         padlen = min - strln;
00776         if (padlen < 0) 
00777                 padlen = 0;
00778         if (flags & DP_F_MINUS) 
00779                 padlen = -padlen; /* Left Justify */
00781         while (padlen > 0) {
00782                 dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, ' ');
00783                 --padlen;
00784         }
00785         while (*value && (cnt < max)) {
00786                 dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, *value++);
00787                 ++cnt;
00788         }
00789         while (padlen < 0) {
00790                 dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, ' ');
00791                 ++padlen;
00792         }
00793 }

static void fmtint ( char *  buffer,
size_t *  currlen,
size_t  maxlen,
LLONG  value,
int  base,
int  min,
int  max,
int  flags 
) [static]

snprintf.c797 行で定義されています。

参照先 dopr_outch()printf().

00799 {
00800         int signvalue = 0;
00801         unsigned LLONG uvalue;
00802         char convert[20];
00803         int place = 0;
00804         int spadlen = 0; /* amount to space pad */
00805         int zpadlen = 0; /* amount to zero pad */
00806         int caps = 0;
00808         if (max < 0)
00809                 max = 0;
00811         uvalue = value;
00813         if(!(flags & DP_F_UNSIGNED)) {
00814                 if( value < 0 ) {
00815                         signvalue = '-';
00816                         uvalue = -value;
00817                 } else {
00818                         if (flags & DP_F_PLUS)  /* Do a sign (+/i) */
00819                                 signvalue = '+';
00820                         else if (flags & DP_F_SPACE)
00821                                 signvalue = ' ';
00822                 }
00823         }
00825         if (flags & DP_F_UP) caps = 1; /* Should characters be upper case? */
00827         do {
00828                 convert[place++] =
00829                         (caps? "0123456789ABCDEF":"0123456789abcdef")
00830                         [uvalue % (unsigned)base  ];
00831                 uvalue = (uvalue / (unsigned)base );
00832         } while(uvalue && (place < 20));
00833         if (place == 20) place--;
00834         convert[place] = 0;
00836         zpadlen = max - place;
00837         spadlen = min - MAX (max, place) - (signvalue ? 1 : 0);
00838         if (zpadlen < 0) zpadlen = 0;
00839         if (spadlen < 0) spadlen = 0;
00840         if (flags & DP_F_ZERO) {
00841                 zpadlen = MAX(zpadlen, spadlen);
00842                 spadlen = 0;
00843         }
00844         if (flags & DP_F_MINUS) 
00845                 spadlen = -spadlen; /* Left Justifty */
00847 #ifdef DEBUG_SNPRINTF
00848         printf("zpad: %d, spad: %d, min: %d, max: %d, place: %d\n",
00849                zpadlen, spadlen, min, max, place);
00850 #endif
00852         /* Spaces */
00853         while (spadlen > 0) {
00854                 dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, ' ');
00855                 --spadlen;
00856         }
00858         /* Sign */
00859         if (signvalue) 
00860                 dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, signvalue);
00862         /* Zeros */
00863         if (zpadlen > 0) {
00864                 while (zpadlen > 0) {
00865                         dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, '0');
00866                         --zpadlen;
00867                 }
00868         }
00870         /* Digits */
00871         while (place > 0) 
00872                 dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, convert[--place]);
00874         /* Left Justified spaces */
00875         while (spadlen < 0) {
00876                 dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, ' ');
00877                 ++spadlen;
00878         }
00879 }

static void fmtfp ( char *  buffer,
size_t *  currlen,
size_t  maxlen,
LDOUBLE  fvalue,
int  min,
int  max,
int  flags 
) [static]

snprintf.c950 行で定義されています。

参照先 abs_val()dopr_outch()my_modf()POW10()printf()ROUND().

00952 {
00953         int signvalue = 0;
00954         double ufvalue;
00955         char iconvert[311];
00956         char fconvert[311];
00957         int iplace = 0;
00958         int fplace = 0;
00959         int padlen = 0; /* amount to pad */
00960         int zpadlen = 0; 
00961         int caps = 0;
00962         int idx;
00963         double intpart;
00964         double fracpart;
00965         double temp;
00967         /* 
00968          * AIX manpage says the default is 0, but Solaris says the default
00969          * is 6, and sprintf on AIX defaults to 6
00970          */
00971         if (max < 0)
00972                 max = 6;
00974         ufvalue = abs_val (fvalue);
00976         if (fvalue < 0) {
00977                 signvalue = '-';
00978         } else {
00979                 if (flags & DP_F_PLUS) { /* Do a sign (+/i) */
00980                         signvalue = '+';
00981                 } else {
00982                         if (flags & DP_F_SPACE)
00983                                 signvalue = ' ';
00984                 }
00985         }
00987 #if 0
00988         if (flags & DP_F_UP) caps = 1; /* Should characters be upper case? */
00989 #endif
00991 #if 0
00992          if (max == 0) ufvalue += 0.5; /* if max = 0 we must round */
00993 #endif
00995         /* 
00996          * Sorry, we only support 9 digits past the decimal because of our 
00997          * conversion method
00998          */
00999         if (max > 9)
01000                 max = 9;
01002         /* We "cheat" by converting the fractional part to integer by
01003          * multiplying by a factor of 10
01004          */
01006         temp = ufvalue;
01007         my_modf(temp, &intpart);
01009         fracpart = ROUND((POW10(max)) * (ufvalue - intpart));
01011         if (fracpart >= POW10(max)) {
01012                 intpart++;
01013                 fracpart -= POW10(max);
01014         }
01017         /* Convert integer part */
01018         do {
01019                 temp = intpart*0.1;
01020                 my_modf(temp, &intpart);
01021                 idx = (int) ((temp -intpart +0.05)* 10.0);
01022                 /* idx = (int) (((double)(temp*0.1) -intpart +0.05) *10.0); */
01023                 /* printf ("%llf, %f, %x\n", temp, intpart, idx); */
01024                 iconvert[iplace++] =
01025                         (caps? "0123456789ABCDEF":"0123456789abcdef")[idx];
01026         } while (intpart && (iplace < 311));
01027         if (iplace == 311) iplace--;
01028         iconvert[iplace] = 0;
01030         /* Convert fractional part */
01031         if (fracpart)
01032         {
01033                 do {
01034                         temp = fracpart*0.1;
01035                         my_modf(temp, &fracpart);
01036                         idx = (int) ((temp -fracpart +0.05)* 10.0);
01037                         /* idx = (int) ((((temp/10) -fracpart) +0.05) *10); */
01038                         /* printf ("%lf, %lf, %ld\n", temp, fracpart, idx ); */
01039                         fconvert[fplace++] =
01040                         (caps? "0123456789ABCDEF":"0123456789abcdef")[idx];
01041                 } while(fracpart && (fplace < 311));
01042                 if (fplace == 311) fplace--;
01043         }
01044         fconvert[fplace] = 0;
01046         /* -1 for decimal point, another -1 if we are printing a sign */
01047         padlen = min - iplace - max - 1 - ((signvalue) ? 1 : 0); 
01048         zpadlen = max - fplace;
01049         if (zpadlen < 0) zpadlen = 0;
01050         if (padlen < 0) 
01051                 padlen = 0;
01052         if (flags & DP_F_MINUS) 
01053                 padlen = -padlen; /* Left Justifty */
01055         if ((flags & DP_F_ZERO) && (padlen > 0)) {
01056                 if (signvalue) {
01057                         dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, signvalue);
01058                         --padlen;
01059                         signvalue = 0;
01060                 }
01061                 while (padlen > 0) {
01062                         dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, '0');
01063                         --padlen;
01064                 }
01065         }
01066         while (padlen > 0) {
01067                 dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, ' ');
01068                 --padlen;
01069         }
01070         if (signvalue) 
01071                 dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, signvalue);
01073         while (iplace > 0) 
01074                 dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, iconvert[--iplace]);
01076 #ifdef DEBUG_SNPRINTF
01077         printf("fmtfp: fplace=%d zpadlen=%d\n", fplace, zpadlen);
01078 #endif
01080         /*
01081          * Decimal point.  This should probably use locale to find the correct
01082          * char to print out.
01083          */
01084         if (max > 0) {
01085                 dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, '.');
01087                 while (zpadlen > 0) {
01088                         dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, '0');
01089                         --zpadlen;
01090                 }
01092                 while (fplace > 0) 
01093                         dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, fconvert[--fplace]);
01094         }
01096         while (padlen < 0) {
01097                 dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, ' ');
01098                 ++padlen;
01099         }
01100 }

static void dopr_outch ( char *  buffer,
size_t *  currlen,
size_t  maxlen,
char  c 
) [static]

snprintf.c1102 行で定義されています。

参照元 fmtfp()fmtint()fmtstr().

01103 {
01104         if (*currlen < maxlen) {
01105                 buffer[(*currlen)] = c;
01106         }
01107         (*currlen)++;
01108 }

static struct pr_chunk * new_chunk ( void   )  [static]

snprintf.c1110 行で定義されています。

参照先 pr_chunk::cflagspr_chunk::flagspr_chunk::fvaluepr_chunk::lenpr_chunk::maxpr_chunk::max_starpr_chunk::minpr_chunk::min_starpr_chunk::nextpr_chunk::numpr_chunk::pnumpr_chunk::startpr_chunk::strvaluepr_chunk::typepr_chunk::value.

参照元 dopr().

01110                                         {
01111         struct pr_chunk *new_c = (struct pr_chunk *)malloc(sizeof(struct pr_chunk));
01113         if (!new_c)
01114                 return NULL;
01116         new_c->type = 0;
01117         new_c->num = 0;
01118         new_c->min = 0;
01119         new_c->min_star = NULL;
01120         new_c->max = -1;
01121         new_c->max_star = NULL;
01122         new_c->flags = 0;
01123         new_c->cflags = 0;
01124         new_c->start = 0;
01125         new_c->len = 0;
01126         new_c->value = 0;
01127         new_c->fvalue = 0;
01128         new_c->strvalue = NULL;
01129         new_c->pnum = NULL;
01130         new_c->next = NULL;
01132         return new_c;
01133 }

static int add_cnk_list_entry ( struct pr_chunk_x **  list,
int  max_num,
struct pr_chunk chunk 
) [static]

snprintf.c1135 行で定義されています。

参照先 cpr_chunk_x::chunkscnumlist()pr_chunk::maxpr_chunk_x::numpr_chunk::num.

参照元 dopr().

01136                                                                      {
01137         struct pr_chunk_x *l;
01138         struct pr_chunk **c;
01139         int max;
01140         int cnum;
01141         int i, pos;
01143         if (chunk->num > max_num) {
01144                 max = chunk->num;
01146                 if (*list == NULL) {
01147                         l = (struct pr_chunk_x *)malloc(sizeof(struct pr_chunk_x) * max);
01148                         pos = 0;
01149                 } else {
01150                         l = (struct pr_chunk_x *)realloc(*list, sizeof(struct pr_chunk_x) * max);
01151                         pos = max_num;
01152                 }
01153                 if (l == NULL) {
01154                         for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
01155                                 if ((*list)[i].chunks) free((*list)[i].chunks);
01156                         }
01157                         return 0;
01158                 }
01159                 for (i = pos; i < max; i++) {
01160                         l[i].chunks = NULL;
01161                         l[i].num = 0;
01162                 }
01163         } else {
01164                 l = *list;
01165                 max = max_num;
01166         }
01168         i = chunk->num - 1;
01169         cnum = l[i].num + 1;
01170         if (l[i].chunks == NULL) {
01171                 c = (struct pr_chunk **)malloc(sizeof(struct pr_chunk *) * cnum); 
01172         } else {
01173                 c = (struct pr_chunk **)realloc(l[i].chunks, sizeof(struct pr_chunk *) * cnum);
01174         }
01175         if (c == NULL) {
01176                 for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
01177                         if (l[i].chunks) free(l[i].chunks);
01178                 }
01179                 return 0;
01180         }
01181         c[l[i].num] = chunk;
01182         l[i].chunks = c;
01183         l[i].num = cnum;
01185         *list = l;
01186         return max;
01187 }

static LDOUBLE abs_val ( LDOUBLE  value  )  [static]

snprintf.c881 行で定義されています。

参照先 result.

参照元 fmtfp().

00882 {
00883         LDOUBLE result = value;
00885         if (value < 0)
00886                 result = -value;
00888         return result;
00889 }

static LDOUBLE POW10 ( int  exp  )  [static]

snprintf.c891 行で定義されています。

参照先 result.

参照元 fmtfp().

00892 {
00893         LDOUBLE result = 1;
00895         while (exp) {
00896                 result *= 10;
00897                 exp--;
00898         }
00900         return result;
00901 }

static LLONG ROUND ( LDOUBLE  value  )  [static]

snprintf.c903 行で定義されています。

参照元 fmtfp().

00904 {
00905         LLONG intpart;
00907         intpart = (LLONG)value;
00908         value = value - intpart;
00909         if (value >= 0.5) intpart++;
00911         return intpart;
00912 }

static double my_modf ( double  x0,
double *  iptr 
) [static]

snprintf.c916 行で定義されています。

参照元 fmtfp().

00917 {
00918         int i;
00919         LLONG l=0;
00920         double x = x0;
00921         double f = 1.0;
00923         for (i=0;i<100;i++) {
00924                 l = (long)x;
00925                 if (l <= (x+1) && l >= (x-1)) break;
00926                 x *= 0.1;
00927                 f *= 10.0;
00928         }
00930         if (i == 100) {
00931                 /* yikes! the number is beyond what we can handle. What do we do? */
00932                 (*iptr) = 0;
00933                 return 0;
00934         }
00936         if (i != 0) {
00937                 double i2;
00938                 double ret;
00940                 ret = my_modf(x0-l*f, &i2);
00941                 (*iptr) = l*f + i2;
00942                 return ret;
00943         } 
00945         (*iptr) = l;
00946         return x - (*iptr);
00947 }

int vsnprintf ( char *  str,
size_t  count,
const char *  fmt,
va_list  args 

snprintf.c1189 行で定義されています。

参照先 dopr().

参照元 do_log()fstr_sprintf()pstr_sprintf()snprintf()talloc_vasprintf()talloc_vasprintf_append()vasprintf().

01190 {
01191         return dopr(str, count, fmt, args);
01192 }

int snprintf ( char *  str,
size_t  count,
const char *  fmt,

snprintf.c1202 行で定義されています。

参照先 vsnprintf().

参照元 _nss_winbind_getgrent_solwrap()_nss_winbind_getpwent_solwrap()_nss_winbind_sidtoname()_pam_compose_pwd_restriction_string()_pam_setup_krb5_env()_reg_perfcount_get_instance_info()_reg_perfcount_make_key()_reg_perfcount_multi_sz_from_tdb()add_suffix()cacl_get()cb_select_child()cgi_download()convert_in_un_alloc()convert_in_un_remote()do_message_op()dom_sid_string()dump_core_setup()get_ticket_cache()human_readable()main()make_pipe_rec_key()merge_test()ndr_print_array_uint8()net_ads_join()parse_options()pipe_enum_fn()print_cache_expired()print_count_samples()print_queue_update()print_queue_update_internal()print_stack_trace()print_time()procname()profile_separator()resolve_wildcards()samba_extended_info_version()samba_version_string()set_ea_dos_attribute()shadow_copy_get_shadow_copy_data()smb_download_dir()smb_download_file()swrap_auto_bind()swrap_sendto()test_snprintf()ucs2hex_push()winbind_callback().

01203 {
01204         size_t ret;
01205         va_list ap;
01207         va_start(ap, fmt);
01208         ret = vsnprintf(str, count, fmt, ap);
01209         va_end(ap);
01210         return ret;
01211 }

int printf ( const char *  fmt,

snprintf.c1215 行で定義されています。

参照先 vasprintf().

参照元 ads_disp_ace()ads_disp_acl()ads_disp_perms()ads_disp_sd()ads_dump_field()backup_tdb()browse_callback()cacl_dump()cacl_set()cgi_auth_error()cgi_load_variables()cgi_setup()cgi_web_auth()change_password()change_share_sec()charprint()check_error()check_for_comma()check_for_domain()check_share_sanity()chg_passwd()cmd_chmod()cmd_chown()cmd_close()cmd_closedir()cmd_conf()cmd_debuglevel()cmd_dfs_add()cmd_dfs_enum()cmd_dfs_exist()cmd_dfs_getinfo()cmd_dfs_remove()cmd_disk_free()cmd_ds_dsrole_getprimarydominfo()cmd_ds_enum_domain_trusts()cmd_echo_add_one()cmd_echo_data()cmd_echo_sink_data()cmd_echo_source_data()cmd_fchmod()cmd_fchown()cmd_fstat()cmd_fsync()cmd_ftruncate()cmd_getwd()cmd_help()cmd_link()cmd_listcommands()cmd_load_module()cmd_lock()cmd_lsa_add_acct_rights()cmd_lsa_create_account()cmd_lsa_enum_acct_rights()cmd_lsa_enum_privilege()cmd_lsa_enum_privsaccounts()cmd_lsa_enum_sids()cmd_lsa_enum_trust_dom()cmd_lsa_get_dispname()cmd_lsa_lookup_names()cmd_lsa_lookup_priv_value()cmd_lsa_lookup_sids()cmd_lsa_query_info_policy()cmd_lsa_query_secobj()cmd_lsa_query_trustdominfo()cmd_lsa_query_trustdominfobyname()cmd_lsa_query_trustdominfobysid()cmd_lsa_remove_acct_rights()cmd_lseek()cmd_lstat()cmd_mkdir()cmd_mknod()cmd_netlogon_dsr_getdcname()cmd_netlogon_dsr_getdcnameex()cmd_netlogon_dsr_getdcnameex2()cmd_netlogon_dsr_getsitename()cmd_netlogon_getanydcname()cmd_open()cmd_opendir()cmd_pathfunc()cmd_populate()cmd_read()cmd_readdir()cmd_readlink()cmd_realpath()cmd_rename()cmd_samr_chgpasswd2()cmd_samr_chgpasswd3()cmd_samr_create_dom_alias()cmd_samr_create_dom_group()cmd_samr_create_dom_user()cmd_samr_delete_alias()cmd_samr_delete_dom_user()cmd_samr_enum_als_groups()cmd_samr_enum_dom_groups()cmd_samr_enum_dom_users()cmd_samr_get_dom_pwinfo()cmd_samr_get_usrdom_pwinfo()cmd_samr_lookup_domain()cmd_samr_lookup_names()cmd_samr_lookup_rids()cmd_samr_query_aliasmem()cmd_samr_query_dispinfo()cmd_samr_query_dominfo()cmd_samr_query_group()cmd_samr_query_groupmem()cmd_samr_query_sec_obj()cmd_samr_query_user()cmd_samr_query_useraliases()cmd_samr_query_usergroups()cmd_seal()cmd_show_data()cmd_sign()cmd_spoolss_addform()cmd_spoolss_addprinterdriver()cmd_spoolss_addprinterex()cmd_spoolss_deletedriver()cmd_spoolss_deletedriverex()cmd_spoolss_deleteform()cmd_spoolss_enum_data()cmd_spoolss_enum_data_ex()cmd_spoolss_enum_drivers()cmd_spoolss_enum_forms()cmd_spoolss_enum_jobs()cmd_spoolss_enum_ports()cmd_spoolss_enum_printerkey()cmd_spoolss_enum_printers()cmd_spoolss_getdriver()cmd_spoolss_getdriverdir()cmd_spoolss_getform()cmd_spoolss_getprinter()cmd_spoolss_getprinterdata()cmd_spoolss_getprinterdataex()cmd_spoolss_getprintprocdir()cmd_spoolss_open_printer_ex()cmd_spoolss_printercmp()cmd_spoolss_rffpcnex()cmd_spoolss_setdriver()cmd_spoolss_setform()cmd_spoolss_setprinter()cmd_spoolss_setprinterdata()cmd_spoolss_setprintername()cmd_srvsvc_net_file_enum()cmd_srvsvc_net_remote_tod()cmd_srvsvc_net_share_enum()cmd_srvsvc_net_share_get_info()cmd_srvsvc_net_share_set_info()cmd_srvsvc_srv_query_info()cmd_stat()cmd_symlink()cmd_utime()cmd_write()compare_printer()compare_printer_secdesc()copy_fn()copy_top_level_perms()create_procs()create_tdb()dbg_test()del_fn()display_account_info()display_acl_type()display_dfs_enumstruct()display_dfs_info()display_dfs_info_1()display_dfs_info_2()display_dfs_info_3()display_eventlog_names()display_form()display_group_info1()display_group_info2()display_group_info3()display_group_info4()display_group_info5()display_job_info_1()display_job_info_2()display_lsa_query_info()display_password_properties()display_port_info_1()display_port_info_2()display_print_driver_1()display_print_driver_2()display_print_driver_3()display_print_info_0()display_print_info_1()display_print_info_2()display_print_info_3()display_print_info_7()display_printdriverdir_1()display_reg_value()display_sam_info_1()display_sam_info_2()display_sam_info_3()display_sam_info_4()display_sam_info_5()display_sam_sync()display_sam_unk_info_1()display_sam_unk_info_12()display_sam_unk_info_13()display_sam_unk_info_2()display_sam_unk_info_3()display_sam_unk_info_4()display_sam_unk_info_5()display_sam_unk_info_6()display_sam_unk_info_7()display_sam_unk_info_8()display_sam_unk_info_9()display_sam_user_info_16()display_sam_user_info_21()display_sam_user_info_7()display_sam_user_info_9()display_sec_access()display_sec_ace()display_sec_acl()display_sec_desc()display_server()display_share_info_1()display_share_info_2()display_share_info_502()display_srv_info_101()display_srv_info_102()display_trust_dom_info()display_trust_dom_info_1()display_trust_dom_info_3()display_trust_dom_info_6()do_cmd()do_debuglevel()do_ping()do_poolusage()do_profilelevel()do_winbind_onlinestatus()DoAddSourceCommand()dopr()DoWriteCommand()dump_a_parameter()dump_binary()dump_copy_map()dump_guid()dump_sid()dump_string()dump_tdb()enum_privileges_for_user()export_database()fetch_domain_info()find_fn()find_handle()fix_users_list()fmtfp()fmtint()fmtstr()get_auth_data()get_password_from_file()get_sec_mask_str()get_sid_from_input()globals_page()help()image_link()include_html()info_tdb()libreplace_test_strptime()lock_mtab()main()modechange()mount_cifs_usage()move_rec()ms_fnmatch_lanman_core()nb_alarm()nb_close()nb_createx()nb_deltree()nb_readx()nb_rename()nb_rmdir()nb_unlink()nb_writex()nbio_shmem()net_ads_cldap_netlogon()net_ads_gpo_add_link()net_ads_gpo_apply()net_ads_gpo_get_gpo()net_ads_gpo_get_link()net_ads_gpo_refresh()net_ads_testjoin()net_afs_impersonate()net_groupmap_cleanup()net_groupmap_listmem()net_idmap_dump_one_entry()net_rpc_join_newstyle()net_rpc_testjoin()net_sam_policy_show()net_spoolss_addprinterdriver()net_spoolss_enum_printers()net_spoolss_enumforms()net_spoolss_enumprinterdataex()net_spoolss_enumprinterdrivers()net_spoolss_enumprinterkey()net_spoolss_getprinter()net_spoolss_getprinterdriver()net_spoolss_setprinter()net_spoolss_setprinterdata()net_spoolss_setprinterdataex()net_time_system()net_time_zone()new_trans()newblock()nss_test_errors()nss_test_groups()nss_test_initgroups()nss_test_users()nttrans_check_hit()open_cred_file()open_nbt_connection()open_tdb()oplock3_handler()owner_set()parse_ace()parse_cifs_url()parse_ini_file()parse_options()parse_quota_set()parse_server()passwd_page()password_change()pong_cb()popt_common_callback()print_alias_memberships()print_arec()print_asc()print_brl()print_conn_data()print_conn_key()print_count_samples()print_data()print_footer()print_group()print_header()print_hexkey()print_key()print_passwd()print_pid_string_cb()print_sam_info()print_share_mode()print_stack_trace()print_string_cb()print_tree()print_users_list()printers_page()process_file()process_nonroot()process_root()profilelevel_cb()progress_bar()remove_from_mtab()report_nss_error()retest()rewritecfg_file()rpc_audit_list_internal()rpc_group_list_internals()rpc_list_alias_members()rpc_list_group_members()rpc_oldjoin_internals()rpc_printer_driver_list_internals()rpc_printer_list_internals()rpc_printer_migrate_all()rpc_printer_migrate_drivers()rpc_printer_migrate_drivers_internals()rpc_printer_migrate_forms()rpc_printer_migrate_forms_internals()rpc_printer_migrate_printers()rpc_printer_migrate_printers_internals()rpc_printer_migrate_security()rpc_printer_migrate_security_internals()rpc_printer_migrate_settings()rpc_printer_migrate_settings_internals()rpc_printer_publish_internals_args()rpc_printer_publish_list_internals()rpc_share_migrate_all()rpc_share_migrate_files()rpc_share_migrate_files_internals()rpc_share_migrate_security()rpc_share_migrate_security_internals()rpc_share_migrate_shares()rpc_share_migrate_shares_internals()rpc_user_info_internals()rpc_user_list_internals()run_attrtest()run_browsetest()run_deletetest()run_dirtest()run_dirtest1()run_eatest()run_error_map_extract()run_fdpasstest()run_fdsesstest()run_local_substitute()run_locktest1()run_locktest2()run_locktest3()run_locktest4()run_locktest5()run_locktest6()run_locktest7()run_maxfidtest()run_nbench()run_negprot_nowait()run_netbench()run_openattrtest()run_opentest()run_oplock1()run_oplock2()run_oplock3()run_pipe_number()run_properties()run_randomipc()run_readwritelarge()run_readwritemulti()run_readwritetest()run_rename()run_sesssetup_bench()run_tcon2_test()run_tcon_devtype_test()run_tcon_test()run_test()run_trans2test()run_unlinktest()run_w2ktest()run_xcopy()rw_torture()rw_torture2()rw_torture3()save_file()save_reload()sec_desc_parse()shares_page()shm_setup()show_main_buttons()show_parameter()show_parameter_list()show_parameters()sigsegv()smb_download_dir()smb_download_file()status_page()status_profile_rates()store_tdb()tcon_devtest()tdb_dump_all()tdb_dump_chain()tdb_dump_record()tdb_printfreelist()terror()test_asprintf()test_autofree()test_errno()test_free_parent_deny_child()test_ftruncate()test_FUNCTION()test_lifeless()test_locks()test_loop()test_MAX()test_MIN()test_misc()test_move()test_one()test_readdir()test_realloc()test_realloc_child()test_realloc_fn()test_ref1()test_ref2()test_ref3()test_ref4()test_setenv()test_setlinebuf()test_snprintf()test_socketpair()test_speed()test_steal()test_strdup()test_strlcat()test_strlcpy()test_strndup()test_strnlen()test_strtoll()test_strtoull()test_talloc_ptrtype()test_type()test_unlink1()test_unref_reparent()torture_casetable()torture_chkpath_test()torture_close_connection()torture_denytest1()torture_denytest2()torture_ioctl_test()torture_mangle()torture_nttrans_scan()torture_open_connection()torture_open_connection_share()torture_trans2_scan()torture_utable()trans2_check_hit()traverse_fn()traverse_fn2()traverse_fn3()try_nttrans_len()try_trans2_len()umount_check_perm()umount_cifs_usage()usage()verify_tdb()viewconfig_page()ViewModeBoxes()wbinfo_get_userdomgroups()wizard_page()wizard_params_page()writetarheader()yesno().

01216 {
01217         va_list ap;
01218         int ret;
01219         char *s;
01221         s = NULL;
01222         va_start(ap, fmt);
01223         ret = vasprintf(&s, fmt, ap);
01224         va_end(ap);
01226         if (s) {
01227                 fwrite(s, 1, strlen(s), stdout);
01228         }
01229         free(s);
01231         return ret;
01232 }

int fprintf ( FILE *  stream,
const char *  fmt,

snprintf.c1236 行で定義されています。

参照先 vasprintf().

参照元 _nss_winbind_endgrent()_nss_winbind_endpwent()_nss_winbind_getgrgid_r()_nss_winbind_getgrnam_r()_nss_winbind_getpwent_r()_nss_winbind_getpwnam_r()_nss_winbind_getpwuid_r()_nss_winbind_getusersids()_nss_winbind_gidtosid()_nss_winbind_initgroups_dyn()_nss_winbind_nametosid()_nss_winbind_setgrent()_nss_winbind_setpwent()_nss_winbind_sidtogid()_nss_winbind_sidtoname()_nss_winbind_sidtouid()_nss_winbind_uidtosid()add_suffix()backup_tdb()canonicalize()cb_itemsignal()cb_wholenet()change_share_sec()check_push_ucs2()clean_exit()cli_servertime()cmd_netlogon_change_trust_pw()cmd_netlogon_dsr_getdcname()cmd_netlogon_dsr_getdcnameex()cmd_netlogon_dsr_getdcnameex2()cmd_netlogon_dsr_getsitename()cmd_netlogon_getanydcname()cmd_netlogon_logon_ctrl()cmd_netlogon_logon_ctrl2()cmd_netlogon_sam_deltas()cmd_netlogon_sam_logon()cmd_netlogon_sam_sync()copy_fn()copy_registry_tree()create_example_ini_file()delete_machine_entry()delete_user_entry()dictionary_dump()display_status_1()do_closeshare()do_cmd()do_command()do_daemon_stack_trace()do_debug()do_debuglevel()do_dmalloc_changed()do_dmalloc_mark()do_drvupgrade()do_election()do_global_checks()do_inject_fault()do_list()do_nodestatus()do_noop()do_ping()do_poolusage()do_printnotify()do_profile()do_profilelevel()do_reload_config()do_samrepl()do_samsync()do_shutdown()do_winbind_offline()do_winbind_online()do_winbind_onlinestatus()dump_a_parameter()dump_a_service()dump_globals()execCommand()export_account_policies()export_database()export_groups()fetch_account_info_to_ldif()fetch_alias_info_to_ldif()fetch_database_to_ldif()fetch_group_info_to_ldif()fetch_groupmem_info_to_ldif()fetch_machine_sid()fix_users_list()fprintf_attr()fullpath()get_password_file()get_path()get_ticket_cache()idmap_dump_maps()iniparser_dump()iniparser_dump_ini()init_mount()main()net_ads_testjoin()net_afs_impersonate()net_rpc_join_newstyle()net_rpc_testjoin()net_sam_policy_show()new_machine()new_user()open_files()parse_dest()parse_ini_file()parse_mount_smb()password_change()popt_common_credentials_callback()poptGetNextOpt()poptPrintHelp()poptPrintUsage()populate_ldap_for_ldif()print_ace()print_hex_packet()print_parameter()print_progress()print_stack_trace()print_user_info()process_cmd()process_nonroot()process_options()process_root()profilelevel_cb()prompt_for_new_password()prtcon()py_samba_init()read_log_data()readrcfile()reinit_account_policies()run_dirtest()run_dirtest1()run_enums_test()run_ntlogin_test()save_file()sec_desc_print()send_message()set_user_info()showHelpIntro()showShortOptions()sig_alrm_kill()singleOptionHelp()singleOptionUsage()singleTableHelp()smb_complete_connection()smb_download_dir()smb_download_file()smb_print()status_profile_dump()status_profile_rates()talloc_report_depth_FILE_helper()talloc_show_parents()test_readdir_os2_delete()test_ref1()test_ref2()test_ref3()test_ref4()test_speed()test_unlink1()umount_ok()usage()verbose_output()winbind_getgrent()write_config().

01237 {
01238         va_list ap;
01239         int ret;
01240         char *s;
01242         s = NULL;
01243         va_start(ap, fmt);
01244         ret = vasprintf(&s, fmt, ap);
01245         va_end(ap);
01247         if (s) {
01248                 fwrite(s, 1, strlen(s), stream);
01249         }
01250         free(s);
01252         return ret;
01253 }

int vasprintf ( char **  ptr,
const char *  format,
va_list  ap 

snprintf.c1259 行で定義されています。

参照先 vsnprintf().

参照元 _make_remark_v()asprintf()d_vfprintf()fprintf()printf()rep_vsyslog()smb_xvasprintf()sprintf_append()sys_adminlog()tdb_log()tdb_wrap_log()verbose_output()x_vfprintf().

01260 {
01261         int ret;
01262         va_list ap2;
01264         VA_COPY(ap2, ap);
01265         ret = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, ap2);
01266         va_end(ap2);
01267         if (ret <= 0) return ret;
01269         (*ptr) = (char *)malloc(ret+1);
01270         if (!*ptr) return -1;
01272         VA_COPY(ap2, ap);
01273         ret = vsnprintf(*ptr, ret+1, format, ap2);
01274         va_end(ap2);
01276         return ret;
01277 }

int asprintf ( char **  ptr,
const char *  format,

snprintf.c1282 行で定義されています。

参照先 vasprintf().

参照元 add_aliasmem()ads_build_path()ads_connect()ads_default_ou_string()ads_errstr()ads_find_machine_acct()ads_find_printer_on_server()ads_find_user_acct()ads_get_kvno()ads_guess_service_principal()ads_keytab_add_entry()ads_keytab_verify_ticket()ads_kinit_password()ads_krb5_chg_password()ads_krb5_set_password()ads_sasl_gssapi_bind()ads_search_retry_sid()ads_set_machine_password()ads_startup_int()ads_user_add()ads_user_info()ads_verify_ticket()afs_encode_token()api_RNetShareAdd()cache_account_policy_get()cache_account_policy_set()change_notify_create()check_arch_dir()cli_session_setup_spnego()cmd_mput()cmd_spoolss_addform()cmd_spoolss_deleteform()cmd_spoolss_enum_forms()cmd_spoolss_getform()cmd_spoolss_getprintprocdir()cmd_spoolss_setform()construct_printer_info_7()debug_list_class_names_and_levels()del_aliasmem()delete_fn()des_salt_key()fam_open_connection()fetch_ldap_pw()file_find()FN_LOCAL_PARM_BOOL()gencache_iterate()gencache_set()get_auth_data()get_conf_item_string()get_ldap_filter()get_remote_printer_publishing_data()get_trust_creds()get_user_and_realm()idmap_fetch_secret()idmap_store_secret()init_mount()ipstr_list_add()is_visible_file()kerberos_secrets_fetch_salting_principal()kerberos_secrets_store_salting_principal()lang_tdb_init()login_cache_init()main()make_krb5_skew_error()manage_ntlm_server_1_request()map_nt_printer_info2_to_dsspooler()namecache_key()namecache_status_record_key()nb_deltree()ndr_print_array_uint8()ndr_print_notify_array()ndr_print_notify_depth()ndr_print_security_acl()ndr_print_string_array()ndr_print_USER_INFO_0_CONTAINER()ndr_print_USER_INFO_1_CONTAINER()ndr_print_wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportCtr0()negprot_spnego()net_ads_changetrustpw()net_ads_join()net_ads_password()net_ads_printer_publish()net_copy_driverfile()net_lookup_dc()net_precreate_machine_acct()net_rpc_shell()net_time_set()net_use_krb_machine_account()net_use_machine_account()notify_fname()nt_printer_publish_ads()open_pipe_creds()pam_sm_authenticate()pdb_generate_sam_sid()print_cache_entry()print_progress()py_parse_creds()py_sid_to_name()query_user()recycle_unlink()rpc_printer_migrate_settings_internals()rpc_trustdom_add_internals()rpc_trustdom_establish()rpc_user_password_internals()run_tcon2_test()saf_key()secrets_fetch_generic()secrets_fetch_machine_password()secrets_store_generic()secrets_store_ldap_pw()secrets_store_machine_password()sitename_key()smb_download_dir()smb_uuid_to_string()sys_set_vfs_quota()tdb_log()test_asprintf()trustdom_cache_key()web_open()winbind_callback()wins_srv_keystr().

01283 {
01284         va_list ap;
01285         int ret;
01287         *ptr = NULL;
01288         va_start(ap, format);
01289         ret = vasprintf(ptr, format, ap);
01290         va_end(ap);
01292         return ret;
01293 }

int sprintf ( char *  str,
const char *  fmt,

参照元 create_files()dictionary_setdouble()dictionary_setint()execCommand()findProgramPath()handleExec()hexdump()iniparser_add_entry()iniparser_dump_ini()main()os2_delete()poptGetNextOpt()singleOptionDefaultValue()singleOptionHelp()wb_aix_getgrset()wb_aix_normalize().

int main ( void   ) 

snprintf.c1301 行で定義されています。

参照先 pr_chunk::numprintf()snprintf()sprintf().

01302 {
01303         char buf1[1024];
01304         char buf2[1024];
01305         char *buf3;
01306         char *fp_fmt[] = {
01307                 "%1.1f",
01308                 "%-1.5f",
01309                 "%1.5f",
01310                 "%123.9f",
01311                 "%10.5f",
01312                 "% 10.5f",
01313                 "%+22.9f",
01314                 "%+4.9f",
01315                 "%01.3f",
01316                 "%4f",
01317                 "%3.1f",
01318                 "%3.2f",
01319                 "%.0f",
01320                 "%f",
01321                 "%-8.8f",
01322                 "%-9.9f",
01323                 NULL
01324         };
01325         double fp_nums[] = { 6442452944.1234, -1.5, 134.21, 91340.2, 341.1234, 203.9, 0.96, 0.996, 
01326                              0.9996, 1.996, 4.136, 5.030201, 0.00205,
01327                              /* END LIST */ 0};
01328         char *int_fmt[] = {
01329                 "%-1.5d",
01330                 "%1.5d",
01331                 "%123.9d",
01332                 "%5.5d",
01333                 "%10.5d",
01334                 "% 10.5d",
01335                 "%+22.33d",
01336                 "%01.3d",
01337                 "%4d",
01338                 "%d",
01339                 NULL
01340         };
01341         long int_nums[] = { -1, 134, 91340, 341, 0203, 1234567890, 0};
01342         char *str_fmt[] = {
01343                 "%10.5s",
01344                 "%-10.5s",
01345                 "%5.10s",
01346                 "%-5.10s",
01347                 "%10.1s",
01348                 "%0.10s",
01349                 "%10.0s",
01350                 "%1.10s",
01351                 "%s",
01352                 "%.1s",
01353                 "%.10s",
01354                 "%10s",
01355                 NULL
01356         };
01357         char *str_vals[] = {"hello", "a", "", "a longer string", NULL};
01358 #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG
01359         char *ll_fmt[] = {
01360                 "%llu",
01361                 NULL
01362         };
01363         LLONG ll_nums[] = { 134, 91340, 341, 0203, 1234567890, 128006186140000000LL, 0};
01364 #endif
01365         int x, y;
01366         int fail = 0;
01367         int num = 0;
01368         int l1, l2;
01369         char *ss_fmt[] = {
01370                 "%zd",
01371                 "%zu",
01372                 NULL
01373         };
01374         size_t ss_nums[] = {134, 91340, 123456789, 0203, 1234567890, 0};
01376         printf ("Testing snprintf format codes against system sprintf...\n");
01378         for (x = 0; fp_fmt[x] ; x++) {
01379                 for (y = 0; fp_nums[y] != 0 ; y++) {
01380                         buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
01381                         l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), fp_fmt[x], fp_nums[y]);
01382                         l2 = sprintf (buf2, fp_fmt[x], fp_nums[y]);
01383                         buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
01384                         if (strcmp (buf1, buf2) || (l1 != l2)) {
01385                                 printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n", 
01386                                        fp_fmt[x], l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
01387                                 fail++;
01388                         }
01389                         num++;
01390                 }
01391         }
01393         for (x = 0; int_fmt[x] ; x++) {
01394                 for (y = 0; int_nums[y] != 0 ; y++) {
01395                         buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
01396                         l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), int_fmt[x], int_nums[y]);
01397                         l2 = sprintf (buf2, int_fmt[x], int_nums[y]);
01398                         buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
01399                         if (strcmp (buf1, buf2) || (l1 != l2)) {
01400                                 printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n", 
01401                                        int_fmt[x], l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
01402                                 fail++;
01403                         }
01404                         num++;
01405                 }
01406         }
01408         for (x = 0; str_fmt[x] ; x++) {
01409                 for (y = 0; str_vals[y] != 0 ; y++) {
01410                         buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
01411                         l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), str_fmt[x], str_vals[y]);
01412                         l2 = sprintf (buf2, str_fmt[x], str_vals[y]);
01413                         buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
01414                         if (strcmp (buf1, buf2) || (l1 != l2)) {
01415                                 printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n", 
01416                                        str_fmt[x], l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
01417                                 fail++;
01418                         }
01419                         num++;
01420                 }
01421         }
01423 #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG
01424         for (x = 0; ll_fmt[x] ; x++) {
01425                 for (y = 0; ll_nums[y] != 0 ; y++) {
01426                         buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
01427                         l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), ll_fmt[x], ll_nums[y]);
01428                         l2 = sprintf (buf2, ll_fmt[x], ll_nums[y]);
01429                         buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
01430                         if (strcmp (buf1, buf2) || (l1 != l2)) {
01431                                 printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n", 
01432                                        ll_fmt[x], l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
01433                                 fail++;
01434                         }
01435                         num++;
01436                 }
01437         }
01438 #endif
01440 #define BUFSZ 2048
01442         buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
01443         if ((buf3 = malloc(BUFSZ)) == NULL) {
01444                 fail++;
01445         } else {
01446                 num++;
01447                 memset(buf3, 'a', BUFSZ);
01448                 snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%.*s", 1, buf3);
01449                 buf1[1023] = '\0';
01450                 if (strcmp(buf1, "a") != 0) {
01451                         printf("length limit buf1 '%s' expected 'a'\n", buf1);
01452                         fail++;
01453                 }
01454         }
01456         buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
01457         l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%4$*1$d %2$s %3$*1$.*1$f", 3, "pos test", 12.3456, 9);
01458         l2 = sprintf(buf2, "%4$*1$d %2$s %3$*1$.*1$f", 3, "pos test", 12.3456, 9);
01459         buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
01460         if (strcmp(buf1, buf2) || (l1 != l2)) {
01461                 printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n",
01462                                 "%4$*1$d %2$s %3$*1$.*1$f", l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
01463                 fail++;
01464         }
01466         buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
01467         l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%4$*4$d %2$s %3$*4$.*4$f", 3, "pos test", 12.3456, 9);
01468         l2 = sprintf(buf2, "%4$*4$d %2$s %3$*4$.*4$f", 3, "pos test", 12.3456, 9);
01469         buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
01470         if (strcmp(buf1, buf2)) {
01471                 printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n",
01472                                 "%4$*1$d %2$s %3$*1$.*1$f", l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
01473                 fail++;
01474         }
01476         for (x = 0; ss_fmt[x] ; x++) {
01477                 for (y = 0; ss_nums[y] != 0 ; y++) {
01478                         buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
01479                         l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), ss_fmt[x], ss_nums[y]);
01480                         l2 = sprintf (buf2, ss_fmt[x], ss_nums[y]);
01481                         buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
01482                         if (strcmp (buf1, buf2) || (l1 != l2)) {
01483                                 printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n", 
01484                                        ss_fmt[x], l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
01485                                 fail++;
01486                         }
01487                         num++;
01488                 }
01489         }
01490 #if 0
01491         buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
01492         l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%lld", (LLONG)1234567890);
01493         l2 = sprintf(buf2, "%lld", (LLONG)1234567890);
01494         buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
01495         if (strcmp(buf1, buf2)) {
01496                 printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n",
01497                                 "%lld", l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
01498                 fail++;
01499         }
01501         buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
01502         l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%Lf", (LDOUBLE)890.1234567890123);
01503         l2 = sprintf(buf2, "%Lf", (LDOUBLE)890.1234567890123);
01504         buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
01505         if (strcmp(buf1, buf2)) {
01506                 printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n",
01507                                 "%Lf", l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
01508                 fail++;
01509         }
01510 #endif
01511         printf ("%d tests failed out of %d.\n", fail, num);
01513         printf("seeing how many digits we support\n");
01514         {
01515                 double v0 = 0.12345678901234567890123456789012345678901;
01516                 for (x=0; x<100; x++) {
01517                         double p = pow(10, x); 
01518                         double r = v0*p;
01519                         snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%1.1f", r);
01520                         sprintf(buf2,                "%1.1f", r);
01521                         if (strcmp(buf1, buf2)) {
01522                                 printf("we seem to support %d digits\n", x-1);
01523                                 break;
01524                         }
01525                 }
01526         }
01528         return 0;
01529 }

Sambaに対してSat Aug 29 21:23:37 2009に生成されました。  doxygen 1.4.7